fairy flame

Chapter 90 Painting Skin Technique and Wuxiang Fenggu Jue

Time flies, and it has been three days since the Qinglong Gang captured the Baihumen, and the Qinglong Gang has basically controlled the Baihumen headquarters and various branches. What to say, even the government is just going through the motions symbolically, saying that after the internal cannibalism, they took people away, and the Qinglong Gang deservedly became the number one force in Guanshan City.

And Zhao Pan, who is tactful, has indeed some skills. He even stabilized everything in these three days. No matter where he goes, all the major forces are extremely polite to him and dare not neglect him in the slightest.

As for the purpose of Zhao Pan's move, it is just to make those people dare not act rashly, and to scare the other party by the way. None of the major commercial firms refused the invitation of the Qinglong Gang because of the disappearance of Baihumen.

Everything is just going on in an orderly manner

At this moment, in a quiet old house in Guanshan City, a middle-aged man dressed in green dragon brocade clothes was smiling all over his face, talking flatteringly to a young man beside him.

"This time I was able to annihilate the White Tiger Gate in one fell swoop thanks to the help of the immortal envoy. From now on, as long as the immortal envoy has any orders, the villain will do his best to repay the immortal envoy!" The person who spoke is naturally the largest gang in Guanshan City Zhao Pan, the leader of the Qinglong Gang, is gone.

The only person who could make Zhao Pan so humble was Luo Yu who stood in front of him. Zhao Pan also understood. Without the help of the man in front of him, I am afraid that the one who was eliminated this time would be his Qinglong Gang. The scenery outside is boundless, and he seems to be the most powerful person in this Guanshan City, but in his heart, he dare not have the slightest disrespect towards Luo Yu.

"Hmph! What do you think we cultivators can't do, what use is it for you as a mere mortal! How about the few things I asked you to do?" Luo Yu didn't feel complacent in the face of Zhao Pan's rhetoric, but was cold asked aloud.

"Yes...the Immortal Elder is right. The villain is stepping up the handling of the matter that the Immortal Elder explained. It is not a big problem to buy the century-old white ginseng. The Immortal Elder is willing to exchange the panacea for the century-old ginseng. As long as our Qinglong Gang spread the word Just contact those pharmacies. Although it is not the peak season for ginseng, as long as we put a little pressure on them, those pharmacies will obediently take out all the precious stocks. It’s just that the black stone mine that the fairy said is because they don’t know who is involved in the Baihumen. It has been mined, so I don't know the exact location yet, but as long as there is such a vein, the villain will definitely be able to find it!" After Zhao Pan finished speaking in one breath, he looked at Luo Yu who was silent, and Luo Yu didn't know Whether Yu is satisfied or not, I feel a little nervous inside.

Then, as if thinking of something, he suddenly took out a blood-red blanket-like object from his bosom, and hurriedly handed it to Luo Yu, saying: "The villain found this object in Baiyue's secret room, and the thing on it The villain can only understand a little bit, but it should be of some use to the fairy head, so I put this thing away and dedicated it to the fairy head."

"Oh! Bring it here and let me have a look!" Luo Yu didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when he swept the blanket-shaped rag slightly with his spiritual sense, his expression suddenly became interested.

He picked up the blanket-like rag, and when Luo Yu's spiritual sense swept over the object just now, there was a faint wave of spirit energy from it. Although this wave was very weak, it couldn't escape Luo Yu's keen Aura.

You must know that although there are many items in the world of cultivating immortals that can radiate aura fluctuations, such as the "spirit tree skin" used to make talismans, the "skins of ferocious monsters and spirit beasts", etc. can emit aura fluctuations.

But there is no record of things on it. Luo Yu also accidentally read an ancient book and found out that in ancient times, many immortal cultivators recorded some magic formulas and spell habits in some ancient books, on the skins of monsters and beasts , after being sacrificed with a special technique, it can be preserved for a long time without damage. After the decline of the ancient world of cultivating immortals, many orthodox spiritual arts of Taoism and Taoism disappeared. At that time, many people did not give up looking for them. , but most of them got nothing. As for the vast majority of the current methods of cultivating immortals, they were created by some cultivators with great supernatural powers based on their own perceptions.

But perhaps because of aura and cultivation, the current method of cultivating immortals is far from those ancient methods. Even cultivation was put aside for this ancient formula. Generally speaking, the ancient formulas are extremely rare, which is also the reason why Luo Yu was surprised when he saw this blood-red cloth blanket.

After about a cup of tea, after Luo Yu read the content on the cloth blanket, he put it into his arms with no expression on his face, but he didn't mention anything about the cloth blanket after that, he just ordered in a cold voice After a few words, Zhao Pan was asked to hurry up and search for the Blackstone Mine, so he was told to retreat. Although Zhao Pan was also curious about the content recorded on the cloth blanket, Luo Yu obviously didn't want to say more, so he had no choice but to let his curiosity go. Press it hard in your heart.

When Luo Yu sensed that Zhao Pan was going far away, he immediately closed the door tightly, took out the blood-red cloth blanket and looked it over carefully, only to see that the blood-red cloth blanket had many incomplete places, and it was obvious that it could Seeing that this cloth blanket is only a small part of the original, according to the cracks at the corners, it should have been torn off with great force, and I don’t know what kind of person with great supernatural powers can tear it apart with great force alone. The fur of monsters, Luo Yu thought to himself that although practicing Yanjia Kungfu gave him a bit more strength than ordinary people, he would definitely not be able to do this.

"Phaseless Style and Bone Jue! Painted Skin Technique!" Luo Yu held the object in his hands and looked at it for a while, before murmuring with a smile on his face.

This blood-red blanket does record a set of miraculous cultivation techniques. It is better to say it is weird than magical. It's just a small part of the complete formula, and it specifically introduces a formula called "Painted Skin Technique".

As the name suggests, "Painting Skin Technique" is a magic trick that can change the appearance of a cultivator. It can be regarded as one of the many "disguise techniques". Most of the 'transfiguration techniques' in the fairy world are good, because it is recorded on it that not only does there not have any cultivation level restrictions for practicing this technique, it can be practiced during the Qi training period, and once it is successful in cultivation, unless the opponent's cultivation level is higher than yours too Many, otherwise it will be difficult to find you.

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