fairy flame

Chapter 599 The Killing Formation

When Luo Yu listened to Yan Lingsu's extremely weak words of emotion, he only felt the bitterness in his heart appear, but his eyes finally became firm because of this, and without saying anything more, Luo Yu raised his right arm slightly, then The blood-stained hands slowly passed the beautiful and delicate Qiong nose of the woman in her arms with a trace of warm air. For the first time, the faint smell of blood made Yan Lingsu feel that it was not ruthless killing, but a kind of Generous and gentle solid support, a kind of care that can hold up half the sky for her, and even put her life into it!

Gently resting his right hand on Yan Lingsu's pale and pretty face, Luo Yu slowly smoothed out the messy black hair in Yan Lingsu's eyes, and when he was about to speak the truth softly, the two separated Suddenly, an invisible air wave erupted from the bamboo forest more than [-] meters away from the place where people hugged each other. In the blink of an eye, an open space was formed in the dense bamboo forest, and in the center of the open space, a blood-colored giant figure descended, with astonishing power!

At this moment, a look full of anger and jealousy in the blood shadow fixed on the two of them, but immediately the look became extremely cruel again.I only heard a crazy gloomy laughter coming from inside!

"You are still in love with a concubine when you are about to die, Luo Yu! It seems that you really don't want to live anymore, and you don't even have any defensive measures, haha! No matter how tricky you are, I will win in the end! What? How? From the heroic rescue of the beauty at the beginning to the almost success, to the final fall short, even being a mandarin duck with the same fate does not allow you to achieve your wish, this sense of frustration makes you want to die!"

After Xue Yinyang finished speaking with a tyrannical look, his expression immediately changed, like a perverted lunatic, repeatedly controlling the giant in the blood-colored giant's body, stroking the remaining limbs and bone spears floating in front of him, as if looking at the most exquisite plaything in the world , very obsessed with enjoying.

But Xue Yinyang's crazy behavior like this is completely unbearable to the sudden psychological blow. The beloved woman he has been chasing for many years finally has no chance with her today. If it wasn't for the help of external forces such as the 'Secret Magic Rock', it would most likely be defeated by a small early-stage foundation-building monk, which would be too much of a blow to his self-esteem.

Before Xue Yinyang met Luo Yu, his arrogance was innate and he had experienced bloody tests. He who never took Luo Yu seriously, this time his arrogance and arrogance were completely shattered. !

And for people like Xue Yinyang, once that pride is broken, it is much more serious than killing him. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand the sense of gap from high mountains to low valleys. It is impossible to imagine without personal experience. , now under the double blow, Xue Yinyang's concentration is extraordinary if he doesn't go crazy completely.

Facing Xue Yinyang's naked threat, it can't even be called a threat, because in the current situation, as long as Xue Yinyang's mind moves and throws out a bone spear casually, Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu will die on the spot , but this time, Luo Yu's heart suddenly became abnormally calm. After hearing the sound, he didn't even turn his head, but slowly withdrew his bleeding right hand, looked at Yan Lingsu resolutely, and said with a charming smile.

"I still remember that in the Blood Origin Hall, you asked me why I dared to leave with you in front of so many alchemy monks, but I didn't answer at that time, I owe you a promise, so before I answered you, you You can’t die first, believe me, even if it’s a sea of ​​swords and flames this time, I will definitely be able to take you away alive!”

Words from the heart gushed out of Luo Yu's mouth like a heat wave.

Yan Lingsu was already confused at the moment, but after hearing Luo Yu's unwavering words, scenes of ups and downs intertwined with bitterness and bitterness emerged in her heart, and she recalled a lot of pain, but she did not lower her eyebrows when she saw the serious injury in front of her, but she still dared to speak out man fell in love

In an instant, maybe even longer, a sharp-edged cheek gradually appeared in the atrium that had been covered with frost for many years. No matter how real it was, she would always be satisfied with the sentence "Take you away alive". The word is convinced.

Unprecedented, Yan Lingsu blushed, and Tankou slightly opened his head, bowed his head and agreed softly.

"Hmph! I can't even protect myself! But my ability to speak big has improved!"

Xue Yinyang took a serious look at the two of them. In addition to hearing more and more irritated, Luo Yu's undeniable tone at the end also made him a little uneasy. Could it be that he can really turn the corner, no matter what, Xue Yinyang will not I am ready to delay any longer, and I must completely eliminate the aftermath!

I saw Xue Yinyang make a light move with his arm, flipped his hand to make a tactic, and the spiritual thoughts rushed out of his mind, the bloody light of the two dark red bone spears floating in front of him flowed for a while, and the tip of the bone spear slowly turned in the air Coming in the direction, just wait for the two of them to be aimed at, and there will be a thunderbolt.

And almost at the same time, when Xue Yinyang started to attack again, after Luo Yu finished speaking, he lightly put the beauty's immobile body on the ground, and felt the heavy murderous intent behind him, but finally showed a relaxed and relieved expression. The two menacing bone spears said calmly without any fear: "Actually, you have been tricked again!".

As soon as Mo's meaningful words fell, Luo Yu raised his right arm with some difficulty, and slapped the storage bag, and suddenly a small vermilion flag flew out of his hand. Spreading out from the small vermilion flag, as Luo Yu's five fingers closed slightly, the yellow glow suddenly split open, and turned into eighteen yellow filaments, shooting towards eighteen different ground surfaces in the bamboo forest!

