The Three Kingdoms of the Lu family

Chapter 111 Unexpected reinforcements


Countless Montenegrin troops were roaring, and the sound of shouting and killing was earth-shattering.Makes the most ferocious beast tremble with fear.Under the city, Zhang Yan and Gongsun Xu's eyes were blood red, and they desperately encouraged the morale of the soldiers.

In the end, Zhang Yan even snatched a battle drum herself, picked up the double hammers, and started beating like crazy.When he was excited, he suddenly yelled.

With a stabbing sound, the brocade robe on his body was torn off, revealing a strong body like bronze, braving the cold wind, vigorously beating the war drum.

"Kill, fight for the commander!"

Seeing this scene, the Montenegrin army's morale exploded to the highest point.Many people have fallen into a state of madness. They are not afraid of death, tireless, and some even use their flesh and blood to shake the hard city gate.

This is absolutely insane scene.Ordinary people can't even imagine that the Black Mountain Army, whose morale has been thoroughly stimulated, is definitely the craziest army in Hebei.

On the city wall, the defending Qingzhou army suddenly increased pressure, the city wall was continuously breached, and a whole bunch of Black Mountain soldiers were killed continuously.

Even Lu Yi was slightly moved.Immediately there was complete indifference on his face.

"Bingzhou Army, come with me!"

Seeing that the Qingzhou Army could not stop the enemy's madness.Lu Yi had to lead the Bingzhou army to rush to the front line.With the addition of the Bingzhou Army, the defenders on the city wall finally stabilized their position.

Some gaps in the city wall were re-blocked, and the two sides fought fiercely around the ladder.In other places, the gap is constantly widening.

After all, the Bingzhou Army has a limited number of people, and it is impossible to take care of every place.Some ferocious Heishan soldiers rushed to the city wall, killed the surrounding Qingzhou army, and then gathered into a group, occupying every corner.

With these corners as the center, countless Black Mountain soldiers climbed up and joined the fight.The top of the city suddenly fell into a big melee.

"Kill, hahaha, I'm the first one to ascend the city!"

With more and more gaps in the Black Mountain Army's capture, the fierce Black Mountain Army generals have begun to ascend the city. Their participation has made the already fierce Black Mountain Army even more fierce.

Almost every three Qingzhou Army can resist one Black Mountain Army soldier.

"Hateful! Get rid of those warriors first!"

Lu Yi was directing his soldiers to resist, and he saw more and more generals of the Montenegro army coming up.These are masters who have been fighting all the year round, and they are definitely not something that Qingzhou warriors can resist.

In desperation, Lu Yi could only let Zang Ba take command of the overall situation temporarily, but he himself carried a steel knife and specifically went to kill those generals of the Black Mountain Army.

The northeast corner of the city wall is where the Black Mountain Army gathers the most.They have already occupied a section of the city wall and are wantonly killing the nearby defenders.

Inside, there are several generals of the Black Mountain Army.The Qingzhou army retreated steadily, many people were wounded, and on the ground lay the body of a general from Qingzhou.

Lu Yi's expression suddenly became angry. He took a quick step and rushed to the front of the nearest enemy general. With a puff, the steel knife mercilessly cut into the man's body, almost killing him. cut in half.

But that enemy general was also fierce. Before he died, he grabbed the steel knife tightly with both hands, but there was a smirk on Lu Yi's face.

At the same time that enemy general grabbed the steel saber, three Heishan army generals who were still fighting nearby surrounded him at the same time, their swords and swords moved at the same time, and they rushed towards Lu Yi.

"Hahaha... Die with me!" The enemy general who grabbed the steel knife looked crazy, ten fingers clasped the blade of the steel knife firmly, as if he didn't know the pain at all.


At the same time, two long knives and a sharp sword had come to Lu Yi's side, cutting towards Lu Yi from three different directions.

Lu Yi's expression suddenly turned cold. Although he admired this man's bravery, an enemy is an enemy!


