fairy flame

Chapter 907: One Flower, One Tower

Although Luo Yu's transfigured sand mask is much different in terms of area from the 'sandcastle' defense that he used when facing Xu Laogui's pressure in Xuanwu Hall, it is more concise!

The sand shield rising and spreading all around was formed after Luo Yu stimulated the power of the sand element shield technique to the maximum. It is smaller in size, and the element force defense contained in it is naturally more soluble, and its power is still higher than that of the sand castle.

At the same time, Luo Yu pressed lightly on the center of his eyebrows with one hand, and a jet-black jet of fire shot out suddenly, and the spirit snake stopped in Luo Yu's left hand trembling while twisting and shaking!

As soon as the spell sounded in Luo Yu's mouth, the black light suddenly shrank, turning into a fist-sized, dark black strange fireball exuding a cold aura.

After glancing at him lightly, Luo Yu immediately opened his mouth to spray, white light flew out glaringly, and he saw his other empty hand was suddenly enveloped by the pure spiritual light sprayed from his mouth, and the light flickered , the palm of this hand quickly moved down to the center of the black fireball, and suddenly there was a low buzzing sound, and the weird black fireball was split into two by Luo Yuguang's dim palm, turning into two pieces. Two fireballs of equal size floated in front of him, one on the left and the other on the right. [

At this time, Luo Yu didn't even look at it, as the five fingers of his right hand fluttered, one after another of gorgeous and dazzling spiritual light spells hit one of the black fireballs, all of which were completely absorbed. The fireball exploded with a bang, turning into a jet-black halo and shooting out from Luo Yu's right hand. The black light spread around in a flash, and turned into a black halo in an instant. A foggy mask covering two feet outside Luo Yu's body!

For the other half of the small black fireball, Zefeng automatically swayed the tail of the flame, hovering beside Luo Yu, not knowing what to do.

Luo Yu glanced at the black mask in front of him. There was a little bit of fire on the surface of the mask, which happened to be mixed between Luo Yu's aura of body protection and the defense of the sand mask, and it looked inconspicuous.

And these are some new changes derived from Luo Yu following some records in "Sura Bone Path", after a sacrifice of the evil bones and demon flames he cultivated. In the past, Luo Yu could use the Xia who held the umbrella. When the cloud stone shield is defending, it is natural that there is no need to spend more effort to activate the magic fire shield, but right now for the small supernatural power test, Luo Yu cannot use any magic weapon, so Luo Yu has to be more on the safe side.

After all, this so-called small supernatural power competition seems to be calm, but in fact it is undercurrents, and the consequences of a little carelessness will be disastrous.

On Luo Yu's side, when various defensive supernatural powers appeared one by one first, Jin Wentian on the other side was not slow at all.

After feeling the breath of these magical powers released by Luo Yu for a while, this person's rich experience brought sharp insight and naturally discovered that these eye-catching powers have extraordinary power, and his face can't help but become more dignified.

But at the same time, this person's eyes flashed, as if he saw something that made him very excited, and then he moved his hands apart without thinking, and saw two exquisite mini treasures suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand !

One flower and one tower!

On his left hand is a seemingly ordinary extremely yellow "color" spirit flower, about the size of an inch, with crystal lights flowing all over the body, and stem-shaped runes entwined on the leaf petals, lifelike!

And what appeared in the right hand was a fist-sized 'Nine-Legged Golden Pagoda', also overflowing with light, very extraordinary!

Obviously, these two seemingly treasures are definitely not magic tools or the like, but some kind of supernatural powers condensed!

Jin Wentian seemed to have great confidence in his two supernatural powers. After offering these two exquisite treasures with one move, he stood there calmly, motionless.

If he hadn't seen the subsequent changes of these two treasures, maybe Luo Yu would have misunderstood them as some kind of magic weapon, but after seeing the golden pagoda and the yellow spirit flower flying up, they all fell into the air. Yoyo spun up and jumped up against the wind all at once!

