fairy flame

Chapter 611

Regarding Luo Yu's doubts, the blue-faced old woman seemed to be aroused by some kind of taboo after hearing this, her face immediately darkened, and when she was about to say something, Yan Lingsu who was beside her seemed to be stimulated with hatred. Said loudly.

"Luo Yu, my mother became what she is today, and it's all thanks to the Xue family. 30 years ago, they even poisoned my mother near the Black Water Ice Pool, causing my mother to suffer from ten thousand insects. After 30 years of suffering, I swear by Yan Lingsu to this deep hatred! In the future, I will definitely kill everyone in the Xue family, destroy the family, and leave no one behind!"

Hearing Luo Yu ask about his mother Yan Yuqing, and then thinking about how her mother was a stunning woman who was sought after by thousands of people when she was in her prime, she was revered by thousands of people, but now she has fallen to such a miserable state, it is like a deep pain buried in Yan Yuqing's heart. In Lingsu's heart, even when she spoke, she exuded a bone-piercing hatred.

But these are human feelings, Luo Yu's face remained unchanged, thinking that if it were him, he would definitely kill everyone, how can there be such a soft-hearted person as a cultivator.

"Hey, this thing sounds like a twist of fate, and you must be surprised, but the old lady didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. After 30 years, just when the old woman thought that she would spend the rest of her life in darkness, God made it happen. My daughter and I met again, but it was a pity that Lingsu had the same fate as me, and was also poisoned by the heart-thirsty fire poison of the villain Huotoutu. Fortunately, this time the old lady used the cold lotus pill made from three-leaf ice lotus to temporarily seal it. The fire poison in Linger's body, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

This Yan Yuqing was a well-known witch back then, and she exuded a strong murderous aura. When she was in the world of cultivating immortals in her early years, she was a person with extremely bloody means. The title of "Ice Demon" given to her by outside monks was piled up by piles of bones and corpses. Therefore, I felt very relieved when I heard what my daughter said.

"However, it is still too dangerous to avenge me based on the cultivation bases of the two of you. At least both of you must cultivate to the realm of alchemy, and at least become a monk who refines a kind of 'qi'. This step is unlikely to be completed in a short period of time, but maybe God has opened his eyes once, you actually have a trace of ice spirit and cold spirit in your body, and your physique is almost fast enough to withstand the cold air and take it as your own Since Ling'er has double-cultivated with you, he has also absorbed some of the ice spirit and cold spirit in your body. Under the complementary effect of yin and yang, it also stimulates the rapid operation of "Guanghan Jue", and finally reached the peak in the late stage of foundation establishment. I took a step by coincidence and made a fake pill, and in the future, as long as I can really get rid of the fire poison and stabilize it for a while, I will be able to become a monk at the alchemy stage, and revive the prestige of my ice demon back then!"

The blue-faced old woman had a weird expression on her face, and she even started talking to herself a little excitedly. After saying something that Luo Yu didn't quite understand, she suddenly turned her head and said, "I won't be able to explain these things to you in a while. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just take a good rest first. Since you are the son-in-law of my Ice Demon, the old woman will naturally do her best to make alchemy to help you recover from your injuries, and after you recover, in addition to holding a formal double cultivation ceremony in front of the old woman , I still have a lot of things to explain to the two of you, 30 years have passed, God opened his eyes, haha!"

Before the wild words fell, Luo Yu felt that after the blue light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, the voice of the stern laughter that was fading away could only be heard slightly from the tunnel on the top of the grotto, which made Luo Yu's face stunned. The old woman with a face is so weird, she's too aggressive, saying what she says!

Just when Luo Yu's house was changing, he suddenly found that after the blue-faced old woman left, only Yan Lingsu and himself were left in the grotto, but Luo Yu felt the warmth still left in the palm of his hand, and he couldn't help being pleasantly surprised and excited When I woke up, I didn't think about all the troubles anymore, and I didn't feel as anxious as before.

When Luo Yu was about to speak and wanted to ask many things clearly, Yan Lingsu's low and pleasant voice like an oriole came into his ears again.

"Luo Yu, if one day I become as ugly as my mother, will you still treat me like this?"

Yan Lingsu's expression was a little sad, and he didn't know what he was thinking, so he asked some strange words.

"Oh, you started to doubt my feelings so soon? Well, if this is the case, then I guess I will seize the opportunity before you become ugly, and practice double cultivation a few more times. I don't know what that feels like."

Luo Yu couldn't help teasing and said, always felt that having such a beautiful and well-behaved dual cultivation partner, as if practicing in the future would bring a lot of happiness, so he was naturally very happy.

"Hey, let me tell you something serious, where are you thinking?"

Yan Lingsu's pretty face was flushed, and she was short of breath, and her palms were slightly sweaty, but under the shame and anger, she couldn't help but responded with a light spit, that coquettish and angry expression was probably enough to make any man feel uncomfortable. Fascinated deeply.

But Luo Yu knew that from now on, this kind of expression would only belong to him.

"Don't worry, although I'm not smart, at least I know what 'love' is. I will cherish it, and no matter what happens in the future, we will share weal and woe."

