fairy flame

Chapter 50 Talent Formation Dao

"The way of formation is extensive and profound. Luo has only touched a few superficial ways. It can't be said to be profound. I only have an impression of this prohibition formation because I saw it once with the master." Luo Luo Yu replied calmly, but secretly smiled excitedly in his heart. The formation method is indeed broad and profound. Maybe Luo Yu has not come into contact with more profound things, or maybe he really has the talent for formation method. Anyway, the book "Basic Formation "Introduction to Law" is really too simple for Luo Yu.

Even listening to the knowledge about arrays in Baiyitang is just as difficult as that book "Introduction to Basic Arrays". For Luo Yu, it is really not difficult to learn at all, it sounds like that Nothing has changed, Luo Yu likes to deduce and arrange those basic formations for self-entertainment when he is free, and it really made Luo Yu discover a lot of things that can be improved, at least Luo Yu thinks that formations should not be simple Attack and defense, if each formation can be combined with the right environment, it should be able to exert a long strength.

In the end, Luo Yu was even more whimsical and combined the Jiugong Luoshu and the formation deduction he had comprehended, but the result surprised Luo Yu. As long as Luo Yu passed by, those basic formations could be detected by Jiugong Luoshu No matter how hidden it is, Luo Yu can discover it instantly, as if it is a kind of induction in the dark, the way is unclear, and it is mysterious and mysterious.

If it wasn't for Luo Yu who only had the formation book in his hand, Luo Yu estimated that his formation practice would be even higher. Luo Yu is currently deducing how to combine those formations with a single foundation, that is, to combine a single attribute Although the whole process is extremely complicated, if Luo Yu cooperates with Jiugong Luoshu to calculate, many problems can be easily solved, and every time it can make Luo Yu highlight new inspirations, Luo Yu Yu also decided that in the future, he must develop the formation method well. After all, the reason for his own interest is that the formation method is extremely powerful in many cases, and the concealment is very good. The formation method will definitely become Luo Yu's killer in the future.

At this moment, Luo Yu naturally couldn't let others know about his formation cultivation, after all, the trump card can play its greatest role at the critical moment.

Seeing Luo Yu, he didn't want to say more, and the deacon surnamed Wang consciously didn't ask any more questions. He laughed dryly, and took out a red and black order flag from his arms. It was several inches in size, and it looked like some special formation symbols , Luo Yu just glanced at it and saw that this command flag should be used to pass through the formation here. This is also because Luo Yu has come into contact with some of the ancient formation runes on the command flag. composed of arrays.

Different runes are combined to form formations with different attributes, and then the most important words in the runes are carved on the formation flags according to the arrangement of the formations, and then through special operations, immortal practitioners can enter and exit the formation freely. And it can also control the formation, and use the power of the formation to attack the enemy.

"Pfft!" There was a clear sound, and a gap about ten feet high was broken in the invisible restraint in front. After the deacon surnamed Wang winked at Luo Yu, the two strode in.

"Junior Brother, I don't know. In fact, the main purpose of the restriction outside is not to prevent the outsiders from entering, but to defend against it. You also know that immortal cultivators like you and me are most afraid of others taking inner disciples and outer disciples. Comparing with the topics of closed disciples, not only do such conflicts often occur in Baiyitang, even outside, there are often large and small conflicts. If there is no dot matrix method as a protection, just a few talismans can destroy Here, so the formation here is mainly for protection." After the deacon surnamed Wang came in, he suddenly talked to Luo Yu about this formation for some reason.

"The two of you must come here to take on missions! I am the person in charge here. The missions managed by the old man are all simple and easy to complete, and the rewards are generous. They are all rare top-quality missions!" As soon as Luo Yu and Deacon surnamed Wang entered, a rough man ran over to stop them.

"Senior Brother Wang...this is..." Luo Yu sensed the fluctuation of spiritual power on this person a little bit, and it turned out to be a mid-level cultivator at the eighth level of Qi training. The first time I came here, I didn't understand some of the rules, so I asked the deacon surnamed Wang.

"Junior Brother still doesn't know the rules here! There are many kinds of tasks here, and each task must be handled by someone who is very familiar with this type of operation. To put it simply, they are all those who have done this type of task People who have been there countless times, that's why they are qualified to serve here." The deacon surnamed Wang said indifferently.

After that, he cupped his fists politely to the man and said: "This is the first time my junior brother came here and didn't understand the rules. The two of us came here at the invitation of the old man."

The rough middle-aged man who didn't pay much attention to Senior Brother Wang's words at first was shocked when he heard the word 'Yu Lao', and hurriedly apologized to Luo Yu and the two of them, with an extremely polite expression, as if this place in Lao Yu was something terrible. existence, and then left in a flash.

Luo Yu looked around, there were quite a few middle-aged men in the hall, all of them looked kindly, smiling, and introduced how good their tasks were to those who walked in, and they would be rewarded after they were completed How rich it is and so on, but very few people will pay attention to them, most of them are cold-eyed and indifferent, and go upstairs unmoved, some people even come to scold these people angrily, but they seem to be used to cold-eyed abuse voice, the smile on his face remained the same.

At this moment, Luo Yu and Senior Brother Wang were already walking on the stairs, ready to go up to the second floor. Along the way, some people came to sell the mission to Luo Yu and the others, but whenever Senior Brother Wang mentioned the word Yu Laoer, They all hurriedly closed their mouths and apologized, looking terrified.

Luo Yu looked around coldly, but didn't ask a question. He knew that Deacon Wang would explain these things to him. Sure enough, when they went up the stairs, no one came to sell, so Deacon Wang let out a long sigh and talked to Luo Yu. explain.

It turns out that these people are not really the ones who assign tasks. Most of them are short of spirit stones recently and have some connections. They come here to help others entrust some tasks and earn some intermediary fees. However, those tasks are trivial and trivial. He won’t give you any super missions, which is still good. Some of these people even deliberately set up some trap missions to lure you to a certain place, and then the people who ambush there will carry out some murders and robberies. Bao's deeds were extremely vicious, and even the sects were killing each other, so Luo Yu immediately became vigilant and couldn't help but raise his vigilance against those people.

I hope you will collect more!thank you 1

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