fairy flame

Chapter 595

Seeing his giant hammer of vitality being stirred by the cyan group of swords pierced into it, the surface of the giant hammer is constantly protruding and twisting, and it is faintly about to explode. Xue Yinyang's complexion sank, and he snorted coldly, not showing too much With a look of panic, he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out, a cloud of milky white hazy air was sprayed out and hit the white giant hammer. After the latter swallowed and absorbed it, the damaged spider web began to slowly recover. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

But at this moment, this kind of great opportunity is right in front of him, Luo Yu's figure flickered without hesitation, and the wooden shadow clone shot out like a crossbow arrow again, and at the same time it appeared, he fired repeatedly with his fingers, several spells and majestic blows The spiritual power of the wood attribute was also added to it, and all of it was poured into the 'Sword Pine' in the fierce battle. As soon as the latter received strong support, all the blue sword lights screamed and screamed, and at the same time, the size of each sword light skyrocketed After a lot, finally the white sledgehammer couldn't bear the combined attack of the two, and was stabbed by the crazily surging cyan sword energy and screamed wildly!


After a while, under Luo Yu and Mu Ying's vigorous efforts and Xue Yinyang's painful snort, the white sledgehammer couldn't bear it and was pierced thousands of holes by the blue sword light. When the spider webs that were about to split came into contact, they naturally added fuel to the flames. The white sledgehammer shattered and completely shattered, and the moment the white sledgehammer burst, it turned into a cloud of hazy white air waves and rolled away. Xue Yinyang Holding the shield and having no time to dodge, he was instantly engulfed by the hazy white light.

At this time, Luo Yu didn't look happy. He didn't think that the other party would fall so easily, but some injuries should be inevitable.

With this dazed effort, Luo Yu suddenly heard a rumbling sound above his head, which made him look in surprise. He saw the white giant sword being lifted as if it were light, and repeatedly fell into the depths of the formation black cloud. In the blink of an eye, it was almost Cut it in half.

If it really falls, although it will not hurt myself who is protected by the yellow light emitted by the sky umbrella, the formation flag of Qijue Tuling Formation cannot withstand such a blow and will be damaged a lot.

As for the Tianmu Divine Sword, Luo Yu didn't see how powerful the sword was, but the slow-moving white light made Luo Yu extremely disgusted, and he naturally wouldn't let it break the black cloud.

Gently lift the palm of your hand up and down, the seven black and green flying knives that were hovering in your life made a low sound, then rushed into the black cloud like lightning, and then, with the sound of Luo Yu's incantation, they disappeared inside.

Immediately there was only the sound of a fierce clash coming from the black cloud, and the black cloud trembled violently a few times with the naked eye, but it appeared to be safe and sound. Then, two huge knives of more than ten feet in brilliance, one white and one black, The sword rushed out of the black cloud in a way of escaping and chasing. At this time, the light of the white giant sword was much dimmed, while the black-green giant sword was exposed after flying out of the black cloud, and immediately endured the pain of slowness. The shining of the light made the flying speed drop a lot. At this moment, the black and green giant knife seemed to be spiritual. It was not stupid enough to continue chasing and hitting, but after the tip of the knife trembled slightly, it slowly retracted into the black Hide in the clouds!

But in the black cloud, the slow light is useless. Naturally, the power of the unity of the seven stars is huge, but if there is a black cloud, the unity of the seven stars will become a joke.

"Luo Yu! You think you can deal with me like this!"

The fierce fight over there was just about to become a stalemate, when suddenly, a voice of tyrannical laughter came from the hazy white light that gradually dispersed, and then Xue Yinyang's figure holding a shield with one hand was slowly revealed. out.

Luo Yu really couldn't understand the appearance of this person, but he couldn't help being shocked!

To say that Xue Yinyang really has a strange cultivation method, the color of the method is hazy, obviously not one of the five elements, and the white sledgehammer that was smashed just now unexpectedly reappeared unreasonably, as if It was grasped by him intact, and the giant black shield in the other hand was also very weird. Apart from guessing that the giant shield transformed by this person's "alternative spiritual energy" was amazing in defense and unable to attack from a distance, Now I discovered one more thing, the black giant shield seemed to be able to defend only one direction, and this person was using a huge shield to block his life, but the hazy wind came from all directions.

It's just that the black and white wings on Xue Yinyang's back lightly incited the strong wind behind the black giant shield's defenseless, and the strong wind collapsed and scattered in all directions as if hitting an invisible wall.

Xue Yinyang sneered and walked out of the turbulent wind slowly!

"Really? Your Excellency's exercises are very weird, but if you didn't get hurt at all just now, I'm afraid it's impossible!"

Although Luo Yu was surprised on the surface, after a calm analysis, he also felt that Xue Yinyang would not be 'fake' to such an extent, but it was more likely that he was trying to pretend to be calm.

Sure enough, after Xue Yinyang heard it clearly and abnormally, as if he was stung by Luo Yu's words, his face suddenly became so gloomy that he could drip water!

"you wanna die!"

After another icy cold threat, Xue Yinyang, under the cover of his angry voice, flapped his wings fiercely, and his figure disappeared without a trace again.

