The Three Kingdoms of the Lu family

Chapter 110 The Crazy Black Mountain Army

() Lu Yi, who returned to Maocheng, looked very leisurely. He knew that Gongsun Zan had always distrusted Zhao Yun.His strange behavior just now will definitely arouse Gongsun Xu's suspicion, and then search Zhao Yun's white horse.

In this way, Zhao Yun's crime of collaborating with the enemy has been fulfilled.It's just that Lu Yi still kept his hand, deliberately leaving many loopholes, making Zhang Yan and Gongsun Xu not only suspect that Zhao Yun might be collaborating with the enemy, but also wonder if this is a trap designed by himself to get rid of Zhao Yun.

With these two vague guesses.Then, before it is completely clear whether Zhao Yun is betraying, Zhao Yun generally has no worries about his life.

After all, according to the historical records, it was almost time for Gongsun Zan to die at this time.At that time, Zhao Yun was free.

Lu Yi didn't want to miss such a powerful general, and wanted to take it for his own use.Moreover, it may take a lot of time for Zhang Yan and Gongsun Xu to figure out his strange behavior today.

In this way, he won another breathing time for Mao Cheng.

While Zhang Yan was busy dealing with internal problems, Lu Yi, who returned to the city, immediately summoned the young and strong men of Maocheng, and began to seize the time to repair the loopholes caused by yesterday's siege.

The city of Maocheng suddenly became full of enthusiasm.Even outside the city gate, there are some old and weak people who ventured out and picked up some incomplete weapons.

After experiencing a siege, the people of Maocheng had a strong sense of crisis.Fearing that the city would be broken, the Black Mountain Army launched a bloody revenge.

Lu Yi did not stop the actions of these common people.Just sent many spies to conduct a thorough surveillance of the Black Mountain Army.

In order to close the city gate in time when the Black Mountain Army suddenly attacks.

But in fact, Lu Yi's actions were somewhat redundant.Inside the Black Mountain Army, there was already a lot of quarrels. They were all arguing about Zhao Yun's loyalty. How could Zhang Yan have the heart to attack the city.

A day in Maocheng gradually passed away under such eerie calm.However, another city in the north is full of flames of war, and the sound of fighting is deafening even if they walk dozens of miles away.

In Yijing City, countless people are screaming and destroying the city frantically.There were screams everywhere, and under the strong firelight, blood flowed horizontally, spreading rapidly like a stream.

But fresh blood is still coming in continuously.On all sides of the city wall, a soapy Gongsun battle flag was constantly cut off and replaced by countless Yuan Jun's battle flags.

The entire city was on fire, with countless black smoke billowing up, roaring continuously, countless high-rise buildings suddenly collapsed without warning, and the tallest building in the city was completely exposed in front of Yuan Jun.

The continuous Yuan Jun immediately stared at the tallest building, and countless soldiers rushed towards the building like crazy.

But before Yuan Jun suddenly approached, there was a loud bang, and a huge fire dragon sprang up from the fort that had cost countless manpower and material resources.

Flames filled the sky, completely devouring the building, and a huge Gongsun battle flag was gradually reduced to ashes in the fire...

"Hahaha...Gongsun Zan, you have finally been defeated by me!"

At the same time when the building was engulfed in flames, a group of soldiers, surrounded by a gorgeous chariot, slowly approached. Under the green canopy, Yuan Shao looked majestic and looked coldly at the building that was gradually engulfed by the fire. .

"Long live!"

Suddenly, at the same time that Yuan Shao was laughing, tens of thousands of Yuan Jun soldiers in the city cheered loudly towards Yuan Shao. They raised their weapons high and looked at their lord excitedly.

Countless civil servants and military generals also shouted, their expressions revealing incomparable respect and fanaticism.

At this moment, Yuan Shao in Hebei has a high reputation, and within a few years, he has unified the four prefectures in Hebei.Almost occupied half of the Han Dynasty.

Who would dare to resist such a terrifying family.Who can resist such a powerful force.The moment Yi Jing was breached, the spies of countless forces lurking in Youzhou were shocked at the same time, and then became inexplicably terrified.

Like crazy, they fled Youzhou desperately, and spread the news of Gongsun Zan's defeat throughout Er Dahan as quickly as possible.

Lu Yi received the news from Yecheng on the second day after returning to the city.Immediately, Lu Yi's face darkened.

Gongsun Zan was defeated, and then the famous Battle of Guandu will follow!This was an even more terrifying battle. The Yuan family, which was in the midst of the sky, collapsed in this major battle, and what they achieved was another person's supreme reputation.

