fairy flame

Chapter 709 Red Cloud Restriction and Ape Crowing Mountain

Flying over this empty and low mountain range, the surrounding mountains and plains look a bit desolate, even if an inconspicuous bird flies past, it is still an eye-catching existence.

If it wasn't for the feather compass in Luo Yu's hand to rule out the places where there might be monks one step ahead, and let him take a quiet road disturbed by people, I am afraid that Luo Yu will encounter a lot of passing light in the sky around here at this moment of.

Now that I think I have some strength, and after realizing that this mountain range is not conducive to being hidden and sneaked, there are indeed many daring monks who are no longer sneaking in dense forests, but rather ostentatiously flying magic weapons straight into the sky, regardless of safety. I want to speed up the search for tokens.

The places with red light spots on the compass are not necessarily all immortal cultivators on the ground. Many monks used various secret methods to gallop at different altitudes.

Of course, although these people are self-confident, they underestimate this seemingly ordinary place. Often, some extraordinary things happen in ordinary places. The "human harm" here is not enough, but the "demon harm" But it's not that simple anymore. [

When Luo Yu flew about 34 miles into the mountains, he stared at the map and Yu compass with a tense expression on his face, and at this moment he finally relaxed and showed a hint of joy.

Not far in front of Luo Yu, there is a rather conspicuous strange mountain that can be seen with the naked eye. It is really reasonable to say that this mountain is weird.

Not only is the whole body of this mountain brown and red, and there is no grass growing, it is very different from other nearby green mountains in terms of color.

If Luo Yu hadn't made a mistake in observing the terrain along the way, he should be only ten miles away from the center of the mountain range. If he could find the Jade Soul Tree there, everyone would be very happy.

And the reason why he can be so sure that his judgment of the route is correct is that Luo Yu identified a place called "Ape Crying Mountain" as a mark. Luo Yu had secretly visited some Hanshanwu disciples who had entered the Valley of Trials in the early years. After chatting and exchanging, Luo Yu learned about such a place called 'Ape Crying Mountain' from those people.

It is said that this mountain not only looks like an ancient giant ape lying down and sleeping, which is lifelike, but also there are bursts of miserable ape whistling sounds from all over the mountain at regular intervals, which will make people passing by there After Xiu Xiu heard about it, a sense of sadness suddenly arose in her heart, which was very miraculous.

If some monks who didn't know why heard this sound for the first time, they might think it was a prelude to the attack of some powerful ape monster and would be very nervous because of it.

From this point of view, the strange mountain in front of me must be the rumored 'Ape Mountain'.

Speaking of which, Luo Yu also happened to be a few miles away from the 'Monkey Cry Mountain', and only then did he ask about the 'Sound of the Cry of the Monkey' and understood his position.

After that, he quickly and easily came to the vicinity of Yuantiao Mountain according to the way of listening to the sound, and the map that Luo Yu bought was blank after this point, and there was no guiding effect at all.

It's not because the mountain range is not depicted on this map, but because there are only a brief introduction of the periphery of the mountain range, which only indicates the depth of the mountain range for more than forty miles, but there is no description of the deeper landforms after more than forty miles. , so Luo Yu could only slowly explore the next road according to his own judgment and the glance of his divine sense.

And the 'Ape Crying Mountain' which is more than [-] miles away happens to be in a position similar to the boundary line. If you venture to explore further in, you will encounter a huge forbidden group covering a very wide range. Immortal cultivators Once it goes deep inside, it is no longer possible to use the power of flight and the five elements escape technique.

But if only this one factor hinders it, it will naturally not be able to stop those monks who are self-sufficient and like to explore. With the continuous recruitment of disciples into this Valley of Trials over the years, there are really many cultivators After the visitor found this place, he couldn't help but bravely went in and walked through it for a while, but what Luo Yu learned made him very disappointed.

It is said that the monks who have been inside mentioned all the things within the restriction are diametrically opposed, and almost have their own opinions.

