Guan Xiong

Chapter 96

Zhu Minghao was a little upset when he heard what Fan Qiang said. He is also the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Pingchuan City and is a deputy department-level cadre. At least, for the department-level cadres from the province, respect is to give him face, and there is nothing wrong with ignoring him, so he asked calmly, "Which song is this, Director Fan?" ,"

Fan Qiang smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't explain clearly, I'm also executing an order,"

Executing the order, whose order to execute, the order of the Provincial Public Security Department, the Provincial Public Security Department went to Pingchuan City to perform tasks, but did not say hello to him, the secretary of the Pingchuan Municipal Legal Committee and the Director of Public Security, Zhu Minghao immediately had a strong feeling in his mind Unexpectedly, Fan Qiang's visit this time may not be just for a case, otherwise there is no need to exclude him, or the provincial department no longer trusts him.

"Whose order is to be carried out," Zhu Minghao asked subconsciously.

Fan Qiang said calmly: "Follow the order of the Provincial Anti-crime Leading Group,"

Zhu Minghao was terrified by these words. Out of nowhere, a provincial anti-crime leading group emerged. He, the leader of political and legal work in key cities, hadn't heard of this, or rather, no one had ever told him that the province had been established. An anti-crime leading group, could it be said that the province has already started a special action that I don't know about? Since the province has really established an anti-criminal leading group, but I haven't heard any news, it undoubtedly means , I was excluded from the circle of power without knowing it.

As soon as this idea came up, Zhu Minghao broke out in a cold sweat. Officials are most afraid of being excluded from power. That is not much different from depriving you of power. In other words, once someone is excluded from power , it is not far from your complete loss of power.

Thinking of this, Zhu Minghao's whole body became weak, and his back felt greasy in the cold weather. He forced a calm smile, took out his mobile phone, and said with a little embarrassment: "Can I call first?" A phone call, it looks like I'm going to have to work overtime tonight, I told my wife, I promised to go home to celebrate my daughter's birthday tonight, "

Fan Qiang looked at Zhu Minghao coldly, but did not speak. Zhu Minghao made a phone call and said, "Old lady, I won't be going back tonight. You can tell my daughter that the leader of my province's anti-crime leading group has come down. Handling a big case, what case, why are you a dead old woman not conscious at all, can I tell you what case, okay, stop talking, hang up, don't wait for me, and don't call me, I don't know What time will it be over?" After speaking, he handed over the phone.

Fan Qiang said with a smile while picking up the phone: "Sister-in-law is not easy, you should be gentler."

Zhu Minghao waved his hands and said, "I can't be gentle, I've been a family member for so many years, and I don't even have a sense of secrecy."

After completing the formalities of confiscating communication tools, Fan Qiang invited everyone to sit down for a meeting, and read out an order from the Provincial Public Security Department. The content is very simple, requiring Zhu Minghao to obey the command of Fan Qiang and the action team of the Provincial Public Security Department.

After the order was read out, Fan Qiang asked Zhu Minghao to accept the order.

Zhu Minghao seemed very hesitant. He was the Secretary of the Municipal Law Committee and Director of the Public Security Bureau, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and a deputy department-level cadre managed by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. Although Fan Qiang was also a provincial cadre, he was only at the director level. Qiang is much higher. The current order clearly states that Fan Qiang will be the leader of the action team. As a deputy department-level cadre, he must obey the department-level command. It is too abnormal, and it means depriving him of his authority.

Seeing his hesitation, Fan Qiang asked, "Comrade Zhu Minghao, do you have any questions?"

Zhu Minghao has realized that today's matter is not trivial. If he does not accept the order, he may face a greater crisis. He immediately stated: "There is no doubt, we will resolutely implement the order of the provincial department." After saying that, he stretched out his hands and took the order .

After Zhu Minghao received the order, an officer who came with Fan Qiang in the uniform of the armed police and carried the rank of colonel on his shoulders took out another order and read it out. This order was issued by the Armed Police Corps of Jiangnan Province, requiring the armed police The Pingchuan detachment accepted Fan Qiang's command fully. The two leaders of the armed police Pingchuan detachment did not hesitate at all, agreed, saluted, and took the order.

After completing this procedure, Fan Qiang asked everyone to sit down, and then said: "Today's action is ordered by the Provincial Committee's Anti-crime Leading Group to take a unified arrest action against the evil forces in Pingchuan City. The action is divided into three stages. In the first stage, the traffic police of Pingchuan City, the 110 Command Center of Pingchuan City Public Security Bureau and the Pingchuan City Detachment of the Armed Police will cooperate to control the main traffic arteries in the city to prevent the escape of the chief elements of the black and evil forces. This is the specific action plan. Please Director Zhu and Captain Wang will take a look, and give the order if there is no problem."