"Quickly summon the generals!"

Read the letter three times.Lu Yi was finally sure that Gongsun Zan was defeated.The letter was sent by Yuan Tan himself, and the words were filled with great joy.

Even the people he sent to deliver the letter didn't cover up at all, they rushed into Maocheng completely shouting the news of Hebei's victory all the way.

When Lu Yi walked out of the military tent and went to the meeting hall, countless people in Maocheng were cheering and celebrating this great victory.

"Great, finally there is no need to fight!"

The joyful emotions even infected the young and strong in the camp. Countless people hugged together and cheered loudly, feeling that the turbulent Hebei was finally over.

Even Sui Gu had a smile on his face, and when he saw Lu Yi, he cupped his hands and said, "General Lu, that's great, Gongsun Zan is destroyed, and from now on in this world, no one will be the enemy of the Great General. At the time of the world, you and I are both founding fathers!"

"Then I will borrow a good word from General Sui!"

Lu Yi nodded with a smile, but he sighed in his heart. Yuan Shao in history did have the proud capital to dominate the world.But success is also a family, and failure is also a family.

As long as the internal strife in Hebei continues, this seemingly colossal Yuan family will collapse sooner or later.

"I just don't know if Gao Shun's recruitment to the frontier will go smoothly. Once Yuan Shao returns to Yecheng, he will definitely recruit all the soldiers from the four continents. If I want to recruit soldiers, it will be even more difficult!"

Lu Yi's heart was very heavy. The time of Gongsun Zan's defeat was undoubtedly much earlier than in history.Even though he had been prepared in his heart, when this day really came, he still felt a little caught off guard.



In the conference hall, both Bingzhou General and Qingzhou General were sitting. The only difference was that everyone on the side of the Qingzhou Army was beaming, while on the side of the Bingzhou Army, everyone was serious, with a dignified look on their faces.

Lu Yi's expression was also indifferent, he looked around the crowd, sat down with the host, and said coldly: "Do you think that after Gongsun Zan's death, the Black Mountain Army outside the city will voluntarily retreat?"

"General Lu, isn't it? Gongsun Zan is dead, what can a group of little bandits do!" Sui Gu looked at Lu Yi with a puzzled face.

His words revealed everyone's doubts. The generals of the Qingzhou Army still had a smile on their faces, thinking that Lu Yi thought too highly of Zhang Yan.

Seeing everyone's disapproval, Lu Yi couldn't help but sighed. It was obvious that Yuan Shao's great victory brought great prestige, but at the same time, it also made all the soldiers in Hebei feel proud.

No wonder Cao Cao will win in history, and arrogant soldiers will lose. I am afraid this is also an important reason.

Thinking in his heart, Lu Yi had no choice but to explain to the complacent generals who had been stimulated: "Everyone, I have heard a saying that a rabbit will bite when it is in a hurry! Zhang Yan and Gongsun Zan have dead lips and cold teeth. Now that Gongsun Zan is defeated, the Black Mountain Army will surely fall into an even more difficult situation. Tell me, what will Zhang Yan do!"

"It's very simple, either flee back to the deep mountains and wait for the army to wipe him out bit by bit, or, put all your eggs in one basket and attack Yecheng while the general is far away in Youzhou. As long as Yecheng is there, the great situation in Hebei will be over in an instant." reverse!"

Zhang Liao stood up and said in a deep voice.Immediately, he bowed his hands towards Lu Yi again.

"My lord, Zhang Yan is not a mediocre person. I am afraid that he will choose the second option and order the Black Mountain Army to attack Maocheng regardless of the cost!"


"how can that be?"

"Damn bandits, you are so bold!"

Zhang Liao's words caused a big commotion, and the faces of many Qingzhou generals changed immediately. Although they didn't believe what they said, they actually started to feel fear in their hearts.

Maocheng is only a small place, if Zhang Yan really does not hesitate to attack with all his strength, many people will not have the confidence to defend it.

Lu Yi also frowned.The reason why he was able to defend Maocheng was due to the strength of Bingzhou cavalry. Zhang Yan didn't want to lose too many soldiers and horses, so he never dared to give it a go.

The situation is different now.Gongsun Zan is dead, and in the whole of Hebei, only Zhang Yan is against Yuan Shao. If it were Zhang Yan, he would either withdraw from Hebei and flee far away.

