fairy flame

Chapter 415

After the chubby young man made the mark, the map in his hand flew out, and a gust of spiritual wind blew by, and the map quickly fell into Luo Yu's hands.

The chubby young man was a little at a loss as he watched Luo Yu concentrating on sizing up the map without saying a word.

"Well, it turned out to be in the 'Blind Valley', that's right, it's none of your business."

Suddenly, Luo Yu said a few words to himself, then put away the map, a white aura flashed into the mind of the chubby young man with a wave of his sleeve robe, and the latter fell into a coma as soon as he uttered a small cry past.

And Luo Yu didn't even look at this person, he used the same method to wake up the green-haired middle-aged man, and then asked the question just now

After half a stick of incense time, Luo Yu also asked the green-haired middle-aged man to mark on the map. After the fat middle-aged man marked it just now, Luo Yu looked at it himself, wrote down the location and then erased it. So the green-haired middle-aged man couldn't see anything, so he told the truth honestly. Finally, Luo Yu took the map and looked at it again. The two marks basically matched, and found that there was no problem, so he meditated .

"When will the senior let us go? The senior just said that if the two of us don't hide it, I will spare my life."

When the green-haired middle-aged man saw Luo Yu thinking about something, he couldn't help feeling uneasy for no reason. At the same time, he moved his hands slightly towards his arms. Escape from the dark light curtain.

Speaking of which, this green-haired middle-aged man is also the kind of cruel and merciless person. Usually, only those immortal cultivators in the foundation-building stage can be slightly higher than him. After all, he is already a half-foundation cultivator. , the reputation is not small, and he has already drawn a clear line between himself and the immortal cultivators in the qi training period, so it can also be said that he is a person in a high position. The fat young man woke up, which meant that he wanted to kill the two of them!

"Hey, I was supposed to let you go, but I changed my mind just now."

Slowly putting away the map, Luo Yu turned around and looked at the green-haired young man kneeling on the ground, with a strange expression on his face.

"What! Why don't you believe it's used, senior!"

Hearing this, the green-haired middle-aged man suddenly lost his voice, and clasped his hands tightly around his waist at the same time!

"Keep credit? Who said that a cultivator must be creditworthy? It is the most reasonable saying to achieve the goal by any means!" Luo Yu snorted coldly, and with a light shake of his sleeve, two green lights flashed and flew out, extremely fast, and shot at A fat young man and a green-haired middle-aged man unconscious on the ground!

Luo Yu doesn't have the style of a gentleman, he has always preferred to be a sinister villain!



The light splashed, and there were two crisp sounds. The chubby young man was still in a coma, how could he resist? He was almost pierced through the forehead by Luo Yu's Seven Star Yinhuo Blade, but the green-haired middle-aged man appeared Unexpectedly, in this instant, an exquisite and small silver shield flew out of this person's arms, and the brilliance blocked this person's chest in the blink of an eye!

However, when Luo Yu's Seven Star Yinhuo Blade hit the silver shield, the green light burst out, and it was so thick that it pierced the outer shield of the silver shield and plunged into it fiercely. boom! ' A loud noise came out, and the small silver shield was hit with a deep dent, and it shot back quickly!

The silver shield collided with the latter's spiritual shield, and in an instant, the green-haired middle-aged man was sent flying by the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade.

And the green-haired middle-aged man didn't expect Luo Yu's green dagger to be so powerful, and the force of the impact was so powerful that he felt like his whole body was about to fall apart. He couldn't help but spit out a big mouthful of blood in mid-air, obviously The five viscera were seriously injured!

It can only be blamed that this person encountered Luo Yu who could not be viewed with ordinary eyes. Due to the practice of ancient martial arts, Luo Yu was not only a foundation-building stage cultivator with powerful mana far exceeding the average, but even the magic weapon Seven Star Yinhuo Blade It is also a powerful method comparable to the power of ancient artifacts. The opposite Luo Yu is definitely several times more terrifying than ordinary cultivators in the foundation establishment period!


Luo Yu saw that his blow was unsuccessful, and after the green-haired middle-aged man vomited blood, there was a shining star shuttle under his feet in an instant, and he couldn't help feeling a little strange. Immortal cultivators in the qi training period are different, but when Luo Yu saw that the other party wanted to escape, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't try to stop him!

"Xing has been in the world of cultivating immortals for more than [-] years, and it is not for nothing! The cultivator of the foundation period who can kill me has not yet been born!"

Seeing that Luo Yu was more than ten feet away from him, and still looked full of confidence, the green-haired middle-aged man couldn't help roaring proudly. Even the immortal cultivators in the base period would not be able to catch up to him within this distance.

It's just that the green-haired middle-aged man didn't seem to pay attention to the inch-deep black wall around him, thinking that it was just a low-level formation arranged by Luo Yu!

"Haha, let's see how I broke your bird formation!"

The green-haired middle-aged man stretched out his hand suddenly at the moment when the army was about to strike, and three or four balls of the same fiery red and strange appearance appeared in his hand, and then a look of madness flashed in his eyes, and he threw two balls and exploded towards him. On the black light wall in front, the other ball hit Luo Yu, but this time the green-haired middle-aged man became more obedient, because he knew that Luo Yu's Sanwei Zhenhuo restrained himself, which was made from ground fire magma That's why the ball that flew towards Luo Yu exploded on its own when it was halfway through the flight, turning into a sea of ​​flames, with dark black high-temperature magma tumbling indefinitely inside!

The green-haired middle-aged man aroused the power of Fire and Thunderbolt from such a distance, and didn't expect to hurt Luo Yu, but just wanted to take advantage of the fire curtain to block him, so as to delay breaking through this weird black wall for some time!

"Explosion! Explosion!"

In a critical moment, the green-haired middle-aged man almost tried his best. When the two fire bolts hit the black light wall, he shouted twice, and suddenly two sky-filled flames hit the black light wall violently. On the wall, fire waves slapped one after another, and black light and fire clouds intertwined for a while.

Almost at the same time, the green-haired middle-aged man stretched out his hand to pat the storage bag again, only to see a sickle-shaped magic weapon was sacrificed, and the shining brilliance also joined the burst of flame and black light.

After using these two methods, the green-haired middle-aged man urged the star-chasing shuttle under his feet to move forward quickly without even thinking about it. In his opinion, no matter how strong the black light wall in front of him was, it would not be able to withstand his two consecutive attacks. The attack must have been broken at this moment, and he must escape as soon as the black light, red glow, etc., the spiritual light dissipates, then there is a possibility of survival!

The second update of "Fairy Flame", bookmark it


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