fairy flame

Chapter 42

Seeing the boulder fall, that Senior Brother Gu reacted very quickly. As soon as the talisman paper appeared in the sky, he thought it was not good. Then when he saw that the seal in the talisman paper turned out to be a low-level and high-level magic boulder technique, he was even more so. He cursed secretly "crazy", quickly withdrew his magic power, and quickly dodged with the lightness technique. To deal with this kind of powerful spell, if he fought recklessly, he was purely courting death, and he could only dodge quickly by relying on speed and flexibility.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" At the same time that Senior Brother Gu jumped to avoid it, Sun Tao also controlled other boulders to follow behind him, but Senior Brother Gu's speed was so fast that the boulders always fell on the front of Senior Brother Gu. At the landing, there was a huge roar, and dust and smoke were everywhere, but they couldn't hit the target, and that brother Gu kept moving and jumping, and the distance between Sun Tao and Sun Tao was getting closer.

"Boom!" When the last boulder fell to the ground, the distance between the two of them was only a few feet away.

At this time, Senior Brother Gu saw the last huge boulder landed behind him, looked at Sun Tao and smiled ferociously, and with a movement of his body, he saw that one running figure suddenly turned into two. They were exactly the same, even the expressions on their faces were the same, and the two of them moved so fast that the monk's spiritual sense couldn't lock them in, so it was naturally difficult to tell the truth from the fake.

Seeing these two identical voices and shadows rushing towards him, Sun Tao's face suddenly became panicked, he even forgot to open the spiritual shield, and hurriedly begged: "Senior brother Gu..." As soon as he opened his mouth, before he finished speaking, he was caught The palm hit his body instantly, and Sun Tao hit a big tree behind him like a boulder, screamed, and fell to the ground vomiting blood again and again.

This palm is actually so powerful!

"I'm called Senior Brother Gu now, it's too late! I'll give up one of your hands today, let's see if you dare to be so arrogant in the future!" The young man surnamed Gu saw Sun Tao who was lying on the ground spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, and there was no sign of mercy on his face , punched in the air, and immediately a miniature rocket shot at Sun Tao's left arm.

"Fire Arrow Technique!" There was a burst of exclamation from around. This is also a spell that can only be mastered at the fourth level during the Qi training period. The role of disrupting the opponent's formation, but at this moment the young man surnamed Gu obviously restrained his mana deliberately, so he only released a rocket.

Seeing the fire arrow shooting at Sun Tao, everyone present had no intention of saving each other. After all, they couldn't beat the young man surnamed Gu, and trying to be brave would only hurt one more person!

Just when the fire arrow was only a few inches away from Sun Tao's left arm, and when it was about to hit, two white transparent sword qi shot out from the side suddenly, just intertwined with the fire arrow, making a clear sound Afterwards, the sword energy and the fire arrow dissipated separately, evenly split!

This sudden change naturally attracted everyone to look at the place where the sword qi was coming, and the young man surnamed Gu had even more murderous intent in his eyes, "Who? Who dares to spoil Gu's affairs!" After finishing speaking, he also looked at the sword qi coming. The place.

Originally, Luo Yu was caught in the middle by a group of closed door disciples, but with so many eyes looking at this place, everyone around consciously gave way, leaving only Luo Yu standing there.

"Who is your Excellency? Dare to meddle in my business?" The young man surnamed Gu also calmed down at the moment. Just now, this man broke his spell with two random sword qi, so he should have some ability.

At this moment, Luo Yu glanced slightly at everyone's faces, and after pondering for a moment, he said with a smile that was not a smile: "I am just a nobody, but also a closed disciple. Since he has already lost, why do you have to do it like this."

