fairy flame

Chapter 613 Double Cultivation Ceremony

The way of rhythm is broad and profound, and the difficult thing to learn is not simply to use vocal sound waves to attack, but to have a sense of unity of heart and sound, but I didn't expect that it might be because of Luo Yu's innate memory, or because Luo Yu Yu and Yan Lingsu had a sympathetic sweet mentality. When Luo Yu listened to the unceasing sound of the zither, he could easily enter a state of ecstasy in his mind, and spent some time beforehand. Having memorized the knowledge about playing the flute in his heart, he slowly tried to play the tune with Tian Lai Su Xinqin, and he got started easily.

At first the rhythm was very jerky, but as the two only thought about each other in their hearts, they quickly found a trace of 'resonance', and after a quick run-in, they soon felt a little or two of the true meaning of "The Song of Ice", And within a few days, he gradually became proficient, and initially achieved the echo with the sound of the piano.

But although the two compose a song together, the meanings exuded by each are somewhat different. Yan Lingsu's piano sound is sometimes melodious, sometimes chilling, and sometimes tactful, while Luo Yu's continuous flute sound has more A thick and calm!

However, this "Ice Condensation Song" is really just like what the blue-faced old woman said, it actually caused a slight touch of the cold air in Luo Yu's body, and some meridians that were originally frozen by the cold air gradually became soft and loose. Let Luo Yu's pain be relieved every time the cold poison erupts.

After seeing that the effect was good, Luo Yu was really interested in the mighty sound of the flute.

After more than a month of being so carefree and happy, one day Luo Yu and Yan Lingsu finished playing "The Song of Ning Bing". Every time at this time, Luo Yu would talk to Yan Lingsu, But this time Luo Yu was startled, and immediately closed his eyes, showing a look as if he was feeling something.

The expression on his face was a little disappointed at first, then quite strange, and finally calmed down again.

Yan Lingsu could see this ups and downs, she seemed to know something, and she also felt a little nervous, but naturally she would not disturb Luo Yu, no matter what happened to Luo Yu, she would remain unchanged .

"Tsk tsk, it seems that my expectation is not bad. The wooden shadow clone is really gone. It cannot be summoned or detected, but the ice spirit thread in the body has finally stabilized. Now my mana can also function a little bit."

Luo Yu used that little bit of spiritual power to use the 'Inner Vision Method' to see through the inside of the body, and then said thoughtfully.

Although the big assistant in the past is gone, and Luo Yu can't even figure out how the "immortal" existence of Mu Ying's avatar disappeared in his body, it is lucky to be able to survive this time, and it proves that he is indeed impossible If one is lucky all the time, one will always suffer some setbacks, but Luo Yu's tone does not appear to be very disappointing.

This had something to do with what he was most worried about - the mysterious flame!

When he was healing a few days ago, Luo Yu analyzed the loss. The loss or complete damage of the wooden shadow avatar was within his expectation, and the complete set of ancient artifacts 'Blue Sky Double Wall' he just got was also It should have been taken away by the fire-headed camel at the end, but these ancient artifacts and treasures are all external possessions, and now Luo Yu puts more emphasis on cultivation.

The internal inspection of Luo Yu just now was mainly to observe whether the mysterious flame in the depths of the dantian was still there. That was the foundation of Luo Yu's cultivation of immortality. He naturally valued it the most, but Luo Yu hadn't told Yan Ling about this yet. Su's preparation, although he knew that even if this woman knew about the existence of the mysterious flame, it would not change him in any way, but Luo Yu had made a heavy oath in the early years, and he would definitely rot this secret in his heart. In my heart, I won't tell anyone, and even so, Luo Yu can still share the benefits brought by the mysterious flame with Linger, so how can he be stingy with his dual cultivation partner!

Thinking about it this way, the matter of the mysterious flame seems to be nothing to the relationship between the two.

"Luo Yu, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for protecting me, your wooden shadow clone would have had time to escape into your body."

