fairy flame

Chapter 908 Changeable

The golden pagoda defense, which was transformed into a male, was hit by the first golden bead swung by Luo Yu, and the bottom of the giant pagoda sank abruptly!

Jin Wentian seemed totally unprepared for the terrifying power it contained, only the first golden bead burst open on the wall of the tower with sword lights, and the defensive golden tower immediately flickered in unbearable rays of light, Crazy trembled!

And after the first golden bead cracked, it suddenly turned into a golden glowing cloud, sticking to every part of the golden pagoda like tarsal maggots, and golden light radiated outside the pagoda wall for a while , so that the figure of the monk with drapey hair was instantly submerged by the golden glow, and upon closer inspection, the dense golden glows that emerged from the glow were almost exhausted, and each golden glow was obviously sharp. At the extreme, hundreds of thousands of slender sword energy on the surface of the golden pagoda blasted violently, and the two of them immediately stalemate together in a flash of aura.

It's just that the defensive power of this golden pagoda is amazing, even though it was shaken continuously, it didn't show the slightest sign of breaking, but immediately, Jin Wentian discovered something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, the surprise on his face changed even more with the continuous impact of the second and third golden beads! [

Luo Yu's nine 'Zhanjindaowan' attacks were not without the slightest rule. Almost every golden bead carried a huge impact, only when the previous golden bead caused the most violent shaking of the golden pagoda. Just right head on!

To be precise, it is the nine golden beads that have grasped a kind of 'rhythm'!

In this way, the power of almost every golden bead is superimposed on the previous golden bead, multiplying and multiplying in an instant. Perhaps the golden tower defense cast by Jin Wentian, coupled with its strong mana support, is enough to resist Nine times the power of ordinary golden beads, but absolutely impossible, under the bombardment of nine golden beads according to a certain rhythm, it can still be safe and sound.

Thinking of this, Jin Wentian couldn't help but understand Luo Yu's skillful methods, but he naturally wouldn't wait to die, only to see his hands clasped in without delay, and the two formulas crossed and hit the golden pagoda Suddenly, piercing sword cries spread from all parts of the golden pagoda, and the golden light on the surface of the pagoda suddenly brightened, and instantly spun around the man with hair in a clockwise direction.

This Jin Wentian reacted so quickly, after being distracted for a moment, he thought of a way to deal with it. After making the golden pagoda rotate rapidly like him, the effect is obviously very different from the previous motionless effect. The golden pagoda prevents each golden bead from hitting the same position as the previous one, and it can also use its own rotation force to remove the terrifying force of the golden bead hitting. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Sure enough, after the fourth and fifth golden beads burst open on the surface of the golden pagoda, although the golden light was also reckless and the golden light surged wildly, the momentum it could create was not as good as before!

As for the attacks of the golden light in the cloud after the golden bead shattered, Jin Wentian didn't dodge or dodge, and directly used the sword energy on the surface of the golden tower to deal with it head-on. Although the mana was consumed rapidly, it was obviously able to last long enough to withstand the remaining few golden beads.

But in the same way, under the control of Luo Yu's mind, these golden beads did not attack blindly after seeing the other party's quick thinking to see through his strategy, but were completely covered by the first five golden beads on the surface of the golden tower. After being wrapped by the golden light transformed by the beads, the remaining four golden beads took the opportunity to fly around the golden pagoda whose mana was gradually consumed, ready to look at the right time and hit its vitals at any time.

There was a stalemate on the side of the man with disheveled hair, and the situation on Luo Yu's side suddenly turned from flat to undercurrent and turbulent.

At this time, the yellow spirit flower on the top of the head has already bloomed and withered, and all the petals have dissipated completely, and after the many petals it transformed into are shattered, the extremely slender sword energy is instantly overwhelming. He stabbed Luo Yu in the sand mask and went away!

In Luo Yu's sand cover, the billowing sand light and the light yellow sword energy like a large veil are intertwined with each other. Looking at them, they are innumerable. Just touching them will make people dazzled Dazzlingly mixed together, explosion sounds and auras appeared alternately, it seemed difficult to tell which side had the upper hand.

But it seems that Jin Wentian is extremely unfamiliar with Luo Yu's sand shield defense, otherwise he would not choose to use brute force to break it.