He roared wildly, exerted all his strength with both arms, and when he yanked the blade hard, he heard the ear-piercing sound of rattle, and the sharp blade directly cut off the lazy waist of the enemy general.

Then Lu Yi took a step forward, dodging No. 1's sharp sword, and the steel knife cut the man in half from top to bottom.Blood sprayed wildly, splashing in all directions, one ball just splashed on the face of the second person, blurring his vision.

Lu Yi immediately stepped forward, and the steel knife slashed out to look at the neck of the second person, who knew that the man suddenly slipped, and with a bang, the sharp steel knife cut on the battlement, half of it The blade is sunk in.


The third person took advantage of this opportunity and slashed Lu Yi's back.

Lu Yi hurriedly dodged, but the space in the city wall was small, and a long gash was still drawn on his back, dripping with blood.

"Hahaha...he is injured, let's go together and kill him!" Seeing that Lu Yi was injured, the remaining two Black Mountain generals were overjoyed, they looked at each other tacitly, and wanted to attack again. ,

Not far away, several generals of the Black Mountain Army came up, and when they saw this, they also killed them with hideous faces.

"I'm hurt, really hurt!"

Feeling the pain on his back, Lu Yi was really angry. He roared loudly, and the stinging pain from the wound drove him mad.At this time, the steel knife had been trapped in the battlement and could not be pulled out.

Lu Yisuo threw away the steel knife, and at the same time as the second person stabbed with a long sword, an iron fist hit his head like lightning, and the second person's head was instantly smashed to pieces.

The last general of the Montenegrin army was shocked, and he was about to retreat.

"Where to go!"

The injury on his back was caused by this person's sneak attack, how could Lu Yi let him go.One step to catch up.Who knew, the fleeing general turned around suddenly and kicked Lu Yi.


This kick was extremely swift and violent, and it directly landed on Lu Yi's body.Lu Yi remained motionless, like an iron pillar, grabbed the man's legs with his hands and lifted them high.

Then, Lu Yi roared loudly, showing a ferocious look on his face for the first time, tearing the man's flesh apart on the spot. Immediately, blood poured down on Lu Yi's body, and his intestines and internal organs flowed everywhere. yes.

"My God, it's the devil!"

The scalps of the several Montenegrin generals who rushed over looked numb.A great fear welled up in my heart, they were all giant bandits from Montenegro, who killed people like hemp, and were used to seeing life and death. ,

At this moment, the slightest bit couldn't afford the courage to fight Lu Yi, screamed, and was about to run away.But Lu Yi had already locked them in, and the city wall was so big, where could they escape.

In just a few breaths, the maddened Lu Yi caught up with one person, grabbed his feet, roared, and tore another person apart.

The rest of the people did not escape the same fate, they were all torn apart.

The Black Mountain Army at the top of the city screamed in terror, and everyone who saw Lu Yi passing by avoided them one after another, feeling that their whole bodies were covered with cold air.

But even though the Heishan army at the top of the city was extremely afraid of Lu Yi, the Heishan army below the city didn't know it, and they continued to rush to the city.

No matter how heavy the casualties are, they will not retreat at all.

Zhang Yan was really expected by Lu Yi to capture Maocheng at all costs!

Layers upon layers of corpses were everywhere on the city wall and under the city wall.On the city wall, every inch of land, both sides must fight for every inch of land, repeatedly fighting.

For any party to win, it will need to pay countless bloody prices.

This is really the most terrifying tough battle, the two sides have no conspiracy, no tricks, really, they will fight with all their strength.The city wall was bleeding, and the fighting and screams scared all the birds and beasts in a radius of tens of miles to extinction.

The strong smell of blood attracted a large group of jackdaws, they quacked and looked greedily at the fresh flesh and blood all over the ground.

"Lu Yi, at this point, why don't you surrender!"

Outside the city, Zhang Yan's body was trembling. Every time he saw his soldiers fall from the top of the city, he would feel more pain in his heart.

