fairy flame

Chapter 51 Qingjun Mountain, the Garden of Essence Medicine

Although the Cuixia faction will punish them severely once they discover such things, but under the temptation of those Lingshi treasures, they naturally treat morality and ethics as bullshit. It's too late, these have become an unspoken rule, many people are used to asking them to assign tasks, after all, you need to pay a deposit to assign tasks in the utility hall, no matter whether someone accepts the task, the task will be assigned Everyone must deliver certain spirit stones.

For those low-level disciples, they usually lack spirit stones in their daily practice, so they are willing to waste spirit stones on it, so they usually turn to these people when they have something. The task brought all kinds of troubles to the sect, and many things could not be dealt with in time, which made the sect unable to operate normally. In the end, it even alarmed the retreating ancestors, who came out of the seclusion for regulation, but this is not true. You can manage it with a high cultivation base.

There is still no solution to this matter, and the door gradually acquiesced in this kind of behavior of selling tasks privately, but generally few people accept their tasks, fearing that it is a trap, and some of them are hot-tempered and even have a big temper , scolding, but fighting in the miscellaneous hall is a felony of sect, backed by this rule, these people don't take those cold-eyed abuse at all seriously, and they do their own things very enthusiastically and professionally.

Hearing this, Luo Yu couldn't help lamenting that he still knew too little about the outside world. It seemed that if he didn't pay attention to the outside world, it would be extremely dangerous, and he must pay attention to this aspect in the future.

The two chatted while walking, and after a while, they came to the door of a small room. The door of the purple and crimson lacquer room was closed tightly. After the senior brother walked over quickly and said a few words to the two, the two looked at Luo Yu in surprise, and motioned for them to go in. Luo Yu and Senior Brother Wang clasped their fists politely, and pushed them away The door went in.

The house looks inconspicuous from the outside, but the layout inside really opened Luo Yu's horizons. The thick pure red carpet, the shiny curtains, and the luxurious glass tables and chairs all look like the secular world. The same place where the rich landowner lived.

Luo Yu raised his head and glanced slightly, and suddenly found an old man in white green shirt happily playing with a delicate ancient jade in his hand. I can't see through it, but I can only feel a faint spiritual pressure in the whole room.

The existence of the foundation period!

This old man turned out to be a master in the Foundation Establishment Stage, Luo Yu couldn't help being secretly vigilant, Luo Yu, a high-level immortal cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage, was still rarely seen.

After seeing Luo Yu and the deacon surnamed Wang walking in, the old man in blue just glanced at Luo Yu lightly, and found that Luo Yu was only after the fifth level of Qi training period, and his clothes were also rustic, so he moved away with disdain. Opening his eyes, when he saw the deacon surnamed Wang next to Luo Yu, his eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately ran over happily.

"Good boy! Didn't you mean to give me a piece of flowing satin from Yundu Kingdom? Why have you disappeared for so many days? Could it be that you want to let the old man's pigeons go?" The old man stared at him with wide eyes Brother Wang shouted.

"Mr. Xu, what are you talking about? Senior, have you ever failed to fulfill your request? It took me a lot of effort to get the flow-colored satin." He took out a piece of gold silk brocade as thin as a cicada's wings from the bag, and then put on a smiling face and handed it over.

As soon as the old man saw the golden silk brocade appearing, he kept his eyes fixed on it. Seeing that the deacon surnamed Wang handed it over, he didn't show any sign of being polite, so he went to the storage bag calmly, and then stroked He stroked his half-length beard, and said, "Tell me, what's the matter with me this time? You know the old man's rules, and I won't take your things for nothing."

"What did Mr. Xu say? These things are filial to you from us people, so how dare you make any demands! This time, I brought a junior who had just advanced to the fifth level of Qi training here to receive the task. The person who recommended him, Junior Brother Luo, has not yet come to meet Senior Xu." The deacon surnamed Wang was polite and then brought up the business.

Hearing this, Luo Yu naturally hurried over to salute the old man respectfully.

"Oh! They are the younger generation that the sect will focus on training this time! Yes, the younger generation is awesome. With such cultivation at such a young age, they will definitely have a bright future in the future." Mr. Xu looked at Luo Yuyi quite strangely. Fan, nodded and said.

"It's just a fluke. Senior is an expert in the foundation building period. Our cultivation level is very different from yours. Senior praises you." Luo Yu knew that these polite words were inevitable, and he had already thought about it. how to say.

"Hehe! It's good for young people not to be proud! Since Xiao Wang brought you here, I won't treat you as an outsider. These are some tasks that you talented disciples can take on. Basically, there is not much danger. , You choose by yourself, and you won’t get such a good treatment if you change someone else," Mr. Xu said indifferently, and then took out a thin booklet from his arms and handed it to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu hurriedly took it with both hands politely, and slowly turned it aside to look at it. Senior Brother Wang at the side was naturally very cooperative when he saw this, and chatted with Senior Xu about some things about Baiyitang with a flattering face.

After about half a stick of incense, Luo Yu closed the booklet with a slight frown, exhaled lightly, and clasped his fists at the old man in the green shirt, "Senior Xu, I have already chosen, just the one from Qingjun Mountain." Spirit Medicine Garden!"

"Pharmaceutical garden! You really chose well. There are some tasks that are easy to complete, such as the task of cutting down pine trees to make talismans. There is neither a time limit nor a quantity requirement. The more you cut, the more rewarding you will be. Many, you don't choose this kind of top-notch task, but choose that kind of time-consuming and thought-provoking cultivation of elixir, you can't be out of your mind!" When Xu Lao heard Luo Yu say that he wanted to choose the task of cultivating elixir , Dun looked at Luo Yu with a strange look.

Even Senior Brother Wang next to him looked anxious when he heard about it, but he didn't dare to intervene casually, and just kept winking at Luo Yu in secret.

Luo Yu, on the other hand, had a flat face, and said with a dry smile: "I have learned some cultivation skills before, so it shouldn't be a big problem to complete this task, and the most important thing is that the person who accepts this task can live in Qingjun. Cultivating in the mountains, this is what juniors value most, it allows me to practice with peace of mind without being disturbed by others."

I hope all the readers will give you a lot of support!

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