"what the hell?"

Xue Yinyang was taken aback by Luo Yu's strange behavior, but found that after those yellow silk threads sank into the ground, there was no mana fluctuation around him, which seemed perfectly normal. Xue Yinyang was puzzled and wanted to kill Luo Yu as soon as possible. Kill to end his inexplicable panic.


The tip of the bone spear locked onto Luo Yu at once, and after Xue Yinyang waved his sleeve robe, there were two screams piercing the void, trying to stab Luo Yu fiercely like a wild horse, secretly The red bone spear carries an extremely powerful force, wherever it passes, even the air seems to be burned, leaving a long light and shadow!

"Xuanmei flower formation, sleepy!"

Luo Yu watched the two bone spears shoot at him, and his face still changed slightly. Although he had prepared for a long time, after experiencing the power of the bone spear just now, he wondered whether he could defend against the extremely dark hand. I was also a little apprehensive!

However, as soon as Luo Yu's words fell, eighteen streaks of yellow clouds suddenly shot up into the sky from the bamboo forest, converging together like lightning in mid-air, and finally the rays of light turned into huge waves and poured down, instantly falling between Luo Yu and Xue Yinyang. It was as if a barrier of heaven and earth appeared in the room, and a huge yellow light curtain wrapped Xue Yinyang's whole body in it!

At this moment, Xue Yinyang, although his face was extremely surprised, was more stern. Even though Luo Yu seemed to have used some strange formation, he also had great confidence in his 'Bone Spear'. The two blood spears collided with the yellow light curtain non-stop, but what happened next made Xue Yinyang feel like he was seeing a ghost in daylight!

First, the dark red bone spear hit the yellow light curtain, and was easily shrunk by a yellow glow for an instant, and then the dark red light flashed in the glow, and in the blood-yellow brilliance alternately changing, Huang Xia and the bone spear inside It turned into nothingness at the same time, and the other bone spear had the same result. The bone spear with extremely strong penetrating power and earth-shattering power seemed to be easily dissolved and broken by the formation light curtain!

And Xue Yinyang's face was full of disbelief, as if he didn't react for a while, and he seemed a little dumbfounded!

But at this time, Luo Yu's deep and floating voice sounded out of nowhere.


Before the sound of the words fell, the power of the formation erupted completely, causing earth-shaking changes in the formation, Xue Yinyang only felt the soil under his feet was about to move, constantly rotating and shifting, and the bamboo around him seemed to be controlled by invisible hands. Going for a few feet, and suddenly approaching, everything that the naked eye can see begins to fluctuate, and the yellow sand is scattered all over the sky on the yellow light curtain. , when these winds and sands come into contact with each other, they turn into raging sand winds and roll down in the blink of an eye, making an extremely violent whistling sound. In Xue Yinyang's eyes, it is like yellow dust billowing from the sky, without even a single blind spot. Let it go, there is a tendency of darkness!

Facing the situation that seemed to be descending from the might of God, whether it was Xue Yinyang's sharp insight or the subtle glance of his consciousness, all of them gave back to this person's mind a vast scene, which made Xue Yinyang feel that this time it might not be a loss Essence and blood are so simple, it is very likely that I will be buried here!

But how can he die here like Xue Yinyang, the proud son of heaven, he will become a great supernatural being in the Nascent Soul stage in the future, and it is not an exaggeration to be a "spiritual respect" of one side of the world. At this moment, he is extremely unwilling Underneath, under Luo Yuzhai's strange gaze outside the light curtain of the formation, he slammed the last two bone spears floating in front of him together, and immediately a streak of dark red air was like a spirit snake Roaming out like a bird, tightly enveloping the blood-colored giant, at the same time the giant's body is gradually shrinking, it seems that Xue Yinyang is not stupid, and knows the principle of reducing the contact area so that he can withstand less attacks.

In an instant, the giant's figure seemed to be protected by a dark red eggshell, while Xue Yinyang was still hiding in the light and shadow transformed by the giant, looking airtight.

The yellow sand is rolling, like thousands of troops and horses rushing to kill, ups and downs, rustling, clanging and frustrating, like the sound of gold and iron horses falling.

The wind and sand yellow pillars blew more and more urgently, reaching the ground, as if turning into a wind dragon with claws and claws, pounced down, and hit the dark red shield hard, and then the yellow light and red light flashed and intertwined continuously, showing a deadlocked situation.

But immediately Xue Yinyang's eyes turned pale with shock, his face was pale and bloodless, and after a yellow wind dragon landed, suddenly the sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring in the bamboo forest shook the sky, followed by seven or eight yellow streaks. The wind dragons rushed forward desperately, and joined in the flood that bombarded the dark red light curtain outside Xue Yinyang's body.

Finally, after the brilliance flickered repeatedly, nine earth-yellow wind dragons nearly ten feet long appeared and roared angrily. The nine yellow dragons were all extremely powerful, and every impact made the brilliance of the dark red eggshell dim a lot, making Xue The yin and yang hands and feet are getting colder and colder!

Although the wind dragon is also consumed, as long as it wanders around in the billowing yellow dust, it will be alive again when it comes back——

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