fairy flame

Chapter 43

Facing everyone's eyes, Luo Yu had no expression on his face, calmly controlled the hurricane, surged his spiritual power, and rushed towards the sea of ​​flames. There was a reason why he chose this spell. It is a spell that can be mastered at the first level, so it consumes very little mana. Moreover, although the power of the Hurricane spell is naturally not comparable to that of the Sea of ​​​​Fire, but Luo Yu's goal is to fix the sea of ​​fire in the air, so that it cannot be gathered under the action of the hurricane. up.

Here is the restraint of spells!Use spells flexibly to knock down your opponents with the least cost!

And when the young man surnamed Gu saw that the sea of ​​flames could not be gathered under the hurricane, he instantly knew what Luo Yu was thinking, but he didn't have the slightest worry. He rushed towards Luo Yu lightly and swiftly, and even gave up on the sea of ​​fire.

The sea of ​​flames without mana support was immediately blown away by the hurricane, turned into sparks and shot away, and the hurricane that hadn't dissipated naturally rushed towards the two figures fiercely, but it was the same as before, the young man surnamed Gu seemed to be Knowing the shortcomings of this spell, he used the constant change of direction to make the hurricane unable to catch up with him for a while.

Luo Yu saw the young man surnamed Gu running towards him. Although he couldn't tell the phantom from the real body, he didn't panic.


The moment Luo Yu finished reading, two half-foot-sized fireballs formed in his hands, and he quickly threw them at the person locked by his spiritual sense. Slightly flinging out two silver-white sword qi, followed closely behind the fireball.

Seeing Luo Yu's attack, the figure did not dodge, and suddenly there was a burst of sword energy and fireballs on one of them, but the strange thing was that this person didn't scream at all, and the figure went straight after being hit. Be broken up!

"It's a phantom!" Some closed door disciples couldn't help but reminded.

At this moment, when the phantom disappeared, another figure suddenly appeared behind Luo Yu with a few jumps using the lightness technique. Almost at the moment of appearance, it punched Luo Yu's back, the same trick as before .

At this time, ordinary people might not have time to react, but Luo Yu didn't turn around at all, just smiled strangely at the corner of his mouth.

The fist hit Luo Yu in an instant, and before the young man surnamed Gu could be happy in the future, he immediately murmured that he was not good.

Luo Yu, who was hit, turned into a little bit of silver light, which collapsed and scattered, and it turned out to be a phantom.

Seeing this, the young man surnamed Gu stretched out his right hand whether he wanted to or not, and saw that there was a golden talisman hidden in his hand, quickly using his spiritual power, the talisman was immediately stimulated and turned into a golden shield, covering Gu The whole body of the young man surnamed was covered in it, and it turned out to be a rare defensive talisman!Defensive talismans are much more expensive than offensive talismans. It seems that the temptation of Luo Yu's three bottles of pills is still great, and the young man surnamed Gu even used this money!

At the same time when the golden talisman was stimulated, Luo Yu appeared behind him strangely while swaying, looking at the young man surnamed Gu who was protected by the golden shield, his eyes flashed, he patted the storage bag with one hand, and unexpectedly took it out That mid-level magic weapon, the Golden Thunder Sword.

"We must win with one blow!" Luo Yu said silently in his heart, pouring all his mana into the sword. In an instant, a strong golden light shot out from the sword body, and there was a loud thunderclap, like a golden sun. Glancing at the shield in front of him, he slashed down fiercely with a sneer.


The golden sword and the protective cover collided violently, and there was a louder cracking sound than before. I saw that the golden protective cover was crushed and deformed as soon as it touched the golden sword. , the golden sword directly broke through the golden shield, and slashed down on the head of the young man surnamed Gu. When he was about to touch the top of the young man surnamed Gu, the golden sword suddenly turned slightly, turning into the back of the entire sword and slapping the young man surnamed Gu fiercely. back.

"Crack!" There were several cracking ribs, and before the young man surnamed Gu could scream, the lightning power contained in the Golden Thunder Sword had already paralyzed his whole body, almost knocking him unconscious, and he fell to the ground continuously. Trembling, convulsions!Luo Yu really did not take it lightly!

At this time, Luo Yu's face was also reddish. It was the last time that Luo Yu forcibly withdrew most of his mana. Otherwise, the youth surnamed Gu might have been killed by the power of lightning at this moment. However, Luo Yu's control over spiritual power is not enough. Forcibly withdrawing part of the mana, the rushing back of the spiritual power also caused some internal injuries.

Luo Yu slowly calmed down the disordered spiritual energy in his body, and raised his eyes to look at the young man surnamed Gu who fell to the ground. At this moment, no one dared to help him up. The power is infected.

With a few quick leaps, he came to the side of the young man surnamed Gu, looked at the frightened eyes in his eyes, sneered, and with the red light flashing in his palm, he quickly reached into the young man surnamed Gu's arms. The weak lightning force hit Luo Yu's hand with a crackling sound, but as soon as the golden arc touched the red light film covering the palm, it was directly bounced off. Come out and put it in your storage bag.

After that, he rushed to the side of the earth and rock where the two books were placed, and after he quickly put away the two books, he turned into an afterimage without saying hello, and disappeared into the dense forest in the mountains.

Although the written test between the two was huge, it only took place in the light of calcium carbide and flames, and it only took a moment.

"I'm blind! It was a magic... a magic weapon just now!"

"It must be a mid-level magic weapon! Even a high-level magic weapon!"

"Could this person be a direct descendant of an elder in the sect? It must be!"

After Luo Yu disappeared, he didn't know how shocked his disciples of the same age were by his performance just now!The leapfrog challenge was won so cleanly!I'm afraid Luo Yu will probably be the focus of discussion for a long time to come.

After returning to his room in Baiyitang, Luo Yu couldn't wait to close the door, and then took out the two books and the bottle containing the marrow-washing pill, looking at them excitedly, never expecting such a fruitful harvest this time, The amount of qi training powder alone can maintain Luo Yu's cultivation for a long time, and with the marrow washing pill he just got, he will probably be flying when he reaches the fifth level of the qi training period.

After rubbing the bottle for a while and then slowly put away the vial, Luo Yu brought the two books over again, and saw that one of them was called "A Brief View of the Alchemy Way", and the other book was written "Introduction to Basic Arrays" .

These two books happen to be what Luo Yu urgently needs now, and they are also two directions that Luo Yu intends to vigorously develop in the future. I don't know what the expressions of the two brothers and sisters are now, I'm afraid they will regret it to death!

But now records are generally recorded in jade slips, which is convenient and quick. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, those small cultivating families who are extremely embarrassed and lacking in cultivation resources will provide themselves with spiritual stones for cultivation. And to sell some treasured ancestral books, it's not that they can't afford jade slips, it's just that they can save some spiritual stones by writing, so Luo Yu doesn't believe that the two brothers and sisters just have two copies in their hands.

Maybe now they have moved to another place and started trading again, these are some very common things.

(First update) I hope you will support me a lot!Bookmark it!

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