fairy flame

Chapter 590

Luo Yu, who was not hurt at all by Xue Jing's shocking words, had a cold and murderous look on his face, and stared at Xue Jing as if he was looking at a dead person!

Although I don't know why Xue Jing recognized the origin of his own defensive ancient weapon at a glance, but Luo Yu has no intention of answering the other party's question at this moment. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Just now, after Luo Yu rushed in, he saw the woman's obviously poisonous and weak appearance, and his heart was inevitably touched, but in a hurry, he didn't care about other things, and after hugging Yan Lingsu, who could not move independently, the woman Before he had time to react, a trace of shame flashed across his face. Just as he was about to say something, Luo Yu took out a bottle of detoxification pill and mid-level Qi training powder from his sleeve and threw it at the woman, then said directly in an undeniable tone. : "Don't talk, don't ask, hurry up and recover from the injury!"

At that time, Luo Yu's fearless look and firm tone gave Yan Lingsu a lot of comfort in despair.

Yan Lingsu looked at the elixir bottle in his hand, and suddenly his chest was blocked like a heavy blow!

With a blink of an eye, Xiumei saw that within two feet of her body, there were violently exploding yin and yang qi and the poison of rotting corpses scattered after the explosion. A man with an unattractive appearance but risking his life to protect himself is only two feet long!The turbulent waves and storms were all blocked by the man he was relying on with a dignified face, but he raised his hand without panic!

As the yellow light radiated in all directions, the black mist and haze burst and receded continuously, unable to hurt him at all!

this moment!Yan Lingsu's never-opened iceberg heart was finally pierced in a shocking scene!

"Hey, Xue Jing, I have to say, you are the first one who can put me in a passive restraint state in the fight, but you are also the last one. You should die and rest in peace!"

Luo Yu slowly flew out of the black air waves, so that people could clearly see that above his head, there was an ancient yellow umbrella spinning continuously, emitting circles of yellow earth light to firmly guard the two of them. This earth-colored light is full of thick and earthy aura, and Xue Jing feels an irresistible force at this moment!

A cold and merciless murderous intent flashed in Luo Yu's eyes, and Mu Ying's avatar regained control of Qingfeng's ancient sword and increased the power of the wave-like sword light again, as if it meant to dismember Xue Jingwan's sword.

You know, this is the first time that Luo Yu has been calculated by someone under a well-prepared situation. In the past, only after he has thought through all the changes clearly, no matter what happens in the battle, he will take the initiative and have the contingency method that he has already thought about. Hidden, but right now he is being bullied by a Qi training monk. Although it is caused by 'external factors', it is definitely not something Luo Yu can tolerate.


This time Xue Jing couldn't resist at all, the bloody jade pendant finally exploded into several bloody fragments with a whine under such a long-term onslaught, and was blown away by the 'bang bang bang', unable to protect Xue Jing anymore .

Xue Jing seemed to want to open his mouth to call for help, but immediately his eyes were filled with cyan brilliance, and he was about to cut him into pieces!

But Luo Yu's face changed at this moment, and at the same time, a gust of cold wind came out of the void without warning, making people shudder!

The cold wind suddenly turned into a sound of piercing the air, and suddenly a pure white magic sword forged from beautiful jade fell from the sky. Decoration, but the moment the sword appeared, Luo Yu suddenly felt the uneasiness from Mu Ying's avatar!

The white dharma sword didn't slash down as Luo Yu expected, but the huge sword stood horizontally in the void, the eyeball pattern on the back of the sword was radiant, and circles of white air waves rippling down steadily!

And under the white air wave, it was Luo Yu's Hundred Swords Attack!

At this moment, Luo Yu was surprised to find that the hundreds of sword qi emitted by his ancient Qingfeng sword became extremely slow in the white air wave, and as the wave of air drifted by, the cyan sword energy seemed to be affected Some kind of inexplicable strange resistance, no matter how Luo Yu strengthened the control of his divine sense, the slowing trend of the blue sword energy showed no sign of turning back, not to mention going further to kill Xue Jing, even moving an inch became Difficulty up!

"It seems that the Qingfeng ancient sword is really in your hands, haha! Just right, I have another reason to kill you."

Above the white dharma sword, a ball of white light soared up, gradually revealing the figure of a handsome man. This man glanced at Yan Lingsu who was leaning against Luo Yu's arms, with a murderous look on his face. It flashed past, and then he turned his attention to the ancient sword Qingfeng struggling in the white tide, with a trace of fiery heat on his face.

Listening to this person's words, the tone was completely supercilious, arrogant and arrogant, but Luo Yu's face not only showed no slack, but became more dignified. From the man in front of him, he felt a mana fluctuation that was very close to the alchemy stage!

However, Luo Yu did not show the fearful look expected by the handsome man. Instead, he sized up the white magic sword with a gloomy expression, and asked coldly, "Is this the Celestial Eye Sword?"

At the same time as he finished speaking, Luo Yu withdrew his eyes thoughtfully, no wonder it was so, the two ancient magic swords, Qingfeng Ancient Sword and Tianmu Divine Sword, met after all.

When the other party heard that Luo Yu didn't answer in the slightest panic, the extraordinary calmness made the handsome man feel strange, but the strangeness disappeared without a trace, because in his eyes, the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment It's nothing, just a cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment, even with a heaven-defying treasure in his hand, he can't make any waves!

