fairy flame

Chapter 546

The two of them leaped over the back mountain, taking no haste along the way. When they had walked about three or four miles, Luo Yu suddenly stopped, with an inexplicable look of hesitation on his face, and his expression became uncertain. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Seeing Luo Yu's hesitation, Yan Lingsu who was beside him thought that Luo Yu had chosen the place, but now it seemed that there was something wrong.

This girl was also upright, so she asked Luo Yu about it.

But Luo Yu's slightly awkward answer, because of her outspoken temperament, after hearing this, her beautiful and delicate cheeks flushed red, even more embarrassing than Luo Yu.

Yuzu stomped lightly, revealing the shame of a daughter's family, and turned her head away for a moment.

This made Luo Yu scratch his head in embarrassment.

It turned out that Luo Yu originally planned to take this girl to Xuefang, and then find a secluded Xiuxian teahouse, spend some spirit stones to build a quiet and elegant compartment, and the two of them can play the piano in it to exorcise demons, which is also very convenient and trouble-free , and the compartments of those small teahouses generally have relatively good sound insulation, so the crisp and pleasant piano sound will not spread.

Although there are inevitably some taboos in this move, after all, if a man and a woman get along alone, it is also strange to find a private room, which will inevitably make people fantasize.

It's just that Luo Yu and this woman are the kind who don't pay much attention to these pedantic and ignorant etiquettes, so at the beginning, Luo Yu didn't think it was inappropriate.

In the past, Luo Yu also came to the present alone, and he had never considered in the direction of a woman.

Not long after flying just now, Luo Yu felt that something was wrong. With Yan Lingsu's extraordinary appearance, she would be the object of everyone's attention as soon as she entered the market. If she took the initiative to let a man walk into the private room, she might immediately Rumors spread that he would become a cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals. Naturally, there is no need to take Luo Yu into consideration, but the other party is an innocent woman, and it would be bad if he harmed her innocence.

Since Yan Lingsu asked, Luo Yu had no choice but to confess.

As a result, the other party listened, and was immediately ashamed by Luo Yu.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, I don't think this is the case. There is a waterfall not far away. Let's go there. Then I will personally install a soundproof barrier."

Luo Yu just wanted to get rid of his inner demons with peace of mind, but let a female cultivator run around with him. For some reason, he suddenly felt a weird feeling that was neither lost nor excited, which was hard to explain.

Yan Lingsu just casually snorted softly as a promise.

Immediately, the two of them regained their light, and under the wrapping of their respective auras, they quickly flew towards the waterfall.

Soon, the roaring sound of the waterfall flowing with clear spring water broke into the ears of the two of them.

Immediately, two rays of light fell on a piece of grass next to the waterfall almost at the same time.

After Luo Yu revealed his figure, he looked around immediately, and almost instantly found a place where a sound-proof formation could be arranged. Since Luo Yu practiced the "Mei's Formation Sutra", his understanding of the natural formation has become more and more profound. When arranging an intermediate formation, you don't need to keep calculating around and see if the terrain around you is conducive to arranging the formation as before.

Now everything is a blink of an eye.

Luo Yu didn't say much. He patted the storage bag, and suddenly seven deep black triangular flags flew out in an orderly file. It more than doubled in size, and at the same time circles of black light clusters emerged from the banner body, captivating people's hearts and souls.

There were six black light clusters quietly floating in front of Luo Yu. Luo Yu stared at the six light clusters solemnly, and quickly typed out various spells with his hands behind him, and then gave a soft drink.


In an instant, the six black light clusters shook violently and exploded, as if six black lights flashed in front of the eyes, but they did not shoot into the distance, but the black lights were connected end to end, sinking into the verdant trees one after another, and entangled.

The six black lights completed this step almost at the same time. At this time, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Luo Yu's mouth. Looking at the positions of the six big trees, his handprints changed immediately, and he exhaled again.


Now I saw the black lights on the six big trees shining, and they scattered towards the two closest trees respectively, and the two black lights connected into one.

In the blink of an eye, a black hexagonal block light curtain was set up. At this moment, the sun was shining brightly outside, but there was a hint of coldness and fierceness around the light shield. This is exactly what Luo Yu is best at. The seven-star spirit slaughter array.