Among them, the spirit flower, with yellow light shining in all directions, fully turned into a person's height and Zhang Xu width, and the nine-edge golden pagoda was even more complicated, it turned into a five or six Zhang high, airtight tower out of thin air. Like a huge tower that covers a range of two feet from the side of the man with hair on his back!

However, after the giant transformation became clear, Luo Yu discovered that both the giant tower and the spirit flower were composed of densely packed slender sword energy. I don't know what method was used to turn the sword energy into a flower and a tower in front of me!

Seeing that he couldn't see the way at all, Luo Yu couldn't help pursing his dry lips, feeling a little shocked and admiring in his heart.

At least among the foundation-building stage monks that Luo Yu has seen, there is no one who can instantly release so much sword energy in a short period of time. Let alone the power of these sword energy, this terrifying amount alone makes people look at the scalp Numb.

This Jin Wentian, yet looks down on the strength of the same level! [

Yin Hong and the others standing in the distance naturally had a panoramic view of the surprised expression on Luo Yu's face at this moment.

It is said that Jin Wentian's state of mind in the way of swordsmanship has reached the point where "sword qi transforms into mind". This state is enough to make the sword qi he can control with his divine sense several times that of ordinary sword cultivators. It is not surprising that the trace of Huangquan true energy that has been transformed is of great benefit to the sword formula "Huangquan Sword Code" that he has practiced.

I'm afraid it's still unknown whether a sword cultivator in the alchemy stage can use so much sword energy at once!

When Jin Wentian on the opposite side continued to increase the power of the golden pagoda and the spirit flower with a focused expression, Luo Yu quickly calmed down after being startled, and suddenly without hesitation put the half of the black demon in his left hand. The fire was thrown towards the top of the head, only to see the space fluctuate together, and under the flash of the dark flame, the magic fire appeared on the top of Luo Yu's head instantly.

At the same time, Luo Yu's empty hands suddenly crossed and fluttered dreamily, constantly pinching out various spells, and bursts of extremely obscure incantations came from his mouth!

Less than half a minute later, Luo Yu's face suddenly froze, and his arms were strangely covered with golden brilliance, like lines growing close to the skin, and they were full of golden lights that flowed endlessly , At the same time, an extremely fierce and sharp golden aura swept around without any warning.

"Metal sex monk!"

As soon as this aura far surpassing that of ordinary monks spread, Jin Wentian who was casting a spell on the opposite side seemed to be astonished!

Metal "sexual" monks are also known as the most destructive among the five elements, but the number of monks who also have metal "sexual" spiritual roots is extremely rare!

And although they didn't know what kind of spell Luo Yu was casting, Yin Hong and the others who were not far away fell on the golden light gushing from Luo Yu's body, and they were all stabbed by the dazzling golden light, and they couldn't stare at him. Stay in the golden light for too long, otherwise you will feel a burning discomfort in your heart!

Luo Yu didn't care about the changes in their expressions at the moment. After taking a deep breath, he slowly brought his hands together towards his chest, and at the same time lifted them up slightly!

I saw that this process was not only extremely slow, but even Luo Yu's face gradually raised his arms and showed a look of effort, but the fierce aura on his body continued to soar, and at the same time, a A golden light visible to the naked eye involuntarily appeared between his hands!

These golden lights are tumbling, seemingly chaotic, but in fact they are extremely orderly. After a while, large swirls of golden lights merge together, and after a flash of rolling, the golden lights disperse inch by inch like a broken mirror!

The golden light shatters and a butterfly emerges from its cocoon!

Surrounding Luo Yu's hands, nine dazzling golden balls appeared in a 'Chi Liu Liu' manner, each of which was only the size of a fist, and they kept screaming wildly during the rapid rotation!

"go with!"


When the two parties finished their preparations almost at the same time, two spells from different people's mouths spread almost at the same time. It was a coincidence as if it had been agreed a long time ago!

Luo Yu spread his hands outward, and the nine spirit beads in front of him shot out one after another, and they were lined up side by side, like a golden arrow of light flying off the string, heading towards Jin Wentian's place like a shooting star. "Shoot" go!

