fairy flame

Chapter 597 The Secret Demon Rock and the Bone Demon Spear

Just when Luo Yu was wondering about the strange behavior of the other party, the black light of the seven flying knives was already approaching Xue Yinyang's side, about to penetrate seven vital points fiercely, but it really didn't go so smoothly. The blood-colored beams of light around Yin-Yang flashed silently, and the seven blood-colored arrows flicked out without any warning, and hit the Seven-Star Yin-fire Blade without any mistakes, as fast as lightning, and the two blood-light and black lights intertwined After a while, amidst a crackling sound, the blood light dissipated, and the Qixing Yinhuo Blade was also swept away by the blast wave before stopping!

But at this moment, the blood column outside Xue Yinyang's body seemed to be stimulated by Luo Yu's attack, which played a role in promoting it, and began to roll violently at an accelerated speed. It looks like it's about to finish casting!

When Luo Yu saw this kind of mana fluctuation, he really felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart at this moment. After using the Blood Fiend Ganglei twice, even the Blood Fiend couldn't bear to consume it again. Shaganglei, but after all, it is not long after entering the stage, it is impossible to use too much at a time, and it recovers relatively slowly, and without the corrosion and weakening of the Blood Shaganglei, the thick blood-colored beam of light on the opposite side is difficult to use with normal attacks. The main thing is that Luo Yu has been fighting for so long now, and his mana has been exhausted. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

This made Luo Yu feel a disaster-like aura enveloped him, as if a bloody disaster was just around the corner!

"Fight it! Seven stars unite! Slash!"

"Ghost Weapon Purple Axe! Disease!"

At the critical moment, Luo Yu finally had the upper hand in his heart to survive, and after punching his chest and abdomen violently, he opened his mouth and spewed out a large mouthful of blood. The slightly sluggish Xuesha swallowed it with his bloody mouth wide open with excitement on his face. As soon as Luo Yu's real name blood flew into Xuesha's mouth, the latter immediately let out a thick bloody aura, and his expression was full of energy !

Suddenly, Xue Fiend pointed at the purple axe, a ghost weapon floating in front of him, and spewed out a large mouthful of Yin Qi without hesitation. Under the control of the divine mind, the sound of '嗖' turned into an afterimage and shot out quickly, so fast that even the light and shadow gradually disappeared into the void.

At the same time, Luo Yu waved his sleeve robe, and while reciting the mantra, the seven-star Yinhuoblade light in the sky flashed again, and immediately burst into a dazzling black-green light in a burst of interweaving, and then they all moved towards the middle, A huge black and green knife more than ten feet long flew out of the light ball, and when it left the light ball, it sucked the latter into the blade to fuel its momentum, as if splitting the world in half. Zhun Xue Yinyang ejaculated in the past!

But at this moment, when Luo Yu used the magical weapon to attack violently, Xue Yinyang still showed a little panic on his face, but suddenly felt something, and a playful taste flashed in his eyes staring at Luo Yu.


As soon as these words came out, the billowing blood cloud in the sky made a loud noise like thunder, and a gust of wind blew up on the blood cloud, sucking back all the huge blood cloud that stretched for several miles, squeezed by the seemingly endless blood cloud , the sound of wind and thunder was deafening one after another, and the chaos was extremely chaotic. Immediately after the blood fog continued to twist and deform, it turned into a bloody giant with a height of five or six feet!

And Xue Yinyang happened to be in the body of the blood-colored giant shadow, as if he had been infiltrated by a demon, and the strange expression on his face gave people a sinister and sinister feeling.

If Luo Yu was not mistaken, there were actually two bone-shaped mysterious runes on Xue Yinyang's face, engraved on his face like tattoos, it looked extremely terrifying, it was too weird!

Although this blood-thick giant is just a phantom, it really gave Luo Yu a feeling of facing the coercion of the ancestor of the alchemy stage, which made his face change wildly!

But before Luo Yu had time to think about it, the huge long sword with seven stars united fell down like a meteor. The length of the black and green giant knife was much longer than that of the huge blood shadow, as if it could kill the opponent It was cut open.

"Jie Jie! Xue is not right now, it should be that this demon has the strength of the alchemy stage now, although without the cooperation of the natal magic weapon, it is impossible to truly display the supernatural powers of the alchemy stage, but do you think that the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment are still Can you compete with me!"

Facing Luo Yu's attack, Xue Yinyang didn't even blink his eyelids. Instead, an extremely arrogant and gloomy voice came from Xue Yinyang and the Scarlet Giant's mouth together. Although the voice changed greatly, it was obviously different from the original Xue Yinyang. But Luo Yu still heard from it that it was Xue Yinyang who was leading the idea of ​​the Scarlet Giant!

