fairy flame

Chapter 618 Silk Knot Curse

Luo Yu saw the sudden change on the face of the blue-faced old woman. He knew the other party's weird temper, so he didn't have too much surprise on his face. Poison related?"

As soon as this sentence was finished, Luo Yu couldn't hold back the urgency in his heart, and added in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter whether the senior left the junior for this matter, even if it didn't, I hope the senior can take the detoxification. Let me tell you, no matter how difficult it is, this junior will do my best!"

When talking about the fire poison on Linger's body, Luo Yu couldn't help exuding an awe-inspiring aura!

Seeing Luo Yu's unwavering expression, as if feeling the sincerity, the blue-faced old woman was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst into inexplicable and shrill laughter.

The laughter was indescribably desolate and sad, mixed with a hint of relief.

Just when Luo Yu's ears were irritated by this unexpected laughter, the roar of laughter stopped abruptly.

The blue-faced old woman's eyes are burning and menacing!

"Okay! Seeing that you dare to say these words, it proves that your intentions for my daughter are true, but in the eyes of my ice demon, this is not enough. Let me ask you, are you willing to help my daughter?" and die, sacrificing his life for her!"

The blue-faced old woman said sharply with a stern face!

These strange words, like a bolt from the blue, came out of the other party's mouth, and the blade-like eyes stared at Luo Yu, as if looking at Luo Yu with a horrified and puzzled expression.

It's a pity that the blue-faced old woman not only did not see the expected result, but saw Luo Yu's face sinking, and after a flash of thoughtful expression on his face, his expression quickly became firm.

"Forgive me, junior, for not understanding what senior means. Could it be that senior Yan still has doubts about this subordinate? But as far as this junior thinks about it, most of the sacrifices that senior said were meant to scare or test juniors, and they don't really have the intention of sacrificing their lives in their hearts." After all, this junior is now Ling'er's husband, and even from the junior's point of view, if I die in the hands of the senior, no matter what the reason is, Ling'er will most likely go with me, and the senior will definitely not want to see this the result of."

Hearing this, Luo Yu didn't have the slightest fear. Before jumping into the black water ice pool, he dared to sacrifice himself for Ling'er, let alone now that the two are married.

Luo Yu calmly analyzed what he could think of with his meticulous mind.

"If it's really a test, then please don't waste your time, senior. Although this junior can't guess senior's mind, but the senior's cultivation in the middle stage of alchemy has not been able to relieve the fire poison in Ling'er's body so far. Ling'er is now alone. All of her cultivation has been sealed, and she only has the strength of the elementary level of Qi training. It is not realistic to rely on Ling'er's own ability to get rid of the fire poison, only the junior! Although there is cold poison in the body, the senior must have found that the fire poison in the lower reserve The ice moon blue flower in the bag, I believe that as long as there is this cold attribute elixir, the junior will recover his cultivation sooner or later, and if he wants to relieve Linger from the fire poison, the most likely one is the junior."

"No matter what senior thinks, I still hope that senior can believe me. It's true that I'm afraid of death, but I'm also willing to risk my life for Ling'er. This is also absolutely true."

After finishing speaking, Luo Yu raised his eyebrows, and his gaze was fixed on the blue-faced old woman without dodging, his tone was extremely sincere.

I felt a bit bitter in my heart, although I didn't have to call the other party 'mother-in-law' like in the secular world, but I was still his daughter's lifelong partner, and now the other party not only didn't accept me at all, but made things difficult for me everywhere, but In front of Yan Lingsu, the blue-faced old woman looked very happy, not at all abnormal as she is now.

"Hey, you kid is talking about hype. Although you don't know if it's true or not, you can see many things clearly. It's a pity that the old lady only looks at the actual actions. Since you keep saying that you are willing to give everything for my daughter, then the old lady will add to the cake." It's not a big deal to add a condition, Luo boy, if the old woman tells you the way to rescue, but you fail to do it, then you have to go to hell with my daughter!"

The blue-faced old woman's eyes turned cold!

"The blamed old lady is cruel. If you are really willing to give up everything for her, then this request is reasonable after careful consideration, isn't it?"

The blue-faced old woman seemed to have a hard-hearted heart, and she refused to trust Luo Yu completely at all, and said with a meaningful chuckle.

When Luo Yu and the other party's eyes were clearly prepared, they unconsciously shuddered, but still gritted their teeth and said: "Okay, I promise senior, I don't know if senior wants to swear a poisonous oath or make some kind of oath." Blood contract as evidence?"

No matter how well-mannered Luo Yu is, at this moment, there is an expression of impatience on his face as he continued to insinuate with you, and he said calmly.

"Haha, poison oath and blood contract are illusory things, I don't believe in them, the old lady has her own means to make you keep your promise."

The other party seemed to be happy to see Luo Yu's expression, and said with a loud hiss.


