Physician Huhua

Chapter 36 The Weird Girl

() Chapter 36 Weird Girl

The five robbers felt their bodies tighten and lighten at first, and then they slammed hard on the hard bank floor.

Even though they never gave up their morning exercises and maintained their physical fitness at their peak, their eyes were dizzy from being thrown for a while, and their eyes were staring at gold stars.

The first time they were inexplicably thrown out of the bank, they were all in a daze, unable to figure out what happened, even when they were firmly caught by the police, they couldn't figure out what was going on. But this time it was different. Although they didn't see Lin Tian's actions with their own eyes, they knew very well how they returned to the bank, which was exactly the same as the previous time.

Those who dared to rob a bank were either fools who knocked on bulletproof glass with bricks, or smart and courageous people with careful plans. The robbers who came from the military were obviously the second type.

Regarding the thin young man who caught them all without anyone noticing outside the bank, the eyes of several veterans showed deep fear. It is said that they each grabbed a hostage, put a dagger against the main artery between the other's neck, let the other's body cover themselves, and continued to confront the police and military police outside.

At this time, the bank hall was in chaos. After they were thrown out inexplicably, the customers who became hostages reacted and exploded. No one wanted to stay in the bank for even a second longer. They wanted to run outside, but because they squatted on the ground for a long time and their legs trembled, they couldn't take action immediately when they wanted to run. Their legs were already numb and they couldn't use any strength. It calmed down those customers who were overly frightened and relieved some panic.

But before they had escaped the catastrophe just now, they had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, and before they could even get out of the bank in time, those vicious robbers were thrown into the bank again. They all mentioned that yu almost jumped out of their throats, and their pale faces were instantly filled with panic, especially those men and women who were taken hostage by the robbers...

There are not many people who are calm and determined when encountering major events, but among the several men and women who were taken hostage, there was one, a girl about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The girl is slim and tall, with a pretty and charming appearance, with smooth black hair hanging on her shoulders, and a well-proportioned figure, not to mention how attractive, but very attractive, not like the attractiveness of a vase, but as soft as the water in the south It is tough, and has a long-lasting charm of "Fu Rong Ling Shuang Rong, Qiu Rong is still good".

Whether it's the delicate skin, or the delicate and gentle temperament, the girl gives people the feeling of a small family in the south, but the calm and persistent color that doesn't match her age is shining in the bright eyes like autumn water, It makes her have a different kind of charming, a unique breath from the inside out.

The sharp dagger rested on her fair and delicate neck, and the sharp point of the knife had already pierced the skin. There was no panic in the girl's bright eyes, but she was cautiously looking outside the bank door, not knowing whether she was looking for it or Watch out for something.

The robbers in the bank confronted each other silently, but the gangsters and military police outside the bank were all like red-eyed roosters, glaring at Lin Tian angrily, and the military police who didn't know Lin Tian's details even subconsciously They aimed their guns at him, and just waiting for Xiong Baiyan's order, dozens of guns shot dead the suspected robber's accomplice.

And those policemen who had a relationship with Lin Tian once or twice looked at Lin Tian with puzzled and depressed faces, with resentment in their eyes, like hungry bears seeing Lin Tian The cooked duck is like flying.

Xie Changhe frowned, his generous face was full of puzzlement and doubts, he really couldn't see through the young man in front of him, was he mentally ill, or did he do it on purpose?

Standing beside Xie Changhe, the burly man Xiong Baiyan had a serious face, his eyes flickering as he stared at Lin Tian, ​​as if he was considering whether to take him down immediately.

At this time, Qin Bingbing was completely shocked by Lin Tian's actions, his brain froze, and his expression was very complicated. Standing there looking at Lin Tian, ​​he looked like a wax figure.

"Sister Jinghua..." Lin Tian shouted, and walked towards Qin Bingbing.

However, just as he was about to take a step, a small captain in the military police suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Lin Tian turned his head and glanced, and said in an unhappy way: "You idiot, do you deserve a beating?"

"Squat on the ground with your head in your hands!" The captain of the martial arts squad scolded with a straight face.