These people are all elites of the Black Mountain Army.It is not easy to recruit soldiers in the mountains, and such elites are even more dead than one.

"Zhang Yan, I said, if you want the city, you can take it from me!" Lu Yi lay on the battlement and yelled at Zhang Yan. His body was covered in blood, and even his hair turned blood red. se.At this time, supporting the city wall, two terrifying bloody palm prints were left behind.

The battle on the city wall is still stalemate, and the fighting is inextricable. At every moment, a large number of people die instantly in the place where the two sides are fighting, and it is almost difficult to stand still.

But even so, neither Lu Yi nor Zhang Yan dared to take a step back.Anyone who retreats at this time is showing weakness.It will cause a huge blow to the morale of the army.

Zhang Yan was gritting her teeth.

Lu Yi was also persevering with pain.He had made an agreement with Gao Shun that he would join forces in Maocheng. No matter what, he would never give up Maocheng.


The two sides fought continuously, from morning to noon, then in the afternoon, and finally even the sunset glow in the sky appeared, and the battle continued.

A terrifying murderous aura enveloped this small Maocheng, and the soldiers on both sides fought bloody battles.Under the city wall, the corpses of soldiers from both sides kept falling down, and piled up more than ten meters high!

However, at this moment, in the wilderness tens of miles away from the battlefields of both sides, there is an army of thousands of people running wildly.

This is a group of extremely messy troops, with all kinds of clothes, and even holes and patches everywhere.The faces of the soldiers were also full of wind and frost.

Even if he is a teenager, he still has an old look on his face.The weapons in their hands were also tattered, wooden sticks, iron pieces, broken knives, broken swords, and some even held bone and stone sticks.

From a distance, they looked like a group of refugees, that is to say, the rogues were a bit reluctant.But the strange thing is that in this group of people, everyone is tall and pretends to be a bear.

Especially in their tattered and drafty clothes, the kind of bronze skin and explosive muscles would burst the tattered clothes.Occasionally showing a look, there is no numbness and timidity that refugees should have.It's endless ferocity and brutality!

"Report! General, the brothers who explored the road ahead have discovered that Maocheng is fighting!"

The rushing army stopped when they heard the report from the spies in the army.

"How's the battle going?"

In the middle of the army, a general with a cold and arrogant face rode out and asked in a deep voice.

"The two sides are fighting at the city wall!" The spies reported truthfully. ,

"What, you've hit the city wall, so what are you waiting for, kill it now!"

"Yes, kill it!"

"It's too late to kill!"

Hearing that they had been killed to the top of the wall, thousands of tattered soldiers suddenly became excited, and there was a trace of extremely frightening ferocity in the eyes of countless people.

The military general Leng Ao at the front roared loudly and shouted: "The whole army obeys the order, the target is Maocheng, kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

As soon as the word "kill" came out, thousands of soldiers roared together, causing all the horses in the army to scream in terror


In the next moment, thousands of people stepped forward at the same time, running desperately in the direction of Maocheng, each of them used all their strength.I'm afraid that if I go too late, I won't have to kill him.

The originally neat team suddenly became chaotic because of this, countless people were roaring, wanting to rush to the front.

On the ground, thousands of soldiers suddenly became chasing each other. They all wished they could grow wings, and now they flew to Ma Mao City to kill a lot!


The battle in Maocheng is still going on, the Black Mountain Army is desperately attacking, and the defenders are also desperately defending on the top of the city.However, the number of Montenegrin Army is too much.

One batch was killed, and the second batch followed.

On the top of the wall, Lu Yi's arms were sore and numb, feeling more tired than ever before.However, he couldn't relax, and he didn't even dare to blink his eyes.

He knew that at this point in the fight, the test was no longer the strength of the two sides, but the will of the soldiers. Whoever survived to the end would be the winner.