Captain Wang of the armed police took a brief look, then walked to the door, called in a combat staff officer, and verbally issued a combat order.

However, Zhu Minghao took over the action plan and carefully read it word by word. In fact, this plan was formulated after detailed research by the Provincial Public Security Bureau. Watching slowly on purpose, because he wants to gain time.

Zhu Minghao's phone call just now was not to his wife, but to Lao Dalulei, the largest underworld group in Pingchuan City. Although he didn't say anything on the phone, he believed that with the sentence "the leader of the provincial party committee's anti-crime The team" should be able to let Lu Lei understand who the target of this operation is, and he should also be able to understand the seriousness of the situation. He only hopes that Lu Lei can make a decisive decision and abscond immediately, otherwise, once the road is blocked, Lu Lei will definitely be arrested. , Lu Lei was arrested, I don't know how many people will be arrested.

Zhu Minghao dawdled for more than ten minutes before using the command radio in the house to issue orders to the traffic police and the 110 command center to control the city's traffic arteries.

After the three orders were issued, Fan Qiang went on to say: "I will announce the second action plan. In this step, the public security special police detachment, public security detachment, criminal police detachment and the police station in the jurisdiction will dispatch corresponding police forces to the designated place and stand by. After the location, several forces will be merged into an action team, the leader of the team will be designated, and then reported to the general headquarters. This is the action plan. Please look over it. If there is no problem, please issue an order."

Zhu Minghao took over the action plan and found that it clearly marked the assembly locations of the various action teams, but did not indicate the tasks after the assembly. He knew that Fan Ming was conveying the tasks step by step in order to effectively ensure the confidentiality of the action. In this way, when the two-step action order was issued, all the people involved in the action did not fully know what they were going to do, and even the people in this room, except Fan Ming, only knew what to do. Carrying out the arrest operation, but who is to be arrested is equally unclear.

This shows that the Provincial Public Security Department does not trust the political and legal system of Pingchuan City at all. The two leaders of the Armed Police Detachment are nothing. They are soldiers and they pay attention to unconditional obedience. Zhu Minghao feels very uncomfortable. When Fan Ming announces the arrest list in the third step, will his name be on it?

Thinking of this, Zhu Minghao touched his waist subconsciously, only to realize that he didn't bring the gun with him at all, so let it be his fate, he leaned on the seat and closed his eyes.

"Director Zhu, do you have any comments?" Fan Qiang asked coldly.

"Oh, no, no," Zhu Minghao hurriedly agreed after waking up.

"Since there is no objection, let's give an order,"

"Okay, okay," Zhu Minghao agreed, walking towards the radio station.

The second deployment was very time-consuming and lasted until one o'clock in the morning before the action teams were assembled. During this period, a major incident happened. The director of the Shizhong District Public Security Bureau of Pingchuan City actually drove Lu Lei to the ground and planned to escape from Pingchuan. , After being stopped by the armed police and traffic police who set up a checkpoint, he actually tried to force his way through the barrier. He crashed into several police cars one after another, and after both sides opened fire, he was finally stopped. Lu Lei was shot twice and was sent to the hospital.

After hearing the news, Zhu Minghao immediately became nervous, and hurriedly asked, "How is Lu Lei injured?"

"The two shots did not hit any vital parts, so there should be no life-threatening," Fan Qiang said lightly.

Hearing this, Zhu Minghao's eyes immediately went dark. If Lu Lei died, he would go to another world with countless secrets, so he would have a chance to breathe, but now things have reached the worst situation.

Lu Lei was arrested. In order to mitigate his crime, he would definitely report it. However, he only took three houses, one of which is a prime location where the Central Business District, the Central Living District, and the Central Political District meet. A block of high-end apartments, this one house alone is worth nearly ten million yuan, and this one house alone will never see the sun outside again in this life.

"Next, I will announce the third step of action," Fan Qiang's words pulled Zhu Minghao back from his contemplation.

Fan Qiang took out a list, and said: "This list is held by the provincial department, and it may not be very accurate. When implementing it, each group can make corrections according to the specific situation. There is one requirement. Each group must Late action situation, detailed written report, it is easy to say if the person is caught, if you fail to catch the person, you must explain the reason, let's take a look first, "

Zhu Minghao tried his best to take over the list, and found that the list was very detailed. Although it was not all the evil forces in Pingchuan City, it was also most of them. It seemed that the provincial government had been preparing for this operation for a long time, but he actually Still acting like a normal person, ignorant of everything, really belatedly, of course, Zhu Minghao's name is unlikely to be on this list, but the names of Qin Fengwu's son Qin Hui and Zhang Lu's brother ** are both on top,

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