He Xue Yinyang!Since entering the world of cultivating immortals, there has never been a single defeat at the same level, and he started killing people by leapfrogging a few years ago. Whether it is himself or the entire world of cultivating immortals in Mengzhou, who is the most powerful among the monks in the foundation building period? If he ranks second, no one will dare to claim the first place. I am afraid this will become an unbreakable axiom in the world of cultivating immortals!

"Oh, it seems that you also know about the 'Blue Sky Double Wall', so you won't become a dead ghost later on."

Xue Yinyang still said confidently and proudly, his body was still standing on the white dharma sword, but it gave people a feeling of "human sword and one", obviously this person's swordsmanship is not bad, even though he is not as good as Luo Yu. There is a distance of more than ten feet, but he is not afraid of Luo Yu stepping on the sun boat to escape. It seems that knowing Luo Yu's speed, he also has great confidence in his escapism.

Luo Yu's complexion became even more ugly because of this bit of confrontation. He was facing a monk who claimed to be invincible in the foundation-building period in Yuanjiang country, and even the whole Mengzhou had no foundation-building stage monks who dared to compare with him. His heart had to be extremely heavy. Fighting all the way to this point, my own magic power has been consumed a lot, but the opponent is in a state of full energy, and I am not as good as myself in terms of momentum!

But Luo Yu also has his own hidden trump card. As long as he can lure this person to that place, Luo Yu also has the same self-confidence as this person. He believes that as long as he has not reached the alchemy stage, he will surely die!

Looking at each other from a distance, although they don't know what the other is up to, they both have great confidence in themselves deep down in their hearts!

At this moment, Luo Yu withdrew his gaze, pointed lightly, the eyes of the wooden shadow clone in front of him flashed brightly, and with a soft howl, the immobile hundred sword lights turned their sword tips one after another, and they were about to fly back in a flash, but stood in front of him. Xue Yinyang on the white dharma sword raised his fists slightly and shook it!

He didn't recite any mantras, and didn't make any formulas. With just a simple grip, the brilliance emitted by the white magic sword suddenly surged several times, and at the same time, the frequency of the white air waves surging with the tide accelerated!

As a result, the movement of the ancient sword and sword energy that Luo Yu was about to struggle to take back was greatly restricted, as if ten times and a hundred times the resistance of the void appeared, and every sword light was trapped in place and spinning around!

"Although the power of the two walls of the blue sky is roughly the same, in the hands of different monks, the power exerted is very different, and it is also the difference between you and me!"

Seeing that Luo Yu couldn't take back the ancient sword and sword energy, Xue Yinyang smiled sinisterly.

Because of the Blood Dao Kung Fu and Demon Dao Kung Fu he practiced, his magic power was not much worse than that of monks who practiced ancient kung fu, not to mention that his cultivation was two steps higher than Luo Yu's!

It was unfair to fight against the early stage of foundation establishment in the late stage of foundation establishment, not to mention that Luo Yu had to protect a poisoned woman.

"That's all!"

Although Luo Yu was amazed at the strange supernatural power of the Tianmu Divine Sword, he would not be intimidated by the other party just by meeting him. Although he only had the initial stage of foundation establishment, what he had learned was rare, and there were so many treasures. It's the only one of the same level, so it's hard to say, I'm going to have a good fight with this person!

Opening his mouth, a beam of pale golden aura rushed straight out, hitting the wooden shadow clone with an indifferent expression in a flash, and quickly sank into it. With the light in the latter's eyes flickering, his aura suddenly increased a lot, and he screamed again After the sound came together, the mana pouring into Qingfeng ancient sword suddenly became extremely powerful, and all the hundreds of sword lights were gathered towards the same place with a flash of brilliance, but the direction of gathering was where the ancient Qingfeng sword itself was. After the swords gathered together, the ancient sword of Qingfeng burst out a cloud of dazzling blue light, and then under a sudden shock, it turned into a ball of blue light that shone brightly, and the two colors of green and white brilliance intertwined and collapsed, and the blue light Tuan took this opportunity, after shaking twice in succession, he got rid of the pressure of the white sword eyes, and shot back to the place where Luo Yu was, and the wooden shadow clone also turned into a green light and rushed into Luo Yu's body. !

"Hey! The spiritual power of the main body and the avatar can be combined into one, which is interesting, and that's what makes it interesting!"

This Xue Yinyang did not use any means to prevent Luo Yu from taking back the ancient Qingfeng sword, but seemed to want Luo Yu to take back the ancient sword. In that case, Xue Yinyang felt that the next fight would be more interesting.

When Luo Yu heard this, his face was gloomy and he didn't answer. Xue Yinyang's actions not only did not make Luo Yu happy at all, but his heart became heavy. The person in front of him was too proud and arrogant. It seemed that even in the face of Luo Yu, who had an offensive ancient weapon, he was confident enough to defeat him.

What surprised Luo Yu was that this person actually revealed the secret of his spiritual fusion with the avatar just now. Although he didn't explain it directly, Luo Yu still had a feeling that he could faintly see the difference between his deity and the avatar , This is something that the few ancestors of the alchemy were unable to do in a short period of time!

If one can distinguish the authenticity from the false, then the power of any incarnation technique outside the body will be greatly reduced.

"Okay! Luo Yu, you are doomed this time, big brother, don't kill this person directly later, let me capture him and do a good job of refining his soul!"

After the hundred sword lights were taken back by Luo Yu, Xue Jing, who had almost walked around the gate of hell, flew out in embarrassment. After glancing at Luo Yu, he flew to the vicinity of Xue Yinyang in horror. He couldn't help but let out a tyrannical voice.

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