() Ergou's sense of smell is dozens of times better than that of ordinary people. It is a natural ability. After Shi Sheng came to Fufeng Village, he drew up a systematic training method for Ergou. In the past few months, Ergou's sense of smell has improved to a higher level. He often goes hunting with kites and big cattle. He can tell the direction of the prey with a radius of more than ten miles. No matter how far the prey escapes, as long as it Leaving a trace of smell, the two dogs can follow it.

Although Yichen came and went very quickly, the smell left behind would not disappear in a short time. Er Gou took Shisheng and chased it for dozens of miles, and finally found Yichen hiding in a cave, hundreds of feet away from the cave. , Shi Sheng asked Ergou to go back to the village first, and went to see Yichen alone. After all, Ergou is also from Fufeng Village, and Yichen will not be soft-hearted to him. Xin, listened to Shi Sheng's instructions, said "Be careful, brother", and went back to the village on his own.

Ergou sent Shi Sheng away, and walked into the cave alone, but saw a bonfire burning in the cave, with a branch leaning beside it, and a few roasted sweet potatoes on a string, smoked and roasted on the flames, sitting cross-legged, eyes closed He, the treasure looks solemn, holding a string of Buddhist beads, chanting sutras in a low voice, as if he didn't know Shi Sheng came in.

Shi Sheng didn't bother him, and sat quietly on the side. After reciting the Buddhist scriptures, he opened his eyes, looked at Shi Sheng, saluted Shi Sheng, and said, "Sorry, I kept the benefactor waiting for a long time."

"So he knew I was coming." Shi Sheng thought to himself, smiled slightly, and said: "It's okay, Master Yichen, I was rescued by you a few days ago, I will always remember it in my heart."

"Amitabha." Angrily said: "The almsgiver's words are serious. Everything has its own destiny. When you and I meet, it is the almsman's life that should not be terminated. This is a cause and effect. The poor monk has no merit, so the almstaker does not need to remember it."

Shi Sheng smiled and said: "I don't know the cause and effect, and I don't believe in the law of fate. Anyway, my life was saved by the master. I, Shi Sheng, have revenge and repay kindness. I will never forget it in this life." Yichen smiled slightly , said: "The donor is a free person."

Shi Sheng laughed and said: "That's right, he's a free man!" Then he changed the subject, and said: "My boy just heard the Buddhist scriptures recited by the master, the meaning of the scriptures is subtle, I don't know what Buddhist scriptures it is?"

Angrily said: "This sutra is called "Miaofa Lotus Sutra", also known as "Lotus Sutra". It has seven volumes and 28 chapters, and [-] words. It is the supreme Mahayana classic of my Buddha."

"So that's the case, no wonder it's so subtle." Shi Sheng said with a smile: "Just now I heard this passage in the scriptures, 'This Lotus Sutra is also like this, it can free all living beings from all sufferings, all diseases, and release all shackles of life and death. ’, I don’t know, kid, what is the meaning of ‘Bound of Life and Death’?”

"Amitabha." Angrily said: "The so-called life and death are actually cause and effect. Birth is the cause. Death is the result. If it is contaminated with cause and effect, it will enter reincarnation. Bodhisattvas fear the cause, and all living beings fear the effect. The world does not know cause and effect, and life is like catkins. , Sowing all kinds of causes, death is like facing an abyss, fearing the consequences of one step, greedy for life and afraid of death, this is the so-called bondage of life and death."

Shi Sheng has been contaminated with classics of hundreds of schools since he was a child. He has a high level of comprehension, and is fascinated by listening.When he saw that Shi Sheng had realized something, he didn't bother him, just smiled slightly, kept silent, and let him realize it by himself.

After a while, Shi Sheng suddenly said: "According to the master, if there is a cause, there will be an effect, and if there is life, there will be death. Bodhisattvas fear the cause, but in fact they fear the effect. All living beings fear the effect because they are afraid of death. Does the bodhisattva fear the cause because he is greedy for life?"

Yian was stunned for a while, and was silent for a long time. Shi Sheng challenged the classics and questioned the Buddha. Sheng asked this question, but there was no answer, and he said for a long time: "The "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra" says: 'All dharmas are empty and empty, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing', my Buddha has already There is no birth and no death, how can you be afraid of life and death, and be bound by life and death?"