"You just hugged your head and squatted on the ground, and if you don't put down the broken gun in your hand, believe it or not, I will be beaten into a pig right away?" Lin Tian said angrily, threatening him with a broken gun, it is simply owed a beating.

"Last warning!" The captain of the military police team said, putting his index finger on the trigger with a little strength. From his point of view, the young man in front of him was either sick or had an ulterior relationship with those robbers. , even that female policeman is also suspected.

Seeing that his words were ignored, Lin Tian's slightly immature face suddenly rose with anger, and he rushed towards the martial arts squad leader in a flash.

The captain of the martial arts squad had seen Lin Tian's speed, and had already been on guard, but before he could react, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, followed by a sudden lightening of his calloused hands, and a sudden burst of scorching heat from the tiger's mouth Immediately, he felt a huge force hit his abdomen, the pain made his stomach almost convulse.

Lin Tian was the one who made the move, and he grabbed the gun and punched in one go. Before everyone could react, the captain of the martial arts squad was already knocked down by Lin Tian.

Crackling, there was a sound of punching and kicking, and even the captain of the martial arts squad who had undergone cruel training could not withstand Lin Tian's fists and feet and screamed in pain.

In the blink of an eye, the team leader was exactly as Lin Tian said, his body became fatter at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his face was swollen into a pig's head.

Lin Tian beat and scolded, "I hate people threatening me the most. You idiot dared to warn me and pointed a gun at me. Do you think I'm easy to bully? You don't want to catch the robbers, you have to find them." Beat, are you born with a lack of pumping?"

"Do you think you are great with a broken gun?" While speaking, Lin Tian shook the gun he had seized vigorously, and with a crash, the originally fine micro-chance instantly turned into a pile of parts and fell to the ground, "I Said to beat you into a pig, you will be beaten into a pig, you know?"

After beating up the squad leader, Lin Tian looked up and saw all the martial police around him pointing guns at him as if they were enemies, and said angrily: "You also pointed guns at me, and you want to be beaten like a pig's head, don't you?"

Xiong Baiyan frowned, and looked at Xie Changhe with anger on his face. He could bear it until this time, and he had already tolerated Xie Changhe's backstage extremely.

Xie Changhe didn't know what to say. He didn't know much about Lin Tian at all, and he had no control over him at all. It was meaningless to explain things like this. The key was how to quickly Let Lin Tian settle down, and don't let the robbers escape in the end when all the people on his side are brought down...

"Let your men put down their guns first." Knowing what Lin Tian's taboo was, Xie Taihe gritted his teeth and said to Xiong Baiyan in a negotiating tone.

"What?" Xiong Baiyan, who was in charge of the defense, stared wide-eyed. Even though he was very scruples about Xie Changhe's backstage, after his fiery temper was ignited, he completely became a bull. People put down their guns?"

"Jing guards, arrest this kid for me!" Xiong Baiyan turned his head and shouted.

"Yes!" A roar full of anger sounded, and seven or eight well-trained martial arts rushed towards Lin Tian.

Lin Tian beat up the squad leader, but his anger was not exhausted. At this time, seeing Wu Jing came to arrest him, he rushed forward without saying a word and fought together.

Bang bang bang... A series of sounds came out, Lin Tian did not hide or dodge, and he punched and kicked anyone who rushed to him and fell to the ground.

Within a few breaths, all the soldiers of the police guards were knocked to the ground by Lin Tian, ​​each of them screaming in pain from severe injuries.

Seeing this scene, Xiong Baiyan immediately added fuel to the fire, reaching out and snatching a pistol from a soldier beside him.

Just when he was about to point his gun at Lin Tian, ​​Qin Bingbing, who reacted from the shock, roared at Lin Tian, ​​"Lin Tian!"

This roar was mixed with endless anger and bone-chilling chill. Xie Changhe, who was about to take out his documents to protect Lin Tian, ​​froze for a moment, while Xiong Baiyan was even more attracted by Qin Bingbing, and was about to point to Lin Tian's muzzle also slowed down.

