Guan Xiong

Chapter 98 A Little Too Fast

The two shots just now were not all shot by Qin Hui, and another bullet was fired by a sniper ambushing outside. Just now when Qin Hui stood up and raised his hand to shoot, he exposed his hand, and the sniper seized this opportunity , sent the bullet into his wrist.

With the surging blood, Qin Hui fell to his knees on the ground involuntarily. The madness in his eyes had completely subsided at this moment. He knew that he had nowhere to go. From the moment it started, it was doomed to go nowhere.

The police outside the door had already broken into the door, Zhang Lu didn't care about everything around her, she just held Li Xiaoning's tired face and cried, "Xiaoning, don't die, don't die,"

"I can't die, don't cry," Li Xiaoning said in pain, frowning, but his body fell limp to the ground involuntarily.

A policeman walked up to Li Xiaoning, tore off his coat, and found a pistol bullet that had turned into a mushroom shape embedded in the front and back of the bulletproof vest. Green smoke billowed up, and the bullet was half sunken. The quality of this body armor was relatively good, and Li Xiaoning was seriously injured.

"Hey, what's the matter, can you stand up?" the policeman was about to help Li Xiaoning as he spoke.

"Don't move him, just take it easy," the middle-aged police officer who followed stopped the policeman's actions.

Although the bulletproof vest that Li Xiaoning was wearing was of good quality and the pistol bullets were not very powerful, but the distance was too close, the bullet hit the bulletproof vest and consumed a lot of kinetic energy, but it was still extremely powerful. After spit out a few mouthfuls to feel comfortable, he unbuttoned his bulletproof vest and stood up slowly.

Li Xiaoning took Zhang Lu's soft hand, looked at the tears on her face that hadn't faded away, and smiled slightly in her heart, "Don't cry anymore, I'm fine, you were so strong just now, then Calm down, why are you crying like a tabby cat now?"

Only then did Zhang Lu show the smile of the rest of her life after a catastrophe, and then said: "I was scared to death just now, I thought I was going to lose you, Xiaoning, I am afraid, I am afraid that I will not have you by my side,"

The smile on Li Xiaoning's face faltered. It is true that he likes Zhang Lu, but he is not at the level of love at all. Moreover, his relationship with Tang Wei and Cheng Xiaoxi has not been resolved yet. How can he have a relationship with Zhang Lu again? Emotional entanglement, but judging by Zhang Lu's expression, this girl is clearly in love with him, and he couldn't help but think of what Li Xingfeng once said to him, "Your eyes are like water, your sanyang is full, and your wife and concubines are plump and full. You are destined to have a good wife, but you are destined to be a lover, and you will probably be entangled with many women in this life... Moreover, you are actually lustful in your bones, and of course lustful is not necessarily a bad thing..."

"Since even the looks say that, let's mess around, let's be lustful..." Li Xiaoning thought of this, closed his eyes, and kissed Zhang Lu's delicate red lips.

The soft and sweet feeling made the bodies of both of them tremble. This belated kiss turned out to be so beautiful. It was so beautiful that it made people's hearts tremble, and it was so beautiful that it made people mesmerized...

This kidnapping incident also alarmed many reporters. When many reporters discovered this scene, they all raised their cameras and frantically took pictures. Li Xiaoning and Zhang Lu didn't care at all. At this moment, they They only have each other in their eyes, some feelings, there is no need to be afraid of being known...

When Li Xiaoning and Zhang Lu returned home holding hands, a smile appeared on Wu Yue'e's face again. In fact, in Wu Yue'e's heart, Zhang Lu was actually her favorite candidate for a daughter-in-law, but her son had never been right. The girl is emotional, so it's hard for her as a mother to say much.

Now that the son has brought Zhang Lu home in person, the meaning of this is self-evident. Now that the son has made it clear, Wu Yue'e doesn't have to be tense anymore. got close.

Zhang Lu has a cheerful personality, is beautiful and capable, understands her eyes, and has a sweet mouth. She is quite favored by Wu Yue'e, and her relationship with Li Xiaoning has made a breakthrough, which made her very excited, and she took the initiative to cook a hearty meal in the kitchen The meals, the family had a meal happily.

After dinner, Li Xiaoning called Fang Jingwen, Secretary of the Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee, and asked about her being arrested, to see if she could be given a lighter sentence, while Wu Yue'e took Zhang Lu to her room to chat and post her own words. Now, Zhang Lu is so excited today, all kinds of natural softness and charm can't escape Wu Yue'e's eyes, she has to have a good talk with Zhang Lu to see how far she and her son have progressed, as a mother herself It is good to have a mental preparation in advance.

Fang Jingwen quickly replied to the letter, saying that the incident was not serious, that is, a few brawls, from which he interceded, and it is estimated that the sentence would not be heavy, and it might even be a suspended sentence. The only uneasiness in Lu's heart has also been resolved.

Time passed quickly, and before you knew it, it was getting dark again. After dinner, Wu Yue'e took Zhang Lu's hand and said, "Lulu, there is no one in your family now, so don't go back, just stay here. Let's do it," Wu Yue'e really liked this cute and well-behaved child, so she simply wanted to cook the raw rice and settle the marriage directly.

Zhang Lu blushed immediately, she lowered her head and said nothing, but her heart beat faster and faster, almost suffocating with happiness, she knew that Wu Yue'e's words were actually tantamount to treating him as her own family.

