fairy flame

Chapter 411 Night Attack

It turns out that this thing is a strange cold crystal thread formed by Luo Yu after refining that large piece of black ice cold essence. The terrifying power of this crystal thread is simply the scariest thing Luo Yu has ever seen since he entered the world of cultivating immortals. , when this thread was condensed back then, it almost completely sealed Luo Yu's entire cave. Fortunately, this thread has not been refined, and it belongs to the kind of ownerless thing, but it was inspired by instinct. , but despite this, it is not difficult to imagine how much Luo Yu's strength will increase if he can refine this thread in the future.

It's just that this crystal thread has reached the point of ice spirit and cold soul, Luo Yu has no idea, because with his current cultivation base and physique, he can't refine this thing at all, but this crystal thread stays in Luo Yu's body, and he will feel uneasy from time to time Luo Yu was so frightened to death even if it was leaked occasionally, and suffered a lot. Finally, Luo Yu racked his brains and didn't know how to deal with this thing. It's a big hidden danger, maybe it's not clear when it will be killed by this thing.

Later, it was Luo Yu's whimsical idea to wrap most of the three-flavored real fire in his body and trap it. Although this method is good, it restricts most of Luo Yu's three-flavored real fire from being used normally. Luo Yu couldn't refine this crystal silk for a day, so he could only use a small part of the three-flavored real fire in his body, which was not much different from other immortal cultivators in the foundation-building stage. It can be said that it limited Luo Yu's major means in a short period of time.

And this is why Luo Yu was so excited when he heard that the female cultivator named Yan'er had the Ice Moon Blue Flower in her hands. With the Ice Moon Blue Flower, the body's cold resistance was greatly enhanced, Luo Yu is undoubtedly able to refine this crystal silk as soon as possible, and once the refining is successful, even if Luo Yu only has the cultivation base of the foundation establishment stage, it is absolutely heaven-defying strength, let alone a cultivator in the late foundation establishment stage, even Immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage also have to stay away!

Thinking of this, Luo Yu was in a good mood for a while, and felt that the current hard work was worthwhile.

Afterwards, Luo Yu opened his mouth and sucked all the giant fireball into his mouth, and started to meditate again.

At night, the bright moon hangs high, and the soft moonlight pours down from the sky, like stars, as if foretelling that tomorrow will be a good weather. At about four o'clock, at this moment, everyone in Anding City in the secular world has fallen into a deep sleep , Several streets near Luofu were quiet at night, the cold wind blew the leaves on the ground, making a terrifying rustling sound like ghost screams.

Suddenly, at this moment, two dark shadows flashed across the tall mansions in Anding City like lightning, and gradually approached in the direction of Luofu.

The two black shadows are two immortal cultivators in black outfits and black scarf masks. One of the two is slightly fat and not tall, and he is galloping with a flying magic weapon like a black iron sword under his feet. , while the other has weird green hair, broad shoulders and long arms, and also a black iron sword magic weapon under his feet, with a restrained brilliance. It seems that these two people are dressed in black and control the black light escape magic weapon. In order to hide the figure, I don't want people to find out.

The two were flying in the air, and they didn't start talking until after a cup of tea, the two of them landed in the sky above the Luo Mansion, and after each looked down for a while, the fat man in black among them spoke in confusion. Said: "Senior brother Xing, do you think the master made a mistake and asked us to check a mortal house, and said that there might be an enemy of his early years hiding here, and once it is found that the person is indeed hiding here? If you do that, you will kill all the people in the whole house, but you will not describe the appearance of our enemy, but tell us that the enemy is an ordinary person who has cultivated a secular technique that can make the body emit red light. It's too unreliable."

After the chubby man in black finished speaking, he couldn't help but cast a glance at the green-haired man in black, and after realizing that the latter was also interested, he continued.

"I think this must be the master's heart attack again. The old man hates these secular officials' families the most. Once he is in a bad mood, he has to slaughter the other party's entire family before he is willing to be reconciled."

"This time the master brought so many senior brothers out, why did he choose you and me? It's really unlucky!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid Junior Brother Wei is timid to say so much. Everyone understands the master's heart disease clearly. Every time he gets mad, as long as he vents it, he won't mess around within a few months at least. A few days ago, I heard that the master washed a palace with blood in his stool, now it has only been a few days, how can the master get sick again uncontrollably!"

The voice of the green-haired man in black was full of disdain, and he responded coldly.

Hearing this, the chubby man in black immediately laughed, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Senior brother Xing misunderstood, I am the kind of cowardly person, but recently the Jiang family has sent a lot of immortal cultivators in Anding City to protect the peace of the city. Although we are not afraid, we must fight quickly After all, it will be a lot of trouble to alarm those Jiang family's children."

Although the chubby man in black spoke the truth, he sneered in his heart. This green-haired man in black is now a "semi-foundation cultivator" on the thirteenth floor of the Qi training period. Even if he meets a cultivator in the foundation building stage, he can escape, but he is different. His cultivation base is only the eleventh floor of the Qi training stage. If he is besieged, he will probably be decapitated. Thinking about it, the fat man in black didn't dare to say it in person.

"Hehe, Junior Brother is too careful. We have been flying all the way here, we have been hiding our breath, and we haven't met any immortal cultivators who have alarmed us. Who can find us? Forget it, just follow Junior Brother's instructions and complete this task quickly. Afterwards, I went back to explain to my master earlier, you must know that my brother is currently at the half foundation establishment stage, and I will soon be able to further break through to the foundation establishment stage."

The green-haired man in black sneered at first, then said proudly.

The chubby middle-aged man couldn't help laughing in surprise when he heard the words. He didn't want to cause trouble, and it would be great if he could handle the matter in a low-key manner.

"Senior brother is wise, according to senior brother's opinion, how should we find that person, if we search one by one, it will take a lot of time."

The second update of "Xianyan", I heard that "Xianyan" has started to review the buyout contract. No, thank you Yanzi who have been with me all the time, I will write it down

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