Luo Yu struggled to roll his right hand, clenched that gentle little hand tightly, and said with an extremely serious expression.

"Hee hee, you are not smart. In my eyes, you seem to have two heads thinking about things. Before you take a step, you have to think about how to take the next few steps."

After Yan Lingsu heard Luo Yu's promise, her heart was sweetened, and she couldn't help but praise Luo Yu in disguise.

This was her sincere truth. When she thought about being chased by Xue Jing, fighting with Xue Yinyang afterward, and finally Ping tried her best to escape from the hands of the alchemy cultivator, the thrill was like a dream.

Moreover, it was unbelievable that all these happened to a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment. Luo Yu always seemed to be able to think about things very carefully, even including accidents.

In addition, monks who are usually silent and unattractive are often able to consider all kinds of calculations when it comes to the critical moment, which can show their charm even more.

It would be a lie for Luo Yu to hear the other party's clear and melodious voice, and to be praised by the beauty to say that she doesn't feel a little proud, but Luo Yu will not be dizzy because of this, the previous vigilance is still needed all the time.

However, Luo Yu looked at the other party's affectionate and sincere eyes, and suddenly hesitated. Yan Lingsu's insatiable appearance and blushing expression made Luo Yu obsessed with it, and he was afraid that one day he would lose these, Luo Yu thought about it Thinking about it, he suddenly said with a gloomy expression: "If one day, I am not what you think, or I do something that everyone in the world of cultivating immortals thinks is wrong, and I am coldly accused by others, then will you "

Luo Yu knew that he would still have various crises in the future. Such a stunning woman followed him, and the risk he had to take would never be small, but she could have had a better cultivation environment and a partner, and lived like the proud son of heaven. To live a comfortable life and be suitable for yourself, you really need a firm belief.

Although these are not obvious at present, they are also practical problems that the two of them will need to face in the future.

It was just that Luo Yu was halfway through speaking, and was immediately interrupted by Yan Lingsu without hesitation.

"No matter what you do, of course I will stand by your side. In fact, Ling'er never thought that she would like a man. I didn't understand the qualities of tenderness, coquettishness, communication, and thoughtfulness that other women possess. Sex, so I'm afraid that I can't do it well or often can't understand your mind, but I will learn slowly in the future and understand slowly, as long as you live up to me, that's enough."

The faint red light in the grotto flickered erratically, against the faces of the two, it seemed to witness an unswerving love until death, and it seemed to be telling something.

It is the first time for Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu to have a dual-cultivation partner. The two may seem young at first, but what they tell each other are their sincere thoughts.

Although the two of them did not have too much love and vows, they each held a faint taste of being together.

In the eyes of Luo Yu before, the days of healing were extremely boring and a waste of his time, but now they seem to have become the paradise of bliss in the rumors of Buddhism.

As for the reason, it is self-evident.

In the next few days, although Luo Yu's body would have some 'sequelae' caused by the forcible use of ice spirit cold soul every day-cold poison, every time it could almost freeze Luo Yu into convulsions, fainting, and being affected by ordinary people. Unbearable pain, but with Yan Lingsu's constant company and meticulous care, these pains are nothing.

The grotto was dark and gloomy, and I don't know how long the days had passed. With the help of Yan Lingsu's mother, Yan Yuqing, a monk in the middle stage of alchemy, Luo Yu's body injury was cured quickly. The speed recovered, but these days, it is unknown whether the blue-faced old woman is really busy with alchemy or has other things she can't get away from. Luo Yu has never seen the blue-faced old woman again.

However, this is exactly what Luo Yu wanted. Luo Yu had seen the moody temper of the blue-faced old woman before, and he was really afraid that he would accidentally say something that the other party didn't like or do something that made the other party dislike it. The other party was dissatisfied, and made him lose his temper and turn his face back on the matter between himself and Linger, so Luo Yu could only cry to death.

As far as Luo Yu is concerned, he now cherishes the inseparable days between the two. Of course, from Yan Lingsu's beautiful smile these days, both of them can see that both of them are seriously injured, but It's a satisfying feeling to be with your loved one.

Especially like now, since the Xue family's rebellion in the world of cultivating immortals outside, Luo Yu has been extremely pessimistic about this tragic state war. He even thinks that with the help of the short-distance teleportation array, the Hezhou Demon Dao will immediately sweep away It swept through Mengzhou, and by that time Mengzhou would not know how many monks would be killed or injured.

The real bloody battle just kicked off

But these shouldn't be something that a little monk like him in the foundation-building period can worry about. Now he can't take care of himself. At most, he occasionally thinks about the situation of the third sister or whether the master Li You and his wife escaped last time.

Sometimes, perhaps because the ordinary and comfortable life in the grotto is so beautiful, Luo Yu even has the idea of ​​not wanting to go out, and just stay inside with Linger for the rest of his life.

But after some careful thinking over the past few days and some intimate thoughts that Ling'er said to herself, Luo Yu felt that as her injury improved, such days seemed to be slowly coming to an end, and they were going to leave after all. ——

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