"Sister Jinghua, have you agreed to have dinner with me?" Lin Tian's deep eyes lit up, and he turned to ask Qin Bingbing. As for throwing the robber back to the bank and beating up the martial arts officer, he completely forgot about it. In the world, eating with my wife is the biggest.

"Catch the robber out for me right away, and I'll accompany you to dinner!" Qin Bingbing stared at Lin Tian and said coldly, obviously she was very disgusted with Lin Tian's persecution, extremely disgusted, even There was a faint feeling of being ashamed of it, but it was very light, so light that she only felt the extreme discomfort in her heart, but she couldn't sum up the reason.

"Sister Jinghua, it's easy to catch people, but what if you go back on your word after I catch them?" Lin Tian said scruples.

"You..." Qin Bingbing was dumbfounded, she never thought that this wolf would not believe her.

At this time, Xie Changhe suddenly interjected: "Lin Tian, ​​I will guarantee this matter for Qin Bingbing."

Lin Tian thought for a while and said, "Okay, old man, if sister Jinghua doesn't accompany me to dinner, I'll beat you into a pig's head!"

"Uh... good!" Xie Changhe said in a daze.

Lin Tian turned his head and glanced at Xiong Baiyan, and said, "Big bear, don't think I don't know that you are going to point a gun at me. I should have beaten you up too, but Sister Jinghua agreed to accompany me to dinner. Okay, so I am too lazy to beat you now, but before I come out, if you haven't thrown away that broken gun, be careful, I can't help but beat you!"

When was Xiong Baiyan threatened face to face like this, and when he was about to get angry, Lin Tian turned his head and said to the martial policeman whose eyes were dancing with anger: "And you, whoever dares to point a gun at me again, I will beat him to death idiot!"

This Chiguoguo threat is like a drop of water falling into a boiling oil pan. The boiling oil collapses and splashes. Such a threat made this group of passionate youths not angry, and the guns in their hands were raised in unison.

However, when they raised their guns, they found that Lin Tian had already disappeared in place.

At this time, Xie Changhe walked up to Xiong Boyan, waved the ID in his pocket in front of him, and handed it to Xiong Boyan.

For a moment, Xiong Baiyan's complexion changed drastically, his eyes revealed an unbelievable look, and then he stood at attention, and when he was about to salute Xie Changhe, Xie Changhe shook his head lightly, then leaned into his ear and whispered something sentence.

Xiong Baiyan's face tightened first, then his old face suddenly turned red, and then he showed embarrassment and admiration.

After Xie Changhe finished speaking in a low voice, Xiong Baiyan immediately yelled at his subordinate Wu Jing, "Everyone put away the guns for me, the wounded were immediately sent to the hospital for treatment, and everyone else stood by and stood by. Without my permission, no one would f*ck use the guns! "

"Ah?" All the military police were stunned after hearing this, and even the police guards who knew the captain very well were dumbfounded. What's the situation, is this the rhythm of being beaten for nothing?

"I have blemishes on my face? Execute!"

"Yes!" The military police yelled very unwillingly and resentfully, but soldiers have the bounden duty of obeying orders, even if they don't understand it, they have to do it.

Just as the soldiers were helping the wounded, a burst of noise mixed with some screams of pain came from the bank.


The first person was thrown out by Lin Tian, ​​but he was not a robber, but an unlucky negotiator!

Soon, the second person flew out from the bank, this time Lin Tian made no mistake, he was indeed a member of the robbery gang.

The third……

the fourth……

In about half a minute, the five robbers were thrown out by Lin Tian again, just like last time, they were thrown out of their minds.

The police and military police who were waiting outside once again swarmed up and pinned down the robber.

As the robbers were thrown out of the bank, the hostages who were frightened twice had to crawl out of the bank no matter how numb their legs were. Wait until the police come in before going out?

Customers who were almost hostages rushed out, and the police immediately led the escaped people to the safe zone circled by the military police.

Soon, the bank became empty, except for the pretty girl, even the staff of the bank were evacuated.

The girl Yiyi looked vigilantly outside the bank door, not knowing whether she was looking for it or was on guard against something.

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