Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 101 1 Sword, Frost, 4 Continents

This phantom of the phoenix is ​​still bathed in the burning fire of karma!He completed the three cuts of humanity, and all the karma and resentment that he had forged before were all turned into karmic fire and burned into nothingness.

Hua Feixue finally completed her first rebirth from the ashes of the Great Nirvana.His soul is already the purest soul in the world, without any impurities!

This phoenix danced in the sky, and the surface of the sword-shaped soul continued to grow fleshy shoots, and finally turned into a fleshy body!From now on, as long as his Dao heart is not extinguished, even if the true immortals come, they can only suppress him but not kill him!

Hua Feixue landed next to Yanzhi, and found that Yanzhi's Taoist realm had transcended to a level that he couldn't explain clearly, but she didn't have any strength at all.Similarly, no one in the world can hurt her.

She and herself have merged in reincarnation, life and death depend on each other!As long as one party is in danger, they can lead the other party to their side.

Hua Feixue took Rouge's hand and said: From now on, I will work hard for you, you will follow me to conquer the world!

Yanzhi smiled like a little girl, and said: You are the hero in my heart, and being able to stay by your side is the fate of my first life through my nine reincarnations. Even if the next moment the world collapses and reincarnation is shattered, I will be with you life and death.

Hua Feixue nodded.At the time of Nirvana's rebirth, the damage that Heavenly Dao inflicted on him has disappeared!This world can no longer limit his growth!All he has to do is to fight until the world trembles to make way for him, breaking away from the confinement of the world.

After the Dao Xing of the Ninth Reincarnation awakened, he understood what reincarnation is and why reincarnation should be shattered.

The way of heaven is immortal, the cycle of reincarnation is endless, the gods are immortal, and the common people are not fair!The extinction of reincarnation is just the end of a big reincarnation!In the laws of nature, there is no eternal life, only eternal obsession!Reincarnation is just the trajectory of the laws of nature!Let you become a god and become a saint.It is also impossible to compete with nature, and there is always an end to reincarnation.

Time and space, Yin and Yang in Tai Chi.Yin and Yang are broken and return to the Promise, the Promise becomes chaos, the chaos divides the world, the earth becomes cloudy and the sky becomes yang!Yin and Yang turn and move.Reincarnation is the trajectory that drives all these cycles!

After Hua Feixue completed Nirvana, Po Jun immediately returned to Hua Feixue's side.It has been battle-scarred.When he completed the human way three cuts, the elephant double had turned into a big forbidden technique and exploded a large group of people.When the other fifteen avatars felt that they were about to disappear, they also formed a super killing array and destroyed the sky.

They were not that strong in the first place, but Hua Feixue's promotion was like a rocket.The realm of them and the deity are promoted at the same time.If the deity is strong, they will follow suit!The deity stepped into the three cuts of humanity, and they became even more terrifying.When the deity reaches the third moment.Daowo will be beheaded, and they will also disappear, because they are the incarnations of Daowo.

When these incarnations reach the peak of the Human Dao Three Cuts, they will explode themselves, which is not something ordinary immortal treasures can resist.More than half of the thousands of monks who wanted to fish in troubled waters were wiped out in an instant.It was a terrifying blow!

And now this killing god seems to have completed the fourth layer of the Hua family's ultimate inheritance: Phoenix Blood Tribulation!

But this doesn't seem like a phoenix blood disaster, because Hua Feixue doesn't have phoenix blood!His eighth life, 'Ji', is the first ancestor of the Fenyanghua family's bloodline!He grew up under the hands he set, and he has the shadow of the old self. The old self is dead, and the Taoist self has been killed. Now this is the real self!

I am who I am.Not what it used to be.The bloodline inheritance is just a shackle to imprison the Tao!

The current him is even scarier than Hua Fenghuang, the strongest genius in the legend!The peerless geniuses of the Fenyanghua family who have completed the second nirvana are not as scary as him!

This kind of momentum makes people feel like a sword standing between heaven and earth.I am not bound by heaven and earth and let me go freely!The heavens have no boundaries, and the heavens and the earth have no boundaries!

Heaven wants to ban me, God wants to stop me, the only sword will kill me!

The rest of the people had already been killed.Now I'm even more terrified.That is the only killing god in the world!

Hua Feixue tapped Pojun's forehead, as if Pojun was enlightened, the countless fragments of the original avenue between heaven and earth turned into green lights and submerged into Pojun's body.His wounds healed instantly!

At this moment, like ten thousand years, Po Jun was enlightened, and his natural capital was no worse than Hua Feixue.However, compared with Hua Feixue, he lacks the accumulation of Dao heart in nine lifetimes of reincarnation. He can't reach Hua Feixue's height in this life, but he has the opportunity to transcend heaven and earth!

The monks who survived the wave of incarnation self-detonation did not have the courage to continue to stay, and fled in embarrassment one by one.At this moment, another wave of young monks flew out from the space portal of the Killing Realm. They were going to enter the Altar of Destiny and compete for the qualification of guard.

With Hua Feixue standing in front of them, they didn't dare to go further, so they stopped in front of Hua Feixue for a few miles. They looked at Hua Feixue with complicated eyes.

Now even a great master of He Dao with a fairy weapon in hand doesn't dare to shout in front of Hua Feixue.

