Guan Xiong

Chapter 97

This night in Pingchuan City, the building was full of wind and rain, the police car pulled back, and the police lights flickered until dawn.

The anti-crime operation that night was very successful. Although the people caught at the first operation site only accounted for 30.00% of the list, because the road was blocked in advance, more people were caught when they were about to flee. Of course, There are not a few people who slip through the net, and about 20.00% of them fail to catch.

That night, the people in the headquarters didn't sleep all night. Fan Qiang and the comrades in the armed police were lucky to say, but Zhu Minghao turned gray all night and became much older. No one in this room suffered more than him.

Early the next morning, a police car with a provincial license plate on its face arrived at the training base of the Armed Police Pingchuan Detachment, and two police officers in strict uniforms walked into the Pingchuan Anti-crime Headquarters.

"Comrade Zhu Minghao, the provincial department has decided," one of the police officers said loudly to Zhu Minghao.

"Here." Zhu Minghao's nerves had been tense, and when he heard this, he stood up abruptly.

The police officer took a look at Zhu Minghao inexplicably, and thought that you, the chief of the public security bureau, acted like a police school student. He took out the document and read out the decision of the provincial department to remove Comrade Zhu Minghao from the Pingchuan City Public Security Bureau...

Zhu Minghao's mind exploded, and his eyes suddenly went dark, as if he had heard the words behind him, handing over the disciplinary inspection commission, but what the police officer said next was, "Appoint Comrade Zhu Minghao as the director of the Huaibei City Public Security Bureau, and then After receiving the order, he will take office within three days,"

Such great sorrow and joy made Zhu Minghao unable to hold on any longer, and fell straight backwards.

Captain Wang of the Armed Police Detachment supported Zhu Minghao, and asked with concern: "Director Zhu, what's the matter with you?"

Everyone hurriedly organized manpower and vehicles to send Zhu Minghao to the hospital for treatment.

Captain Wang of the Armed Police Detachment sighed: "This old Zhu is also a member of the public security system. Why is he so weak that he can't hold on after staying up all night?"

Fan Qiang said meaningfully: "He is not only physically tired, but also mentally tired..."

Zhu Minghao's reassignment is not an isolated case. In fact, the public security bureau chiefs from all over the Jiangnan Province have come to a big rotation, and they are required to be on duty within three days, setting off a vigorous anti-crime climax. However, in this way, except for Pingchuan City, other cities formed a time difference, precisely in this time difference, the key figures of the evil forces in various places knew the news in advance and fled.

** was arrested, but Qin Hui was lucky enough to escape in the first round of arrest. After a night of fuss, he gradually figured out what was going on. Logically speaking, such a large-scale unification Action, you can use your toes to figure out that it must be an order directly issued by the provincial party committee, but the Communist Party blamed all of this on Li Xiaoning. He believed that it was because of Li Xiaoning's report that this crime crackdown happened.

Qin Hui is a typical spoiled child. He was used to getting what he wanted when he was young, and he couldn't bear a little setback. It stands to reason that although he has done a lot of bad things over the years, some of them have been sentenced to prison, but after all, they are still good. If you make small fights and get caught obediently, you will be sentenced to three to five years in prison at most.

But Qin Hui was already dazzled by anger. He neither surrendered himself nor absconded. Instead, he took out his hidden May Fourth pistol and planned to go to Li Xiaoning's house to take revenge. When he saw the door of Li Xiaoning's house from afar When he saw the police car parked outside, he turned around and walked towards Zhang Lu's house. According to his understanding, Zhang Lu was Li Xiaoning's woman, and if Zhang Lu was tied up, he would not worry about Li Xiaoning not coming out.

Zhang Lu didn't know what happened the night before, and it wasn't once or twice that her elder brother didn't come home all night. When Qin Hui arrived, she had just finished washing and was about to go out, when she was blocked in the door.

When Li Xiaoning came over after receiving the call, the police had already surrounded Zhang Lu's house. Seeing that Li Xiaoning was walking in without looking back, the police hurried forward and stopped him and said, "Don't go there, the gangsters are here. guns, danger,"

Li Xiaoning threw away the policeman who was holding her arm, and said angrily, "Damn dangerous, Zhang Lu was pointed at by a gun inside, she is not dangerous,"

Li Xiaoning was really in a hurry. Although there was nothing between him and Zhang Lu, he absolutely could not tolerate a girl sacrificing for him, so the stern look on his face at this moment made people dare not speak, but the police still tried their best to pull Li Xiaoning, who was struggling frantically under the rage, stopped.

A middle-aged police officer at the head came over and said, "If you go in now, not only will no one be rescued, but your own life will be in vain. You have to trust us, we will do our best to ensure the safety of the hostages,"

"You said you can only do your best, how can I trust you," Li Xiaoning said angrily, "Qin Hui wants me, only if I come in, he will not make things difficult for Zhang Lu,"

At this time, the message that the sniper was in place came from the intercom of the middle-aged police officer. The middle-aged police officer thought for a while, and he was sure whether Li Xiaoning would be in danger if he went in under such circumstances.