As the power of Luo Yu's Seven Star Yinhuo Blade continued to increase, the power of the Seven Star Spirit Slaying Formation also increased day by day.

"Good method, intermediate formations can be arranged easily, like flowing clouds and flowing water. I haven't seen such brilliant techniques even when some ancestors of the alchemy stage set up formations. Fellow Daoist Luo really made Ling Su amazed."

Seeing that Luo Yu completed the formation without sloppiness at all, Yan Lingsu was also a person who had seen the world, and he could know the general power of the formation from the light curtain emitted by the formation at a glance, so he had to be surprised.

Luo Yu is so proficient in cultivation, alchemy, formation, etc., so he has practiced for such a short time. Could it be that he is the kind of madman who is almost lunatic? Otherwise, it is unimaginable with a female IQ. Those who are so outstanding in every aspect can only be obtained through penance.

"Fellow Daoist Yan has won the prize. Fellow Daoist is the most famous existence in the world of cultivating immortals. We are all unknown people."

It was the first time for Luo Yu to see Yan Lingsu complimenting others, and while he was secretly happy, he couldn't help saying modestly.

"Unknown and unknown, I think Fellow Daoist Luo will not be able to count soon. The speed of cultivation is not weaker than that of Tianlinggen. The formation master and alchemy master are obtained in a very short period of time. Compared with those of us who are praised by the world As far as geniuses are concerned, they have become a joke in front of fellow Taoists, and there are really many powerful people who are hiding."

Yan Lingsu seemed to be touched, and said with emotion.

"Then let's go in."

Luo Yu smiled for a while, his voice was calm, and he took the initiative to wave the main banner in his hand, a black light bounced on the airtight black light hexagonal light curtain, and the latter split a gap as wide as two people.

Luo Yu walked in without hesitation.

Yan Lingsu followed closely behind, as if she was not afraid of Luo Yu's sudden attack and trapped her in the formation.

Immediately after the two entered, the black light curtain closed as before, and began to change color strangely and gradually, getting lighter and weaker. Finally, the black light seemed to disappear without a trace.

Bright eyes shine on the green grass between the six big trees. When a breeze blows, you can still see the flickering and flickering shimmer on the tip of the grass, as if there is really no one in it.

After Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu left the hall, Xue Qinglin talked with several alchemy patriarchs, and seemed to be having a good time.

But in the end, they all asked about the 'Three Pythons'. It seemed that everyone wanted to know the strength of the three pythons and what powerful attacks they had before killing this beast, so as not to suffer in time.

Regarding this point, Xue Qinglin seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and explained it to all the patriarchs in great detail, and even took out pieces of jade slips, which recorded several key places in the 'Seven Elements Mirage Formation'.

Xue Qinglin hoped that the several patriarchs would study the coordination method inside after they went back, so that there would be no accidents when the time comes.

The joint beheading of the 'Three Python Apes' was scheduled for the third day after the birthday celebration ceremony.

Of course, Xue Qinglin distributed the six Minghuang Pills to everyone with a smile before sending the Patriarchs away. In this way, these scheming Patriarchs could be stabilized and they would not have any wrong thoughts.

Immediately after the Dan-jie Patriarchs left, a group of uniformly dressed servants came forward to lead the way, and sent these Dan-jie masters back to the elegant residence that had been arranged.

These people all have alchemy cultivation bases, so naturally they live in Yingxue Mountain, a place with excellent scenery and aura.

After about several hours, the first day of the lively birthday celebration was over. Many monks of the Xue family were busy and exhausted, but there were still two days of busy work ahead.

After all, some monks have traveled long distances to come here, and they will not leave after drinking two cups of spiritual wine, and holding it for a few more days will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the business of cultivating immortals in Xuefang. Many shop owners even Together, they volunteered to donate part of the spirit stones, and together they made a considerable amount. These were used to subsidize part of the Xue family's ceremony expenses. In fact, holding such a big celebration in secret would not cost the Xue family much spirit stones at all. .

On the contrary, they also benefited from it, but the ending is happy for all.

But things are often not as simple as they seem

At the peak of Yingxue Mountain, the sky was originally blue and green, but as time went by, that touch of blue color was gradually swallowed up by the fiery red that emerged from the distant sky. Blood, the atmosphere looked a little weird.

The first update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, please collect it

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