fairy flame

Chapter 537

"Hey, I didn't expect that there would be such a pleasant scenery on the back of the Eagle Snow Mountain and the Black Water Ice Pool. He Xue Qinglin would enjoy it, no wonder he is in the middle stage of advancement. (Apex novel hand-written novel)"

Taoist Gongyang, who talked the most on the road, couldn't help but praise him at this moment.

"Everything in the world exists relative to each other. Where there are immortals, there are demons, and where there are Buddhas, there are ghosts. Otherwise, how can we distinguish between good and evil?"

Hearing this, Li You was calm, as if he had seen many such scenes, and said in a flat tone.

But when Daoist Gongyang heard these words, he thought that Li You was speaking against him, turning him into a person in the evil way, and his teeth itch with hatred.

But in order to be able to enter the Eagle Snow Mountain, he could only make a compromise first, and let Li You take advantage of his tongue.

Taoist Gongyang felt that it was nothing to suffer a little loss at the moment, and even lowered his posture quite agreeingly: "Yes, if there is a sect, there will be casual cultivators. It's all the same reason."

The voice is ancient and frivolous. After Luo Yu listened to it, he really felt that such an unreasonable kind of thinking, how could he cultivate to the realm of alchemy in peace, and a person who is hundreds of years old seems to have a little naivety. Xinxing, there are too few people like this in the world of cultivating immortals.

Just as the four of them were about to fly onto one of the light bridges, suddenly, there was a strange sound like the hissing of the wind in the distance. When Li You and Shi Niang heard this sound, their expressions changed suddenly.

In the northwest sky, a huge bronze chariot was being pulled towards Eagle Snow Mountain by three ferocious pythons full of dark red and full of fangs.

The speed of the beast cart was extremely fast, like a cyan haze that crossed a distance of [-] meters in the blink of an eye and arrived in front of everyone.

Looking at the luxurious appearance of this car, Luo Yu guessed that there must be a patriarch of the alchemy stage sitting in the beast car, but if the master and wife are so nervous, there must be a master inside.

After the car flew in for a while, it seemed to have spotted Luo Yu and his group. Suddenly, the bronze beast car paused slightly, and the three blood-red pythons neighed at the same time. When the pythons turned their heads, they immediately changed direction and went straight to Luo Yu Wu. The place where the person is flying, looks menacing.

"Poisonous old monster, why did this person come to join in the fun?"

Taoist Gongyang, the founder of alchemy, seemed to know the person in the bronze beast car, and he couldn't help but twitched his brows in surprise.

At the same time, the body involuntarily shrank back.

On the other hand, Li You was much more stable, his eyes remained unchanged, and when Luo Yu heard the word 'Poisonous Boss', the corners of Luo Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

Almost instantly, Luo Yu remembered a monk in the alchemy stage who had a relationship with him once. When he was still in the Zhongling Secret Realm, the poisonous old monster led a group of Qi training disciples on behalf of Lie Beast Mountain. Judging from Yu's experience in the secret realm, it seemed that the cultivators of Beast Mountain were about to be wiped out that time.

As a result, the status of Lie Beast Mountain in the Six Factions Alliance has dropped a lot.

But this does not affect the fierce power of the "Poison Boss" among monks in the alchemy stage. The monks in the mid-term are also unwilling to fight this person, because once they are entangled by him, they will be in fear all day long. Poison cultivators are the most terrifying and difficult cultivators.

If the other party randomly sprinkles some poisonous flowers and poisonous powder outside your cave or smears some poison on the elixir you planted, if you are not careful, it is very likely to be fatal if you are not a very high-level pharmacist.

It's no wonder that the poisonous old monster flew towards this side, and the few alchemy masters on his side would feel a little unnatural.

The beast cart came in front of everyone in the blink of an eye, but it stopped quietly not far above the five people's heads, as if deliberately letting the beast cart stop on top of everyone's heads, this move is undoubtedly worth pondering.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to meet Li Daoyou and his wife here. Du Mou has admired these two names for a long time."

Immediately, a thick voice came out from the beast cart, but the people inside did not fly out, which made people feel a little arrogant.