In the distance, thousands of soldiers are still running wildly in the wilderness.The fierce cold wind whizzed past, enough to make people shiver all over, but some soldiers running wildly felt that wearing clothes was too cumbersome.

The rest of the people followed suit, and in the end, thousands of people, all shirtless and braving the cold wind, swept towards Maocheng.

The fierce man at the front even thought that the battle flag he was carrying was too cumbersome, so he wanted to throw it away.The companion beside him hurriedly stopped him and cursed: "You are crazy, this is the military flag!"

"Oh, I'm confused!" The fierce man immediately came to his senses after receiving the reminder, but there was a simple and honest look on his fierce face.

"Maocheng has arrived, order to display the army flag!"

Suddenly there was a cold shout from the front.The cold and arrogant general suddenly turned his head and shouted at the soldiers.


Immediately, there were bursts of terrifying roars from among the soldiers running wildly, and the fierce man in the front trembled his arms, and the battle flag in his hand was violently unfurled.

At this moment, another strong wind blew by, and the military flag fluttered with a whimper.

This is an ink-colored military flag, its whole body is endless black, only the central yang, a mighty wolf drawn with gold thread, is raising its head and controlling its claws, roaring silently towards the sky.

This is the flag of the Bingzhou Army!


The moment the military flag was unfurled, this group of thousands of Xiong Kui soldiers, without the slightest hesitation, roared angrily, and rushed towards the Black Mountain Army.

"What's going on? Why is there the battle flag of the Bingzhou Army there? Isn't Lu Yi's soldiers and horses all in the city!" Under the city, Zhang Yan paled in shock, and then his face turned pale. There was a shudder.

But no one answered him.

After sieging the city for a whole day, both the Black Mountain Army and the defenders were too tired to speak, and the battlefield was filled with the voices of this group of fresh troops.

"Quickly, stop them!" Zhang Yan exclaimed. At this time, he didn't care about why another group of Bingzhou troops appeared outside the city, but he knew that he must not let this group overwhelm his army formation, and immediately separated thousands of people. , to intercept.

"Go away!" The one rushing forward was still the fierce man, holding a battle flag in one hand and a huge mace in the other.

With a buzzing sound, the heads of more than a dozen Black Mountain soldiers who came over were all smashed to pieces. This is a strong man with infinite strength. ,

He just held the battle flag in one hand and waved the mace in the other, killing wildly among the enemy troops.

"Kill these dogs!"

Immediately following the fierce man rushed out was a young man, he was only fifteen or sixteen years old, but his face was more than twenty years old, his face was full of fierceness, he was carrying a huge stone.He knocked down a Montenegrin army head-on, then raised a stone, and smashed the enemy's head into pieces unceremoniously.

"Hateful! Stab them to death!"

A general of the Montenegro army appeared, and he brought a group of spearmen, formed a row of spears, and killed the group of people!

But then, several big men holding iron shields shouted out angrily.They also formed a row of shields, and slammed forward with all their strength. The spearmen of the Black Mountain Army suddenly exclaimed, and many of them immediately turned on their backs.

The Black Mountain Army who blocked the first wave collapsed instantly after only a few breaths, and those who were killed retreated in embarrassment.

The second wave of the Montenegrin Army followed suit.But it only took a few breaths, and the army collapsed again.

Then came the third wave, break!

The fourth wave, break!

The group of soldiers rushing madly could not be resisted by the exhausted Black Mountain Army who had been fighting for a whole day.All the soldiers who blocked them had only one word.


Thousands of soldiers, all the way like a broken bamboo, killed countless Montenegrin soldiers on their backs. This was a completely one-sided massacre.When they appeared, they were still wandering outside Li Xu's battlefield.

But only a quarter of an hour later, this group of fierce soldiers had already smashed through the heavy formation of the Black Mountain Army, and rushed in front of Zhang Yan's central army...

Zhang Yan's face was instantly livid, and a strong cold air clearly rose from the deepest part of his eyes...

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