As soon as Luo Yu heard it, his face was baffled for a while, but as soon as he recalled everything just now in his mind, he was startled and said: "That picture scroll! Senior tampered with that picture scroll!"

The other party was obviously not deceiving him, but after thinking about it, Luo Yu thought to himself that he kept a distance from the blue-faced old woman. It is impossible for the other party to play tricks on him silently, and the only thing that really has ghosts is that strange picture And those two drops of absorbed blood.

At this moment Luo Yu finally came to his senses, he secretly scolded himself for being so careless, so many harmful poisonous curses and blood oaths just needed to be arranged with blood essence, he was always cautious, how could he suddenly miss such a fatal point, It would be fine if the other party targeted him alone, but if Ling'er was harmed, he would really regret it.

Luo Yu's frightened and furious thought was true. He had indeed read some magical rumors in some ancient books. It is said that in ancient times, some immortal cultivators could use a drop of blood essence from the enemy's body to cast a spell on the enemy from a distance. There are many vicious secret techniques, and even the most terrifying ones can reach the level of resurrecting a dead body!

Did the other party want to harm him from the beginning?But this obviously doesn't make sense. First of all, the blue-faced old woman's cultivation base is extremely high, and it is easy to torture and kill Luo Yu.

The blue-faced old woman's sneer became more intense!

"Hey, how can the old lady's Qiansi Calamity Curse be described by the three despicable words 'hands and feet'? Don't worry, kid. As long as you go out with my daughter and keep your promise to find an antidote for her, If she survives, you will never die, on the contrary, maybe you will be grateful to the old woman for the benefits brought by the Qiansi Calamity Curse."

A slightly mocking and threatening voice came out, as if he was very confident in his so-called "Thousand Silk Curse", or he didn't want to waste time guessing for a monk who didn't understand at all, and the blue-faced old woman ignored Luo Yu. Yu stared in surprise, and continued to speak proudly.

"Forget it, what the old lady said is not accessible to you now, so I will briefly explain to you the function of the 'Thousand Silk Calamity Curse'. The witches only appeared in the hands of our Xuerong people after they attacked our Xiliang. At that time, the Southern Wilderness witch tribe was extremely powerful. In addition to the talent of practicing witchcraft and lich fusion, there are also some secrets that outsiders don't know. , until now, very few people know that the reason why the witches of the Southern Wilderness are so powerful that they can overwhelm all directions and can wage war on neighboring lands every ten thousand years is because the tribal witches have inherited some spells left by the ancient witch cultivators. '!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Yu really hadn't heard of what this 'curse' was, but he was relieved that the other party obviously didn't intend to harm the two of them.

"This kind of 'spell' is by no means comparable to some low-level spells you are exposed to now. To be precise, it should be said that 'sorcery' is more appropriate. Specifically, why our Xuerong tribe can get this 'Qiansi' The spell-casting method of "Jieju" has been unknown for thousands of years, but what is even more amazing is that the Qiansi Jieju, which is rumored to be practiced only by the witch tribe, is also applicable to our Xuerong tribe. It's just that our Xuerong tribe has never publicized this matter, because if the tribal witches know that this Qiansi robbery spell is strayed outside and used secretly, they will definitely kill it at all costs We Xuerong people, so even within the vast and boundless Xuerong people, we know very little about the Qiansi Tribulation Curse, almost only the core lineage people are qualified to contact and master the practice of this curse."

The blue-faced old woman suddenly became serious!

"Although this Thousand Threads Tribulation Curse is miraculous, it is not too heaven-defying. Otherwise, our Xuerong tribe would have grown stronger and annexed the Xiliang prefectures. Speaking of which, it is the first time since the old lady practiced this curse. Casting this spell, it is also your luck that your kid can encounter such a rare event in a thousand years."

The blue-faced old woman talked at length for a long time, although Luo Yu understood somewhat, but he really couldn't believe all of this kind of thing that was more like a fairy tale, so he had to say something with a face full of helplessness.

"The senior has said so much, and the junior can understand a little bit, but the senior doesn't seem to have said what the function of this curse is."

Now Luo Yu really admires the blue-faced old woman's ability to speak at length. Could it be that the other party has been holding back under the black water for a long time, so how can she talk about anything casually without stopping.

Now what Luo Yu really wants to hear is that this is the only way to get rid of the cold poison in Ling'er's body, but the other party still refuses to tell the whole story.

Are you testing your patience again?Luo Yu really has a big head.

But unexpectedly, the blue-faced old woman did not show much anger at Luo Yu's urging words, but instead showed a trace of loneliness and melancholy in her eyes.

The update of "Xianyan" has been delivered, please collect it.

(Ten days of internship in other places, there will be no continuous updates during the days when you go out, Youdao has set a timed release at 09:30 in the morning for the chapters updated every day, I wish you a happy summer vacation, and you are tired of running around alone)


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