fairy flame

Chapter 572

However, even after testing Yuankui Leisun's impressive power, Luo Yu had no intention of withdrawing the Seven Star Tuling Formation. Since he knew the mysterious Yaotian League had appeared, he felt uneasy all the time. Moreover, Luo Yu sent Li You a sound transmission jade slip and did not receive a response after such a long time, which made Luo Yu a little at a loss.

Moreover, two hours before dawn tomorrow, he was going to help arrange some small formations to prevent the three pythons from escaping, so he was worried again.

Under such circumstances, Luo Yu didn't dare to trust the Xue family too much. It would be safest to arrange a formation to hide anything by himself.

But after Luo Yu sat upright in the room for a while, he found that his mind was full of dangerous things and bad premonitions, and he couldn't meditate normally at all, and he couldn't even close his eyes to rest his mind. Luo Yu had never felt in such a mood before, he was in such a state of confusion that he even felt a sense of panic in his heart for no reason.

After this anxious state lasted for more than an hour, Luo Yu couldn't take it anymore. He felt that if he didn't do something, if something unexpected happened, he might just sit and wait for death.

Therefore, Luo Yu made up his mind, and decisively retracted the formation flag of the Qijue Tuling Formation with a flickering finger. After withdrawing the formation in the house, Luo Yu released the sun boat without thinking, turning into a blue rainbow and soaring into the sky. left here.

In the foothills to the west of Yingxue Mountain, there is a huge Poison Valley with a radius of dozens of miles. The cliffs on both sides of the Poison Valley soar into the clouds, covering the sun during the day, and seem to be unable to penetrate into the valley at night, all covered by the sky above the Poison Valley. Covered by a swirling pink poisonous miasma, the valley is dark, cold and humid all year round.

This place can't be called a valley completely, because below the poisonous miasma are all rotten bones, poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds floating, and further below is actually a cold swamp full of various poisonous insects and snakes, muddy and low-lying. Every moment the valley is filled with creepy howls and the sad and sad sounds of beasts screaming.

Therefore, this place is basically a barren scene, and there is no trace of living things such as birds and beasts, it is a desperate place!

And here happens to be one of the famous Jedi in the world of cultivating immortals in Mengzhou, the 'Black Water Ice Pool'!

At this time, I saw a cyan light flying towards this place from far and near through the air, as fast as passing through the clouds, and when it was almost hundreds of meters away from the huge pink poisonous miasma, the cyan light flashed rapidly Suddenly stopped in place.

Guanghua withdrew, and Luo Yulai, who looked worried inside, appeared.

After careful consideration for a long time, Luo Yu still decided to make extra preparations to ensure his own safety.

Since the place agreed with Master and Mistress is near the Black Water Ice Pool, it is not impossible for Luo Yu to make some preparations in advance.

At this moment, Luo Yu was standing on the sun boat, looking at the black water ice pool hundreds of meters away, he could smell an extremely pungent breath and bursts of bone-piercing cold wind.

Especially the pink poisonous miasma that fully covered half of the sky made Luo Yu feel dizzy even if he looked at it even more.

Not to mention how terrifying the black water ice pool below is.

Luo Yu took a deep breath, and looked away from the black water ice pool, as if observing the surrounding environment.

But after almost turning his head around, Luo Yu frowned again, with a bit of reluctance on his face, he dropped the Dunguang several hundred meters and landed on a relatively flat mountain peak.

At this time, Luo Yu stepped on a bush, and slowly closed his eyes. At the same time, an invisible wave emanated from his body, covering a radius of two miles, but it was not like In the past, I used the spiritual carpet search to grasp every bit of wind and grass, but I deeply felt things on a larger scale, such as the trend of a green hill, the winding of a clear spring, and the arrangement of big trees in a forest, etc. .

Suddenly, when Luo Yu spread his consciousness to the northwest for about a mile, the brows slightly moved, and his eyes opened immediately!

"This bamboo forest?"

Luo Yu said four words in a weird way, as if he had thought of something, he couldn't help calling You Rizhou out, stepped on it, turned into a ball of blue light and flew towards the place he sensed just now .

After a few breaths, Luo Yu came to the sky above a green bamboo sea, his eyes staring at the bamboo forest under his feet with a strange light.

I saw that the blue bamboo grove below was only tens of feet in range, and the bamboo growing in the bamboo grove was extremely ordinary, and there was nothing remarkable about it. When the strong wind blows, there are bursts of blue ripples on the bamboo sea, like waves, with green waves sparkling.

