Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 102 Destiny Mountain Opens

Hua Feixue doesn't care about this throne, it is the chain that binds the desire for power in the world, allowing the desire for power to override others.

After King Wei's throne was split open with a sword, a letter that was sealed and suppressed by countless laws of heaven fell: King!

This is a Dan Ding Wen!

In the early days, there was a battle of hundreds of princes to win the king, and the king who became the king got the seal bestowed by the Dao!This imprint is Dan Dingwen, and the imprint of the king contains the morality of the king who governs the world with benevolence and rites.

It's a pity that in the early days of the First World War, the mountains collapsed and the heavens were shattered, and the way of heaven replaced the way of heaven.Wang Zhidan Dingwen were all sealed by the way of heaven.

Legend has it that in the early days there were 49 pieces of Dan Ding inscriptions with king characters, and if they were combined, they would become emperors!According to legend, the three emperors in the early days were composed of 49 pieces of Wang Zi Dan Dingwen Cheng Huang!

But now, in front of Hua Feixue, this Wangzi Dan Dingwen is only worthy of being the ration of Po Jun!The beginning is gone, why should we insist on possessing the traces of the past?

Po Jun swallowed this Wang Dan Dingwen like eating green grass, just a small blow.Breaking the army only takes a few breaths, and the momentum sublimates, from the charging general who broke the mountain and the city to the overlord who smashed through ten thousand mountains with one hoof!Just the aura that erupted can shock a monk who is as human as three times.

Hua Feixue no longer needs anything outside the world, because he has the Tao of reincarnation for nine generations.But Pojun's bone age is less than one sixty years old.To be able to cultivate to this level, how many talents in the world can match it!

After Pojun comprehended the king's morality, he sublimated it into the overlord's morality that suits him!Let a murderer talk about Wenzhi and martial arts?Wouldn't it be so much fun to let him run across the world and conquer the city!

Sitting behind Rouge, Hua Feixue had a faint fragrance in her heart.

The fact that Hua Feixue dares to ignore the way of heaven does not mean that people in the world who claim to be invincible dare to ignore the way of heaven.Those four Weihoutian command symbols are very important to them!

The young monk outside the blood-colored light curtain was startled for a moment before launching an attack: "Come on!"

After a while, no one kept their hands anymore, and many monks even took out the fairy artifacts.When hundreds of celestial artifacts crashed into the blood-colored light curtain at the same time, even the Devil's Pool Mountain Range trembled!

If you don't use the fairy weapon, you will definitely be able to break in!Some young monks tried several times, and finally broke through the light curtain with half their lives.Those who wanted to break through the level violently just because they possessed immortal weapons were all blown into bloody flowers by the bloody light curtain!

These bloody flowers were swallowed by the bloody light curtain before they could turn into blood rain.The more flesh and blood the light curtain swallows, the stronger it becomes!

There were a few arrogant young monks who wanted to wait until the end before entering. They wanted to prove to Hua Feixue that this throne was given to you by the old fairies!It doesn't mean you are much better than us!

Hua Feixue immediately stood on the Altar of Destiny and watched quietly.After the Wangzi Dan Ding Wen was eaten by Po Jun as rations.Po Jun became the King of Wei of Tian Luo Wei Lu!It can feel that there is a steady stream of power under its feet to be transmitted into the body!

Po Jun never refuses, all the external forces of the world that enter his body are completely wiped out of the brand of heaven and earth!If he wanted to, he could mobilize the power of the entire Tian Luo Wei Lu!Even if the half-immortal came, he might not be able to suppress him.

Seeing life after life being lost in front of her, Hua Feixue could only sigh in her heart: You just got rid of it earlier.Under the shattered cycle of reincarnation, who can escape?Entering Destiny Mountain to hide from robbery?Can Destiny Mountain really withstand the shattering of reincarnation?

The cycle of reincarnation is shattered, and the world is broken!Under this kind of destructive power, even the gods and Buddhas of the heavens are like an ant!But it's better to have a glimmer of hope than to wait for destruction.

When the Devil's Pool Mountain Range temporarily returned to calm, only twenty peerless elites stood on the Altar of Destiny.Except for Hua Feixue, they all took precautions and confronted each other!Surprisingly, this confrontation lasted only a moment.They began to join hands back to back in twos and threes.Those who join forces are either life-and-death friends or alliances between clans.

The few left on the list are the four incomparable peerless talents who came in last!They disdain to join forces!

Among the four talents, Hua Feixue knew two of them, one was Wan Ruan and the other was Feng Xiaotian!These two people hated Hua Feixue to the bone, and they couldn't sleep peacefully if they didn't kill them!

Hua Feixue ignored their hatred, he has no hatred towards this world, if people don't offend me, I won't offend anyone!

When Po Jun had nothing to do, he hissed: Master is tired of waiting, let's fight!

Fierce battles are imminent!Dozens of destructive forbidden techniques collided together, raising only a little dust on the Altar of Destiny!

These twenty or so peerless geniuses.In terms of realm, it is no longer possible to distinguish between high and low, the competition is who can carry it better!

The word tragic doesn't have to be used to describe a huge battlefield.Some of these twenty or so peerless geniuses had their arms and legs broken, some had half their heads blown off, and some had half of their bodies smashed to pieces.As long as there is breath left.All the powerful forbidden techniques are blasted together with the peerless fairy weapon.

The current situation is not enough to be described as tragic. Some of them were smashed to pieces by their intestines, so they put their souls in the immortal artifacts to unite with the spirits of the immortal artifacts and continued to bombard them!

