fairy flame

Chapter 79 The Immortal Cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Period

"Back then, I also accidentally found the shopkeeper Fang dying on the road. As for the details of what happened, I don't know. I just came today but I have a heart. Now that the letter has been delivered, I will leave." The fault was in the Luo Mansion, but Luo Yu grew up in the Luo Mansion after all, so he still had some feelings anyway, so naturally he would not tell the details of what happened.

"The young man really doesn't know? If the young man wants money, although the old man is not a wealthy gentry, he still has some wealth. As long as the young man is willing to tell the truth! Zhu will definitely not treat the young man badly." Zhu Sheng obviously didn't believe what Luo Yu said, thinking that the reason why Luo Yu didn't say anything was for money.

"Hmph! It's up to you whether you believe me or not. If I hadn't passed by here accidentally today, I definitely wouldn't have come here to deliver a letter so kindly. So you don't need to be grateful, and I don't need anything, so I will leave now." Luo Yu's purpose was to deliver the letter, and he didn't want to entangle with a mortal at all, so he got up and walked downstairs.

However, the moment Luo Yu just stepped out of the threshold, an ethereal and illusory voice suddenly came from behind, and Luo Yu never realized that there was someone behind him!

"I don't know where you are cultivating in the fairy mountain. Zhou Jin, a poor Taoist, is the person in charge of Tongbao Bank." Hearing this, Luo Yu's nerves tensed instantly, and he hurriedly turned back in horror, only to see a gentleman in Tsing Yi The young man was standing behind him with a smile on his face, with a friendly expression.

"Foundation-building monks!" Luo Yu almost couldn't help shouting out in horror, how could there be high-level monks in the foundation-building period here!

After he came in, his spiritual sense scanned the entire bank, but he didn't find the aura of the immortal cultivator. Among the two possibilities, Luo Yu felt that the most unlikely and least wanted was the hidden aura of the immortal cultivator at the foundation establishment stage. He couldn't detect it. arrive!

Luo Yu's expression was very ugly at the moment, and his thoughts were in a hurry, secretly regretting that he shouldn't come here, but he didn't have time to think about it, stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Young Qingyu, Cuixia sent monks to go down the mountain in the name of the teacher , I don’t know that senior is practicing here, so I take the liberty to bother you.” Luo Yu’s voice was polite, and he didn’t dare to neglect in the slightest. Dangerous things, at this moment, even if someone kills you at will at this moment, no one will know at all.

Luo Yu was also afraid that this person would ask about the Luo Mansion, so naturally he couldn't tell his real name to avoid getting involved, so he lied to him that his name was Qing Yu, and the self-reporting of his family name in advance could also make the other party jealous. After all, the Cuixia faction is one of the most powerful factions in Yuanjiang country.

Moreover, there are so many mortals in the secular world that it is difficult for immortal cultivators to see them. Even if the Cuixia faction wants to investigate at that time, they will have no way to start, so every immortal cultivator must be cautious when doing things outside. Immortal cultivators with high self-cultivation.Of course, famous mountains, Dapai, Fangshi, Daochang and other places are excluded, and those places are protected by high-level immortal cultivators.

"Hehe! It turned out to be the Qing Daoist of the Cuixia Sect. There is no need to panic in Qingdao, and Zhou has no other intentions. It's just that I rarely see fellow cultivators on weekdays. I want to chat with the Daoist. I wonder if the Qing Daoist is convenient? "Zhou Jin looked at the nervous expression on Luo Yu's face, and smiled indifferently.

"Since the senior has spoken, how dare I disobey it, and I will obey the arrangement of the senior." Now, someone else's cultivation level is a full level higher than my own!Luo Yu couldn't even have the slightest thought of resistance, and she was not at the same level at all, so Luo Yu could only obediently obey.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Qing is indeed a straightforward person. Zhou's usual practice place is in an underground training room in this bank. Today, the old man needs to have a chat with Fellow Daoist Qing. Zhu Sheng, you go down first!"No matter who comes to me, just say that Mr. Zhou has something important to do today, and refuse to see guests, understand? "After Zhou Jin laughed, she instructed Zhu Sheng who was standing beside her.

"Yes, Xian Changfang... Don't worry, the villain will do it now!" Zhu Sheng turned around from the surprised expression when he heard Zhou Jin's question. From the beginning, he thought Luo Yu was just It's just a martial arts knight. With his status, he still doesn't pay much attention to those ordinary martial arts people, but how could he think that the young man in front of him is the same as his boss behind the scenes? As soon as he existed, he immediately began to regret the recklessness just now, wondering if he had bumped into this young fairy just now.

After the red-faced Zhu Sheng retreated, Luo Yu followed Zhou Jin nervously through several twists and turns, and after turning through several dark passages, he came to a sealed stone wall. The tunnel was already at its end.

"This..." Luo Yu said in surprise.

"Hehe! It's just some tricks of the secular world, but it makes fellow Taoist laugh." Zhou Jin said with a smile, and lightly pressed a bump on the wall, and the whole wall began to shake violently. The two sides began to rotate slightly in the opposite direction. After a moment of rustling, a secret passage with a width of one person was revealed, and Zhou Jin walked in politely.

The moment Luo Yu saw the secret passage, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes. After hesitating for a while standing outside, he gritted his teeth and followed in. Since everyone has already come, it is impossible to turn back.

After Luo Yu walked into the secret passage, his eyes lit up suddenly, and his face was quite surprised. The interior was not as luxuriously furnished as Luo Yu imagined, but rather bland, except for one chair, one and two pieces of training equipment on the ground. Apart from the gray futon, there is nothing else, such a bland ascetic is extremely rare.

"This is a joke for fellow daoists. Mr. Zhou only cares about penance on weekdays, and there are very few guests here, so there is nothing to entertain fellow daoists. If you don't mind, fellow daoists can just sit on this futon for a while." Zhou Jin smiled awkwardly He said that there was no arrogance towards Luo Yu as a monk in the foundation period, but this made Luo Yu even more vigilant.

"Senior Zhou has seen others, and Qing doesn't like those foreign things very much. Senior is dedicated to Taoism. No wonder his cultivation has reached the high-level realm of the foundation-building period. This junior really admires it." After Luo Yu clasped his fists slightly, he also He sat down slowly and bluntly.

"Hehe! I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist and Poverty Daoist have similarities. Fellow Daoist Qing, don't call me senior when you see someone outside. How about calling me Big Brother Zhou?" Seeing Luo Yu sitting down, Zhou Jin said, Immediately said affectionately, as if Luo Yu was his old friend for many years.

"This...Since Senior Zhou has spoken, Qing will not be pretentious. Brother Zhou must have something to do. If there is anything I can do to help, Brother Zhou can just speak up." Since this person is so polite, Luo Yu naturally will not believe it. There is no reason, so he cut to the chase.

"Okay! Fellow Daoist is really a straightforward person. Mr. Zhou likes to make friends like you all his life. I really have something to trouble Brother Qing, so I just said it straight. I don't know if Brother Qing has heard of 'Wanxian Pavilion'." At the end of Zhou Jin's words, she suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Wanxian Pavilion! Could it be that Big Brother Zhou is talking about 'Wanxian Pavilion', the largest cultivating firm in Linhai Seven States!" When Luo Yu heard the word 'Wanxian Pavilion', he was startled and thought he heard it wrong. Yes, I couldn't help but ask.

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