What's strange is that the violent gust of wind just bent down a row of bamboos in the direction of the wind, shaking them unsteadily, causing a green wave to swing backwards, but immediately in the process of transmission, the ripples suddenly vibrated slightly inexplicably At the same time, a green wave of the same size rises out of thin air on the bamboo sea facing away from it. The two ripples meet in the middle, and after a "pop", it returns to silence and calm again.

"Okay! Good! This bamboo forest has a great momentum, and all parts are closely connected. It is like a set of natural formations. My Xuanmei Huanhua formation can just be arranged in this bamboo forest!"

Luo Yu suddenly laughed out of surprise, with an extremely excited expression.

If Luo Yu still had some worries in his heart before coming here, now that he saw the bamboo forest with a trace of natural formation, most of the worries in his heart were removed!

"Xuanmei waving the flower flag! Now!"

Luo Yu quickly slapped the storage bag, and suddenly [-]-foot-long vermilion flags flew out dazzlingly. Each flag was engraved with a yellow plum tree with luxuriant branches and leaves. The shadows of those trees were blurred. While swinging, traces of khaki-yellow light emerged from the small flag, and in the blink of an eye, the eighteen small flags changed into eighteen yellow balls, quietly floating in front of Luo Yu.

As soon as the eighteen yellow balls appeared, they each emitted a cloud of light and joined together, which was magical.

But at this moment, Luo Yu's eyes flashed, and he immediately concentrated on casting spells and casting spells. One after another, complicated and mysterious formulas were hit on the eighteen light clusters. In an instant, the yellow light emitted by the light clusters became more dazzling and eye-catching. The yellow glow spread out in all directions without any scruples, and then wrapped and rolled around each other. Gradually, a huge yellow ball rising slowly gathered and formed above Luo Yu's head.

With the continuous expansion of the yellow light ball, with Luo Yu as the center, the aura within a radius of [-] meters in mid-air was stirred crazily by an invisible force, but it was rotating according to a certain strange law, and it was formed in less than a moment A huge spiritual cloud with a size of more than ten feet exuded an astonishing aura and stopped above Luo Yu's head!

At this time, Lingyun suddenly let out a clear cry accompanied by a tremor, like a long whale absorbing water, frantically absorbing the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, sucking faster and faster, when reaching a certain level, Lingyun suddenly made a 'snap' sound and all went to the middle The backlog gathered away, and turned into a thick beam of light in the blink of an eye. One end of the beam of light went straight to the giant yellow ball below. The two touched together like lightning, but there was no sound. The beam of light was gradually submerged into the yellow light ball , while he was slowly shrinking. At the same time, Luo Yu, who was controlling the yellow light cluster below, was feeling streams of pure aura continuously pouring into it through the beam of light!

After a few breaths, Luo Yu felt that the yellow light ball was full of breath and gradually became violent. A feeling of being about to explode suddenly appeared in Luo Yu's heart.

Luo Yu's face became more serious.

"go with!"

Suddenly, when the spiritual energy absorbed by the yellow light group reached its limit, Luo Yu seized the opportunity accurately, and at the same time with a soft drink, he swung his hands that were originally raised, but this time it was extremely slow.

The two arms seem to be wrapped with a heavy weight, and they are falling inch by inch!

At this moment, the huge yellow light group of more than ten feet also fell lightly with Luo Yu's arm drawing an arc, like a floating balloon.

But immediately, when Luo Yu's hands fell to waist height, the handprint suddenly changed, and at the same time, the huge yellow light group suddenly shook, as if it was unshackled, and smashed down fiercely with a strong wind sound like a whistling!

The huge yellow light group came into contact with the bamboo sea in an instant, and the two did not make the slightest sound. The light group fell into the bottom of the bamboo sea like a green ocean, and then disappeared!

Seeing this, Luo Yu was not surprised at all, but turned his handprints over, and said again with a heavy tone: "Get up!"

As soon as the word "qi" appeared, the bamboo sea below suddenly set off layers of waves. First, a yellow halo faintly emerged from under the bamboo sea. It can be seen from Luo Yu's direction. The emerald green barrier formed by the sea seems to be another piece of thirsty endless yellow sand flowing slowly.

"Bang bang bang!"

At the same time as the yellow sand appeared, there was a continuous buzzing sound from eighteen places on the edge of the bamboo sea. In a short time, another eighteen bucket-thick yellow beams of light shot up into the sky, but they didn't fly too high. After a while of Luo Yu's technique, the light beams all turned into a cloud of yellow smoke and dispersed, disappearing without a trace.

