fairy flame

Chapter 565 Formation Alley

"Hee hee, Uncle Qian loves Belle the most. At my father's place, he only forces me to practice. I kill monsters or sea beasts every day. I'm almost suffocated to death. Belle is alone there. I’ve been thinking of coming to Chamber’s place to play all day long.”

The girl in blue dress smiled like a cute elf.

But when the old man heard it, he hummed softly, expressing that he didn't like this at all, but he still felt very relieved in his heart.

He has no children under his knees, and he watched the girl in front of him grow up from birth to adulthood, saying that it was a lie that he didn't have deep feelings.

"You little girl think that Uncle Qian is old and his eyes are dizzy and he can't see clearly? You came back from using the medium-distance teleportation array overseas, and you got nearly a thousand low-level spirit stones that trip. You must have caused trouble again. I'm afraid He was punished, that's why he stole the landlord's teleportation jade talisman and ran back alone!"

The old man surnamed Qian knew this Miss Belle very well, and she could tell at a glance any tricks the other party played in front of him who was scheming.

After hearing the old man's unkind words, the woman in blue immediately pretended to be pitiful, and begged softly, "Uncle Qian, you already know, you can't blame Belle for everything this time, it was all forced by your father." Who told him to get so close to the governor of Wusnake City? He also said that he wanted me to have more contact with Wu Yan, the son of the city lord. It would be the best if we could form a family in the future. He didn’t discuss this lifelong event with Belle. Naturally, I sneaked out in a fit of anger."

"Marry a family with the Lord of Black Snake City?" The old man seemed to be surprised when he heard this, but after thinking about it carefully for a while, he said quite approvingly: "Although our Black Jade Building is in the thousands of miles of sea area under the jurisdiction of Black Snake City, It is a good big chamber of commerce, but if it is ranked in the vast and boundless sea of ​​four demons, it can only be regarded as second-rate. It seems too early to talk about marriage with a cultivation level at the peak of Qi."

The gray-bearded old man pondered and analyzed.

And when the girl in blue dress first heard the first half of what the old man said, her face was puffed up immediately, and she was almost disappointed, but after listening to it, her expression eased and she smiled knowingly.

"Uncle Qian just agreed, hee hee, then Belle will stay here for a while longer, but, Uncle Qian must have not discovered just now, the young monk who bought the spirit beast pill is not simple, unexpectedly in Xiliang In such a barren place like Mengzhou, there are still such a powerful cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment, I am afraid that there are not many young monks of the same level as this person in our Wusnake City's thousands of miles of sea area."

When the girl in blue clothes knew that she didn't need to go back, she looked happy, but suddenly, she changed the topic to Luo Yu with a blank expression.

"Oh, it's definitely not an ordinary monk who can make the young lady fall in love with it. The "Original Whale Magic Art" that the young lady cultivates has the ability to see through the essence of the monk's life. The old man is blind, so I need to ask for advice."

The old man surnamed Qian said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, the girl in blue immediately understood what the old man meant, her cheeks blushed, but she seemed very shy about matters related to men and women, and she didn't want to talk about that, so she pretended not to understand.

"Of course, although my mana cultivation is only in the Qi training stage, my ** Yuan Gong has already reached the level of a second-order Yuan master. The average early-stage foundation-building monks are not my opponents. Just now I saw that person came in. Then he exuded a strong evil spirit, and thought it was a monk of the devil way, but when he took a closer look, he really shocked me, guess what I found?"

The girl in blue dress spoke vividly, and her figure became agitated in vain.

"Could it be that this person is also a Yuan teacher?"

The old man said in a suspicious tone.

When the girl heard this, her eyes were shocked immediately, and she couldn't help asking: "How did Uncle Qian know? Yes, this person does have a little energy fluctuation in his body, but I don't think he even knows it, because this person The vitality in the body is scattered but not condensed, and it is not restrained at all, it seems that it should be a good luck to get a copy of Yuan Gong Jue and practice randomly."

"It's just a trace of primordial power, it's not enough to impress the lady."

The old man surnamed Qian was thoughtful and said with a calm smile.

"Hehe, it seems that you can't hide anything from Mr. Qian. Yes, it's not surprising that this person practiced Yuan Gong. However, Mr. Qian must also know that Belle's "Yuan Whale Demon Art" is an extremely rare metal element. Kung fu, the attribute of kung fu is also the best at detecting and perceiving vitality, and in the faint vitality radiating from this person just now, there is a trace of fluctuation of gold vitality!"

The girl in blue narrowed her eyes and said firmly.

"What! Gold vitality! That's extremely rare. Could it be that this person has the five-element golden spirit root that is even rarer than the mutant spirit root! That is the best spiritual root for practicing primordial skills. Every gold spirit root master in the vast thunder sea can When you grow up, you will be a remarkable top-level existence in the future, I never thought that in this remote area of ​​Xiliang, you can still see the monks of Jinlingen."

After listening, the old man surnamed Qian was also extremely surprised.

"It's just that cultivating a golden spirit root element teacher requires a huge amount of financial resources to support the cultivation. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve high achievements. What's wrong? Miss is interested in this person, could it be that she wants to bring him to the Overseas training?"

The face of the old man surnamed Qian darkened at first, then he smiled inexplicably for some reason, and said with deep meaning.

"Bah bah! If I dare to bring a male cultivator back overseas, my father will kill me immediately without getting angry. Uncle Qian always thinks about that, be careful, I will go to my father to sue you for disrespect! "

The girl in the blue dress spat red-faced, and hurriedly turned her flushed face away, as she was too embarrassed to speak.

When the old man with gray beard saw this scene, he laughed heartily on his old face, and his old voice slowly echoed in the small room.

At this time, Luo Yu naturally didn't know the strange conversation between the old and the young after he left the Black Jade Building. Maybe even if he listened to it, he probably wouldn't understand what the two said. Luo Yu had never heard of it.

Now Luo Yu is standing on a row of small shops selling formations and watching intently. He was about to leave, but he happened to hear Xuefang's famous formation alley on the street of elixir. I want to see it.

Within half a stick of incense time, a piece of inconspicuous crimson attics appeared in front of them, close together, roughly counting, there seemed to be about seven or eight houses, which surprised Luo Yu a little. Shops selling elixir are rare, but here there is an alley dedicated to selling formations, which is really ingenious.

However, at this moment, more than half an hour of wandering has passed, Luo Yu walked all the way along the alley, feeling a little disappointed in his heart, as expected, the smaller the store, the less chance of buying good things.

After wandering around four or five array stores just now, Luo Yu didn't even find a single array that interested him, and ninety-nine percent of them were low-level arrays, so it was useless for Luo Yu to come here. Those who have reached the level of intermediate formations are all useless formations, such as clouds and rain, land reclamation and spirits, which made Luo Yu dumbfounded.

I have been sick for the past two days, and I have been writing very slowly, but I still hope that everyone will support me and give Youdao more energy!


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