fairy flame

Chapter 593

But at this moment, Luo Yu's reaction was not slow. Since he was going to fight this person head-on, and he was near the place where he had set up the formation, it's not that he can't test his full strength first, and use his full strength without relying on the formation. How strong!

And if Luo Yu plunged directly into the bamboo forest, it would make the other party suspicious, and then doubt whether there is really something wrong with this bamboo forest!

Luo Yu has used this kind of play hard to get strategy many times!

And the most important thing is that after several years of cultivation, Luo Yu also has extremely restrained pride. Both of them are very confident in their hearts, but on the outside they show two completely different styles of arrogance and low-key. character. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Although Xue Yinyang is famous, Luo Yu thinks that he has never tried it after all, and he also has extreme confidence in his heart, which is accumulated bit by bit in the repeated battles that have never been defeated!

What is there to do!

Luo Yu let go of the soft embrace of his right arm, took a breath, his eyes were calm and composed, and there was an extra determination!

Yan Lingsu seemed to have also felt Luo Yu's transformation, she was shocked and sighed, but she didn't say anything more, she was dazed and put lightly on the boat by Luo Yu!

This is his choice, no matter what, he can't distract Luo Yu anymore.

Smelling the fragrance of the beautiful woman, Luo Yu's spirit doubled, and he quietly shook his sleeve robe. A bone flag was instantly wrapped by a blue light on You Rizhou's body, hiding it beside Yan Lingsu, and then Luo Yu gently a point.

Immediately, Xiaozhou Guanghua rushed out, and slowly flew alone in the white light. After leaving the range of white light, it quietly landed in the sky above the bamboo sea. It was out of Luo Yu's line of sight, and it was not safe.

As for Luo Yu, he stepped on a magic weapon like a star shuttle and stopped in place.

Luo Yu noticed that Yan Lingsu was biting her lips tightly at this moment, and seemed to realize what Luo Yu was going to do next, but she couldn't speak herself, and couldn't even give Luo Yu a thank you, but the other party You have to risk your life to take yourself with you!

Turning around, Luo Yu's fighting spirit burst out wildly, but he did not lose his rationality in his gestures.

Glancing coldly at the chasing black and white light, Luo Yu quickly slapped the storage bag, and seven small black streamers flew out immediately, turning into seven curves with distinct trajectories soaring into the sky. When reaching a certain height, seven The small flag stopped quickly and spun around in the sky, and then saw a dazzling light flash, and seven huge black light curtains poured out from the seven small flags, and the seven light curtains quickly communicated with each other. Seven light curtains spread out at the same time, covering a range of more than twenty feet above Luo Yu's head!

The appearance of the black light curtain inevitably came into contact with the slow white light emitted by the Celestial Eye Sword that pierced through the sky, but this time, the white light attacked wildly, but the black light remained motionless like a puddle of stagnant water. When the white light shines, it is as if the sun shines into the deep sea, and it is impossible to see the bottom. On the surface, the white light is majestic and powerful, but the black light curtain is more restrained and solid, impeccable.

After the black curtain cut off the white light and Luo Yu, Luo Yu, who was freed from the invisible pressure for an instant, turned his head and glanced at the gloomy scene above his head, which seemed to be rolling and stirring like black clouds, and he couldn't help but feel relieved!

The Qijue Tuling Formation is worthy of being called a "small forbidden formation". If it is life and death, it is really a disadvantage, and Luo Yu had an idea, and wanted to test whether his Qijuetuling formation could resist the opponent's slow light, but the effect was so obvious!

Right now, Luo Yu didn't really set up the Qijue Spirit Formation, but just used a little power of the seven small flags, but this also told Luo Yu a truth, if Xue Yinyang can be introduced into his Qijue Spirit Formation Fighting in the middle, it seems that it will greatly restrain it!

Without any pressure, Luo Yu's movements were coherent and brisk. With a flick of his sleeves, a blue light and a yellow light appeared in front of him like afterimages. Yu circled and danced, releasing streaks of sharp golden sword energy to stop around Luo Yu, and the yellow light did not slow down at all, followed by a round of tomorrow firmly fixed on the top of Luo Yu's head, and immediately burst open again, a piece of Huang Xia swarmed down, covering the space several feet in front of Luo Yu.

At this moment, there are hundreds of cyan sword qi appearing in the Qingfeng ancient sword. Under Luo Yu's control, all the sword qi followed Huang Xia in an orderly manner, quickly laying dense layers of sword nets.

It's not over yet, Luo Yu shook his sleeve robe again quite uneasy, the green flying knife transformed by the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade seemed to have eyes, and miraculously sprang out of the sword net that seemed to have no gaps, and came to the Behind the periphery of the cyan sword net, bursts of black light appeared on the body surface at the same time. The moment the black light appeared, the speed of the throwing knife suddenly increased, which was unbelievably fast. It appeared here, and shot out from another place in a flash. , like a poisonous snake spitting out apricots, very terrifying!

With these three layers of defense, Luo Yu dared to face the enemy with confidence, but in his heart he still wanted to solve the battle quickly, after all he was still worried about Yan Lingsu's injury!

