fairy flame

Chapter 60 Retreat for 2 years

After about half a stick of incense, the expression on Luo Yu's face gradually changed from surprise to shock, and finally he let out a sigh of relief and put the two people's storage bags into his arms. Afterwards, he was really shocked by the astonishing number of spirit stones inside. Luo Yu roughly counted, and there were probably about 1000 or two hundred low-level spirit stones in it, and there were more than ten low-level talismans, and several low-level spirit stones. High-level magic weapon, a basic magic formula called "Zhengqing Jue", and even the middle-level magic weapon Purple Net!

Luo Yu has never seen so many spirit stones, 1000 and [-] low-level spirit stones!This number will definitely surprise everyone. You must know that Luo Yu can have about five hundred low-level spirit stones. Most of them were rewarded to Luo Yu by Li You after Luo Yu won chess for Li You. How can ordinary closed-door disciples have such good luck? They all rely on the dozens of low-level spirit stones they receive every month, and their monthly cultivation is not enough, so they usually don’t have many spirit stones on hand. stone.

It can also be seen from this that the two men in black probably robbed a lot of passer-by cultivators for such a huge fortune. No wonder so many cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals like to do this kind of sinister deed that they get for nothing!This is simply pie in the sky!Absolutely great money!

It's a pity that they made a wrong step, and there was no possibility of turning back. Now these spirit stones are all cheap for Luo Yu!

At this moment, after suppressing the shock in his heart, Luo Yu took out a small purple net the size of a brocade handkerchief from his storage bag. There were still faint purple awns shining on the purple net. I don't know what kind of material it was made of. This magic weapon is the huge purple net that the short man in black used to trap Luo Yu's golden thunder sword that day, but now it's just a shrunken pocket net!

This magic weapon was able to trap Luo Yu's golden thunder sword, which really made Luo Yu a lot of curious about this net. Although it still couldn't withstand the thunder attribute attack on Luo Yu's sword in the end, it is enough to show that this net is extraordinary. up!You must know that generally speaking, the net magic weapon is inferior to other magic weapons of the same level in terms of attack and defense, but in Luo Yu's opinion, this purple net magic weapon is better than the average middle-level magic weapon in terms of both attack and defense. The weapon should be better, and I don't know where the two brothers got such a middle-level magic weapon. Could it be that they also snatched it?

Luo Yu looked at it for a moment, then raised his hand and shot a formula into the net. Under the urging of spiritual power, the purple net suddenly turned into a purple streamer and flew out, and finally stopped in mid-air, continuously spinning and extending around, expanding and expanding. Out of curiosity, Luo Yu wanted to see the limit of this net, to see how big this net could become, so he increased the output of spiritual power.

When Luo Yu's strong spiritual power was fully activated, a scene that surprised Luo Yu appeared. The purple net stopped when it became two feet long and wide. Just when Luo Yu thought this was the limit of the net. Suddenly, the huge purple net in the air suddenly trembled and turned into a piece of purple clouds, and with a "swoosh", it turned into a cloak-shaped object and clinged to Luo Yu's shoulders. Like a purple halo, dazzling and dazzling, Luo Yu was so frightened by the strange appearance of the purple net that he quickly put it away, it was outside, if someone saw it and knew that Luo Yu had a middle-level magic weapon, Luo Yu might be afraid Yu had to live in fear every day.

"It seems that this net should belong to the kind of treasure that integrates offense and defense, but I don't know how the defense power of this purple cloak is?" Luo Yu murmured with a low smile, but in fact, his heart was full of joy. If you break through the defense of this net, you can know that the defense of this purple net is also absolutely strong!

This time the harvest is so rich, it seems that I can practice in seclusion for a while, but before practicing, I must first repair the Hundred Woods Melting Fire Formation. Power shouldn't be difficult, if only I could go into Cuixia Sect's library hall to read some formation classics. There are many ancient books in the library hall. The cultivation base of the formation method was achieved only by the "Comprehensive Explanation of Basic Formation Techniques" and his own experience.

If he could be allowed to look at the high-level classics inside, then his current formation method will probably be even more astonishing, but it is not an easy task to enter the library hall. Those who enter and leave, either you have made great contributions to the Cuixia Sect, or you have the sponsorship of the Patriarch of Jiedan, or you have a chance to enter after you reach the foundation stage, because the basic things will be taught to you when you study in Baiyitang , something a little more profound is the secret of the sect, and it must not be leaked out, so it is so strictly controlled.

And among these three things, for Luo Yu, only the sponsorship of Patriarch Jiedan has a little possibility. The other great achievements and foundation building period are still too far away for him, and the correct way is to practice honestly, Luo Yu Yu also mentioned this to Li You once, but at that time Li You just said with a smile that his cultivation base was too low, and it was a waste of a chance to go in, and he would naturally give him another chance when his cultivation base was higher. , but at that time Li You didn't say how high Luo Yu's cultivation level should be!Therefore, Luo Yu is also a little speechless now.

In this way, after Luo Yu tidied up everything, he added a certain amount of spiritual materials to those elixir and spiritual seeds, and after thorough maintenance, he added spiritual stones to those basic defense and attack formations. After finishing all this, Luo Yu seized the time to use the mysterious white flames to refine the medicinal materials, refine the middle-level Qi training powder to provide for his own cultivation needs, and whenever he had free time, Luo Yu painstakingly studied the formation method, and did not have any contact with the Cuixia faction. No contact, even the cultivators on the surrounding mountains and hills don't know that there are still people in retreat in Qingjun Mountain, Luo Yu is completely immersed in cultivation.

About a month later, bursts of hearty laughter came from a quiet valley in Qingjun Mountain, causing birds and beasts to scatter around. After spending a month on Luo Yu, Luo Yu finally deduced all the ancient formation texts, but Luo Yu did not relax at all. After a short rest, he began to repair the large formation of hundreds of woods day and night...

Time passed little by little, spring went to autumn, seasons and moons alternated, in a blink of an eye, Luo Yu had been practicing in seclusion for more than two years, and during this period, the formation of hundreds of woods bathed in fire was finally restored with the supplement of Luo Yu's ancient formation text Halfway, at least the power of the fifth floor can be exerted. Luo Yu, who was full of excitement, immediately arranged this formation around the small wooden house where he was practicing. Luo Yu had never tried the power of this formation, but with the great reputation of the formation, Thinking about it, the masters of the foundation building stage would have to spend some effort to break through this formation.

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