fairy flame

Chapter 412 Night Attack

"Hmph! There are a bunch of mortals like ants in the area. We don't care if the damn person is in it or not. We'll kill them all. Only after such a result is brought back can the master be satisfied. But don't worry, my brother will naturally not make trouble. It's a big commotion, as long as you quietly use the poisonous lotus true energy to spread, all the mortals in the Luo Mansion will die silently in a short while, and then who will find out that we did it, haha!"

The green-haired man in black had an extremely cruel voice, and he wanted to kill everyone in Luo Mansion directly!

"Okay, according to what the senior brother said, let's use the poisonous lotus true energy together! Let these people die without feeling the slightest pain, which is the most merciful time for our senior brother, hehe!" The fat man in black followed suit Laughed, the laughter was extremely cold.

After the two had finished their discussion, they immediately took action, just as they were about to make spells and cast spells.

Suddenly, a cold discourse of contempt and disdain seemed to come from all directions, and it resounded as if it was rubbing against each other's ears, directly penetrating into the depths of the hearts of the two of them!

"Okay! Luo waited for several days, but unexpectedly, two people came to die. It's a pity that you two have talked so much, but I haven't heard who your master is? Why don't you just tell me who it is I will also show kindness to the one who instructed you to come here, how about leaving your whole body?"

Listening to the voice, it seems that they have already seen everything about them!

"Who! I checked this place carefully with my spiritual sense just now, and I didn't find any cultivators hiding it!"

The slightly chubby man in black was less timid, and trembling all over after hearing the sound, he said in horror!

"All the rats, those who hide and hide dare not come out to meet people!"

At this time, the green-haired man in black also began to be surprised. With his half-foundation cultivation, he couldn't find where the other party was hiding. With a fluke mentality, it would not be so lucky to meet the only few immortal cultivators in the foundation stage in Jiupan Mountain. Most of them are monks in the Qi training stage who are relying on some strange treasure that can hide their figure to make trouble!

"Haha, rats? You two are really brave, I'm always behind you!"

As soon as the words fell, the two men in black suddenly looked behind them in surprise, but they didn't find anything, it was pitch-black and empty!

"It's not good! It's been tricked!" The two of them secretly thought that something was wrong, and hurriedly used all their magic power to urge the magic weapon under their feet to leave this place, but it was too late, and there was a sudden "puff" sound from the top of their heads Several times, at the same time, four dark curtains of light seemed to come out of the night void, covering the two of them without warning!

"If you want to run now, it's too late!"

At this time, the hidden voice came out again, and before the words fell, the two masked men in black were trapped in the blink of an eye!

I just feel that the surroundings are full of shocking and strong evil spirits, as if I was suddenly in a ghostly land!

All this happened so suddenly that the two men in black had no time to react, and they were trapped by Luo Yu's Qijue Tuling Formation. The difference is that this dark light curtain is no longer as thin as a sheet of paper as it used to be, and it is several inches deep, which is almost no different from a copper wall. It was so easily torn apart!

"Brother, what's going on! The spiritual power of my external spiritual power shield is draining so fast!"

Being in this black light curtain, the spiritual perception is greatly restricted, and you can't tell the direction, and from time to time, a strange black wind blows past your side, blowing straight to the spiritual power shield for a while, and immediately frightened both of them. People have to release their own defensive magic weapons to resist with all their strength!

Suddenly, the green-haired man in black's expression moved slightly, and then three red lights flew out of his hand, and he shouted sharply.

"There! Get out of here!"

As soon as the words were finished, the place where the green-haired man in black was staring at him disappeared in a flash of black light, and a figure of a young man in yellow robe appeared, with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

It was Luo Yu who secretly arranged the Qijue Tuling Formation. In order not to disturb other people, Luo Yu did not show up at the beginning, but hid aside while the two were talking and quietly set up the curtain that can isolate all sound and light. Forbidden Formation!

After Luo Yu appeared, he cast aside the three red lights flying towards him with disdain, and suddenly flipped his hands, a ball of red and yellow fist-sized two-colored fireballs appeared on his palm, and then Luo Yu moved The fireball was thrown lightly, directly meeting the three red lights.

When the fireball was about to touch the red light, it suddenly split apart and turned into a two-color fiery red light curtain. At the same time, the three red lights also emitted an extremely violent wave of aura, as if they were about to explode, but in Before it exploded, it hit the two-color light curtain directly!

As a result, a surprising scene appeared!

I saw that the three red lights seemed to be stuck on it, and they kept spinning, as if they were struggling hard, but they couldn't break free. Only then did they realize that the three red lights were actually three. A fiery red round bead the size of a thumb, containing an exploding fire-attribute aura inside!

Seeing this object, Luo Yu's expression suddenly changed. He seemed to have seen this fiery red round bead before. His thoughts of planning to destroy one of them changed instantly. With a slight tremor, he wrapped it in the opposite direction immediately, and took the three round beads in. For some reason, after the fiery red round beads wrapped in the two-color light curtain were wrapped by the two-color flames, the one just now The violent breath suddenly disappeared, as if he was scared and hid.

"This is Sanwei Zhenhuo! Senior is a monk in the Foundation Establishment period!"

Seeing that Luo Yu raised his hand to withdraw his attack, the man in green hair and black clothes was so frightened that he was out of his wits, and said in amazement.

After he finished speaking, Luo Yu did not respond. He stared at the three fiery red beads in his hand for a while, then suddenly raised his head, and said with a sneer, "It turns out that he is a half-foundation cultivator. It has the effect of a little spiritual consciousness, no wonder it can discover my existence."

Luo Yu sized up the green-haired man in black rather strangely, his fierce eyes frightened the latter to stand there at a loss, but he dared not move at all. In such a closed light curtain, they His life has already been controlled by the opponent.

"However, what makes me even more surprised is that you have something like a firebolt in your hands. Tell me quickly! What is the relationship between Master Poisonous Lotus and you!"

When Luo Yu said this, his originally plain expression suddenly changed, and almost his entire face became gloomy!

The first update of "Xianyan", today's Women's Day, hey, happy holidays to the fairies in Yanzi!

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