fairy flame

Chapter 416 Preemptive Strike

But the green-haired middle-aged man had not had time to be happy in the future. The sudden scene in front of him almost made him fall off the magic weapon in fright. It didn't move at all, it wasn't damaged at all, and it still exuded a frightening black luster, as if it was the huge mouth of a ferocious beast, trying to devour itself!

"How is this possible!" The green-haired middle-aged man let out an unbelievable exclamation, with a bad feeling in his heart, but before he could finish speaking, the black light wall in front of him suddenly trembled, followed by countless black air as if Spirit snakes emerged faintly from the light wall as if they were dispatched, turned into black arrows and shot at the terrified green-haired middle-aged man.

"Puff puff!"

Seeing this, the green-haired middle-aged man had no choice but to magnify the distorted silver shield in front of him, hoping to block it for a while, but as soon as the silver shield came into contact with the sharp black energy, it was beaten violently. , shaking drunk, it seems that this silver shield alone cannot resist for a long time.

Besides, there is also Luo Yu who has never made a move!

"Senior, spare me! This junior knows I was wrong, as long as senior is willing to spare my life, I can do whatever I want this junior to do."

Seeing that his life was at stake, the green-haired middle-aged man could no longer maintain his complacent look, and turned to beg for mercy.


When the green-haired middle-aged man's cry for mercy spread, a cold snort came from behind the sea of ​​flames, and then more and more black arrows shot out from the light wall, and the speed also increased a lot!

As a result, the pressure around the green-haired middle-aged man has increased greatly!

How can a silver shield with the most middle-level magic weapon level be able to resist it? The black air all over the sky is like a thousand arrows. There are countless holes!


Before the green-haired middle-aged man could say anything more in the future, his body was completely submerged by billowing black air. After he was silent, the black light dissipated. The flying shuttle fell off, and as a result, Luo Yu lightly waved the small black flag in his hand, and two black lights suddenly appeared not far away, gently rolled up the two corpses and took them away.

At this time, Luo Yu looked at the sea of ​​flames that was still tumbling, frowned, and flicked his fingers, a two-color line of fire that was as thick as his thumb shot out. In the circle, after the line of fire formed by Sanwei Zhenhuo rushed in, the billowing ground fire magma was quickly sucked away wherever it passed, and the sea of ​​fire decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared completely after a while.

Seeing that the sea of ​​fire was wiped out, Luo Yu single-handedly pinched the formula, opened his mouth, and swallowed the two-color fire thread into his stomach.

It was only a few breaths from the green-haired middle-aged man's resistance to being killed by Luo Yu, and Luo Yu did not use too many methods, it was entirely because his strength was not what it used to be, and some of the previous small methods could not be compared with today's pure When the spiritual power is stimulated, the power is many times greater, and the changes in it are even more weird.

This is Luo Yu's first murder since he advanced to the foundation building stage, but he is not unfamiliar with the powerful spiritual power control in his body. This is the benefit of participating in the secret realm. Training with Mu Ying from time to time, Luo Yu can control the spiritual power in his body more finely!

Of course, this method is probably only available to Luo Yu, and ordinary people don't have so many opportunities.

"Being overestimated, why not leave a whole body for yourself, and be killed by my Qijue Spirit Slaughter Formation, but even the soul will be swallowed!"

Luo Yu shot out a wave of spiritual power, and put the two corpses wrapped in black light into his storage bag. At the same time, Luo Yu took off the storage bags on the two people. This fat young man died easily , killed with a single blow, but the green-haired middle-aged man was devoured by the Qijue Spirit Slaying Formation, and disappeared forever in this world.

The small black flag on the top of the head was unfurled in the wind, and the several inches of thick black light wall was immediately taken in, and the sickle magic weapon and the starlight shuttle used by the green-haired middle-aged man were sucked by Luo Yu, and held in his hand After looking at them for a moment, Luo Yu couldn't help showing a disappointed expression on his face. Then Luo Yu put the two magical artifacts aside, and began to search the storage bags of the two with his consciousness, but the expression on his face didn't change much.

"The sum is less than eight hundred spirit stones, which is too poor. This sickle magic weapon is only a middle-level magic weapon, and only the star chasing shuttle can barely be regarded as a high-level flying magic weapon, but it doesn't matter to me. Useful."

With a disappointed look on his face, Luo Yu transferred the Lingshi and the star-chaser weapon from the storage bags of the two of them to his own storage bag, and put the other Luo Yu in another storage bag, and he still had a large number of them in his hand. The middle and high-level magic weapons looted from the secret realm are only waiting to be sold together at some time. Luo Yu, who is too low-level, looks down upon it.

After tidying up everything, Luo Yu carefully analyzed the current situation.

According to what these two people said, and with the painting given to him by Commander Feng, Luo Yu can basically conclude that Uncle Madman's enemy is, by coincidence, Master Poison Lotus, and this person seems to have found out about Uncle Madman's death. Hiding in the Luo Mansion, with the temper of Master Poisonous Lotus, most likely he will start a massacre in Luo Mansion. Based on these alone, there is no possibility of Luo Yu and this person getting along well.

It's just that dealing with an immortal cultivator in the foundation stage is not as effortless as killing a monk in the Qi training stage, and it is still under the situation that Luo Yu's current methods are not perfect, so Luo Yu must plan to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Luo Yu stepped on the sun boat, stood in the night sky and pondered for a moment, suddenly a stern look flashed on his face!

"Forget it, instead of waiting for the other party to come to the door, it is better to take someone to take them all together. Anyway, Master Poison Lotus will become suspicious sooner or later when he finds out that his two disciples have not returned."

Luo Yu gritted his teeth and murmured in a low voice, then hurriedly flew back to his room in Luo Mansion, tidied up a bit, although there was a lot of commotion this time, but because Luo Yu had arranged the Qijue Tuling Formation in advance, It is isolated, so no one in the mansion below heard the slightest sound, and did not notice that death just passed them by.

After Luo Yu hurriedly left a note in the house, she quickly flew away from Luo Mansion and galloped in the direction of Jiupan Mountain Range.

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