"I don't have time to think about it," Li Xiaoning also heard the conversation on the walkie-talkie, "I have kung fu, I will take care to protect myself,"

The middle-aged police officer looked at the determined expression on Li Xiaoning's face, finally nodded, and said softly, "After you go in, talk to the gangster as much as possible, distract his attention, and lead him to the window."

Li Xiaoning nodded, took off the bloated down jacket, put on the bulletproof vest handed over by a policeman next to him, put on another coat, and walked into the house.

When he reached the door, Li Xiaoning stopped, trying to suppress the anger and anxiety in his heart, and shouted: "Qin Hui, don't you want to see me, I'm here,"

Slowly opened the door, and at a glance, Zhang Lu was sitting on the sofa in the living room with her hands tied behind her back, a rag stuffed in her mouth, and a May [-]th pistol on her temple. I saw Qin Hui's hand, but I couldn't see Qin Hui's person.

Seeing Li Xiaoning coming in, Zhang Lu immediately winked at him desperately, signaling him to leave quickly.

Seeing that Zhang Lu was fine, Li Xiaoning's irritable mood finally calmed down, and then a warm current flowed through his heart. He never thought that under such circumstances, Zhang Lu could still take his safety into consideration. It seems that this girl really likes him .

Qin Hui poked his head out slightly from behind the sofa, still pointing the gun at Zhang Lu, and shouted sharply: "Close the door, come here, and sit down in front,"

Li Xiaoning did as he said, came to the chair in front of the sofa and sat down, tried to calm down and said: "Qin Hui, what you want is me, let Zhang Lu go, I will be your hostage, as long as you let him go She, I promise you anything, "

"Hahaha..." Qin Hui laughed wildly triumphantly, and the room was immediately filled with the ugly laughter of this irrational guy, "Promise me anything, now your life is in my hands, what I want, Can you not give it, I tell you, I not only want you, I also want her, I want to rape her in front of you before killing you, I want you to cry and beg me... Hahaha ,"

Hearing Qin Hui's words, while Li Xiaoning was angry, his heart was also a little calmer, because at least Qin Hui would not shoot and kill people immediately, and the idea of ​​raping Zhang Lu was pure nonsense. Surrounded by so many policemen outside, Qin Hui didn't dare to show his face at all. As long as he doesn't shoot for the time being, then he has a chance to subdue this guy.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoning stood up slowly, approached slowly, and said in a deep voice: "Qin Hui, if you are sensible, let her go immediately, otherwise I can tell you with certainty that you will never get out of here."

"Really, but you seem to have forgotten that I am in charge here now," Qin Hui saw that the panic in Li Xiaoning's eyes did not show, and he was approaching him, and for some reason he started to panic.

Li Xiaoning's eyes narrowed slightly, and she inadvertently winked to Zhang Lu's left. Zhang Lu nodded knowingly. With Li Xiaoning around, she was not afraid of anything.

Li Xiaoning's heart was beating extremely violently, but he couldn't see it on the surface. He was also a human being, and he was also afraid of death and losing everything, but he had to rescue Zhang Lu. Sometimes, people don't just live for themselves.

Li Xiaoning stared intently at Qin Hui's eyes. He saw madness and panic in those eyes. He believed that Qin Hui would shoot, but in order to save Zhang Lu, he had to take a risk. He wanted to gamble, bet on Qin Hui. Under his own pressure, Hui would point the gun away from Zhang Lu's head and point at him; bet that Qin Hui would not shoot him in the head; bet that at this distance, the bulletproof vest on his body could withstand the power of the May Fourth pistol .

"You are the master, with me here, you don't want to be the master," Li Xiaoning shouted, and suddenly took a big step forward. Qin Hui was even more panicked. For some reason, he was afraid that Li Xiaoning would approach him, so he screamed wildly Move the gun to Li Xiaoning.

With a "bang" gunshot, Li Xiaoning felt a sudden pain in his chest. This feeling was like being hit hard with a wooden stick. At this moment, he knew that he had been shot.

It was also Qin Hui's first time to shoot someone, so he panicked and did not continue to shoot.

Li Xiaoning shook his heart, endured the severe pain and took another step forward to hug Zhang Lu who was rushing towards him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Qin Hui stand up with a grim expression, and raised his pistol again. Pointing at Zhang Lu's back mercilessly...

In desperation, Li Xiaoning didn't even think about anything, and twisted his body violently with all his strength, blocking Zhang Lu's body with his body, bang bang, two crisp gunshots sounded almost simultaneously at this moment, Li Xiaoning just I felt another pain in my back, as if someone had hit me with a hammer, and then it was a sharp pain.

Zhang Lu didn't know why Li Xiaoning turned around, but when a gunshot sounded behind her, she finally understood Li Xiaoning's intentions, and tears ran out of her head recklessly...

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