"Then your Excellency wants to take care of my affairs!" The young man surnamed Gu's eyes flashed with inspiration, and he immediately saw that Luo Yu was only at the second level of the Qi training period, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

"Hehe! If you want to say yes, it's fine. I don't think it's better than this. You and I have a competition like just now, but I want to add some notes. I have three bottles of Qi Lian powder here, which are given by the master. If you If you can win against me, these things belong to you, and I won't mind your business anymore, but if you lose, you have to come up with something equivalent!" Luo Yu looked at the young man surnamed Gu and smiled.

"Three bottles of Qi training powder!" The people around looked at Luo Yu with eyes full of upstarts. Three bottles of Qi training powder are [-] pills, which can allow a monk in the Qi training period to practice for a long time. There is something wrong with the human head, and the challenge of leaping steps is still so arrogant, but what equivalent things have to be exchanged for it!

The young man surnamed Gu did not expect Luo Yu to come up with such a valuable thing. He is only on the second floor of the Qi training period, and he must be the descendant of an elder who does not leave the house. Only those people can be so rich and powerful!

At this moment, everyone was looking at the young man with the surname Gu, and this Senior Brother Gu also looked greedily at the three bottles of Qi Lian San. After thinking about it, he hesitated and felt that the only thing on his body was almost equivalent!

Reaching out his hand to take out a white jade bottle from the storage bag, his eyes were full of reluctance, and said: "This is a marrow washing pill, which is specially used for breaking through from the fourth floor to the fifth floor during the Qi training period. It’s almost worth your three bottles of Qi training, if you win, not only the marrow washing pill will be yours, but also those two books will be yours, how about it?”

As if afraid that Luo Yu would go back on his word, he added those two books to the bet.

"Xian Sui Dan! It turned out to be this thing! Luo Yu doesn't know about other medicines, but this Xi Sui Dan happened to be mentioned by Luo Qingqing and Luo Yu. It is extremely rare. Even Luo Qingqing gave Luo Yu so many things. , I haven't seen a single marrow washing pill, so the preciousness of this thing can be imagined.

Luo Yu, who originally only wanted to make a small profit, never expected to catch such a big fish!

Luo Yu didn't immediately answer the young man surnamed Gu, but walked to the side, whispered a few words to the surrounding closed disciples, and suddenly the two closed disciples came out, looked at the young man surnamed Gu and said a few words, unexpectedly Check the potions!Hearing this, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He was also a respectable figure among the low-ranking disciples. If he used a fake one, he would not have the face to face others in the future.

But looking at the three bottles of pills in Luo Yu's hand, he suppressed the anger in his heart again, opened the bottles, and let the two closed disciples check.After a few breaths, the two finished the inspection, came back to inform Luo Yu, and stepped aside.

These two were selected by Luo Yu from among the closed disciples, they were both on the same boat, and Luo Yu's request was not too much, the two of them could not understand the behavior of the young man surnamed Gu, so naturally they readily agreed to Luo Yu.

After getting the affirmation of the two, Luo Yu felt relieved, and said to the young man surnamed Gu: "You have already had a competition just now, if you feel that your spiritual power has not recovered, Luo doesn't mind waiting."

"No need! Take the trick!" The young man surnamed Gu waved his hand impatiently, and then flipped the formula and handprints, and quickly released a sea of ​​fire. It was the same sea of ​​fire as before, but the speed was much faster than before. It seems that the sea of ​​fire It is this person's skill.

Although Luo Yu was bold, but the opponent's cultivation base was much higher than his own, so he naturally dealt with it carefully. At the same moment when the sea of ​​fire appeared, he fixed his eyes, moved his hands, and softly shouted: "Great wind technique!", and suddenly appeared on the field. A small hurricane roared and collided with the sea of ​​flames, and there was a hissing sound.

"He is also a mutant spirit root!"

"Wind Lingen!" The people watching around exclaimed.

"It's a mutated spiritual root again!" the young man surnamed Gu gritted his teeth. Didn't it mean that mutated spiritual roots are extremely rare?How come I got shit luck and met two in a row.

(Second Follow-up) If you like it, please help Youdao to bookmark it more!Thanks, thank you!

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