This person was shrouded in the light of the Qijue Tu Lingzhen's flag, and he still refused to admit defeat to play this kind of trick. When Luo Yu was about to watch him being swept out of his body by the black wind, he found that there was no movement around him!

It seemed that Xue Yinyang really disappeared this time!

"This is not good! Yan Lingsu!"

Luo Yu's ability to respond to emergencies is unmatched by ordinary people. Almost at the moment of a sudden change, he thought of the other party's conspiracy, and then when his face changed and he was about to act, it was already too late!

The black and white light beams fell straight down, revealing a figure over the bamboo sea, and at this moment the opponent seemed to be out of the range of the black light released by the Qijue Tuling Array, and the speed of the opponent's suspected 'teleportation' was unlimited, appearing as fast as lightning Beside Yan Lingsu who closed his eyes to heal his wounds, but his face turned redder and redder!

With a sinister smile, he flicked his sleeves, and five transparent light needles flew out, and suddenly disappeared amidst a burst of low explosions!

The next moment, the five strong light needle-shaped instruments were firmly pierced on the cyan light curtain released by You Rizhou. In just a moment, the cyan light curtain shook violently, and Yan Lingsu inside seemed to sense it, but But the brows were tightly furrowed, and one hand was about to be stretched out tremblingly, when it suddenly seemed to be dying of great pain, the green hand hangs down feebly.

"Haha, Luo Yu, I don't know, if you catch your sweetheart, will you stand by for her?"

Xue Yinyang said with a sinister smile, as if the plot was about to succeed.


Seeing this scene, Luo Yu instinctively showed a distraught expression on his face, as if the whole person had fallen into a terrible nightmare, and roared with all his strength!

With a flick of his fingers, a cyan spiritual power poured into the Starchaser Shuttle under his feet, the speed of the latter soared a lot, and rushed over like a phantom, but it was obviously too late!

At this moment, in Luo Yu's wide-eyed eyes, those five flying needles pierced the cyan light curtain almost as if time, time, and everything had passed!

And at this moment, apart from the sinister laughter that seemed to permeate into his heart very slowly, Luo Yu also saw a trace of Yan Lingsu's indifference in despair!

Xue Yinyang also slowly put aside the black shield in front of him, waiting for Luo Yu's moment of grief.

But this time, he really miscalculated. At the moment when Xue Yinyang was infinitely close to success, before the flight route of the five flying needles, a thick blood light suddenly appeared without warning. As soon as this light appeared, Fei Zhen couldn't help but plunged into the blood light, and immediately after the blood light flashed violently twice, Fei Needle didn't penetrate as expected, and the blood light suddenly became completely quiet!


An undetectable crack came from the blood light, and almost at the same time, a slender blood-colored arc shot out at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. In Xue Yinyang's eyes that seemed to be surprised and did not react, the blood-colored arc was infinite Elongated, with his terrified expression, he came directly to this person!

As soon as Xue Yinyang reacted, he didn't have time to make any blocking moves, but he really has rich experience in fighting the enemy, and he even knew how to slap the wings on his back madly, black and white flashed back, although he was not as fast as the bloody arc , but under the mutual cancellation of the two's mouth and escape, the time when the bloody electric arc hit this person was undoubtedly delayed a little bit.

And just this little time was enough for Xue Yinyang to block the huge black shield in front of the bloody arc, but at this moment, for some reason, when the bloody arc appeared on the green boat, he felt something bad in the dark, This feeling came out of nowhere, not all from the Scarlet Arc, but since it came to mind, Xue Yinyang still made a move to save his life!

The black and white wings on the back were bent and wrapped, turning into two fan-shaped light curtains and appearing in front of Xue Yinyang. The black and white wings turned into two barriers to hide the figure of this person inside!


The bloody electric arc trembled for a while, and finally intertwined with the black giant shield. The bloody light and black lights burst open one after another, but the bloody electric arc took the initiative in an instant. The shield was wrapped inside, just as Xue Yinyang was wondering about the usefulness of the blood mist, what happened next made him unbelievable!

He had always thought that the 'Heiyuanshield', which was as powerful as an ancient weapon, began to slowly melt under the wrapping of the blood mist. In less than a moment, as the wrapping of the blood mist became tighter, the black light whined and trembled, and its light weakened!

Others may not know that this vitality giant hammer and vitality giant shield are transformed from the original vitality he cultivated, which is the same as the original vitality of monks in the alchemy stage, and everything is damaged. Luo Yu destroyed the vitality giant hammer just now. What is it, it is just a matter of gathering and recovering after drifting away. The damage is not serious, but the complete ablation in front of him is different. Xue Yinyang can fully feel that with the penetration of the blood mist, it seems to be reducing his own cultivation all the time. For and mana!

However, all of this happened too fast, and the scattered filth of the bloody arc was only a momentary event. When Xue Jing had no time to react, suddenly there was a loud "swoosh" in the nearby void, and there was no warning from the vicinity of the blood mist. A purple-black ax shadow popped up, and with a slight flash, it cut the black giant shield that had been mostly melted into two halves like cutting tofu, and rushed forward with lightning speed, and with the black and white feathers The wings collided together—

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