()Chapter 37 Sudden Sniper Kill

The tense and critical bank robbery case was successfully resolved instantly after Qin Bingbing agreed to accompany Lin Tian for dinner. Not only were the robbers wiped out, but the hostages were also rescued safely without any casualties.

The robbery case was led by the Haicheng Public Security Bureau and assisted by the military police. However, due to the special nature of the robbers, the robbers were escorted back to the military police team by the military police and then handed over to the provincial military police corps. It is conceivable that The five robbers were bound to be court-martialed, even though they had just been discharged from the military.

Xie Changhe and Xiong Baiyan murmured a few words in a low voice, and Xiong Boyan waved his hand to signal his subordinates to escort the robbers into the car.

The green canopy military truck started slowly, and the soldiers nestled on the truck, all of them looked resentful, unwilling, and angry. No matter how much Lin Tian contributed, beating up their comrades made it difficult for these hot-blooded little soldiers to swallow this. They were very angry, but because of Xiong Baiyan's order, they had to board the car and leave. They were also very puzzled and curious about the change in Captain Xiong's attitude before and after, and wanted to know what the director had shown Captain Xiong.

And Xiong Baiyan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, looked at the medium-sized Xie Changhe with a happy face in command of the police through the rearview mirror, his eyes filled with envy, especially when he saw Qin Bingbing entwined Lin Tian's envious look became even stronger, even a hint of jealousy.

"Sister Jinghua, let's go eat!" Lin Tian rubbed his stomach and said.

Qin Bingbing hated Lin Tian who was pestering her endlessly, but she didn't intend to renege on her promise to get fat, but she just didn't want to make this wolf so happy.

"I have something to do now!" Qin Bing said coldly.

"Is there anything to be busy?" Lin Tian turned his head and looked around, as if everyone else was busy except him and Qin Bingbing standing there.

Before the words finished, Xie Changhe walked over with a three-point smile and seven-point surprise on his face.

"Lin Tian, ​​this time is thanks to you!" Xie Changhe made no secret of his praise and affection for Lin Tian.

Lin Tian turned his head and glanced at Xie Changhe, waved his hands impatiently and said, "Old man, I am accompanying Sister Jinghua, don't bother me!"

"Shut up!" Qin Bingbing glared at Lin Tian, ​​and said to Xie Changhe, "Director, the criminals were taken back by the Wu Jing, and now the case is going to be handed over to the Wu Jing for handling?"

Xie Changhe nodded and said: "The Provincial Department and the Military Police Corps have reached a consensus. Since the background of the criminal is somewhat special and sensitive, this case will be handled by the Military Police Corps and the Provincial Military Region."

Qin Bingbing didn't intend to claim credit, and nodded in agreement.

"Xiao Qin, take a step to speak!" Xie Changhe glanced at Lin Tian while speaking.

Qin Bingbing was obviously not used to Xie Changhe's sudden respect, she frowned slightly, and then followed Xie Changhe to the side.

Lin Tian glanced at Xie Changhe unhappily, "Old man, tell Sister Jinghua to speak quickly, don't delay my meal!"

"Hehe... soon!" Xie Changhe said.

"What's the chief?" Qin Bingbing asked.

"How is your relationship with Lin Tian?" Xie Changhe asked, but then he felt that the question was ambiguous, so he explained again: "Well, I want to ask other than what you said last time, what else is there?" Do you have any other understanding?"

Qin Bingbing shook his head, "I don't know him well!"

"Uh..." Xie Changhe was a little embarrassed. He almost swallowed the words that he wanted Qin Bingbing to find out about Lin Tian's life background. After pondering for a while, he said, "If you can find out more about Lin Tian, Collect as many as you can!"

"I will try my best!" Qin Bingbing said very concisely.

Xie Changhe nodded, and said, "Is there any news about Master Jiu, the key figure in the gun case?"

Qin Bingbing's beautiful melon-seeded face revealed a trace of heaviness, "Not yet."

"Well, I read the report you submitted this morning. What is the origin of the Iron Anchor Mercenary Group? Are there any clues about the person behind the kidnapping of Keaiai?" Xie Changhe asked.

Qin Bingbing shook his head, an unseen gloomy look appeared on his pretty face, "I haven't found out yet."

Xie Changhe didn't ask any more specific details, but asked, "What happened to that big biao?"

"Someone must have deliberately framed her, and the details are still under investigation." Qin Bingbing said with a slight frown.

"Well, there have been a lot of major cases in Haicheng recently, but don't put too much pressure on you. I will bear the pressure from above, and hurry up to solve the case." Xie Changhe said in relief.

"Yes!" Qin Bingbing said, but she couldn't help but think of Lin Tian in her heart, because she happened that since the wolf came to Haicheng, in just two days, major and important cases popped up like a bunch. Heap, what a troublemaker.

"Okay, I'll give you a vacation today and have a good meal with Lin Tian. The case in hand will be handed over to Xiaozheng Xiaotian and the others first." Xie Changhe said, in his opinion, the importance of solving the case now is obviously higher than It is lower than the investigation of Lin Tian's life background, even though he is in the position of the chief of the public security bureau.