Li Xiaoning was also stunned there. He didn't expect his mother to be so straightforward. Two days ago, he asked him to bring Tang Wei home to have a look. Why did he match up with Zhang Lu again in a blink of an eye? Could it be because he wanted to hug his grandson? Go crazy, I'm still young, okay, I'm not the kind of master who can't find a partner.

"Mom, this is not good," Li Xiaoning said hesitantly, "Zhang Lu is a girl, she just stays at our house like this, I'm afraid someone will gossip."

"Yeah, Second Aunt, I'd better go back. My brother didn't go home often before. I'm used to living alone, so it's okay," Zhang Lu said with a blushing face, and she also felt embarrassed.

"You brat, what do you know?" Wu Yue'e blamed Li Xiaoning, but Zhang Lu had already spoken, and she couldn't stop her, so she had no choice but to ask Li Xiaoning to send Zhang Lu back.

There are no street lights in the countryside. On the way back, Zhang Lu accidentally twisted her foot, and Li Xiaoning had to carry Zhang Lu back.

After entering the room and turning on the light, Li Xiaoning helped Zhang Lu to sit on the bed, then squatted in front of her, helped her untie the laces of her sneakers, and rubbed them. It was a little swollen and tingling when pressed. Zhang Lu put her foot on her thigh and rubbed it lightly. It was the first time for the two of them to be so intimate. Zhang Lu shyly wanted to pull her foot back, but Li Xiaoning didn't let it go. Let the blood go away, or you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

"Okay then," Zhang Lu agreed, but she didn't have the nerve to lie down, but put her hands behind her back, and her exquisite and perfect figure was completely revealed, even the down jacket couldn't hide it.

Li Xiaoning rubbed Zhang Lu's feet with his hands, but stared at her, and his heart fluttered uncontrollably.

Zhang Lu made Li Xiaoning look a little embarrassed, so she lay down on her side, but in this way, her plump and firm arms wrapped in tight jeans were unreservedly revealed in Li Xiaoning's eyes.

"Have you kneaded well?" Zhang Lu asked in a low voice.

"Knead again," Li Xiaoning said, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"Oh..." Zhang Lu said with a blushing face, "Turn off the light, it's too dazzling."

"Hey," Li Xiaoning agreed, and ran over to turn off the light. Zhang Lu raised her hand to turn on the bedside lamp, and the faint red light completely enveloped her body inside.

Zhang Lu was still lying on her side, and Li Xiaoning sat on the bed, looking at Zhang Lu's face with her head closed, her long eyelashes sticking out, trembling slightly.

Looking at Zhang Lu's small nose that was as small as a gallbladder, his heart moved, and he stretched out his fingers to scrape it lightly, but Zhang Lu didn't respond, Li Xiaoning touched her soft lips again, Zhang Lu swallowed her throat, and squeezed her lips. Pursed lips.

Looking at Zhang Lu's charming lips in the dim light, Li Xiaoning's heart was turbulent, and he turned her body around, but Zhang Lu opened his eyes: "What do you want to do?"

Seeing her sly gaze, Li Xiaoning was fascinated, and inadvertently grabbed her waist, Zhang Lu flinched slightly.

"Afraid of itching,"

"Don't be afraid,"

Li Xiaoning put his hand into her waist and scratched it, Zhang Lu endured it, their eyes met, Li Xiaoning reached into her clothes and scratched, Zhang Lu didn't move, Li Xiaoning felt Zhang Lu's skin was amazingly smooth, Stretching in and grabbing again, Zhang Lu couldn't help but sat up, and the lips of the two touched together, and they didn't separate.

Zhang Lu only responded gently at first, and gradually became more enthusiastic. Li Xiaoning turned her body around, unbuttoned her down jacket, and pushed up the white sweater, and the plumpness wrapped in the pink bra flashed into view.

Zhang Lu raised her hand to pull the sweater, but Li Xiaoning was not willing to give up, she supported the bed with one hand, for fear of pressing Zhang Lu, and the other hand covered the delicate body, gently rubbing it.

"Ah..." Zhang Lu let out a soft breath, and stopped insisting.

Li Xiaoning kept talking, and with the other hand, he grabbed the remote control at the head of the bed, turned on the air conditioner, and the temperature in the room rose rapidly...

I don't know who took off the clothes first, but the two of them soon got rid of the shackles of the clothes...

Zhang Lu turned around and lay down, leaning on Li Xiaoning's arm, her plump buttocks pressed against his lower body, feeling his raging lust, she only felt a trace of heat rising from her lower abdomen, rushing straight to every part of her body, She was on her side, her legs tightly clamped.

At the moment when she was about to break through the last moment, Li Xiaoning suddenly woke up. She had already promised Tang Wei, and the relationship with Cheng Xiaoxi had not yet been settled. Conservative, giving your body to yourself means that you will follow yourself in this life, but can you decide now.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoning let go of the distracted Zhang Lu, bit his lips hard, and said with difficulty: "Lulu, I'm sorry, we seem to be progressing too fast, this is not good,"

"Hmm..." The cherry on Zhang Lu's chest looked extra rosy and firm after being stimulated just now, and her face was also red, but women are sensitive. From Li Xiaoning's eyes and movements, she sensitively guessed his intentions. Thinking, she pulled the quilt to cover herself, and said softly, "Then it's better not to be too fast,"

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