On the other side, Jin Wentian stretched out a palm and slapped the yellow spirit flower on top of his head. The flower's whirling motion stopped suddenly, and then it turned into a yellow rainbow , aggressively "shooting" towards Luo Yu's location!

And Jin Wentian himself, who made this attack, closed his eyes and didn't seem to care about the external situation anymore, but in fact, this person is spreading out his divine sense wholeheartedly, splitting into two to control the yellow spirits respectively Hua's attack and the defense of the Nine-Lengjin Tower.

Speaking of which, this person is a person who sees things according to the law, and there is not much difference between opening and closing eyes. [

I saw that Luo Yu's nine golden beads and Jin Wentian's yellow spirit flower were both facing each other and heading straight for each other, so the attacks of the two should collide along the same line. Yes, but surprisingly!

In an instant, when everyone thought that Linghua and Jinzhu would inevitably collide, they didn't know whether the two had reached a tacit understanding, or their attacks had already hidden other changes, and when the two were about to meet, The yellow spirit flower suddenly took the lead in turning around in place, and the ghost disappeared, and Luo Yu's nine golden beads did not give up much, and even turned in direction, changing direction at an incredible angle. Fly in an arc without the slightest stagnation!

This is too coincidental, it seems that no matter whether it is the yellow spirit flower or any one of the nine golden beads, even if there is no change, they will not collide with each other.

No one could feel such a weird situation more clearly than Luo Yu and Jin Wentian who were casting spells, but both of them showed a trace of surprise on their faces, and there was a faint hint of vigilance in it.

What surprised Jin Wentian was that after he felt Luo Yu's defensive methods one or two times with his divine sense, he was already seventy-eight percent sure in his heart that with the complete power of the 'Huangquan Linghua', he could defeat Luo Yu's defense. The defensive means were destroyed one by one, so he deliberately avoided Luo Yu's attack first to avoid wear and tear.

Unexpectedly, Luo Yu seemed to have the same thought, and did not touch his spirit flower at all, but also used some means to change the direction!

Jin Wentian's experience in fighting people is so rich, he suddenly understood in his heart that Luo Yu was obviously very confident, the nine golden beads he controlled alone could break through the defense of the golden tower in front of him.

As a result, the two of them couldn't help but feel a little dignified. No matter where the other party's confidence comes from, it is unlikely that it is groundless.

Just when the minds of the two casters were turning sharply, the top of Luo Yu's head was the first to press down with a clear cry, and then the yellow spirit flower that had just disappeared suddenly spun out above his head, and the flower just appeared , and turned around on its own, before the attack really landed, Luo Yu's ears were filled with the ear-piercing sound of fine iron clashing, shrouding him in an inexplicable pressure!

The next moment, more than ten petals on the yellow spirit flower bloomed by themselves, and fell like light snowflakes, falling into Luo Yu's sand cover like a human or animal!

Immediately, the ten or so yellow petals were inevitably crushed away by the force of the swarming golden sand, and the sound of 'bang bang' bursting could be heard endlessly.

Squeezed by layers of sand waves, I saw the yellow petals shattered without a trace, but it didn't dissipate and take shape. Instead, each shattered petal was scattered into dozens of paths. The thick yellow sword aura as thick as a thumb shot towards Luo Yu in the sand cover with a loud 'chi chi' sound.

All of a sudden, after all the petals in the sand cover were shattered, there was so much yellow sword energy that it almost spread all over the sand cover, as if being stabbed in a hornet's nest!

And Luo Yu's figure was almost impenetrably wrapped by the yellow sword light and the surging yellow sand light, and he didn't know what his situation was like.

On the other side, the situation of the man with disheveled hair is not much better. Near the golden pagoda where he is located, there are also nine golden beads after a circle. At this time, the nine spiritual beads are still straight and condensed into a straight line , shining brightly, and unceremoniously hitting the golden pagoda one by one!

The sound of "rumbling" collisions and cracking sounds one after another, extremely deafening!


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