Some people patted their chests and stomachs with great fanfare to ensure that there was no monster inside. After walking around in a leisurely manner, they felt that there was nothing unusual and walked out again dully. I encountered some very ferocious gregarious monsters inside, and managed to escape with their lives after a lot of fighting. As for what gregarious monsters they encountered and the detailed process of escaping, those monks came out with expressions of lingering fear , This is even more secretive and unwilling to talk about it.

But there is another saying that I don’t know if it’s credible. It’s said that the more monks go in alone, the safer they will be, and the possibility of coming out is also very high. The greater the sex, the higher the danger, and if you don't do it well, you may be in danger of your life.

It was after hearing these mysterious and ambiguous rumors that Luo Yu felt that there might be some ulterior secrets in the depths of this mountain range. Luo Yu even guessed that there might be some kind of large scale hidden in the depths of the mountains. The "psychedelic" formation method, the monks who came out have different opinions, it is very likely that the way of the illusion formation is at work.

And because of the arrangement of the phantom array, isn't that a little bit of an attempt to hide it? [

After the time for a cup of tea, the light and shadow of Luo Yu's sun-cruising magic weapon came to the sky above the Yuantiao Mountain. After circling for a while, he did not directly cross the mountain and enter it. At a distance of several miles, there is a majestic barrier inserted into the sky. The whole body is shining with red light, like a huge wall of light rolling from the sky. While people didn't dare to look directly at them, they couldn't help but feel awe in their hearts, and this restriction must be the rumored restriction on the air that covers a wide range.

However, ever since Luo Yu came here, in the sun boat, he had held up the feather compass slightly with both hands and looked at it, feeling contemplative, but when he found that the sky was full of red clouds, After the Tongtian ban, Luo Yu couldn't help but show a little solemnity on his face even when he was watching from a distance.

He is also an expert in restricting formations. After all, any restriction must contain half of the formations, and the other half can be composed of magic weapons and secret techniques. Therefore, Luo Yu is also familiar with all kinds of prohibitions through the familiar formations. After some understanding, it's just that he has never had a place where he needs to use restraint, but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand it.

After Luo Yu observed for a while, he was more and more surprised and admired the amazing method of the person who set up the ban. Such a majestic air ban would never be like the ordinary pressure that Luo Yu encountered on the Snake Mountain before. It is forbidden to walk half-floating like that, but once inside, even Luo Yu may not even be able to get an inch off the ground.

Right now, judging from the powerful momentum of this restriction, if one wants to forcibly fly through the air, this huge red cloud restriction will definitely not be just a simple restriction, and there is probably something dangerous about it.

At this moment, after You Rizhou hovered around the outer sky of the red light restriction for a while, Luo Yu inside seemed to be observing something, and was not in a hurry to enter.

But at this moment, on the feather compass held in Luo Yu's hand, nine red light spots suddenly flashed near the center of the flat yellow light, while there was no display on the previous disk. As soon as the nine red light spots appeared, they moved quickly, turning most of the original yellow glossy surface into bright red, and because the nine red light spots were The sudden appearance without any warning, under the generous light, even Luo Yu was a little caught off guard!

After all, the center of the flat yellow light represents Luo Yu himself, and according to Yu Compass's reaction, nine strange monks suddenly appeared near it, and these nine monks obviously did not know what they used at first. He managed to avoid Yu Luopan's initial detection. If it weren't for the fact that the nine people couldn't hide their aura while moving fast, Luo Yu would never have discovered that there were so many people hiding near him.

After all, with the help of Yu Compass, Luo Yu had already put away his mana-consuming spiritual sense, so these nine people were so lucky that even Luo Yu's spiritual sense did not notice anything.

"Huh? These people are"

At this time, Luo Yu carefully looked at the moving directions of the nine red light spots, and suddenly his brows frowned and his face showed doubts.


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