fairy flame

Chapter 535 Intermediate Earth Escape Talisman

And in this way, Taoist Gongyang was opportunistically used by Luo Yu to use the strangeness in the rules, which put him in a dilemma, so that Taoist Gongyang had only two choices. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Or if he doesn't show up, then when the two Luo Yu fly a mile away, no matter where he is, he will be considered a loser. After all, if the two Luo Yu can't tell the real from the fake, they can both be regarded as the real body.

The other is to show up voluntarily, and the ending is even more tragic. Once he shows up, he will reveal his location, and Luo Yu doesn't need to spend any effort to find it.

So at the very beginning, Luo Yu tricked Taoist Gongyang to death!

It is true that the Taoist Gongyang was wronged. It stands to reason that he did not expect Luo Yu's move, but if Luo Yu flew away alone, no matter how Luo Yu flew, the Taoist Gongyang could rely on his The natal magic weapon is thick soil shovel to perform earth escape, so that even if people hide underground, they can catch up with Luo Yu.

Although the water under his feet is the water of the Yuanhe River, and he cannot walk on earth, but the bottom of the water is filled with the same soil and sand, which is also suitable for the technique of earth escape, so as long as Luo Yu escapes alone, Taoist Gongyang is sure that he can use the earth to escape. Followed, and always kept the same distance of one mile.

But he never expected that Luo Yu would cultivate an incarnation outside his body. Both of them had the same cultivation level in the early stage of foundation establishment, and there was no difference in body and appearance. Taoist Gongyang was completely dumbfounded. .

"Hey, Yu'er is smarter, after this old Gongyang ghost, he won't have the face to meet his fellows."

Seeing this, Li You laughed out loud, with an expression in his eyes as if he was watching a show.

Even Yan Lingsu, who had always been indifferent, couldn't help the urge to laugh.

Luo Yu actually played with a monk in the alchemy stage like this.

After the wooden shadow clone and Luo Yu met in mid-air, they immediately turned into a green light and rushed into Luo Yu's body, disappearing into Luo Yu's body in a flash.

At this time, Luo Yu, who put away the wooden shadow, smiled slightly, and said to Taoist Gongyang who was staring at him viciously.

"Senior Gongyang's cultivation is as high as the sky, and this junior can't catch up with him. This time it's just that this junior has played tricks. If you really want to search, I'm afraid you won't even be able to find the shadow of senior."

Luo Yu's words were very respectful, without any omissions. After listening to Taoist Gongyang, he thought that Luo Yu had given him a step up. Young disciples who can do things like this are rare, so he couldn't help being a little envious of Li Youlai, and he also tended to Yan echoed, pretending to be an expert, put on airs and said: "Hmph, I don't want to be as knowledgeable as you, otherwise, even if I don't move my body, just send a spiritual puppet to subdue you, that's the same If you can win, today I will treat it as a joke with you, a junior, how could this old man disregard face and snatch a spirit beast from you, a junior."

That's what he said, but Taoist Gongyang still had some reluctance on his face. After all, he was a mutated spirit beast, and the ancestors of the Nascent Soul Stage wanted to get one.

The old man reached into his bosom, took out the weird black sack, and gently blew out a burst of aura at the mouth of the sack, the aura wrapped around the sack and spun around quickly, and the hemp rope tightly tied to the mouth of the sack suddenly loosened like a snake. Open, a gray mouse shadow flew out from inside with a scream of "Zhi Zhi Zhi", almost ran into Luo Yu's arms at the fastest speed, then immediately raised its head and danced at the Taoist Gongyang, as if threatening .

"Little beasts have a lot of spirituality. Next time they are caught by me, they will suffer a lot!"

Taoist Gongyang sneered and turned his head away, as if he felt that he had an identity with a mouse.

Luo Yu lightly stroked the mane on Tianming's head, comforted it a few times, and then heaved a sigh of relief and put it into the spirit beast bag. It seems that it will depend on the situation to take out his own spirit beast in the future , there are quite a few monks at the alchemy stage who come to celebrate his birthday, and if anyone else takes a fancy to his mutated spirit mouse, he won't be able to get it back so easily.

