fairy flame

Chapter 407

I saw Luo Yu quickly pointed out, and while the spiritual power spewed out, a yellow saber energy that was half smaller than before rushed out from Luo Yu's finger and shot over!

On the opposite side, Mu Ying pointed with the same expressionless face, and three gleaming blue sword auras about a foot long shot out of his hand with a whistling sound. collide.

'Puff puff! '

Three crisp sounds came out, and I saw three cyan sword qi dexterously combining and strangling towards the knife qi. Amidst a burst of blue light and yellow light flickering, the yellow knife qi seemed to be abnormally thick, and the sword qi slashed on it just It vibrated continuously, but there was no sign of dissipating, and every time the yellow saber energy slashed to the brilliance of the sword energy, it immediately dimmed the latter's light a lot!

The two quickly intertwined, and the rays of light consumed each other. After a few breaths of effort, the three cyan sword qi were rushed and dissipated invisible by the yellow saber aura. At this moment, the yellow saber aura seemed to be consumed too much, and the color was dim. At least, when he rushed in front of Mu Ying, he was easily scattered by the green light of the latter's magic robe.

"Well, it's not bad. The Tianluo Dao Qi is extremely condensed. The Cuiwei Sword Qi cultivated in this qi training period is still somewhat inferior, but the victory is that the number exceeds the former, and this "Cuiwei Sword Art" follow-up chapter "Foundation Building" I haven't learned "Zi Mu Xin Jian Qi" yet, if I master the famous sword art "Zi Mu Xin Jian Qi", I'm afraid the "Tian Luo Dao Jing" will be suppressed for a while in a short time."

Luo Yu thought thoughtfully, it seems that when he has time to return to the sect in the future, he must go to the second floor of the library hall to obtain the cultivation method of "Sword and Mother Heart and Sword Qi". Way, it is natural that both go hand in hand.

However, if there is a real fight now, if the wooden shadow avatar cooperates with the ancient Qingfeng sword to launch a powerful attack, even if Luo Yu has many means, I am afraid he can only avoid it for the time being, so the magic weapon is also included in it for now If it is, Luo Yu is still normal, after all, he doesn't have a magic weapon knife in his hand.

After thinking about this, Luo Yu couldn't help stretching his body, and quickly recited a mantra silently with both hands. Almost at the same moment, the wooden shadow clone on the opposite side turned into a thick beam of green arm light and rushed into Luo Yu's body with a flash of green light. , and then the shadow under Luo Yu's feet gradually appeared again, returning to normal.

The wooden shadow clone was put away by him at once, and he can summon it again when needed. The whole process just now was just for Luo Yu to understand some obscure points in the formula, so Luo Yu condensed the wooden shadow clone. It's been too long, and it's really a critical moment, which is a matter of breathing.

When the shadow reappeared, Luo Yu sat down cross-legged again, but took out a light yellow bamboo slip with a slap in the storage bag, on which was engraved the ancient text "Hurricane Flame Technique"!

Luo Yu's mind slowly sank into the bamboo slips, and the expression on his face became extremely peaceful. This is Luo Yu's usual way of concentrating, but this time, after half a stick of incense, Luo Yu Frowning, he withdrew his mind from the jade slip, and said with a bitter sigh: "It's been more than a year since the initial combination of Fenghuo, but my control over Fenghuo has always remained at this level. Come on, I'm really stupid, otherwise, how could there be such a detailed footprint of the predecessors before me, but I still couldn't take that step."

After finishing speaking, Luo Yu held his hands up, and a blue light appeared in his left hand, and in the blink of an eye, they gathered into a group of extremely small small hurricanes, which sometimes looked like a group of blue water flowing, and sometimes the speed of the wind column slowed down. When it comes down, the naked eye can see it more carefully, and it looks like a bunch of bright blue sand, which is beautiful.

And the right hand also grasped with five fingers, and a small ball of red and yellow fire appeared on the hand, which was Luo Yu's Sanwei Zhenhuo!

Because Luo Yu has a fire-attribute spiritual root and previously cultivated the "Fengyang Jin" with a partial-fire attribute, Luo Yu's level of condensing the three-flavored real fire is much higher than that of ordinary foundation-building stage cultivators. After all, he is This fire was cultivated during qi training, and when breaking through the foundation-building stage, every flesh and blood essence in the body was baptized by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the three-flavored real fire was no exception. Because of this, Luo Yu's three-flavored real fire now Not only is Huo much more "quantity" than the average foundation-building stage cultivator, but the quality competition is also far beyond the same level.

The only regret is that this fire can be owned by any immortal cultivator in the foundation establishment stage, and it won't be as sharp as before when facing the enemy.

When the wind pillar and fireball appeared in the palm of his hand, Luo Yu fixed his eyes on them, with a firm look in his eyes, and carefully and abnormally controlled the rotation speed of the wind pillar in the left hand, and at the same time closed his eyes, with a powerful and unusual look Consciousness surged out of his body, feeling the subtle sense of balance between the wind pillar and the fireball. Suddenly, when the wind pillar rotated extremely slowly to a certain extent, Luo Yu lifted his eyelids lightly, and moved his hands toward the center without hesitation. As soon as they joined together, the wind pillar and fireball in their hands came into contact immediately!


I saw the hissing sound of electric arcs coming from between Luo Yu's hands, and the blue, red, and yellow lights intertwined endlessly. At this moment, the distance between Luo Yu's hands was completely closed, only a few inches away. , but no matter how hard Luo Yu gritted his teeth and showed the appearance of struggling, the distance of a few inches was like a ravine between heaven and earth.

And after this process lasted for a while, when blood gradually appeared on Luo Yu's face, his eyebrows stood upright!A determined look on his face!

Afterwards, Luo Yu's hands were bulging with blue veins, and he leaned tremblingly towards the middle, but it wasn't long before he closed the distance a little, and was stretched apart by the bursting and chaotic spiritual flow between his hands, and the distance returned to the original position. Like that, and Luo Yu's face was unwilling to do it all over again.

After repeating this several times, Luo Yu suddenly let out a muffled groan, and after his hands exploded, he was blasted away by the three-color aura!

At this time, Luo Yu clapped his palms, sighed and looked in front of him.

At this moment, there was a group of red and yellow fireballs in the center, surrounded by a strange flame surrounded by a faint cyan border. Very uniform, it seems that it is not coordinated.

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