fairy flame

Chapter 76

Luo Yu's heart shuddered!

This is not a trivial matter. Immortal cultivators rarely interfere with the affairs of the secular world, and only when there are huge changes in the secular world, they will intervene. After all, the secular world is also the basis for the continuation of the cultivation world, like this time the man in black This is the case for things like this.

Because of the thinness of aura in the secular world, it is difficult to find a cultivator in the secular world. Who doesn't want to practice in a place with rich aura, so that he can improve his cultivation quickly, and it is a waste of time to get too involved in the affairs of the secular world , will also be contaminated with the evil obstacles of the world of mortal world. Although no one can figure out what the so-called evil obstacles of the world of mortals are, but after countless years of summarization in the world of cultivating immortals, a rule has been drawn. It is related to the inner demons during cultivation, so there is an unwritten rule in the world of cultivating immortals. No matter whether they are casual cultivators or disciples of those sects, they are not allowed to interfere with the affairs of the secular world. It was because of these reasons that Luo Yu was so surprised when he heard that immortal cultivators intervened in gang disputes.

"Returning to the Immortal Chief, although the villain has never seen the immortals in the Baihumen with his own eyes, the small sect, which had been inconspicuous before, suddenly rose from the sky and killed several branch hall masters of the gang almost overnight. It was clean, without leaving the slightest clue, not only the gang, but almost all the well-known gangs in Guanshan City who did not submit to Baihumen would encounter the same thing. This matter is related to those mysterious cultivators, but through the villain's observation of those dead, they found that their throats were sealed with a sword, and some tiny ice crystals appeared on the surface of their throats, and the expressions on their faces were terrified. The muscles all over his body are soft, and it doesn't look like they were killed after resisting. The villain guessed that these people were killed in an instant, and it was too late to react. Since the villain had this suspicion, he sent a female spy Sneak into Baihumen and become a concubine beside the master of Baihumen, and according to the information from this woman, he once heard the word "Xianzun" from the master of Baihumen in Mengyu when he was sleeping. Only then can I be sure that there are immortals behind Baihumen," Zhao Pan explained in a deep voice.

Luo Yu has not said a word, and has been observing this person's eyes, but he has not found the slightest suspicion of lying from the beginning to the end. It seems that the fact that there are immortal cultivators in Baihumen is probably true, but I just don't know if it is mentioned in the mission. Those people are related to the group of black-clothed mysterious monks.

"Whether there are really immortal cultivators involved, I will find out. I am afraid that I will live in Guanshan City for a while this time. Please help me arrange a secluded place. Also, don't reveal my identity as an immortal cultivator to anyone. , you must have known my identity in the secular world from Zhang Qi, and this identity is also not allowed to be revealed to the outside world, otherwise don’t blame me for being cruel. From now on in the gang, you can call me...Qing Yu, and call me to the outside world It's just a helper you hired with money." Luo Yu said solemnly.

"The head of the fairy wants to stay in the gang! That's great, the villain listens to the head of the fairy, and I will ask someone to arrange a place for the head of the fairy." Zhao Pan almost cried out in surprise, if Luo Yu If he is willing to stay permanently in the Azure Dragon Gang, then he no longer needs to be afraid of the opponent's immortal cultivators. With Luo Yu around, the Azure Dragon Gang may soon regain its former glory. Since Luo Yu wants to stay here permanently, as long as the opponent's immortal cultivators dare to If there is a slight change, they will definitely not ignore it.

"The place where I live must be in a peaceful environment without being disturbed by anyone. This is very important. You have nothing to do now. You go back and arrange it! By the way, call Zhang Qi who is standing below." After Luo Yu finished speaking, Leaning back on the chair, he closed his eyes and meditated.

Seeing that Luo Yu didn't want to say any more, Zhao Pan thanked him again and again and stepped back. It didn't take long before Zhang Qi came up in a hurry.

"Haha! Luo Yu, I didn't expect you to become so powerful now, and I won't forget the little fat guy who always liked to pester you!" Zhang Qi happily joked as soon as he entered the door.

"Hehe! Now you are not fat anymore. I am afraid that you have suffered a lot in these years!" It is also rare for Luo Yu to meet a friend who is willing to speak from the bottom of his heart. The originally nervous mood has relaxed a lot. Maybe this is the reason. This is the last time for me. After all, in the world of cultivating immortals, one must always be on tight guard against other people's schemes, and cannot relax at all.

"That's a long story..." Hearing Luo Yu's question about what happened to him over the past few years, Fatty Zhang began to slowly talk about some things about his wanderings after leaving Luo's mansion.The two of them seemed to have recovered a little bit of their childhood feelings, and Luo Yu listened very seriously...

About four hours later, the outside of the attic was already pitch black, and the two unknowingly chatted so excitedly that they forgot the time, until midnight, stimulated by the cold wind, Luo Yu would still be full of excitement. Qi sent it out, and after returning to the room, Luo Yu closed the door tightly and recalled the conversation between the two just now.

It turns out that Zhang Qi is now the deputy head of the Quick Knife Hall of the Qinglong Gang, but he can sit in this position, which is full of bitterness. Back then, Fatty Zhang passed the assessment and joined the Qinglong Gang with his enthusiasm. It has nothing to do with it, so that he is not even an outside disciple. He was assigned to the kitchen as a handyman disciple doing firework. Disciples don't have his share.

He originally thought that he could use his hard work to get ahead, but he did it for two years. During the two years of firework, he was almost humiliated and cold-eyed, but these experiences also made him lose his enthusiasm and immaturity. Begin to adapt to this intriguing world, know how to flatter others, be cautious in words and deeds.

Finally, by coincidence again, an elder of the Qinglong Gang valued him and accepted him as his personal disciple. Zhang Qi has been following him to learn the sword technique. Naturally, Zhang Qi should seize this hard-won opportunity and get the sword technique to teach him. Afterwards, Zhang Qi practiced almost day and night, and finally became a master of swordsmanship in just two years. The elder saw that Zhang Qi worked so hard and his martial arts improved rapidly, so he cared for him very much on weekdays. It was precisely because of this that it brought him a fatal disaster.

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