But after reaching the level of Luo Yu and Jin Wentian, they both know that every random blow between each other will hide many changes.

Sure enough, when Luo Yu was thinking this way, those seemingly messy hundreds of slender sword qi, as if after a brief contact with the sand wave defense, had initially grasped its characteristics, and rushed to Somewhere in the sand waves converged, and suddenly, several swords were invincible, and when they closed, the yellow light condensed, and turned into a yellow light ball with a diameter of about ten feet. The surface of the ball was sword-like Huo Huo, it seems that there are countless sharp barbs growing!

This kind of 'yellow ball' completely transformed by the sword light made Luo Yu look stunned, but immediately the dazzling brilliance on the surface of the yellow ball rolled towards Luo Yu's place in the sand cover. go!

After Jin Wentian seemed to feel that the sword qi attack was not very effective, he switched to another method.

I saw where the yellow ball passed, the surrounding sand waves could no longer break through the sword light on its surface, and what made people feel extremely clever was that the most difficult thing in Luo Yu's sand cover was the place Without the power of space squeeze, any form of attack will be greatly reduced under the shackles of this form force, but when Jin Wentian gathered all the sword lights into a ball, those form forces acted on the On the ball where the sword energy is distributed finely and evenly, most of its effects have been removed!

Spherical!It is the most regular and reliable state!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu was certainly surprised, but there was even a hint of applause in his heart. He was able to figure out his defense in such a short period of time. This person's rich fighting experience is by no means inferior to his own! [

What Luo Yu admired even more was Jin Wentian's quick reaction to an emergency, definitely the No. 1 that Luo Yu encountered. See if you can find a better way than this in the same situation!

Seeing this yellow ball with a diameter of one foot rolling over aggressively, it rolled over the obstacles of sand waves in the blink of an eye, and crossed a distance of Zhang Xu, and there was a gap between Luo Yu's sand shield defense and the black fire shield defense. , exactly two feet away, it seems that the next moment, the sword energy on the surface of the yellow ball will come into contact with the Shagu Demon Flame.

Although Luo Yu thinks that the power of "Bone Transforming and Rotten Gold" in the Shagu Demon Flame will be able to compete with Jin Wentian's Huangquan Sword Qi, but that refers to the hundreds of sword Qi attacking different places on the fire cover. Okay, he won't be so arrogant that he will use a thin layer of fire cover to face the attack of a giant ball composed of dozens of sword qi!

After a thought moved in his mind, Luo Yu raised his hand with a solemn face, and with a slight twitch of his five fingers, the half ball of pitch-black fire that was left after the fire cover was placed suddenly turned into a cluster of slender fireballs with a flash of flame. The line of fire turned into its original appearance in a flash, and fell directly into Luo Yu's palm.

Glancing at the black air fireball indifferently, Luo Yu opened his mouth decisively and blew, a ball of pure spiritual energy flew out from his mouth, and after lightly rolling the fireball in his hand, the two disappeared in place!

As a result, not far away, just above the yellow ball that was about to slam the black flame cover away like a bamboo, suddenly there was a soft "Zi La" sound, and a whole body was pitch black, and it was evenly distributed on all parts of its body. A huge palm full of clusters of black flames flashed out of the void, and with an extremely cold and sinister aura, it aimed at the yellow ball below and slapped it hard!

The appearance of the giant black flaming hand was obviously beyond Jin Wentian's expectation. The man's divine sense followed closely, and the rolling direction of the yellow ball changed, so he had to avoid the blow from the giant hand.

But it was obviously a step too late, the giant black hand was already prepared to fish it out, its five fingers were like a mountain, and under the same cover, it sealed most of the space around the fire cover, completely sealing off the yellow ball's escape route.

In the next moment, the yellow ball that could not escape from Wuzhi Mountain was inevitably hit by the giant hand. The yellow ball made a loud and crisp sound, but before there were other changes in the ball, the five fingers of the giant hand With the glare of fire, they directly clenched and closed!

In an instant, under the palpitating sea of ​​fire in the giant's hand, the sword qi light ball inside finally exploded uncontrollably, and re-evolved into hundreds of fine sword qi, sweeping away in all directions.

