fairy flame

Chapter 80 Wanxian Pavilion and Auction

"Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion!"

You must know that anyone who has some common sense of cultivating immortals will not even know about the giant cultivator "Wanxian Pavilion". , it is said that the founder of this firm is a great supernatural cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, and this person is also a spiritual root of the mutated thunder attribute. All the immortal cultivators are well-known, so this is the reason why everyone is very greedy for the power of the 'Wanxian Pavilion', but no one dares to provoke it.

What does it mean to have a great supernatural cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage? Immortal cultivators who reach the Nascent Soul stage all have the ability to sweep away everything, the pinnacle of the world of immortality!Even Cuixia School’s thousands of years of accumulation and inheritance have only two Nascent Soul Stage Supreme Elders, and there are no more than five Nascent Soul Stage monks in the entire Yuanjiang Kingdom!Even if this person wants to start a sect, he can establish a sect, but he has established an unprecedentedly large business firm-'Wanxian Pavilion' beyond everyone's expectations.

There are monks in the Nascent Soul stage sitting in the town, which will naturally attract many casual cultivators. It is said that the "Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion" has been developed for less than a hundred years, and it can be called a miracle in the world of immortality, but at this moment Zhou Jin mentioned I don't know what Wanxian Pavilion means, Luo Yu thought about it for a while.

"That's right! It's the largest business firm in Linhai Qizhou, 'Wanxian Pavilion', but what fellow Taoists don't know is that Tongbao Bank is actually an industry of Wanxian Pavilion in the secular world. It's not a secret, like this Large-scale secular forces, whether they are gangs or commercial firms, cannot do without the support of the world of cultivating immortals, and of course the two will not have any contact unless necessary, so very few people know about this matter." Zhou Jin slowly Said.

Hearing this, Luo Yu also nodded secretly. These secular industries are basically supported by immortal practitioners. Qinglong Gang and Baihumen are good examples.

"This time seeking help from Taoist friends, Zhou really has no choice. About half a year later, Pindao will hold a fair for cultivators on the Qingya Peak of Chumu Mountain not far from Liguan Mountain City. This is actually nothing. There are transactions between immortal cultivators everywhere in the sacred mountains and blessed places in the world of cultivating immortals, but not long ago, Wanxian Pavilion, the headquarters, suddenly gave Pindao an order that a large auction will be held in this fair, which is why It's hard to handle, once it comes to the auction, there will be a lot of troubles. It is very troublesome to meet those eccentric and high-cultivation cultivators. Although most people hear the name of Wanxian Pavilion I don’t dare to be reckless, but I don’t rule out some people who don’t understand the rules at all, so I hope fellow daoists can help Zhou to protect him for a while. Immortal cultivators above the eighth floor, please help keep the order of the auction together. After the event is completed, the pindao will each pay 20 spirit stones, and if there are fellow daoists who like it in the auction, the pindao can also make the decision Give a [-]% discount to fellow daoists, what do you think Brother Qing would like?" Zhou Jin stared at Luo Yu with a hint of anxiety in his expression.

"Brother Zhou wins over younger brother so much, surely it's because of his cultivation?" Luo Yu didn't directly agree.After pondering for a moment, he asked with a chuckle instead.

"This...brother, I'm frankly going to sue. In fact, I know a lot of poor Taoists in the eighth-level Qi training period like fellow Taoists. It's just that most of them are casual cultivators wandering around. They don't have much credit at all. Everyone in the immortal world is in danger. It is difficult for others to believe that it is not because of their status or fame that they have some influence, and they have traveled thousands of miles to participate in the auction. The purpose is to seize the valuable auction items they carry, and this kind of thing is not unheard of in the world of cultivating immortals."

Zhou Jin also sighed helplessly when she said this, and said: "I am afraid that the auction will not attract many people with the reputation of the old man alone, but if you add the disciples of the major sects and some cultivators For the children of big families, it is quite different. Those deep-rooted big forces value fame very much. This is why Zhou is looking for the disciples of the big sect to go down the mountain. I will do my best, and Fellow Daoist Qing must also know how precious a favor from a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage is!"

After listening to what this person said, Luo Yu secretly calculated in his heart that Zhou Jin spoke lightly this time, and did not mention the danger at the auction at all. I am afraid that he was careful, but if he did not agree at this moment, he would have to pay attention. It is easy for the monk Jiqi to kill himself. Even if he has the concerns of the Cuixia faction, he will let him go today, but Luo Yu will not leave immediately. This mission shows that he will stay in the Qinglong gang for a year. Guanshan City is so big, if this person does not want to kill you openly, but secretly tampers with you while you are cultivating, then the loss outweighs the gain.

After thinking about it in Luo Yu's mind, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "It's not impossible to guard for a while, and within the scope of Qing's ability, naturally there will be no delay, but if there are some dangers that Qing can't solve, then it will not be in vain." I hope Big Brother Zhou will be considerate of those who are sent to die.”

"That's natural. If something like that really happens, fellow daoist can leave immediately, and Zhou will never stop him. Since fellow daoist Qing agrees, then we are on the same boat. If brother Qing is here in Guanshan City? If you need it, Brother Qing just ask, our Tongbao Bank can enjoy both black and white on this three-acre land." Zhou Jin quickly responded, as if Luo Yu was going back on his word, and then immediately began to care about Luo Yu Come.

In fact, Luo Yu has no choice. If someone has a high cultivation base, he can see that you are crushed to death, but at this moment he really has something to ask, so he said: "Brother Zhou, there are other things in this city. Immortal cultivators are cultivating in the city? My little brother is here for the first time, so I still need to know a thing or two about the immortal cultivators in Guanshan City, so as not to offend someone unintentionally."

In fact, Luo Yu wanted to ask if there were immortal cultivators behind the White Tiger Gate, but if he spoke directly, his intention would be too obvious.

"The number of immortal cultivators in this city has increased a lot recently, and many of them are disciples of the three major sects of our Yuanjiang Kingdom, such as the Cuixia sect where Fellow Qing Daoist belongs to, and the Chongyun sect behind the Qiyaotang, which specializes in iron smelting. The Sanyang Sect behind the square has sent some low-level disciples here, and recently there have even been many casual cultivators who have no sect and no sect joined these secular forces, wanting to fish in troubled waters, but those people are naturally not Dare to offend you disciples who have the backing of the sect." Zhou Jin couldn't help being a little envious when he said this, as a casual cultivator himself, the suffering he has suffered to the present level is beyond words. Now that it has reached the foundation building stage, without the help of the sect, it would be impossible to go further.

(First update) The second trial of Xianyan is today, I hope that everyone who supports "Xianyan" will not forget to vote for collection, and help Youdao to the top!

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