fairy flame

Chapter 602

This unsteady vibration felt the most intense right under Luo Yu's feet. Luo Yu's expression was terrified, and his face was almost ashen, but he looked at the dark red magma falling from the top of his head, and knew that with the magic weapon After not being hard-wired, I can't help but feel a lot of regret in my heart, and have to make a difficult decision!


As soon as Luo Yu finished speaking, Luo Yu stopped the imprint with both hands, and immediately cut off the infusion of aura to the talisman that was only about to be aroused, and then the yellow mask on the top of his head that was about to be formed re-formed into a golden The talisman fell into Luo Yu's arms. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Immediately afterwards, without any delay, Luo Yu rushed directly to You Rizhou, who was overturned not far away, and pointed quickly. Under a surge of spiritual energy, the blue light of You Rizhou flickered again, and it turned into a blue light boat and stopped firmly in front of him.

But Luo Yu's eyes flashed with unwillingness, and he still hugged the girl and jumped onto the Youri boat. After waving his sleeve robe, Luo Yu turned into a little green light from the magma fire rain and soared into the sky go!

Almost at the same time, there was a loud cracking sound where Luo Yu was standing just now, and another stream of high-temperature magma spurted out from the ground, but unfortunately it hit the empty space.

"The speed is good, but under the hands of the old man, everything is in vain!"

Seeing that the blue light shot out rapidly, it was only driven by the monks in the foundation building period, the speed of the blue light was abnormally fast, a look of surprise flashed across the hunchback's face, but he still felt a little slower than himself, which was quite ironic mocked.

But this kind of appearance didn't last long. When the bald and round-faced man was about to chase after him, the blue light in front of him trembled, and the green light suddenly became dazzling. At the same time, Qingzhou let out a piercing scream under the dazzling brilliance!

As soon as the ugly voice came out, the blue light turned into a blue light spot that was about to disappear without a trace in the eyes of Huotou Tuo, and galloped away!

Seeing this mind-shattering scene, this person's expression suddenly became extremely exciting!

"How is this possible!"

The fire-headed camel stared blankly and asked in horror, why the opponent's speed suddenly increased by several times after a scream, as if he was not slower than him in the alchemy stage. It is too heaven-defying for a monk in the foundation-establishment stage to do this.

But immediately, after reacting, he immediately cursed "cunning" inwardly, and no matter what the reason was, he hurriedly stepped on the gray giant knife and chased after him.

Since this fire-headed camel is a monk in the alchemy stage, he naturally has a vicious vision and insight. It is not impossible for a monk in the foundation establishment stage to have such a speed. Maybe there are some secret methods in the world of cultivating immortals. If it's not that he can't persist for a long time, he also thinks the same about Luo Yu!

Presumably at this moment, even if Luo Yu's escapism is really faster than a monk of the alchemy stage like him, he will chase him from all corners of the world.

After all, after Luo Yu killed Xue Yinyang, the impact on the Xue family was too great. Maybe the Supreme Elder of the Shahun Sect, the "Bone Demon Lord", would take revenge on them for this.

Therefore, no matter whether it is public or private, he has to tear Luo Yu's body into tens of thousands of pieces in order to avenge his hatred!

But when the fire-headed hunchback cultivator was thinking in his heart, he didn't know that Luo Yu also had a very ugly face.

He didn't expect that his Xuanmei Huanhua array would not have much effect on Huotoutu, but after careful analysis, he had to say that things in the world operate according to their own laws, and that every cause must have an effect, which is indeed fair.

Previously, in order to exert the power of the Xuanmei Huahua formation, I deliberately found a bamboo forest with a natural formation to increase its power. Immortal cultivators in the alchemy stage can also block one or two, but this formation is also limited to the bamboo forest because of this, and lost to the bamboo forest!

Just because the area of ​​the bamboo forest is limited after all, they are very passive when encountering a large-scale attack, and the opponent can easily find a flaw, that is, to destroy people, they must first destroy the bamboo!

And no matter how powerful I am, it is impossible to count that there is really a monk at the alchemy stage chasing and killing me.

At this moment, he is very clear that the recovery of the wind attribute mana in his body will not last for too long, and he has to bring a woman he has confirmed to like, and wants to be together from now on. It would be nice if he could escape for his life, but now the responsibility on his shoulders is not his own.

When there are a few people in this world who are in danger, Luo Yu will save his life regardless of his own life. There were only two people before, one was Luo's mother, and the other was the third sister Luo Qingqing. Feeling that Luo Yu realized that at some point, he also regarded Yan Lingsu as a part of himself that must be protected, especially now!

Just when Luo Yu couldn't think of any way to get rid of the person behind him, and was about to release all the magic weapons desperately to see if he could stop the latter for a while, Yan Lingsu's extremely weak moan suddenly came from his ear.

"Luo Yu, if you put me down, I can withdraw the mana that resists the toxins in my body, and maybe I can entangle the other party for a while. If you run a little further, you should be able to buy time to use the intermediate earth escape talisman to escape. I don't want to see You died here in vain, I hope you will continue to practice hard in the future."