After Yan Lingsu heard Luo Yu's muttering to herself without revealing a word, she seemed to think of something, thinking that Luo Yu was unwilling to give up, and immediately the woman pursed her lips and blamed herself.

But those big Shuiling eyes fluttered and fluttered, arousing extreme pity, I'm afraid no one would feel a little bit of blame when they saw it.

What's more, Luo Yu was wrongly blamed for this, he just had a little feeling, and didn't mean to blame anyone.

"Ling'er, how can I blame you for this? Originally, I gave the Muying clone a death order to protect you. If not, do you think I would be stupid enough to choose between Muying clone and you?" Mu Ying's clone? He can protect you with death, and I think it's worth it."

Luo Yu stretched out his hand, and after wrapping Ling'er's tightly bound willow waist into his arms, he said with a light smile on his lips.

In fact, Yan Lingsu thought too much about Luo Yu, so he ignored his position in Luo Yu's heart. Of course, after hearing Luo Yu's affectionate explanation, his heart was naturally very sweet.

As for Luo Yu's little gesture, if it was an ordinary female cultivator, she would probably refuse to welcome her to seduce her, but for Ling'er who didn't understand the art of charm at all, she was a little less graceful, but a little more Honest and honest, as long as Luo Yu is not too lustful, Ling'er is like a blank sheet of paper and let him do whatever he wants.

"But the matter of the ice spirit and cold soul silk thread is easy to solve, but the ice spirit and cold soul in my body has become more and more fused with the Sanwei Zhenhuo. I don't know if this is good or bad?"

Luo Yu has always been puzzled by this matter. With his current knowledge, he has never heard of any monk with fusion of ice and fire in his body. There have been some cases where the power of ice and fire coexisted, but this fusion has been said It's too weird.

"Fire and ice fusion? I haven't heard of it either. When I go back later, I'll ask my mother. I think my mother should know. You don't have to worry about it."

Yan Lingsu frowned slightly, and immediately felt more worried. After thinking for a while, he spoke softly.

"Ask Senior Yan? That's good."

As soon as I heard that I was going to bother that moody... the tortoise that was about to evolve, etc., this insect has been a famous three-treasure holy insect since ancient times, so thinking about it this way, Luo Yu doesn't have to worry about his own strength weakening .

Seeing the undeniable expression on Luo Yu's face, Yan Lingsu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded lightly, and obediently flew out from the top of the grotto.

Luo Yu only felt that the white shadow flashed, and Ling'er's figure disappeared completely.

And Luo Yu, who has always kept his word, just crossed his legs at this time, and began to meditate calmly. Although he is now in a peaceful and peaceful place, he has a faint premonition that it won't be long before. It is still inevitable that he will encounter storms, so he does not want to waste a little time. At this moment, he must make good use of the magic power that has emerged through hard work, and slowly circulate the whole body, hoping to open up more meridians, and completely restore the middle stage of foundation establishment one day soon. Peak strength.

Luo Yu had only been meditating in the dark for less than an hour. Suddenly, there was a sound of wind in front of him. With a slight movement of Luo Yu's nose, he smelled a familiar fragrance. When Luo Yu opened his eyes, he smiled Said: "How? Senior Yan can see me?"

The familiar fragrance naturally came from Yan Lingsu's body. When she opened her eyes, the beautiful woman was already standing beside her.

And hearing Luo Yu's questioning voice, for some reason, Ling'er seemed a little shy and hesitant to speak at this time.

Eh!This made Luo Yu strange. Although the two of them have not been together for many days, the tranquility of holding hands and growing old together is deeply rooted in the hearts of the two of them. Luo Yu doesn't think there is anything he can't say things.

As a result, when Luo Yu was wondering whether to ask, Yan Lingsu finally opened his mouth, biting his white teeth.

But as soon as these words were spoken, Luo Yu, who hadn't expected it, was stunned! ——

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