But Li You winked with his wife Shen Qian, and smiled without anger: "The last time Fellow Daoist Du went to our Cuixia School, it happened that Li was not there, otherwise I would definitely have a drink with Fellow Daoist. Now It just so happens that you and I are both members of the Six Faction Alliance, so we should reminisce about the old days."

Li You's voice was flat and seemingly calm, but it actually contained another meaning. He deliberately told the other party what happened in the secret realm of Lie Beast Mountain last time. Before breaking into the secret realm, the poisonous old monster swore to bet with other patriarchs, but it was unsuccessful, but if the other patriarchs really agreed that time, he would lose a lot of money, so these things are easy to bet on. In the eyes of the poisonous old monster, there is both a secret luck and a great shame.

Sure enough, as soon as Li You said this, the animal carriage fell silent, and a cold snort came out faintly!

"Oh, Li Daoyou is a disciple with good aptitude, and his cultivation speed is so fast. Back then, he was only on the eleventh floor of the Qi training period. Now he has succeeded in building the foundation in a blink of an eye. Daoyou is really blessed, and he has accepted a good disciple."

After half a sound, there was another low-pitched laughter from inside the beast cart, but immediately there was a blue light flashing on the bronze beast cart, and the three captive flaming pythons also raised their heads, roaring and flashing lasing shots. After leaving, he didn't say another word, and didn't wait for everyone to answer.

Luo Yu turned his head and saw that the Taoist Gongyang beside him seemed like a deflated ball at this time, the poisonous old monster so obviously pushed him out, he just said a word to the master and wife, and they were married together. Patriarch Danqi, it's really strange that Taoist Gongyang has no temper at all after being ignored by others.

"What a solid cultivation base. It seems that the "Sky Snake Poison Art" of the poisonous old monster has improved again. I am afraid that it will not be long before he can break through to the middle stage."

Li You glanced at the flying beast cart with complicated eyes, and murmured in a low voice.

"Even if it's in the middle stage of alchemy, our husband and wife join forces, and we are not far behind the monks in the middle stage. The poisonous old monster dare not be too presumptuous in front of us!"

It seems that Li You's words touched the heart of the teacher's wife Shen Qian, and she couldn't help but said coldly.

Hearing this, Li You gave a wry smile. If his husband and wife joined forces, they would indeed not be afraid of any mid-stage alchemy cultivators, but the other party was not a fool, so it was natural for them to separate when they really fought.

"Yu'er, during this birthday celebration, try not to meet this person, lest anything happen."

Li You turned around and said with a hint of worry in his tone.

"Yes, Master."

Luo Yu replied respectfully, even if Li You didn't say the reason, Luo Yu could roughly guess it. If Luo Yu didn't break out of the secret realm last time, the Cuixia faction would only suffer in the secret realm, without Luo Yu , maybe Liebeast Mountain can overwhelm the Cuixia faction in the secret realm, this account is really calculated, and in the final analysis it has nothing to do with Luo Yu.

It seems that I really have to be careful in the next days in this Eagle Snow Mountain.

Especially when Li You said this, Luo Yu felt even more preoccupied.

After the poisonous monster left, everyone didn't stay any longer, and flew directly to the nearest horizontal light bridge. When the five people landed on the light bridge, a pair of guards flew over from the other side of the light bridge .

At a glance, Luo Yu saw that these family guard monks were all dressed in brocade clothes and jade clothes, and they were gorgeously dressed. There were faint mana fluctuations emanating from their bodies. It seemed that these gorgeous brocade clothes were all pieces of magic weapons. , It shows the powerful strength of the Xue family.

Magical artifacts such as costumes in the world of cultivating immortals are still rare. Even if it is a low-level vestment, the Xue family can make every family guard wear one, which is really not easy.


Suddenly, a high-pitched cry came from behind the group of guards, like a kingfisher singing softly, but it sounded deafening. When Luo Yu didn't know what strange beast made the call, it was originally in Yan Lingsu's body. After hearing the call, Yimu Lingfeng suddenly flapped his wings, raised his head and responded with a loud cry.

"This is the spirit beast 'Bi-winged Golden Light Condor' raised by the Xue family. I didn't expect the Xue family to send this beast to welcome us. It's really very polite."

Li You stared into the distance and said.

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