It's just that the sword qi at this time is obviously not as fierce as before. It seems that how Jin Wentian's sword qi attack method changes, after the separation and reunion, and the previous contact with Luo Yu's vitality sand wave, it is inevitable. A lot of it was consumed.

At this time, the surging sword light just rolled around in the envelop of the giant black hand. The sword light and flames intertwined and froze together, showing no sign of breaking through at all.

Luo Yu also noticed that the opponent's attack method of breaking parts into wholes is certainly ingenious, but after gathering all the scattered sword energy together, it is also convenient for him to deal with it.

"Young Master Yin, Luo Yu and Senior Brother Jin are now at a critical moment in their battle of skills. If we attack him suddenly, Luo Yu, who is already distracted and multitasking at this moment, will probably be extremely difficult to avoid. It just so happened that Han killed a monk of the magic way recently. Afterwards, a few 'Yin Molei' were found on him, and I am willing to invite you, as long as you can get rid of this person for the young master, I believe that after the end of the day, Senior Brother Jin will not make things difficult for us for the sake of fellowship. of."

The burly man holding the Xingdou sword, while looking at the competition between Luo Yu and Jin Wentian on the hillside with vicious eyes, whispered to Yin Hong through voice transmission.

"If you kill Luo Yu now, what will Brother Jin do to you?" Hearing this, Yin Hongcai couldn't help but glanced at the giant man with a sneer on his face, then shook his head and said to the giant man with a sneer.

"I'm sure! As long as you dare to make a move, before you succeed in killing Luo Yu, you will be instantly beheaded by Brother Jin's sword. You have never seen the battle between Senior Brother Jin and Xiaokui. Xiao Cry lost in its heyday, but Senior Brother Jin took Xiao Cry away from the siege of a large number of monks in the alliance, and brought him to a place where there were no people for a competition. Who dares to say no, with Brother Jin's "temper", this is still the case for a demon opponent, let alone Luo Yu is a member of the alliance."

Yin Hong shook his head with an expression of disbelief and said, after hearing these words, the giant sword-carrying man couldn't help but look dumb, embarrassed and didn't know what to say, his heart that was eager to try was completely cold to the bottom .

When Yin Hong and Ju Han were discussing secretly, something unexpected happened.

Under the burning of the bone demon flame, the yellow and heavy sword energy that was constantly struggling and surging suddenly split into two and gathered in two places!

This scene happened just now, Luo Yu thought that the opponent was repeating the old trick, and wanted to turn the sword energy into a giant ball for the last fight, but it was obviously different from before, all the sword energy was divided into two waves and mixed together. After coming together, they rolled down like a vortex of sword energy, and turned into two yellow sword wheels that had never appeared before. With the momentum of rapid cutting, they slashed fiercely in the clenched black giant hands one after the other. superior!

Suddenly, the sharp power brought by the sword qi itself, plus the rotating and cutting power after it turned into a yellow light wheel, were superimposed together, and fell hard on the point of the giant hand of the Shagu Demon Flame superior! [


The unstoppable crackling sound spread across the surface of the giant hand, and the power of the first yellow "" sword wheel in front unexpectedly cut a long and narrow gap with the Shagu Demon Flame!

Luo Yu couldn't help his eyelids twitching wildly, this person really has ever-changing methods, emerging one after another!

But before he could react, the two yellow sword wheels flashed along the crack very quickly, and immediately escaped from the giant hand's control.

The next moment, the first sword wheel, which was obviously much darker in color, directly came into contact with the magic fire shield in front of Luo Yu. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the sword wheel that hit the surface also easily cut a crack with the attack of piercing the surface!

But at this time, the sword wheel that even broke through two layers of magic fire defenses seemed to have exhausted its power, and it turned into several yellow auras on the surface of the shield with a 'bang' and collapsed.

And the second sword wheel that followed it has been safely broken through under the protection of the first sword wheel, and this is the fatal threat to Luo Yu.

When Luo Yu caught a glimpse of the second sword wheel rushing into the center of the explosion, his expression suddenly became serious. At the same time, Luo Yu's left and right hands were already covered with a thick layer of blue. "Color" aura!

Chi slip!No accident, the second sword wheel went along the gap cut by the first sword wheel, without much contact with the magic fire shield, and appeared in front of Luo Yu's eyes!


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