Or, take advantage of Yuan Shao's busy eradication of Gongsun Zan's remnants, and attack Yecheng no matter the cost.

Even if Lu Yi thought about it again, even if Zhang Yan couldn't attack Yecheng in the end, as long as he could come to the city, the forces in Youzhou that originally supported Gongsun Zan would definitely jump out again.

The more he thought about it, the heavier Lu Yi's heart became.He glanced at everyone and saw that many people put away their laughter and looked terrified.He smiled unconsciously again.

"Don't worry, everyone. This is just our speculation. Maybe Zhang Yan was so frightened that he retreated after hearing of Gongsun Zan's defeat!"

In order to ease everyone's depression, Lu Yi made a little joke.

But none of the Qingzhou generals present could laugh. Suigu and Suigu were even more gloomy. If Lu Yi's worries really happened, Maocheng would definitely face the craziest attack from the Black Mountain Army.

"Report! General, something is wrong. The Black Mountain Army is attacking aggressively, and they are heading towards Maocheng!"

Lu Yi was worried, but outside the conference hall, a personal guard rushed in with a solemn face, bringing bad news to everyone.

In fact, Lu Yi could already hear the sound of drums in the ears of Lu Yi without his personal guards notifying him.It was the unique battle drum of the Montenegrin Army, with a sharp and terrifying sound.

As the army continued to approach Maocheng, the terrifying sound waves, almost like a tsunami after another, devastated everyone's ears.

"Hei... The Black Mountain Army really attacked the city?" A general from Qingzhou trembled, and his voice was a little out of shape.

Lu Yi did not answer, but glared at the man, led the generals, and walked towards the city wall first.At the top of the city, countless soldiers rushed up, it seemed densely packed.

Many Qingzhou soldiers still had a hint of fear on their faces. When they saw Lu Yi, they hurriedly shouted: "General... General, there are so many bandit soldiers, there are so many bandit soldiers outside the city!"

Lu Yi frowned when he heard this, and hurried to the top of the city, holding on to the battlements, and looked outside.It doesn't matter at this point, he suddenly took a breath.

I saw that within dozens of miles outside the city, there were all black soldiers from Montenegro.The first to appear is still a layer upon layer of spear arrays, but in the middle of the army array, there are a large number of ladders, hitting wood, and the left and right wings of the army are still surrounded by countless archers.

Hundreds of Baima Yicong with horses were divided into two teams, guarding the left and right wings of the army.


The drums of war continued to blare, and the Black Mountain Army, which consisted of tens of thousands of people, slowly approached the place of arrows outside the city.Zhang Yan went out first, his expression was gloomy, and his mustache was disheveled.

Seeing Lu Yi at the top of the city, Zhang Yan's eyes immediately shot out a fierce murderous intent, and shouted: "Lu Yi, this time, I will definitely capture Maocheng, at all costs!"

Gongsun Xu also had a complicated expression, with a thick look of madness on his face, and he roared: "Lu Yi, Yuan Shao killed my Gongsun family. This feud is irreconcilable. If you are sensible, join us, as long as you help us attack!" Go down to Yecheng, and we will help you take back Bingzhou!"

"Lu Yi, your uncle is a hero who ruled the world, and you are a descendant of the Lu family. Are you willing to become someone else's general? Whatever you want, as long as you open the door and surrender, everything can be discussed!"

Zhang Yan was really scared.Before Gongsun continued to speak, he hurriedly interjected, and even made a big promise.The purpose is to kill Yecheng as soon as possible and reverse the situation in Hebei again.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that Yuan Shao would summon troops from the four states to launch a thunderous slaughter against the Black Mountain Army.In that way, even if there are mountains blocking it, Zhang Yan doesn't think that the Black Mountain Army will be safe and sound!

The words of the two immediately caused a big commotion in the city.Many people looked at Lu Yi with different expressions, waiting for Lu Yi's decision.

"My lord..."

Zhang Liao was also instantly moved. In the Bingzhou army, many people also hold official positions in Bingzhou. If Bingzhou can be separated, it will naturally be the most ideal situation.

Even Lu Yi's heart was shaken for a moment, moved by Zhang Yan's words.But then, he just sneered.Bingzhou is desolate, not a place to start a business.

Moreover, he killed so many people from the Black Mountain Army and Baima Yicong. I am afraid that Zhang Yan and Gongsun Xu already hated him to the bone, especially if they would help him seize Bingzhou.

I'm afraid the possibility of crossing the river and pulling the bridge is even greater!