At this moment, more than a dozen figures flew out from the killing world portal and stopped in front of Hua Feixue.Hua Feixue's heart skipped a beat, it was the old people from Fenyanghua's family who came here!

These old people came to Hua Feixue and knelt down to worship. They already knew who the person in front of them was, but they couldn't tell.This is appalling!

Hua Feixue was very excited to meet people from the same family here, no matter how many people there were in the past, it was always a family.

An old man handed Hua Feixue a jade slip and said, "Old Ancestor, please look at this jade slip and you will know why we have been reluctant to come forward for you."

After Hua Feixue read this jade slip, everything was relieved!This is his own backhand!Who dares to defy the ancestral metaphor of the ancestors of the Li clan.If they really help themselves, they don't know when they have honed their skills to the current level!

"Please get up." Hua Feixue helped the two of them up.He is not an ancestor, but he does not resist.

One of the old men stepped forward again and said, "Old Ancestor, there is one more thing I want to ask you for instructions."

"Please speak." Hua Feixue did not refuse the old ancestor's address.

"The idea of ​​Tianluo Weilu's true immortal power has come to our family. He is willing to give you the king of Wei. You don't need to fight any more. You just need to lead these younger generations into the Altar of Destiny. There are four guard orders and a king of Wei throne on the altar. .You just need to take the throne of King Wei directly. No one will fight with you." said the old man.

Hua Feixue was relieved. If he really wanted to fight with him, there were not many monks who were compatible with the Tao in the whole world who could overwhelm him.The meaning of this true immortal is also very obvious.They only need a seat to enter Tianming Mountain, and they don't want all their disciples to die in their own hands.

And there is another meaning.The number of people entering Tianming Mountain must be limited!He was hoping that there would be a leader to lead the elites of Tian Luo Wei Lu into Tianming Mountain.

Seeing that Hua Feixue was silent, the old man knew that he had agreed to half of it and was thinking about the other half.He then said: The Fenyanghua Family has been rooted in Tianluoweilu for countless years.Here are our roots.In Tianluo Weilu, we can fight to the death, but if we die Luo Weilu, facing the world and even beyond, we are brothers and sisters!Patriarch, please think twice!

After thinking for a moment, Hua Feixue nodded.But then said: We have another ally.

"Allies? Who?" These old people were puzzled for a moment, and then they knew who it was.

At this moment, the crowd gave way, and a half-immortal man led four young disciples to Hua Feixue, one of whom Hua Feixue had seen before: the young disciple of the shopkeeper of the first floor in the world.

This half-immortal came to Hua Feixue and said: I heard that Rakshasa Tao is still recruiting disciples, and their aptitudes are hard to find through the ages, only bone age!

Hua Feixue was horrified, with only three guys, he had already reached the peak of the three cuts of humanity!It's not so fast to go up to a small realm in a year!The purpose of giving these few evildoers who cannot be described as geniuses to him as disciples is self-evident.

They all have the most authentic dragon blood.Among them, the one named Long Xiaofan caught Hua Feixue's attention, he is a peerless evildoer who can't even be described as evildoer!Has reached Hedaoji, although her bone age is as old as her own!

But there is an explosive power in her body that frightens her!If not, this is the evildoer of the ninth reincarnation!

He can reincarnate in the ninth life, and others can too!This world is not his alone!

Hua Feixue and Yanzhi looked at each other and smiled, they are already the son-in-law of the first floor in the world, what else is there to say!

Without saying a word, Hua Feixue touched the foreheads of these four people, and each of them showed a mark of Rakshasa's inheritance!Here is the basic inheritance that Hua Feixue has recently realized, which is more exquisite and profound than the peerless bloodline inheritance they have, but it is more concise than any basic inheritance in the world!

The four new disciples worshiped on the spot.Hua Feixue's title as King of Wei is already in his hands, how many people he can bring into Tianming Mountain depends on his own ability.

The old man of the Hua family immediately announced to the world that Hua Feixue was the new head of the family!

The Hua family's decision was not unexpected.

The next moment, Hua Feixue carried Rouge onto the horse, and galloped away to the Destiny Altar in the middle of the Qianmotan Mountain Range.Hundreds of Tian Luo Wei Lu's strongest elites followed Hua Feixue and flew away.

Tianluoweilu's Destiny Altar stands in the Flesh Demon Pool in the Demon Pool Mountain Range, and is shrouded in a bloody light curtain.This is the magic light of flesh and blood, the first obstacle to enter the Altar of Destiny!

"The Flesh Demon Pool is the orthodoxy left by Jueming old devil in the early days." Hua Feixue looked at the Flesh Demon Pool in front of him and recalled.His Seventh World and Jue Ming Lao Mo are deadly enemies.It's easy to break this light curtain, but he can't break it, and the rules can't be broken!

Numerous blood-colored runes covered the two of them, and Pojun rushed into the blood-colored light curtain with a neigh, without rebounding from any attack.These blood-colored runes are all his own Taoism: Rakshasa script!

My words are the law, and my words are the way.

Hua Feixue can leap forward, but the people left behind dare not rush in blindly.

The next moment everyone saw Hua Feixue make an astonishing move, splitting King Wei's throne in half with a single sword! (To be continued..)

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