After Qin Bingbing listened to Xie Changhe's words, a hint of puzzlement flashed in her phoenix eyes. The dignified public security chief doesn't care about the progress of a series of sudden major cases, but is interested in that wolf. What's the matter?

Glancing at Xie Changhe, Qin Bingbing didn't see anything, but with her strong intelligence and logical ability, she immediately thought that when Xiong Baiyan was furious, Xie Changhe used some method to make Xiong Baiyan, who was not in the same system, not only Instead of suppressing his anger, he followed his request and suppressed a group of rebellious martial arts.

Qin Bingbing could vaguely sense that the Director Xie in front of her should have more than just the background of the Director, but she didn't intend to investigate anything, and it didn't mean anything to her at all.

"It's just a meal, it won't take a day." Qin Bingbing ungratefully rejected Xie Changhe's vacation.

"Hehe..." Xie Changhe smiled, not dissatisfied with Qin Bingbing's "contradictory".

At this moment, a man with a clean face and serious frowning ran over.

"Director, there is a girl in the bank who refuses to come out, saying that someone outside is following her and trying to harm her..." Qian Jing said quickly.

"Huh? Take me there!" Xie Changhe frowned, and walked towards the bank.

Qin Bingbing followed without hesitation, and simply forgot about inviting Lin Tian to dinner.

"Sister Jinghua, where are you going?" Lin Tian chased after her and asked.

"It's something!" Qin Bing said coldly, not giving Lin Tian a good face at all.

"I'm hungry, sister Jinghua, let's go eat..." Lin Tian said.

"You can eat by yourself, no one will stop you!" Qin Bingbing ignored Lin Tian who was pestering him endlessly, but walked towards the bank.

However, when Qin Bingbing was approaching the door of the bank, Lin Tian's complexion suddenly changed, and he threw himself at her side in a flash. The right side rushed over and panned.

Qin Bingbing didn't react at all, she just felt her slender waist being hugged by strong arms, and then a scent wafted into her nostrils. She had smelled this smell before, it was the smell of Lin Tian, ​​but she never thought of that Selangor dared to tease her like this in public.

"Lin Tian..."

Just when Qin Bingbing couldn't suppress the anger in his heart and roared out, a muffled "bang" gunshot suddenly sounded.

With a sound of "poof", a dazzling flower of blood spewed out from the chest of the girl with a weird look in the bank, and her petite and lovely body was carried by the bullet's huge force and flew out.

The sudden scene shocked everyone present, whether it was Xie Changhe, who was always calm and calm, or Qin Bingbing, who was experienced in dealing with all kinds of emergencies calmly, were stunned.

what happened?Could it be that the robbers are still lurking in the dark and have not been caught?But why did you attack that girl?

A series of doubts hovered in everyone's minds, and even the police officers forgot to check the girl's condition for a while.

"Sister Jinghua, don't run around, I'll kill that idiot sniper!" After Lin Tian said angrily, his figure disappeared in a flash. If he hadn't sensed the crisis, Jinghua might be a second later His sister was either hit by a bullet or bruised, how could this not make him angry?

When Qin Bingbing was called out by Lin Tian, ​​she immediately reacted. She quickly calmed down and ordered in a loud voice: "Rescue on the spot, contact the hospital for support, close the bank gate, and everyone else spread out and hide behind the bunker. Hurry up!"

The roar woke up the police officers around. The police officers inside the bank immediately rushed to the girl who was shot and fell to the ground. Others followed Qin Bingbing's instructions and closed the glass door of the bank to prevent further injuries. The police officers outside the bank Jing immediately evacuated to find a bunker and kept a close eye on the buildings and pedestrians opposite the bank.

And when the police were looking for cover, a thin and thin figure quickly climbed towards the roof of a building opposite the bank like a spirit ape climbing a mountain. The speed was astonishingly fast. Leaped to the middle of the building...

On the top of the building, a man dressed in black and wrapped all over his body was lying on the ground, quickly dismantling the sniper rifle in front of him with both hands.

In just four or five breaths, the man in black had already disassembled the sniper rifle into a pile of parts, and spent about half a minute packing some of the parts into the guitar bag beside him, and hiding some of them in his clothes.

After doing all this, the man in black picked up his guitar bag and walked towards the roof passage.

"Don't run, idiot sniper..." Lin Tian turned over and jumped to the top of the building. When he saw the man in black about to run, he let out a loud shout.

Hearing the shout behind him, the man in black changed his expression, stopped in his footsteps, and at the same time turned around, he quickly took out a Desert Eagle from his waist and raised his hand in the direction of the sound behind him to shoot.


The Desert Eagle spewed out a tongue of fire, and the high-speed spinning bullet roared towards Lin Tian like a reminder from Hades.

At this time, the man in black had clearly seen the person behind him, an ordinary boy. Although he didn't know how Lin Tian appeared on the top of the building, it didn't matter anymore. He was very confident in his marksmanship. He is so confident that even a mosquito can hit him at such a short distance. In his eyes, Lin Tian will definitely die, and he doesn't need to pay attention to a dead person.

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