It just so happened that Luo Yu deployed three layers of tactics in an astonishing manner just now, and a black and white light flashed in front of him. Xue Yinyang appeared a little pale in front of Luo Yu, more than ten feet away, but he was firmly fixed in place, not daring to go any further. Flying in, he naturally saw the astonishing scene where Luo Yubu used all kinds of means to welcome him, and he was also surprised in his heart.

Looking at Luo Yu's dazzling light flashing with all kinds of magic weapons and treasures, as if each one had a lot of supernatural powers, it seemed that Luo Yu was not as easy to deal with as he imagined, but this kind of thought was only fleeting. If you say that he, Xue Yinyang, has fought against the monks in the early stage of Liandan, although he was defeated, he can prove his supernatural powers by not dying, so naturally he will not be intimidated by Luo Yu!

"Xue Yinyang, you have also seen my strength, do you really want to fight to the death?"

While Xue Yinyang was thinking, Luo Yu's impolite voice came from his ear.

"Fish is dead and net is broken? You deserve it!"

Xue Yinyang's mentality of "I am the number one" for many years made him not even think about it, so he just uttered a sentence of contempt.

Then he glanced at Luo Yu, who was heavily guarded, and only listened to him continue casually.

"Hey, among the same rank, you can be regarded as a person with amazing talents, but how many people with amazing talents like you died in the hands of Xue, it is really a pity!"

"In order to repay your 'gratitude' for letting me lose my blood to chase you, I decided not to kill you, but to extract your soul and refine your soul. I think you should have the secret of the Cuixia faction in your mind." Yes, so you can rest assured that I will not let you die so quickly."

Xue Yinyang's tone was extremely serious, Luo Yu knew that this person was arrogant, but he never thought that he would be so arrogant.

"Soul extraction? Are you going to capture me alive? That's a coincidence, not only did Luo never think that you could kill me, on the contrary, I will capture you alive later! I will also extract your soul and refine your soul! "

Luo Yu said in a deep voice with a frenzied face, his eyes were full of fighting spirit!

However, after the two finished speaking, they subconsciously let go of their respective spiritual senses. Years of rich fighting experience allowed the two to quickly adjust their state of mind before fighting. It was as if the calm lake had no waves, and they just stared at each other firmly, because Everyone knows that this calm will soon be broken by the storm!

"Your Excellency is so bold! You haven't taken out the magic weapon yet, so you want to fight me with your bare hands!"

Luo Yu saw Xue Yinyang's whole body, except for the strange pair of black and white wings, without any means of defense, so he couldn't help saying in surprise.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Yu looked around vigilantly, and did not find any appearance of a 'dark hand', but Luo Yu naturally would not think that the other party would be arrogant to the point of feverishness because of this!

"Magic artifact? Hehe, you are really a frog in the bottom of the well. This time, I will let you experience the "Yin Yang Yuan Gong" that Xue has practiced hard for more than [-] years!"

As soon as the sneering words fell, Xue Yinyang flipped his hands and patted the wings on the back lightly, two balls of pure aura poured into it, and murmured something in his mouth, then the black and white wings were radiant and generous, and violently moved After a frantic fan, two hazy balls, one black and one white, shot out from the wings, and after a short pause, the balls soared into the sky!

It seemed as if the two black and white beams of light were flying higher and higher, and finally the black and white ball seemed to be shot into the high clouds, and suddenly disappeared.


Just when Luo Yu felt strange, two violent explosions came from the clouds. Luo Yu saw with his naked eyes that the clouds that had just been submerged by the black and white ball suddenly exploded, turning into billowing air waves and rolling down wildly, and What is even more unbelievable at this moment is that a group of black and white clouds with an area of ​​several feet in size appeared in the white clouds that originally exploded, half black and half white, with a clear distinction!

The black and white cloud flashed 'long', and then it somehow crossed hundreds of feet and landed on the top of Xue Yinyang's head. At the same time, the black and white cloud made a piercing 'huhu' roar!

It sounds creepy, and the whirring sound is too violent, as if some sleeping monster is about to wake up.

Before Luo Yu figured out what was so strange about the roaring sound, his face changed suddenly!

Because he felt that after the roar of the black and white clouds, all the aura within a radius of hundreds of meters boiled up and spread like a prairie fire. After a long time, it gradually stopped, and the aura of the world that was stirred up was not aimless, but poured into the black and white clouds!

Luo Yu didn't know how amazing all the spiritual energy within a few miles was, but the black and white cloud was like a bottomless pit, no matter how much spiritual energy there was, it was absorbed crazily, and it emitted astonishing mana fluctuations from time to time!

Now Luo Yu really couldn't sit still, no matter what kind of spell the opponent was casting, judging by the mana fluctuation alone, it was absolutely earth-shattering!

Luo Yu's eyes flickered, he did not hesitate to communicate with the group of swords, and aimed at Xue Yinyang with incomparable swiftness. After a light tap, hundreds of blue sword lights trembled together, turning into a long rainbow of sword energy more than twenty feet away. He shot towards the opposite side, and at the same time, under the sleeve robe, the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade, which appeared and disappeared in the void, was not far behind. When the group of swords came to Xue Yinyang's body in an instant, the black and green blade glow fell rapidly!

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