Bing of Nations

Chapter 8 Foundation Building

() Shi Sheng knew it would be useless to persuade him, so he stood up and said goodbye. Of course, he didn't know what realm Yichen's cultivation was in, but judging from Yichen's physical skills, Yichen's skill must be far ahead of Wang Jing, Wang Jing and Wang Jing. Above Cao Chong, to say the least, his cultivation is at the Olympic level. If he wanted to use force against an anger, even if he raised the whole village of Fufeng Village, he would be hitting a stone with an egg.

It was night when Shi Sheng returned to Fufeng Village, thinking about it, tossing and turning, unable to think of a good solution, so worried, he fell asleep in a daze.

Early the next morning, Shi Sheng called the three Daniels and came to Zifenglin. Everyone sat on the ground beside the Ziyuan Stone. Shi Sheng detailed the past ten years ago to the three people. He held great hatred, but after listening to it, he couldn't hate it any more. His elders did such a heinous thing, which really shamed the younger generation.

Shi Sheng said: "The predecessors planted trees, the descendants took advantage of the shade, the predecessors committed crimes, and the descendants suffered disasters. To get through this crisis, I only thought of four ways. Let's take a look." After a pause, Said: "The first method is to defeat Yichen and force him to hand over the antidote." The three of them looked at each other, and before they could speak, Shi Sheng laughed and said, "Of course I know that this method will not work, let alone that we are not Even if you are able to beat an opponent who is angry, you must not use force unless it is absolutely necessary, and even if you are angry, you are also a victim."

"The second method is to prepare the antidote by ourselves, but there is little hope and there is no feasibility. The third method is to break the boulder blocking the waterway, or find another way out of the village and seek help from the outside world. This method has a higher hope. High." The three of them nodded again and again, as if they all saw a glimmer of hope.

Ergou said: "What about the last way?" Shi Sheng said: "The last way is to waste money. In a few months, there will be envoys from the county to test my qualifications for 'breaking the rules', and then they will find a way to repair the plank road. , enter the village, and we will be saved."

Yaozi murmured: "A few months...I'm afraid, I can't wait." The appearance of Wang Jing immediately appeared in everyone's minds. He had only been poisoned for a month, and he turned into that half-human, half-wolf appearance. How long can they really last? months?

Everyone was in a low mood, and they all stretched their faces and remained silent. Shi Sheng frowned and said, "What kind of expression is your donkey face? Are you going to turn into wolves, or are you going to die?" Er Gou said dejectedly, "It won't change now, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait long."

"So what? Just sit and wait for death?" Shi Sheng was angry, and said loudly: "I don't care what you do, I, Shi Sheng, have never been afraid of anyone or anything since I was a child, even if I am going to die tomorrow, I will be the same You have to finish today vigorously! Besides, you still have at least one month, do you know how much you can do in one month? Back then, the "God of War" Xue Xiangnan swept across the 86 counties of the seven prefectures and put down the chaos of the Three Kings. Months, I don't believe it, in a month's time, we still can't deal with a broken 'Chachamasma'?"

All three of them cheered up, and Da Niu said loudly: "No... not bad! Big... big brother are right! Big... big deal... if you die, I'm afraid... afraid of his nai... nainai! "Ergou also said: "Yes! I'm afraid of his nainai! At worst, we will die, we will listen to the elder brother's arrangement!"

"Okay!" Shi Sheng patted Ergou on the shoulder, and said: "This is my good brother! I usually teach you, until the end, no, even if it reaches the end, you must never give up! Life is a battlefield, and there are no losers , only deserters! You must keep this in mind for the rest of your life!"

"Yes, big brother!" The three of them responded in unison, and Shi Sheng said, "I'll assign tasks to you now." After speaking, he told the three of them the detailed plan that he had thought up last night.

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is invincible. In order to prevent things from getting worse, one must understand Yichen's movements and take precautions early. Shi Sheng handed over the monitoring work to Ergou.Ergou has a keen sense of smell and can monitor people's movements by smell from miles away. He is naturally the most suitable for this job.

Yaozi has been with falcons since he was a child, and he knows the nature of birds quite well. Shi Sheng asked him to train the birds to convey the situation of Fufeng Village to the outside world in the form of flying pigeons, in order to ask for help.

Daniu has great strength and amazing physical strength, so Shi Sheng asked him to search for small paths all over the mountain to see if he could find another way to escape Fufeng Village and seek help from the outside world.

The assignment has been decided, and the three of them are full of energy, so they take the order to send away the three of Daniel, Shi Sheng called out Long Shi, and said, "Is there any way for me to defeat the 'Entering the Olympic Realm' within a month?" Strong?"

Long Shi smiled slightly, pointed to a purple maple tree a few feet away and said: "Did you see that purple maple tree that is more than four feet high, thick in embrace, and a little crooked, you immediately hit it at a speed of ten feet at a time Go up and I'll tell you."

Shi Sheng said displeasedly: "What time is it, you are still teasing me." Long Shi jumped up and shouted: "I teased you? You teased me, okay? You don't even have a 'source of life' A novice in refining wants to defeat the strong 'entering the Olympic realm' within a month, do you think I am the Jade Emperor or the Tathagata Buddha?"

"The Jade Emperor? What is that?" Shi Sheng wondered, Long Shi waved his hand and said, "You don't even know, but that is the god of my hometown." Shi Sheng said, "Okay, then tell me, I want How long will it take to defeat the strong 'entering the Olympics'?"

Long Shi snorted, glanced at Shi Sheng, and said, "Judging from your current qualifications and conditions, it will take at least four or five years."