As soon as the words fell, the blood-colored giant opened its mouth and spewed out a mouthful of emerald phosphorous fire, which turned into a cloud of blue clouds and rushed over. There was a gust of gloomy wind above and howling, as if there were countless grimaces and heads that were suffering miserably. Ordinarily, the ghost fire instantly collided with Luo Yu's Seven Star Yinhuo Blade, and Luo Yu's black and green giant knife slashed into the phosphorous fire as soon as it touched, but it did not cut it in half, but was touched by the phosphorous fire. On the ground, it began to wrap layer upon layer like maggots on the tarsus bone. Under the burning of this strange green flame, the giant knife trembled and whined repeatedly as if unable to support it, but it couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the green phosphorous fire!

Seeing that the giant knife felt as if it had been burned in one blow in the phosphorous fire, how could Luo Yu be willing to destroy the evil weapon that had accompanied him for many years? After being soaked in the blood, the blood disappeared without a trace with a slight tremor, and the next moment it appeared near the giant knife again, and was absorbed in it in a flash.

Immediately, the black light of the knife radiated, and it became a black light mask that slowly separated the surrounding phosphorous fire from it. For a while, the black light and green fire intertwined, showing a stalemate!

Luo Yu's face turned pale after spitting out blood, and after being seen by Xue Yinyang, his face became even more cruel.

But at this moment, a purple shadow suddenly flashed in the sky in front of Xue Yinyang, and a black ghost ax came to him somehow, and aimed directly at the top of Xue Yinyang's head, and instantly Xue Yinyang I just felt a purple wind lock his whole body.

To be honest, Luo Yu didn't care much about the attack of the Seven Star Yinhuo Blade. After all, he knew in his heart that this move could not kill the opponent, but after the ghost weapon Purple Ax made many achievements, Luo Yu put most of his hopes on the Purple Ax instead!

Ziying flashed, but this time it seemed that Xue Yinyang had the ability to predict the future. After the Tianmu Excalibur hovering around the blood-colored giant had not moved for a long time, circles of white slow divine light suddenly appeared. Before Ying could turn the corner, he fell into the white waves. Not only did his speed decrease a lot, but his direction was also a little unstable!

It was this white light that Luo Yu hated so much!Luo Yu couldn't help cursing in his heart!

But at this moment, the bloody giant's eyes flashed, and he stretched out a hand to grab Ziying. When the bloody hand fell, a layer of emerald green phosphorous fire burst out from the bloody hand. , but the speed was unexpectedly fast, but after the blood light swayed and floated in front of Luo Yu's eyes, the purple ax shadow was caught in Luo Yu's hand at once!

Luo Yu was shocked, and quickly ordered Xuesha to take back the purple ax immediately, but after all, he didn't use it himself, so his reaction was a bit slow. The opponent was completely suppressed, and then the scarlet giant ate the purple ax with one mouthful!

At the same time, Luo Yu also felt Xue Sha let out a muffled groan, and the connection between the ghost weapon purple ax and Xue Sha was erased in a short time.

At this time, Luo Yu deeply felt Xue Sha's fear towards the blood-colored giant in front of him!

"Haha, you actually used a ghost weapon to deal with this demon, you really overestimated your capabilities, but you don't know that this demon's body is formed of bones, and any ghost weapon can't exert its power in front of me!"

"However, there is a blood demon following you, it's a pity, you are not a monk of the demonic way, otherwise, if you can let the blood demon practice some secret methods in my evil soul sect, it may be a bit tricky to deal with you today! "

"It's the first time Xue has seen someone like you who hides so deeply, and I have to tell you to continue to practice. Maybe you can surpass me in the future, but it's a pity now, a genius is about to perish In my hands!"

"Spear of the Bone Demon! Die!"

At this moment, Xue Yinyang seemed to have the confidence to be fearless, and seemed to just treat Luo Yu in front of him as a plaything, and his tone was full of disdain.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the severed arm that was wrapped in a sea of ​​blood flew out again, and the blood-colored giant blew out a breath, which immediately turned into several blood-colored wind blades, and these wind blades trembled slightly. Afterwards, the severed arm was swiftly drawn across the gap between the five fingers, and then it was divided into five parts along the gap between the fingertips under the five fingers. After that, there was a roar on the five fingers, and it burst open instantly, and a Strains of blood gradually condense into the phantom of a monstrous blood-colored spear!

At the same time as the phantom appeared, Xue Yinyang, who was hiding inside the blood-colored giant's body, suddenly became hot. After lightly flicking a row of storage bags, a black light flew out of it.

What came out was a piece of pure black jade, the black was a little deep, Luo Yu looked at it, and felt as if his consciousness was about to be trapped!

"Using a piece of magic energy in the secret magic rock to deal with you is almost the same as the attack of the alchemy cultivator who has refined the magic energy. Presumably you should die in peace."

The reluctance in Xue Yinyang's eyes just flashed past, and then he threw the object fiercely. As soon as the black jade flew out, it was instantly caught in the hand of the blood-colored giant. With a little force from the blood-colored giant hand, the jade could not bear it It exploded, turning into small snakes of black air that swam in the blood-colored giant's hands, but couldn't break free.

Immediately, without any delay, the giant hand slapped the black air into the blood-colored spear shadow transformed by the five fingers. Immediately, the black and red brilliance gradually merged and merged. Blood spears shaped like ribs appeared in front of Xue Yinyang one by one! ——

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