fairy flame

Chapter 59

As soon as he entered the woods, he saw a short man in black lying on the ground struggling in pain. His face was convulsed and his veins were bulging. Even if Luo Yu didn't kill him now, excessive bleeding would be the vitality of a cultivator. Tenacity will not last long.

"Why... why are you obviously exhausted of spiritual power, how could..." The eyes of the short man in black were full of unwillingness at this time, when Luo Yu instantly killed the tall man in black just now, there was no fluctuation of spiritual power in his body, Neither of them noticed, otherwise he wouldn't have watched the tall man in black die and refused to rescue him. It is probably because of this reason that the tall man in black died so unjustly.

Luo Yu's lips moved slightly, and just when the short man in black thought Luo Yu was about to say something, suddenly, a ball of fist-sized fireball appeared in front of his eyes, instantly pounced on him, and the short man in black couldn't even scream. Before he could get out in time, he was quickly burned into a pile of fly ash.

"Who said there is no spiritual power...there is no attack power!" After the man in black turned into flying ashes, Luo Yu narrowed his eyes and said lightly, and then hurriedly found the storage of the short man in black from the ashes bag, put it in his arms without even looking at it.

Then, he hurriedly ran to the place where the tall man in black died, and also found a small gray bag from a mass of ashes, after putting it away, Luo Yu drove the Golden Thunder Sword, turned into a ball of golden light and left quickly Here, shortly after Luo Yu left, a pair of monks in white came to the place where Luo Yu and the two were fighting just now. The people next to him said a few words, and the group of white-clothed monks realized that they all turned into different colors of light and left, and began to search carefully around the Cuixia Mountain Range...

At this moment, Luo Yu, who had just experienced a life-and-death battle, returned to his Qingjun Peak with a pale face, flew directly into the hut where he was practicing, closed the door and began to meditate to recover from the injury just now. Knowing nothing about the inspection, Luo Yuxun poured out two more milky white pills from the white jade vial just now, put them directly into his mouth, and controlled the powerful spiritual power in the pills to slowly repair the injured place. The injury was really serious, and Luo Yu even used a lot of vitality to eliminate those two people. The lost life essence and blood cannot be recovered by taking pills. It may take a lot of time to meditate to fully recover, so At this moment, Luo Yu couldn't wait to return to the place where he was practicing, and began to meditate to recover from his injuries...

Time flies by, and in a flash, it has been two days since Luo Yu killed those two people. I am afraid that even Luo Yu did not expect that he was injured so seriously this time. The continuous taking of medicine and meditation for these two days only recovered some superficial injuries That's all, I'm afraid I'll have to meditate for more than half a month to recover from the lost vitality. During this time, I can't fight with others anymore.

Inside the cabin, a thin figure was concentrating on cultivation with his eyes closed, with a firm and focused expression, as if nothing outside could shake his heart of cultivation. About half an hour later, suddenly two white breaths thick as thumbs Breathed out from his nostrils, and then turned into countless tiny white light particles and slowly dispersed in the air. At this moment, the young man who closed his eyes and meditated suddenly opened his eyes, and the eyes flashed away, and he instantly returned to normal .

This person is Luo Yu after two days of retreat and healing.

"Two days have passed!" Luo Yu groaned, stood up and patted the dust off her body, then pushed open the door and walked out. Immediately, a cloud of white mist rushed towards her face, mixed with With the pleasant fragrance of grass and trees, it is beautiful and gentle.

It turned out that the house was surrounded by clouds and mist, and the clouds were steaming and the clouds were glowing. It was early morning, and Luo Yu's Qingjun Mountain was covered with hazy mist, and the scenery of the small valley inside made people feel relaxed and happy.

A dozen steps away from Luo Yu's cabin, there is a small emerald green pond with bottomless water. You can see some beautiful small fish swimming happily in the pond. When you see Luo Yu walking After coming over, they were frightened and scattered.

After Luo Yu walked to the edge of the pool, he slowly squatted down and looked at his own reflection in the pool water. His eyes remained motionless, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he suddenly stretched out his hands and took a large handful of clear water. Luo Yu's clothes were wetted by the pool water flowing slowly from his face, and Luo Yu's clothes were wetted by the cold pool water hitting his face, which immediately woke him up a bit. Luo Yu with a face suddenly stood up, looked up at the sky and let out a roar like a roar!The roar was thick and powerful, deafening, and the birds and beasts in the forest scattered and fled in all directions.

The howling sound lasted for a while, and soon stopped. At this time, Luo Yu's face turned red. Luo Yu washed his face just now. Killing people under the circumstances of being conspired and ambushing, but in the end I killed someone. In fact, no matter whether it is a cultivator or a mortal in the secular world, the first time you kill someone will leave a shadow in your heart, and you must vent it out in time. Thinking back to the battle two days ago, Luo Yu was still terrified. He almost died. This cultivation world is really dangerous, and there are murderous intentions hidden everywhere. It seems that he was careless before, so he must remember this time Lessons!

That day Luo Yu also risked his life for a gamble, using a spell that can only be cultivated after reaching the fifth level of the Qi training period on "Fengyang Jin", called "Green Fire Blade". Used together, the power is very sharp, but it consumes too much spiritual power, Luo Yu usually practiced very little, and once used, without absolute certainty, it is easy to fall into the danger of exhaustion of spiritual power, both advantages and disadvantages .

However, in that critical situation, if you don't gamble, you die. Luo Yu has no choice. Thinking of the scene when the two were ashes, Luo Yu still remembers it vividly.

This is the cultivation world!One day if I am not careful, I will also be reduced to ashes by this method!

Thinking of this, the uncomfortable feeling in Luo Yu's heart faded a little bit. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and quickly groped in his arms, and immediately found out two gray quaint pouches. After destroying the corpses and destroying the traces, they conveniently put away the storage bags of the two of them. Haven't had time to see what's inside?It is definitely not the first time these two have engaged in this kind of robbery. The storage bag should contain a lot of good things. Thinking of this, Luo Yu felt an uncontrollable excitement in his heart, and quickly put his spiritual sense into the storage bag Check it out.

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