fairy flame

Chapter 708 Speed ​​Mind

According to the guidance of the map in his hand, Luo Yu drove the sun boat all the way in the air to easily avoid the one-horned thunder crocodile in the swamp, and after quickly crossing the swamp river, he came to the sky above another valley of trials.

Luo Yu paused at a height of more than ten feet away from a small mound, and compared his location with the other two 'suspicious places' on the map with different distances, to confirm that he was the same as those two places. After the suspicious place was in the direction of three o'clock and one line, Luo Yu violently urged You Rizhou to break through the air.

For a moment, the blue light of Yourizhou was dazzling, like a deep blue light ball flickering in the sky, and it continued to emit bursts of ear-piercing screams!

Although the second suspicious place is still a little far away from Luo Yu, with the help of Yu Compass, Luo Yu can completely rest assured and unscrupulously maximize the speed. [

Even Luo Yu himself doesn't know how scary the fastest speed of You Rizhou is today, but there is no doubt that it has definitely surpassed the few cultivators in the early stage of alchemy.

After all, when Luo Yu was only at the early stage of foundation establishment, with the wind spirit power in his body and You Rizhou, he could chase and escape Huotutuo on par, but now the wind spirit power in his body is proficient and refined. The pure speed has increased several times than before, and the speed of the sun boat is far from what it used to be.

But Luo Yu always had a feeling that his wind spiritual power seemed to have exceeded the mana You Rizhou needed to arouse his maximum speed. This made Luo Yu want to enjoy it heartily since his cultivation reached the late stage of foundation establishment. When it comes to super-speed pleasure, it doesn't have the feeling of being out of reach before, making it always feel like it can't be used with all its strength.

It also seemed that You Rizhou couldn't perfectly absorb Luo Yu's wind attribute aura, and he also had some shortcomings.

Later, this guess was tested by Luo Yu, and the result was exactly as he expected. When he suppressed his cultivation base in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he then used the wind power of the mid-stage cultivation base to drive You Rizhou and the later stage cultivation base that he did not hide at all. Inspired and driven, comparing the two, the speed that this boat can burst out is very different.

That is to say, Luo Yu's mid-stage cultivation base's wind spirit power is the limit that this boat can withstand. Even if Luo Yu's cultivation base continues to rise in the future, the speed of this boat cannot continue to increase.

This made Luo Yu feel very sorry, but at the same time he had to accept the reality in his heart. He also knew that Yu Rizhou was just a broken ancient flying magic weapon in the end. It is simply impossible for a cultivator far beyond the high realm.

Presumably there really is such a miraculous treasure, Master Li You was reluctant to give it to himself at the beginning, and if Li You didn't have the wind attribute spiritual root, You Rizhou's current speed would be of great use to Li You of.

But having said that, this You Rizhou's lightning escape technique has saved Luo Yu's life several times, and the help to him has always been unmatched by other ancient artifacts on his body. The alchemy cultivators like the old man Gongyang who use the magic weapon of their own life to escape are enough to save their lives. Speed ​​is the weakness of these people along the way.

Of course, these people that Luo Yu refers to are only monks in the early stage of alchemy. Luo Yu has never seen how fast a cultivator in the middle stage of alchemy is, so it is not easy to compare, but from what he has seen Most of the alchemy cultivators just stay in the early stage of alchemy, and it is absolutely difficult to break through to the middle stage of alchemy. Once they step into this state, it will be another new world.

When Luo Yu thought of this, he, who has always pursued speed first, followed by attack and defense, couldn't help thinking about other ways to increase his speed. Although his need for faster speed is not obvious right now, he can plan ahead It's his usual style.

However, after careful consideration, Luo Yu felt that there were only two methods that were almost impossible to succeed. The first was to search for an ancient flying artifact, and the premise was that the speed was faster than You Rizhou could replace it. But if you really want to think about it in your heart, you don't think it's feasible at all.

You must know that only two or three ancient flying artifacts have appeared in the huge Mengzhou, and they are all kept as treasures by some old monsters with extremely high cultivation bases. Even if there is another new flying ancient artifact that is born, Then no matter how hard they fought, it would not be Luo Yu's turn in the end.

This second method is even more impossible. At first, Luo Yu thought about repairing You Rizhou, a broken ancient flying weapon, so that it would become a perfect ancient flying weapon at first sight. In this way, the speed would naturally increase a lot. Not to mention, the defensive effect of this boat can also be greatly increased, but although he has the ability to repair the sun boat after practicing "Yi Xiang Jue", it is a pity that the other half of this ancient artifact is in the hands of Master Luo Yu's deadly enemy, the In the hands of 'Master Xu', he wanted to retrieve the 'Sun-chasing Banner' from the hand of this well-known patriarch who bared his teeth and must report.

After Luo Yu thought about it, he couldn't come up with a specific solution in the end, so he could only take one step at a time. After all, in terms of speed, he actually surpassed monks of the same level by a lot. The most beloved ancient artifact that has helped Luo Yu the most has no room for improvement, and Luo Yu feels somewhat inexplicable.

As for now, the speed of Yourizhou should be enough to cope with all difficulties, so Luo Yu did not encounter any obstacles in the process of speeding, even if there are some hidden and clever people on the road who can be lucky to escape the detection of Yu Compass However, in the face of Luo Yu's escapism, which is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, these people can only watch and sigh with vigor.

About half an hour later, Luo Yu drove You Rizhou to the sky above a mountain range that was relatively flat but stretched enough. Looking around, there was a vast expanse of emerald green scenery.

But although this place looks lush and green, it is a bit too ordinary compared to other places in the Valley of Trials. [

Leaving aside the aura of the mountains, looking down at it most intuitively, the highest peaks of those stretches of mountains seem to be no more than a hundred feet, and the lowest is only 34 feet, which is no different from ordinary grassy hills. There is nothing remarkable about it.

From the perspective of common sense in the world of cultivating immortals, if the mountain is not high, it is impossible for it to be a sacred mountain and blessed place, and it cannot grow any rare spiritual things.

But this is the second suspicious place on Luo Yu's map. Although in Luo Yu's view, this mountain range is the least likely to have the Jade Soul Tree among the three suspicious places he described, but He also had to go in and try it out, after all, the depth of this mountain range was immeasurable.

Although the surface of this mountain range looks extremely ordinary, there are not many people who have broken into the depths of it.

However, after Luo Yu came to this place, he naturally scanned it with his spiritual sense first, and found that there were quite a few immortal cultivators inside, perhaps because the mountains stretched too long.

At this moment, within a range of tens of miles, on the feather compass held by Luo Yu, there is a layer of bright yellow mist like a light mirror swirling and dancing, and on top of this yellow flat light, this Suddenly, dozens of red dots of varying brightness and darkness appeared, some of them were moving slowly in a fixed direction, as if they were hurrying on their way, while others were not moving in place, and the light emitted was also flickering Suddenly, it was obvious that he deliberately restrained his breath and hid somewhere, but he couldn't escape the perception of Yu Compass.

Most of the red dots are gathered together in groups of three or four, and they are also the brightest and most eye-catching on the light mirror displayed by the feather compass. Presumably some of them are sharing weal and woe and supporting each other to break through the barrier and hunt for treasure together, while others There are six or seven red light spots intertwined and changing directions. At the same time, there are circles of red ripples around these light spots. It seems that they are desperately fighting fiercely!

After knowing the whereabouts of these people, Luo Yu had no interest in meeting them. With a sudden inspiration, he easily found a flight path to avoid these people, and then his figure flickered again and again. Disappear.


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