"Buddha is immortal, so naturally he is not afraid, but we are mortal, who is not afraid of death?" Shi Sheng smiled slightly, and said, "I remember, my grandfather once said, 'Everything is empty after death. , Once everything is over, the living person's longing for the dead is a kind of bondage, which makes him unable to escape, and the dead cannot rest in peace. Hell on earth, after all, he is a stranger on different paths. He can't see life and death. It hurts not only himself, but also the dead. People should not be encumbered by the dead, and the dead should not be entangled by the living. The past should be let go, and people have to look forward to live'. Remember, Master Yi'an, you have studied Buddhism carefully, and you should understand these principles better than me."

After hearing it, he fell silent, his face changed, he sighed after a long while, and said: "Tanyue, please listen to a story told by the poor monk." Shi Sheng sat upright, and said: "Master, please tell me."

Angrily said: "Once upon a time, there was a couple who went to the mountain to pick mulberries, but unfortunately encountered a wolf demon. The husband was killed by the wolf demon, and the wife was also defiled by the wolf demon. They attempted suicide and survived by luck. Ten months later, the widow gave birth to The next child turned out to be a wolf baby, and the villagers slandered the widow for colluding with the wolf demon to murder her husband, and they wanted to burn her and the wolf baby to death."

"The widow couldn't bear the death of the child, and escaped with the help of her parents-in-law. The villagers, in a rage, killed the widow's parents-in-law, and then chased the widow and forced her to jump off the cliff."

"Fortunately, the sky never ends. The widow and the baby wolf were caught by the vines on the cliff and fell on a convex rock on the edge of the cliff. They managed to escape with their lives, but the widow broke her leg and was trapped on the cliff, unable to escape. .”

"Mother and son have no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth. At first, the mother still had milk, but the wolf baby has the blood of the wolf demon, and eats a lot. Soon after, the mother's milk dried up. The wolf baby is waiting to be fed, and the mother can't. I had to squeeze the breast hard, squeeze out some breast juice, and feed the wolf baby. In the end, all that was squeezed out was blood. The mother used gravel to cut off the blood veins in her arm, and fed the wolf cubs until a few days later, when she was completely drained of blood, she took her last breath."

"It was raining in those few days, the wind was very strong, and the mother was cold and hungry, but she took off her clothes and wrapped the baby, and hid it under her body to protect him from the wind and rain. The baby fell asleep peacefully and did not get wet at all. There are only weeds and ooze on the cliffs. In order to feed the baby, the mother drank rainwater when she was thirsty, and ate weeds when she was hungry. Later, when the weeds were all eaten, the mother gnawed the mud. She gnawed the mud herself, but put The blood was fed to the baby, and she lived desperately just to give the baby some life, and when she died, she held the baby in her arms and protected him with the last remaining warmth of her own." Speaking of this, tears welled up in her eyes, I couldn't help closing my eyes, and two lines of tears rolled down my face, "Mother persisted for seven days. Later, a holy monk passed by collecting medicine and heard the baby crying, only to find the mother and child. The holy monk rescued the baby. Mother has been dead for a long time."

After finishing speaking angrily, he closed his eyes and shed tears. After a long while, he opened his eyes, looked straight at Shi Sheng, and said, "I am that wolf baby. My mother risked her life, so I can live to this day. My mother's lonely life back then Helping fear, watching death approaching, but helpless despair, I want to return all of them to the villagers of Fufeng Village! Let them all taste the pain my mother has suffered!"

Although Shi Sheng heard Shen Dayou talk about it, he didn't know that Mingxiu and Yian fell off the cliff and had such an experience. Mingxiu fed the baby with blood and persisted for seven days.

Yichen's determination to take revenge is so firm, far beyond Shi Sheng's expectation, Shi Sheng didn't know how to persuade him for a while, sighed, and said: "The villagers were indeed at fault for what happened back then, but you really want to kill to avenge one person. Thousands of people, have committed such a crime?"

"That's right." Angrily said: "The matter has come to this point, Tanyue doesn't have to persuade me to avenge my mother, even if I fall into the infinite hell, the poor monk will not hesitate!"

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