Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 16 Yin-Yang Education Sword

In Hua Feixue's hand, there was an extra star-patterned sword, which was a magical sword that Zhu Tianzhen found from the dead man's treasure bag!

The refining method and function of magic swords and swords used by sword cultivators are completely different!

For a sword cultivator, when there is no better choice, everything in the world can be a sword.This magical sword is always stronger than a wooden stick.

The people in Suidishuo finally saw what they were chasing, it was a huge begging bowl!When he saw a boy, a girl, a pig and a horse hidden in the bowl, Qinghu finally laughed, he thought it was some kind of extraordinary person!

"Crash that broken bowl!" Qing Hu pointed at the huge begging bowl and shouted!

After a disciple got the order, he immediately increased the kinetic energy of Suidishuo to the strongest, and slammed into the beggar bowl!

Everyone in Suidisuo could already feel the fate of the beggar bowl being knocked and broken.

At this moment, Hua Feixue's eyes finally opened, and the aura bursting out of the eyes directly penetrated the barrier of Suidishuo's shell, impacting the minds of everyone in Suidishuo!

This indestructible and unyielding aura has a trace of heaven's wrath that makes the common people fear!

Is this a blind man?It makes people feel that they are a pair of God's eyes!

Even the green gourd was caught by surprise, and when he felt something was wrong, he activated the big gourd behind him. It was an earth-level fifth-grade magic weapon!

The magic weapon is divided into four ranks of Tiandi Xuanhuang, and each rank is nine ranks.

The gourd immediately took the green gourd in.

Qing Gourd and Hua Feixue are both in the three-point Guiyuan realm. Although they are one level higher than Hua Feixue, only a fool dares to confront a sword cultivator of the same realm with all his strength.

At the same time Hua Feixue's aura erupted, the Four Phase Transformation Sword was also completed.

The moment of the four-phase sword instigates the first sword chapter: the sword chapter.

The star pattern sword in Hua Feixue's hand was unsheathed, with a suffocating sound of wind and thunder!

Hua Feixue struggled to control the powerful explosive power of the Sword Pulling Zhang, and the first blow of the Sword Pulling Zhang broke the shell of Suidi Shuo!

Under the instigation of Yun Jianzhang, Hua Feixue endured the super-extreme load on his body brought by Yun Jianzhang, and slashed at Suidishuo's wound three times!Every sword carries the sound of wind and thunder!

It's the first time Hua Feixue's sword luck chapter has been used, and it looks very blunt!

Although one of these three swords is weaker than the other, the Thunder's Breath Sword Qi blasted into Suidishuo has become a destroyer. This Thunder's Breath Sword Qi still carries endless immortal sword intent!

The powerful thunder and lightning exploded in Suidishuo, causing the people in Suidishuo to cry and howl with leg cramps!

As the indestructible sword intents entered the bodies of these people, strange things happened!

The Immortal Sword Intent is scurrying around in these people, it feels like countless blades are lingering in the human body!

The immortal sword intent will never dissipate until it completely destroys the target!Unless you have stronger power than this immortal sword intent, it is possible to suppress it!

The Thunder Breath Sword Qi is just the blade that pierces the armor, while the Immortal Sword Intent is the sword that kills!

In an instant, blood mist filled Suidishuo's body!The head of the person who was killed by the immortal sword intent was strangely different.

Those with keen insight can find that the meridian tendons in their bodies have been cut into countless sections, and their internal organs have been turned into a pile of meat paste!

This is also the result of Hua Feixue's inability to control the Immortal Sword Intent as he pleases.

Until the end, the entire Suidishuo was dismembered by the immortal sword intent!

Staring at the blood mist behind him, Hua Feixue fell silent. This was the second time in his life that he started killing, and the feeling of killing an enemy did not excite him!

In this world, besides killing to stop killing, is there any other way to solve the problem?Hua Feixue couldn't find the answer!

These four swords not only took time out of Hua Feixue, but also brought a load that exceeded the limit of his side!

When Hua Feixue was about to fall out of the begging bowl, Po Jun bit his collar.Afterwards, Hua Feixue regained her clarity, but felt that her whole body was splitting apart, every nerve in her body was throbbing, and her soul seemed to be emptied.

He still can't control these two basic sword chapters freely!Yu Jianzong's basic sword badge is so cheating, what about the basic sword badge?

Thinking of the power of these two basic sword chapters, Hua Feixue liked these two basic sword chapters more and more, and looked forward to the next seven chapters!

Although these two chapters of the sword chapter are very cheating when used, their power can make Hua Feixue feel the pleasure of Yujian!That is an indescribable power to vent pleasure!

"I'm still weak. When will I be able to practice Phoenix Sword Dance and Po Xu Yi Sword?"

The sword of breaking the void is the first sword of Yu Jianzong's "Twenty-one Swords"!

Hua Feixue sat cross-legged in the begging bowl exhaustedly and muttered.

Then his mind immersed himself in his body, quietly feeling the impact of those swords on the Immortal Sword Soul and Immortal Sword Body.

The load brought to his body by those four swords exceeded his tolerance limit, and [-]% of the meridians in his body rebounded and [-]% were broken!Compared with the undead kalpa body, all the sufferings imposed on the body are a kind of kalpa!Undead robbing the body to rob the body to refine the body!

The Immortal Sword Soul and the Immortal Body are yin and yang to each other, and under the operation of Phoenix Jie, the yin and yang transform into two fishes!The inner universe formed by the two fishes in the body interacts with each other!