Taoist Gongyang suffered a dark loss, he was so angry that he couldn't speak, and when he was about to leave alone, Yan Lingsu who was at the side suddenly called him out.

"Senior Gongyang, do you want to destroy your promise? I remember that there is a rule in the world of cultivating immortals. Whenever you compete with others, let alone win the bet. If you lose, you will compensate the other party with something of the same value. Don't you remember? ?”

As soon as the words came out, Taoist Gongyang stopped immediately, and his face became embarrassing. He really had this rule, but he didn't expect to lose this time. Besides, where should he go to find a mutated spirit beast? Doesn't this embarrass him!

"Hehe, the little girl has a good appearance. You are Ouyang Tong's daughter, and your father and I have some friendship."

Taoist Gongyang said in a somewhat unnatural voice, it seemed that he wanted to make some connections and let the matter go.

Luo Yu really never thought of bargaining with a monk in the alchemy stage, but since Yan Lingsu said it, and it was for his own benefit, it was hard to refuse.

But at this moment, the wife who had been on the sidelines rolled her eyes twice, looked at Yan Lingsu and Taoist Gongyang, and couldn't help but move her lips slightly to communicate with Luo Yu, which made Luo Yu feel a little embarrassed and worried. I had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

"My surname is Yan! Not Ouyang!"

It seems that when Luo Yu heard the word 'Ouyang Dong', Luo Yu had never seen Yan Lingsu's face look no different from Bingshuang, and his whole body exuded an unusually cold aura.

Yan Lingsu's sarcasm spread into the ears of Taoist Gongyang, and the old man's face immediately became embarrassed. If it was normal, he would definitely bully Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu, two juniors, and repair them, but at this moment Li Any one of You and his wife is better than him alone, so it's useless for Taoist Gongyang to get angry, instead he will get a reputation for not keeping promises.

"Okay! This old man made a mistake, but fellow daoist, this Yimu spirit phoenix is ​​quite strong, why don't you lend me a few days to watch it?"

Taoist Gongyang had all the good words, but Yan Lingsu seemed to have changed after hearing the word 'Ouyang Tong'. Threatened.

In fact, this Gongyang Taoist is usually considered a good person. Apart from his little problem of stealing people's things, he is not the kind of bloodthirsty person. If you can't come up with something equivalent, wouldn't you be ridiculed and bullied by the younger generation?

It's just that Taoist Gongyang's threatening words didn't seem to have any effect on Yan Lingsu, and the other party's uncommon face was unmoved at all. Instead, Liu Mei relaxed and said in a concentrated voice: "Senior can't take Ling'er away. My mother said that once the blue song comes out, all living beings within a radius of several miles will be affected, and no matter how delicate the escape method is, it will be interrupted for a moment, and the breath will be exposed."


Taoist Gongyang became angry when he heard it, looked at Yan Lingsu with a gloomy face, couldn't help suppressing the anger in his heart, and turned to Luo Yu and asked, "Don't pretend to be here, you son of a bitch! Let’s be honest, what do you want, there are no mutated spirit beasts, and my secret skills are not known to the outside world!”

As soon as these words came out, Yan Lingsu's pretty face remained frosty and unmoved, but Luo Yu became a little embarrassed.

However, before Luo Yu opened his mouth, Shen Qian, the mistress next to him, looked at Li You with a leisurely look, and suddenly smiled lightly: "Yu'er asked me, the mistress, to make the decision for him. There is no price in the market, and Daoist Gongyang has no mutant spirit beasts, so our husband and wife are not reluctant, but fellow daoists should also come up with an equally priceless treasure. Give five."

The second update of "Fairy Flame" has been delivered, keep it in your collection, Youdao has been busy finishing the semester homework in the past week, I'm afraid the update time can't be guaranteed, please be considerate.

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