Thinking of this, Lu Yi shook his head resolutely, and said coldly: "Marshal Zhang, your kindness is appreciated by Lu Yi. I won't say anything unnecessary. If you want to attack the city, just let the horse come over!"

"Okay, that's what you said! Don't regret it in the future!"

Zhang Yan was furious. This time, he was still rejected by Lu Yi with such a low profile.Knowing that it was useless to say more, he waved the spear in his hand and slammed towards the rear.

"All troops, siege the city!"

"The commander-in-chief has ordered the whole army to attack the city!"

"The commander-in-chief has ordered the whole army to attack the city!"

"The commander-in-chief has ordered the whole army to attack the city!"

Within a few miles around, the bells of the Black Mountain Army were ringing one after another, all of them were full of arrogance and murderous aura.Just as the herald opened his mouth, the Black Mountain Army on the flanks had already strode forward.

This is a group of archers, with long bows, short bows, strong bows, all kinds of bows and arrows.The only thing they have in common is the look of this group of people, which is extremely indifferent.

They strode down to the city, stopped not far from the shooting distance, drew out the clusters of arrows on their backs, and several soldiers ran over carrying a copper basin burning with fire.Next to each team of archers, there is one.

"Lu Yi, this is your last chance! I admit that the Bingzhou army is very strong, but Maocheng is too small! You can't defend it!"

Gongsun Xuce immediately stepped forward, sitting in the final effort, and began to deter.

Lu Yi was directly immune to this level of deterrence, with a smile on his face, he looked at Gongsun Xu, and asked pointedly, "Why didn't you see General Zhao!"

"Lu Yi, you should die!"

Gongsun continued to vomit blood.From Lu Yi's tone of voice, he had already realized that Zhao Yun was probably wronged.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, shoot arrows! Pawns move forward!"

Zhang Yan also turned dark, snorted coldly, and issued an order in a deep voice.

The archers in line immediately opened their bows and shot out the bows and arrows in their hands.


The sky was already gloomy, but at this time, all arrows were fired, and the sky was completely darkened, turning into night almost instantly, but it was clearly still daytime.


The speed of the bow and arrow was extremely fast, especially when so many arrows were shot at the same time, and the soldiers of the Bingzhou Army quickly grabbed the shield and covered their heads.

Although some Qingzhou Army pawns reacted, they couldn't dodge fast enough. Suddenly, a piece of the city fell down, and they were shot like hedgehogs.


The first round of arrow rain has not yet passed, and the second round of arrow rain has already flown out.What was shot out this time was a large number of rockets, and the Qingzhou army who was shot immediately burst into flames, and the part where the arrow was hit made a sizzling sound, and it was pitch black, making the scene extremely terrifying.

And taking advantage of this time, outside the city, the sound of war drums immediately rang together, and a large number of ladders, hitting wood, had slowly approached the top of the city.

"General Lu, the thieves are attacking the city too fiercely. Do you want to take the cavalry and go out to charge?" When the rain of arrows in the sky hardly stopped, Sui Gu's face turned slightly pale, and he yelled at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi shook his head and said in a deep voice: "No, this time Zhang Yan is determined to attack the city, no matter the cost. One less man defending, the city will be in danger! All the soldiers obey the order, the bandits come up, let's shoot arrows!"

Holding the shield on, Lu Yi looked up and saw that the Black Mountain Army's infantry were rushing towards the city wall densely like ants, his expression changed suddenly, he picked up a huge millstone beside him, and stretched his arms, He smashed it out hard.


There was no need to aim at all, the huge stone smashed into the middle of the densely packed infantry, and several Montenegrin soldiers immediately burst their brains and fell to the ground.

However, this attack could not stop the attack of the Black Mountain Army behind. There were still countless figures rushing towards the city wall desperately.

Even on the top of the city, many people are desperately shooting arrows.However, the number of the Black Mountain Army occupies an absolute advantage. At this time, they are rushing in regardless of the cost. Ordinary attacks cannot stop their steps at all.


The first ladder was finally erected at the top of the city, and a fierce Black Mountain soldier was the first to climb up the top of the city, but he was not allowed to be happy, a steel knife had already been chopped off like lightning, a head, Soar into the sky.


While beheading this person with a single blow, Lu Yi's free left hand grabbed a huge stone and slapped it towards the ladder.

Just at this time, another Black Mountain soldier climbed up.The stone fell right on top of his helmet.


The stone shattered immediately, and the man's head was smashed into the chest cavity, and the headless corpse fell down with a bang...

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