The yin and yang interact with each other to produce jing, qi, and spirit continuously.

This Qi is naturally the Qi of Thunder Breath.

With the continuous recovery of the spirit and spirit, the yin and yang fish are getting stronger and stronger, and the spirit and spirit derived from it are also getting stronger and stronger.

The spirit and spirit derived from yin and yang are constantly repairing the immortal body and immortal sword soul.

Every time a calamity is experienced, the undead body will become stronger.Every time a battle is fought, the Immortal Sword Soul will become stronger.

Not long after the beggar bowl left, a huge gourd was revealed after the blood mist dissipated!This gourd blocked [-]% of the indestructible sword intent for the green gourd, but it was pierced by the thunder's breath sword energy, making it [-]% useless and [-]% useless.

After coming out of the gourd, looking at the mess in front of him, he almost gushed out a mouthful of blood!All the disciples he brought died tragically, how would he explain it when he was asked to return to the master's school.

With veins all over his head, Qing Hu gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Hua Feixue, I want your life to be worse than death, just wait for me! I will find a stronger swordsman than you to cure you!"

After finishing speaking, Qing Hu turned around and turned back, he knew his situation very well.After getting the news, there must be a lot of strong people who came to hunt. If you want to catch up with your own wings, you will inevitably become someone else's food.

Zhu Tianzhen breathed a sigh of relief when he felt that no one was chasing after him.

Pig is not stupid, he didn't rush to the ground, and with Po Jun as his assistant, Zhu naively felt good about himself, so he controlled the beggar bowl to dig holes in the ground slowly, so as to give everyone a chance to breathe.

Hua Feixue didn't feel any danger for the time being, so she just sat cross-legged in samadhi without distraction.

The star-pattern sword was lying flat in front of his knee, a mixture of blood and soul had been fed into the star-pattern sword. 'Yin-Yang Yujian' was triggered along with Neiyu's Yin-Yang Jiaotai, instantly took this ordinary magic star sword into Neiyu, hanging above Neiyu's Yin-Yang Jiaotai!

Under the interaction of yin and yang in Neiyu, Hua Feixue's immortal body is like an innate sword furnace, constantly refining the star pattern sword.

Under the yin and yang Yu sword, something seemed to be conceived in the mixture of soul and blood in the star pattern sword.

The begging bowl moved slowly underground for an unknown amount of time, and after feeling safe for the time being, Zhu Tianzhen felt powerless to continue, and fell limply in the begging bowl, panting for air, its consumption had reached the limit of a load.

The beggar bowl became quiet, only the little girl looked around with small eyes. Since she came out with the young master, she was very curious about everything that happened, and now she has escaped underground.

The little girl knew that the young master was practicing meditation, so she didn't dare to make the slightest sound, for fear of affecting the young master.

But Ma Wang lay beside Hua Feixue and stared at Hua Feixue, it always felt that something was brewing in Hua Feixue's body.Everything about this owner gave it a very special feeling, and he had a kind of magic that attracted him.

After being unable to figure it out, Po Jun quietly stood by Hua Feixue's side.Afterwards, its body quietly moved two feet towards the little girl, and stood between them.

The pig fell asleep in the bowl after taking the drug, yelling from time to time: The pig is exhausted, the pig is exhausted...

I don't know how much time has passed, it may be an hour, or it may be a day.

Hua Feixue's Immortal Tribulation Body and Immortal Sword Soul finally recovered, and they were slightly enhanced.But his consciousness continued to stay in the inner space, constantly thinking about the four swords before, trying to remember the feeling of those four swords at all times.It takes nearly ten breaths to draw a sword. If you face a strong enemy without buying time, the enemy will not give you a single breath.

Hua Feixue wasn't complacent at all, but what made him a little happy was that the speed of drawing the sword this time was a little faster than the first time.

At this moment, Hua Feixue stared at the star-patterned sword in the inner universe in horror, and there was an inaudible heartbeat that echoed between heaven and earth in this star-patterned sword!

Incomparably strange life beating!

Then this sound of life beating seemed to have never appeared before, leaving no trace in this world!

Hua Feixue frowned, he felt a faint vitality circulating in the sword, and every time the vitality in the sword circulated, there was a feeling of echoing him from afar.

Like the connection of the limbs to the body.The sword became a part of his body!

This is the eclipse of the Yin Yang Pregnancy Sword.

Hua Feixue had a feeling that as long as he held the sword, his speed of drawing the sword was absolutely as fast as the sword could move at will!Sustained explosive power can also be controlled at will.

This sword needs an opportunity to be born!Its birth required a blood sacrifice!

While Hua Feixue was excited, somewhere in the mountains, a group of people were walking around with a compass in their hands. They were searching for something. When they were relieved, everyone felt a weak heartbeat piercing into their souls at the same time! ,

"what is this?"

Then the feeling disappeared without a trace.

One of the leaders suddenly realized, and laughed excitedly: "We are all a group of pigs, that kid is hiding in the ground! Dig three feet into the ground and dig him out!"

Saying this, the man took out a small iron hammer with a miraculous shape, which was a magic weapon: the Clear Sky Hammer!

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an unremarkable imitation.

As soon as the hammer came out, the others hurriedly dispersed.

The man holding the imitation Clear Sky Hammer flew up into the sky with his sword, and the hammer smashed down angrily.

The hammer kept multiplying and growing in size as it fell!

(Piaopiao, I want a lot of piaopiao. Three thousand dollars a day, I can’t afford to be hurt.)

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