fairy flame

Chapter 75

The jade slip that Li You gave Luo Yu was not the ancient jade slip that Li You found in the ancient monk's cave, but Li You copied it from that ancient jade slip. Said that there is no difference between this and the original version, and even for himself, the jade slip that Li You gave may be better than that ancient jade slip, because the copied jade slip actually recorded some of Li You's postoperative practice. experience!

This is the experience of the alchemy stage. In the world of cultivating immortals, it is definitely a priceless treasure. Immortal cultivators have to fight for something even if they break their heads. Luo Yu can practice the "quiet formula" so quickly, and the experience recorded by Li You Experience has a lot to do with it. The ancient cultivator who created this method was only at the alchemy stage, so the "resting formula" secret technique in the jade slips is only at the alchemy stage. Even if Luo Yu practiced to the foundation building stage, he didn't know that he would have to wait until the year of the monkey, let alone the unattainable matter of forming a pill. He is content and happy, and his luck is already very good.

Just when Luo Yu was in a trance, he suddenly had an inspiration, and saw two people in blue brocade clothes suddenly coming outside the attic. One of them was Zhang Qi who had been back to the headquarters of the Qinglong Gang for a long time. At this moment, a group of people stood beside him A middle-aged man with gray temples, about 50 to [-] years old, with a majestic look on his face.

Judging by Zhang Qi's expression and attitude towards this person, this majestic middle-aged man should undoubtedly be the current leader of the Qinglong Gang.

When the two were about to reach the attic, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi suddenly waved at Zhang Qi behind him, and Zhang Qi, who was walking, immediately stopped and stepped aside with a slight bow.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi saw that Zhang Qi stepped aside and stood there, he didn't rush in, but straightened his clothes solemnly, stood outside the door with a respectful expression, and said, "I wonder if Brother Luo has rested yet? Zhao Pan, the leader of the Qinglong Gang, took the liberty to interrupt."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he didn't even dare to raise his head and kept his posture motionless. Zhang Qi, who was standing aside watching this scene, was extremely surprised. The leader of his own clan always had a straight face and a majestic expression in front of the gang members. , Even when meeting the city lord of Guanshan City, he never had such an expression.

What's more, Luo Yu played with him since he was a child. He didn't know much about Luo Yu except that he hadn't seen him in the past few years. The illegitimate child of a big family!No matter how good the martial arts are, it's not enough for the gang leader to put on such a big air to meet him!

However, although Zhang Qi was surprised, he didn't dare to say more, because before he came, the Chief Zhao had told him that no matter what happened or what he saw, he was not allowed to intervene, and he was not allowed to disclose information about Luo Yu to the outside world. Anything else, help rules to dispose of.

"Master Zhao, come in! Luo has been waiting for a long time." An empty voice came from the attic. The voice seemed to come from far away, but it was very clear.

This leader Zhao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and his face was even more excited. These immortals are indeed some supernatural beings, and even when they speak, they look like they don't eat the fireworks of the world.

After ordering Zhang Qi to strictly guard the outside, Zhao Pan walked in lightly, entered the hall, and walked through the corridor. When he saw the dead horse in the stable below the attic, his mouth grew wide in surprise. A look of horror flashed in his eyes, but he returned to normal in an instant, and walked slowly to the attic.

Walking quickly to the door of Luo Yu's room, the Chief Zhao knocked on the door lightly, only to feel a breeze blowing gently, and the door opened slowly to the two sides automatically, revealing the white clothes sitting inside. The figure, who was not very old, looked at him with a smile that was not a smile on his delicate face, revealing a maturity that did not match his age.

"Villain Zhao Pan, now the head of the Azure Dragon Clan, I have seen the head of the fairy. I don't know why the emissary suddenly came to the clan?"

"You don't need to know the purpose of my coming here, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body, you first show the token and let me have a look." Luo Yu acted cautiously, and did not allow any mistakes.

"Of course, this jade card has always been a personal token of the leader of the gang! The villain has always worn the jade card on his body and dare not be careless in the slightest." After Zhao Pan finished speaking, he took out two similar-looking pure white The jade plaque came out, but if you look carefully, you will find the difference. The two jade plaques are engraved with Qinglong and Emerald Peak respectively. It seems that the jade plaque should have been one piece, but someone split it into two pieces. This kind of thing should be called "child mother jade card" in the secular world.

Luo Yu took the two jade tokens with one hand, held them in his hands for a while, and then said: "Yes, this token is not fake, but the information recorded by your Qinglong gang seems to be different from the information recorded by our sect! Why are you dignified?" The largest gang in the mountain city has been bullied to the top!" Luo Yu said calmly, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.

"This emissary forgive me! Please listen to me and explain the reason. If the emissary wants to punish the villain after listening to it, then the villain will have nothing to say." Zhao Pan knew what Luo Yu meant when he heard it. It happened in the alley today, and he immediately replied in panic.

"Oh! Come and listen to me!" Luo Yu said lightly, looking at the majestic gang leader in the secular world standing in front of him as timidly as a cat at the moment, without any majesty of the gang leader, on the contrary, his expression was pale Fearful, afraid of offending himself, Luo Yu is also quite proud, this immortal cultivator and mortals really are people from two worlds, they are simply one world and one earth!

"Speaking of this matter, it has something to do with the fairy head. Originally, our Qinglong gang had always said the same thing in Guanshan City a few months ago, but now the reason why our gang is repeatedly bullied by the Baihumen is because the Baihumen also has people like Xianchang. It is for this reason that the legendary master sits in the town, and the group of Baihumen dare to be so arrogant." Zhao Pan said angrily, with an extremely resentful expression, as if he had some deep hatred with Baihumen.

"What! There are also immortal cultivators in the White Tiger Gate! Where did you get the news?" Luo Yu, who hadn't paid much attention to it before, heard that there were immortal cultivators like himself in the White Tiger Gate, and suddenly said with a change of expression. asked.

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