At this moment, Luo Yu looked at the bamboo sea under his feet, with a satisfied expression on his face, and threw his figure into the bamboo sea without hesitation.

The night had not yet dissipated, but most of the night had already passed, but the cold air on the mountain became more and more piercing.

Yingxue Mountain was shrouded in black mist, suddenly two faint blue rays of light landed on the mountain stream where Luo Yu practiced.

After these two people withdrew from the light, what was revealed were two skinny old men with old faces, dressed in purple robes, with sharp and cold eyes!

The two old men are the two elders of the Xue family!

As soon as the two fell into the light, they swept their eyes away, and their eyes stopped on the hut where Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu lived. After a little doubt, they strode forward in unison.

When the two elders passed Yan Lingsu's wooden house on the way, they strode past as if nothing had happened, but stopped after they came outside the restriction of Luo Yu's wooden house.

At this time, the two elders looked at each other at the same time, and the taller Ming Lao cleared his throat, and politely shouted at the restraint: "Is Fellow Daoist Luo inside? Excuse me."

After speaking, he seemed to know that the people inside must have heard it, so he took the initiative to stand back two steps, leaning side by side with the jailer.

At this moment in the house, Luo Yu had just returned from the Black Water Ice Pool not long ago, and knew that he would go to the vicinity of the Black Mist Peak to assist in the formation near dawn, so he didn't dare to delay.

But it never occurred to him that before the departure, the elders of the Underworld of the Xue family would come here suddenly.

"What are these two old guys looking for me for?"

Luo Yu, who was sitting in the room, muttered to himself, he couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't keep the door closed, so he shot a wave of spiritual power and hit a formation in the room, the latter's brilliance quickly dimmed, and the formation The operation of the magic stopped immediately, and at the same time, the elders of the underworld who were waiting outside found that the guardian restriction outside the house was removed at once.

After the forbidden brilliance disappeared, the door was opened with a 'snap', and Luo Yu's hearty and respectful voice came out.

"So it's two old seniors from Hell Prison who came here suddenly. I don't know what's going on?"

Before the words were finished, Luo Yu, who was dressed in a half-worn yellow robe, strode out from the house, making a gesture of clasping his fists and said with a smile.

I have to tell you something today, and I will send a single chapter announcement later. The first volume of "Xianyan" "The Land of Xiliang" is coming to an end. The second volume is also the official description of "Xianyan". In the real beginning of the vast world of cultivating immortals, many 'new things' will appear.

Recently, Youdao has been thinking about the ending plot very carefully. A volume of 150 million is almost equivalent to a book of general online novels, so even at the end of the volume, I have to write it absolutely wonderfully and meticulously. Let me start by saying Take a look, book lovers who like more blood must not miss the following plots, almost all of which are bloody battles.

There is another point I would like to explain. Although Youdao himself knows that he is not good at describing emotional scenes, at least I dare to write these things out, and what I write is what I think in my heart. In fact, that is what I think. Many book friends It is said that Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu both have problems with their relationship. The benevolent sees benevolence and the wise sees wisdom. There are three questions in this world that have no answers, and what is love is one of them.

But in the first volume, Youdao will definitely explain the relationship between the two. As for the ending, you may wish to read on.

There is also the question of "whether one should be ruthless in cultivating immortals", and these will be explained one by one.

Unfortunately, the most critical exam of Youdao this semester is on the 20th of this month. It is very important to me. After all, I am an amateur writer. I have a normal life and complicated studies, but despite this , It has been a year, and "Fairy Flame" has not been updated for nearly a year. Many people admire this, and I am also proud of it from the bottom of my heart. It is by no means ordinary perseverance, so I won't say much.

So this month, Youdao will pursue better quality, and at the same time put academics first. The update is still the old saying, I will keep updating, but I am afraid that two updates a day will not be able to maintain it. This situation is estimated to continue until this month. the 20th of the month.

Another point is that the first volume of "Xianyan" has shortcomings such as youthfulness, unfamiliarity, and imitation. There may be many unsatisfactory places, and the plot develops very slowly. This is a real problem. , I have always humbly accepted the teachings of book friends, and have been learning and correcting. Youdao will speed up the pace a lot in the second volume of "Lei Hai Feng Yun". You can rest assured about this.

In addition, it is Children's Day, no matter how old the book friends are, I wish you all a happy holiday and happy every day.


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