fairy flame

Chapter 91 Firebolt and Thunderbolt

This secret technique that can change the appearance is very useful to Luo Yu, and it can definitely save Luo Yu from trouble. I often get the attention of other immortal cultivators because of spending a lot of spirit stones in the square city. Yu has to prepare a few sets of clothes to change at any time when he goes out, but it will not be very effective. If he masters this "painting skin technique", he can change his appearance at will when he goes out in the future, so that others will not recognize you. But it's much safer.

It's just that although there are many benefits to practicing this "painting skin technique", it also has the same disadvantage, that is, this method is very difficult to practice like other ancient methods. According to the above introduction, this is not simply changing the face, it even involves facial The change and displacement of the bones of the body requires great perseverance, and it is necessary to be able to endure great pain during cultivation. Fortunately, Luo Yu only got one of the painting skin skills in this set of formulas. If the complete formula is placed in the In front of him, it's hard to say whether Luo Yu dares to practice or not.

However, the above records are written in the ancient language of the world of cultivating immortals, and I don’t know who translated it into the language of the secular world, but only a small part of it was translated. Based on the painting skin technique recorded above, a set similar to Because of the mundane cultivation method of "Bone Shrinking Technique", and this method does not require spiritual roots, this is the martial art Bai Yue used to evade his own Jiyue sword energy, but Luo Yu doesn't think much of this set In martial arts, the flying sword of the immortal cultivator kills the enemy extremely quickly. In front of the immortal cultivator, this "bone shrinking technique" can play little effect.

When Zhao Pan sent this object, he should have seen it himself. According to what he said, he could only understand part of it, which should refer to the "bone shrinkage technique". It is difficult for people to understand.

I don't know which weird monk actually created such a set of "self-mutilation" spells. It's hard to say whether ordinary people can bear the great pain mentioned above, but Luo Yu is still quite confident in his ability to resist pain Yes, after remembering several life and death crises, Luo Yu was already numb from the pain.

After scrutinizing it for a while, Luo Yu put it into the storage bag with satisfaction, and then took out three fiery red balls. The three balls were all fiery red, the size of a fist, and they were visible to the naked eye inside the beads. The red clouds flowed slowly and endlessly, mysteriously and abnormally, as soon as the three round beads appeared, the temperature of Luo Yu's whole body increased a little.

These three round beads were found in the storage bag of the younger brother Ding Heng among the two brothers. After Luo Yu inspected it with his spiritual sense, he found that it contained extremely violent fire-attribute spiritual power, and it was extremely strong. Stable, it should be formed after being refined to the point of flame after being compressed by special techniques.

"Fire and Thunderbolt!" Luo Yu suddenly thought of something, held the ball and looked at it for a while, and then a low moan came from his mouth.

Before I killed the two brothers, I overheard them mentioning the word 'Fire Thunderbolt'. It seems that with this thing, I don't have to worry too much about high-level existences coming to kill them. It seems to be very powerful!Could it be referring to this fiery red ball!

In fact, this is not the first time Luo Yu has seen this kind of item. Last time he saw an expensive item called 'Tianleizi' in Zizhuxuan, which was shaped like the three round balls in Luo Yu's hand The beads are almost the same, except that the thunderbolt contained more violent thunder spirit power. Once thrown and detonated, the explosive prescription will turn into a sea of ​​thunderbolts with a radius of ten feet. The lethality is extremely terrifying, and it can kill everything below the foundation stage. A monk, even an immortal cultivator at the foundation establishment stage, can only dodge this thunder!

Luo Yu was also fascinated by that day's Leizi, but unfortunately, the price of each piece of Tianleizi was too expensive, costing more than a thousand spirit stones, which was not something low-level qi practitioners could afford, which made Luo Yu At that time, I was very hungry.

At this moment, the three fiery red balls in Luo Yu's hand should be similar to Tian Lei Zi, except that what is sealed inside is the bursting and fierce fire attribute spiritual power, but Luo Yu thinks that this thing should not have Tian Lei Zi. The power of the son is great. After all, the spiritual power of the five elements plus all the mutant spiritual powers, among them, the most destructive power is naturally the power of thunder and lightning, and after that is the sharpness of the power of gold, and the violence of the power of fire.

Calculated according to this principle, that's why Luo Yu thinks that the fire thunderbolt is not as powerful as Tianleizi, but anyway, he didn't buy it with a flower spirit stone. Luo Yu is very happy to have this thing, and I don't know who the two brothers are. Where did they get it from? They would never be able to refine it by themselves. It was probably given by their foundation-building master!

Luo Yu was satisfied with the harvest this time. There were about [-] spirit stones in the storage bags of the two brothers, and there were several low-level magical artifacts. I kept the spiritual stones for myself. Selling them in the market is also a lot of money, but Ding Cheng's three cold attribute flying swords made Luo Yu quite curious.

These three flying swords should be a complete set of magic weapons. When each flying sword is used alone, its power is similar to that of a low-level magic weapon, but if the three flying swords are used together, the power is not as simple as one plus one. Weapons and weapons often have some incredible abilities when attacking together. The extremely cold power released by Ding Cheng that day should be the supernatural power of this set of flying swords. It is between middle-level magic weapon and high-level magic weapon.

However, because Luo Yu does not have water spirit roots and ice spirit roots, it may be difficult to stimulate the full power of this sword. Even if he can, Luo Yu probably won't use it. The power of the sword is even comparable to high-level magic weapons, so Luo Yu is not very optimistic about this set of flying swords, and the complete set of magic weapons is not without its shortcomings.

Because a complete set of magic weapons usually attacks with several or even dozens of them together, the consumption of spiritual power in the process of using it is also several times that of usual times, and it consumes a lot of mind when controlling the enemy, which is not suitable for protracted battles. Luo Yu intends to Find a trustworthy buyer to sell this set of flying swords, then you can definitely make a lot of money. It is best to sell it at the Chumushan auction held by Zhou Jin half a year later, so that it will neither attract others' attention nor It is easy to sell for a higher price than usual.

(First update) For the second trial of "Xianyan", Youdao asks everyone to collect and vote, "Xianyan" will definitely not disappoint everyone, and thank you for your continuous support of Youdao recently, and will repay you with better chapters!

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