When there were only five left in the fight, one of the partners of the pair joined hands to solve the problem by itself and became a good friend.

It turned out that those four mighty talents.Now there is nothing left like a gentle smile.They survived tenaciously because of the support of hatred.

No matter how many lives Hua Feixue had cut off, and how many previous grievances and grievances had been cut off, to them, hatred is hatred.Not killing is not enough to keep eyes open!

"I can make it through, do I want to thank you?" Feng Xiaotian stared at Hua Feixue coldly.

Sitting on the horse, Hua Feixue quietly looked at Feng Xiaotian and Wanru and said: All grievances are meaningless to me.If you are good to me, I will protect you with my life.All those who want to kill me and those who stand in my way can only be destroyed by my sword.There is no grievance or hatred between heaven and earth, only the heart and self!

Every sentence that Hua Feixue said has the sound of the Dao, the one who knows it is self-evident!

As if she couldn't listen, she didn't want to let it go, and after snatching a Weihoutian command talisman, she left the Altar of Destiny alone.

In this small world, no one can kill the person who has the canonization of Wei Hou's destiny unless the true immortals are powerful or the princes are fighting.

At this moment, a big hand appeared from the sky, trying to smash Wanru into scum, and to take away Wanru's heavenly command talisman!

The true immortal power outside the sky finally made a move!

"You dare to act wildly on our mother world! I will kill you with a cannonball!" A loud noise resounded like a thunderstorm on the ground, and a phantom of a real fairy carried a giant cannon and aimed at this big hand. Boom over.

Then I heard an exclamation from outside the world: It's the star cannon!Old man Qianshan, why is this thing in your hands!

"How do I find it? Not only do I have the Star Cannon, but I also have the Heavenly God Tree. You bite me!"

The true immortals finally began to confront each other.

"Hmph, wait and see. After a while, old people from several nearby circles will come. I see how long you three-legged cats can last. It's best to give up [-]% of the places. Maybe you can still keep some tinder!"

The true immortal Da Neng from Tianwai stopped talking after he finished speaking.

Hua Feixue came to the real immortal Da Neng who was guarding Tian Luo Wei Lu and dismounted from his horse a hundred miles away, led the horse and Zhi Yan to him on foot, and greeted this Da Neng respectfully: junior Hua Feixue has seen senior .

This phantom of real immortal power nodded and said: Very good, very good.Please excuse my lack of time to chat with you.There are seven remaining true immortals in our world. They not only have to protect their motherland, but also take care of other Wei Lu who do not have the true immortals.

As soon as the words were finished, another true immortal from beyond the sky attacked Wei Lu, who was not protected by a true immortal.This real immortal named Qianshan Laoer let out a loud shout and fired the star cannon.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen real immortals made moves against other Wei Lu!There are only seven true immortals in this world, and more than a dozen true immortals have come from outside the sky!The real battle has not yet begun, and these seven true immortals in this world are like a battle between trapped beasts.

Older Qianshan, like other true immortals, had to divide his thoughts to take down these dozen or so days of true immortals.

Seeing these seven true immortals defending the mother world so fiercely, Hua Feixue's heart skipped a beat: they are still human, possessing the last sincerity of human beings.

Hua Feixue is not yet able to help these seven true immortals to share the pressure, but he is eager to compete with the masters from beyond the sky!He no longer needs to use battle to support war, but he needs to blend with different Taos, absorb their essence and continuously improve his Tao, so that his strength will grow in the Jin realm.

As the fierce battle of the true immortal powers was in full swing, a hiss that tore through the sky shattered the thought of a true immortal power outside the sky.The one in Bailing Secret Realm has made a move!I saw him driving the entire secret world and rushing out of Kaiwai, suppressing the turbulence of the void, and said coldly to the true immortals outside the heavens: "Everyone wants to win a chance of life. If you want to kill the fire in my mother's world, you should go first!" Step over my dead body!

The voice of the armored man shook the void outside the boundary!

He is too strong, so strong that no true immortal outside the sky has dared to challenge him yet!But his weakness is also obvious: he can't leave Bailing Secret Realm!

Because he is a dead man who became enlightened by using a corpse, once he leaves the place of burial, his combat power will be weakened by more than half!Therefore, the Bailing Secret Realm has become his biggest obstacle!All the true immortals and great powers outside the heavens have seen this, and are secretly trying to figure out how to use his weakness to weaken him!

The void outside the boundary has returned to calm. Will there be a second wave of attacks in a while.

The armored man noticed that Hua Feixue was staring at him.When the two were short-sighted, they both had a strong sense of fusion!

"This is the new life of my seventh life to prove the Tao with a dead body!" Hua Feixue understood everything in an instant!

The man in armor just nodded his head and ignored Hua Feixue, guarding outside the boundary like a war god.

The battle for destiny between the continents of David and the four great continents has come to an end, and each of them has started to prepare for entering the mountain of destiny.

At the same time, Ze Ze's deep roar came from Tianhuang Leicheng hiding in the turbulent void outside the boundary: The seal of Dragon's Spine has been completely eaten away, do you want to unseal it!

"Unseal now?" The old Taoist who was sitting in the altar of Tianhuang Lei City laughed and said: No, if Longji is unsealed now, there will be no singing.This is my killer mirror!I want a knife to chop down a big tree!But now it is possible to open the Destiny Mountain, so that the surrounding old things can be active! "

As soon as the veteran's order was issued, Ze carried out the order!

At this moment, the entire small world was shaken, a huge holy mountain with a height of one million meters rose from the ground, and the light curtain protecting him was instantly broken!

Destiny Mountain is open! (To be continued..)

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