The last sentence "I hope you will continue to practice well" echoed in Luo Yu's heart like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. It seemed that there was an invisible force that grabbed Luo Yu's heart hard, making Luo Yu's whole body boil with enthusiasm. I feel that I really want to roar, abandon all the composure in the past, and become a fairy couple with this woman, and go free and easy after getting rid of all shackles!

Just a word from this peerless beauty filled Luo Yu's heart with infinite yearning and a little bit of regret for an instant, but no matter what, at least Luo Yu felt that everything he had done was worth it!

At this moment, Luo Yu hardly wants to live forever, no matter what state, even if it is just an extra 100 years of ordinary people's happy life, as long as he can live with his beloved woman!

At the same time when his thoughts were flying, Luo Yu's life and death, love and hate, grief, anger and regret, etc., once released, his state of mind reached a state of great perfection and ethereal, as if soaring in the sky,' The feeling of being completely empty once an epiphany emerged in Luo Yu's heart.

Maybe Luo Yu even believes that as long as he can survive this catastrophe, at least the demons and distractions that he cultivated to the alchemy stage will disappear in the future, because he originally came from the world of mortals, and then he thoroughly understood the meaning of immortality. The truth of separation.

It's a pity that after Luo Yu felt the oppressive aura that was chasing after him, he couldn't say anything because he was choked up in his throat!

But the body reacted instinctively, Luo Yu hugged her delicate body tightly again without hesitation, and an idea of ​​never letting go was transmitted into Yan Lingsu's heart.

"Luo Yu, you"

"Stop talking, let me let you go, unless I die! There is a black water ice pool ahead, as long as we enter the Jedi, maybe a miracle will happen!"

Luo Yu gritted his teeth and interrupted the woman's words, and let her continue, or look at the woman's clear eyes like autumn water, I am afraid that if he gets excited, his flight will become unstable, or he will do something dizzy. things come.

When Luo Yu calmed down a little, he looked at the black water ice pool that was aimless at first, but after several rapid flights and twists and turns, he unintentionally flew towards the black water ice pool. Inside, maybe the other party dare not chase after him, even if he really chases him in, he can only

Suddenly, Luo Yu had an 'idea' that he never dared to think of for no reason!

Maybe die or sacrifice

It was also at this moment that Yan Lingsu, who was deeply moved by Luo Yu and closed her eyes tightly, opened them as if aware of it, and a gloomy look flashed across her eyes.

Luo Yu's eyes turned slightly red, and he immediately flew towards the Black Water Ice Pool with firm eyes.

I don't know if the beautiful woman in her arms felt Luo Yu's momentary mood swings, a cold feeling that was about to be lost quietly appeared in Yan Lingsu's heart, making her feel a strange coldness that turned into a cloud and enveloped her heart .

"Luo Yu, you are really not afraid of dying with me, won't you regret it?"

Yan Lingsu didn't know where that feeling came from, but he still thought about the worst, so he asked in a sad tone.

"No matter what I thought in the past, at this moment, I am very clear about what I am doing! Don't worry, with me protecting you, you won't die together. Even if that time comes, being able to share the same fate with you is enough. "

Luo Yu smiled bitterly, and the sudden 'idea' became stronger and stronger, making him want to say countless things for a while, but he couldn't say it.

And Yan Lingsu's heart softened at Luo Yu's tender and affectionate words, and he felt that although his body was getting colder and colder, a fiery sweetness was in his heart that would withstand any wind and rain, and would never go out until he died.

The worried eyes on her face disappeared, and she just knew to snuggle quietly.

Not long after, when Luo Yu and the pink poisonous cloud above the Blackwater Ice Pool were only a few feet away, the naked eye could almost see all kinds of poisonous insects crawling around in the poisonous valley in the swamp below the ice pool. , thick black venom like mud is everywhere, full of rotten and festering colors!

It is said that as long as someone falls into the black water ice pool, unless it is a monk at the Nascent Soul Stage who has a body protected by the 'Xuanguang', even an immortal cultivator at the alchemy stage will surely die.

It was the first time for Luo Yu to see such a terrifying scene from so close, and he couldn't help but feel a little palpitated. As he flew closer, he gradually inhaled a lot of thin poisonous gas from the pink poisonous cloud. In addition to shortness of breath, a slight sense of dizziness gradually increased.

After the fierce battle so far, Luo Yu was really exhausted physically and mentally.

However, when Luo Yu thought of the beautiful woman in his arms, he immediately bit the tip of his tongue. Stimulated by the bitter taste of blood, Luo Yu continued to move forward with difficulty.

However, Huotou Tuo, who was also chasing behind with all his strength, couldn't see Luo Yu's thoughts, but he was really afraid of the several powerful poisonous beasts in the Black Water Ice Pool, although he was confident that even in the Black Water Luo Yu can definitely be killed in the ice pool, but how can he passively let Luo Yu do what he wants.

"Where are you going!"

There was a gloomy and ruthless look on the face of Huotou Tuo, the patriarch of the alchemy, and he suddenly raised his arm and swung it fiercely at Luo Yu's flying direction. A gray-red light flashed on his arm and submerged into the void. The single arm fell down like a thunder, and at the same time, he let out a loud drink——

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