Shi Sheng shook his head and said: "No, it's been too long, I can't afford to wait, it seems that I have to find another way." Long Shiqi said: "If you want to go fast, you will not achieve it. You should understand the principle of gradual progress, how come? Suddenly so impatient?"

"Human life is at stake, can I not be in a hurry?" Shi Sheng said angrily, telling Long Shi everything about Yi'an and Fufeng Village.

Long Shi crossed his legs, sat in the air, and said after a while: "This anger is too extreme, and the villagers of Fufeng Village can't be blamed for what happened ten years ago."

"Why? If the villagers didn't force Mingxiu to death, what happened today would not happen." Shi Sheng said.

Long Shi said: "You don't know, Yichen is the offspring of humans and demons, called half-demons, the human race has hated the demon races tens of thousands of years ago, and the half-demons are even more powerful and irreconcilable. Under such a general environment, it is not unreasonable for the villagers of Fufeng Village to hate wolf babies so much. If you fall into the demon world, the consequences will definitely be much worse than Yichen."

Shi Sheng was puzzled and asked: "Why is this happening? Can't humans and monsters live in peace?" Long Shi laughed out loud, and said, "You little brat, you know nothing! In ancient times, the monster race almost Exterminate the human race, cut grass and roots, this kind of blood feud cannot be wiped out even for thousands of years, and you can write it off with a word of peace? A joke! You have never suffered from the monster race, so you are so shameless. One day, if you can really reach the realm of the strong, you will understand that the relationship between humans and demons is not just a simple hatred, but a natural enemy of the weak." After a pause, he continued: "The villagers of Fufeng Village are so hostile to wolf babies. Killing them all is actually for self-protection. This hatred now looks like a dog, a bit human, but when he was a wolf baby, God knows whether he will be an heir or a demon when he grows up. If he inherits the demon, five One year old is enough to destroy your Fufeng Village."

Shi Sheng was taken aback, and said: "How is it possible? How much ability can a five-year-old have?" Long Shi said: "You know what! You can't even imagine the power of the demon clan, and the half-demon inherited the power of the demon clan Bloodline, and inherited the learning ability of the human race, matures extremely fast, waiting for human beings to be no match for half-demons at all, Yichen is only ten years old now, looks like 30 years old, when he was five years old, he was about fifteen or sixteen years old like human beings Year-old's ability is at least at the Living Spirit Realm, and the Half Demon's Living Spirit Realm is much better than Wang Jing's useless material, who do you think can win him in the small Fufeng Village?"

Shi Sheng said indignantly: "Even so, if a baby has just been born and doesn't understand anything and has no faults, it's not too cruel to burn him to death?"

Long Shi laughed, and said: "There is nothing wrong with it? Are you out of your mind? A half-demon, born in the human race, was born wrong! Today, there are still many half-demon races left in the land of the human race. You can't even imagine how miserable their situation is, Yichen's experience is not bad, and if you are lucky enough to travel to the world in the ten directions in the future, you will naturally understand."

Shi Sheng wondered: "Long Shi, what you said seems to be very biased." Long Shi snorted, and said: "Nonsense, I am also a human being, I don't take sides, so it's possible that I still want to speak good things for the demon? "Shi Sheng hurriedly said: "In this case, then you can think of a way for me to save the villagers in Fufeng Village."

"Save them? How can I save them? I'm just an illusory soul with no power at all. How can I save them?" Long Shi spread his hands and said helplessly.

Shi Sheng said: "Don't you say that you know half of the sky and everything on the earth? Could it be that you can't think of a way?"

Long Shi curled his lips and said, "There's really no difference between strength and weakness." After a pause, he continued, "But you can try your luck. There's a saying in my hometown, which is 'the first thing you need to do is to fight with soldiers, and the second is to fight with friends'. There is a This kind of person can subdue others without fighting with a good tongue, since that Yichen is not a bloodthirsty and easy to kill person, talk to him, maybe there is a turning point."

Shi Sheng shook his head and sighed: "I've talked to him a long time ago, if he is willing to listen, I don't have to worry about it." Long Shi shrugged and said: "Then there is no other way, anyway, he won't harm you, so you can sit back and relax .”

Shi Sheng said loudly: "What are you talking about! Uncle Shen came back to rescue me, and the villagers are very kind to me, how can I only care about myself and ignore them?" Long Shi said: "You are the owner of Longyu, if you are in danger , I have a way to save you, but I can only save you, and I can't control the others."

"Longyu... yes! Longyu! Why did I forget about Longyu?" Shi Sheng said happily, "You've praised Longyu so much, I don't believe that even Longyu can't deal with the anger, tell me quickly, Longyu How to use it?"

Long Shi sighed, and said: "Although the dragon jade is the most precious treasure in the world, it is not omnipotent. Besides, the dragon jade is not a treasure for fighting." Shi Sheng said: "Then what is the use of the dragon jade?" Long Shi Said: "I can't tell you now, you don't have the ability to keep this secret, so, after you reach the foundation building stage and become a real warrior, I will show you the tip of the iceberg of Longyu, as for whether you can find a way to deal with it." The way to get angry depends on your own good fortune, anyway, there are no absolutes in the world, maybe you can find what you want."

"Okay! It's a deal!" Shi Sheng replied straightforwardly.Long Shi chuckled, and said: "Boy, there are only seven days left before the month and a half we agreed on, you have to hurry up." Shi Sheng laughed, and said: "That's enough, I'll leave it to you to protect the Dharma." Long Shi agreed, sat down on the spot, and began to practice.

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