Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 17 Sword Eye of Nirvana

Just before the hammer was about to fall, Hua Feixue and Po Jun, who were still in a state of sedation, felt the catastrophe at the same time. Po Jun's reaction was faster, and he stomped on the pig's tail, smashing the pig like never before. Wake up as quickly as possible.

Zhu Tianzhen woke up from the dream with a scream, jumped higher than a person, and when he was about to get angry, he found that Po Jun was staring at it with extremely sharp eyes. Entering the begging bowl, the second drill rune of the begging bowl was activated, and the speed of escaping the ground increased several times in an instant.

This beggar bowl dragged out a red tail of fire on the ground!

Ma Wang also unreservedly sent Zhenyuan to Zhu Tianzhen.

In just a split second, Zhu Tianzhen and Po Jun were spared!

A huge begging bowl pierced the ground several miles away, and at the same time Hua Feixue and the others heard a loud noise!A huge hammer blasted a big hole more than ten feet deep on the ground, and the impact force could reach less than a hundred feet!If it wasn't for Po Jun's quick response, Hua Feixue and the others would be turned into meat sauce if they couldn't finish talking!

As soon as the people in the giant bowl came back to their senses, they were shocked to feel the giant hammer strike the ground, turned around and blasted towards the beggar bowl.

"Your sister!" Zhu Tianzhen let out a strange cry, and when he was about to activate the powerful defense ability of the beggar bowl, he spat out a mouthful of blood. It had exceeded its capacity and could no longer drive the beggar bowl!

The giant hammer hit the bottom of the begging bowl, and with a loud bang, the people in the bowl were shaken out.

The innocent pig's heart felt as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer, another big mouthful of blood spurted out, and it fell to the ground and rolled several meters away before stopping.

Hua Feixue was also sent flying several meters and hit a big tree.Hua Feixue didn't care about herself, and only breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the little girl in her arms hadn't been hurt, and then thought of Po Jun again.

At the first shot, Hua Feixue picked up the little girl immediately, and Po Jun stood in front of them at the same time!Zhu Tianzhen and Po Jun forcibly ate the shock wave of the head-on collision between the begging bowl and the giant hammer!

"Where's Po Jun?" Hua Feixue quickly spotted Po Jun lying on the ground in front of him.

Po Jun had already been injured by Zhu Tianzheng's beggar before, but now his injuries were compounded, and he struggled hard on the ground.

Zhu Tianzhen had the beggar bowl protecting him, he just spat out a mouthful of semen blood, there was no major obstacle, he got up from the ground after struggling a few times, the beggar bowl had automatically submerged into Zhu Tianzhen's body.

The little girl saw blood dripping on her head, and immediately looked up, and found that the young master was injured, with blood gushing from the corner of his mouth.

Hua Feixue's body trembled a little, obviously suffering from serious internal injuries.

The weakest person here besides the little girl is Hua Feixue.Hua Feixue is only strong with a sword, and he has just trained the Immortal Body, and his defense is not as good as half of a pig's innocence!Even though Po Jun protected most of the shock wave for him, Hua Feixue was injured internally by the remaining half of the shock wave.

"It's a loss, it's a loss, the pig is really at a loss this time, vomiting blood for three liters, and even a hundred thousand-year-old ginseng can't make up for it, boy, you have to pay me for my **** loss!"

Zhu naively yelled and walked to Hua Feixue's side.Hua Feixue immediately put the little girl on the pig's back and said: "You have that broken bowl, even if you die, you still have to protect the little girl!"

As she said that, Hua Feixue looked around, and there were more than ten people approaching quickly.

Po Jun also formed a tacit understanding with Hua Feixue, seeing that the other party was about to surround him, he immediately forcibly stood up, hissed and ran away, Hua Feixue had already rushed to Po Jun's side, pressed the saddle and jumped on horseback.

Zhu Tianzhen behind him also had a tacit understanding of escaping, and followed the little girl closely beside Po Jun.One horse and one pig rushed out of the encirclement in a frenzy.

The bearded man holding the imitation Haotian Hammer saw that Hua Feixue and his party were injured by the shock and tried to escape, he couldn't help being happy, and shouted: "The fish in the net still wants to slip away, stay!"

Saying that, the imitation Haotian Hammer in the big man's hand was thrown out again, and the hammer instantly multiplied into a giant hammer in the process of hitting Hua Feixue!

The attack speed of this magic weapon was so fast that it appeared behind Hua Feixue in an instant!

This time he had no choice, it was too late to activate the sword switch, Hua Feixue could only turn around and block with the sword!

It is impossible to defeat a fellow monk who is two levels higher than him, and the opponent is using a middle-level yellow-level third-grade magic weapon!

To take this heavy hammer hard is undoubtedly a mantis arm!But I can't care less.

Hua Feixue is just a sword cultivator who has just entered the Tao, and his strongest method now is only one move to call the sword!The strongest is only this sword.The defense ability is so low that it can be ignored.

As a last resort, we can only fight with our lives.

At this moment, the black armor scales on Po Jun's body swam up to Hua Feixue's body like a fish, covering Hua Feixue's body.

When the black armor scales covered Hua Feixue's body, the red light flashed and turned into a one-horned unicorn armor!

Hua Feixue felt that he and Po Jun were connected as a whole!

Hua Feixue finally felt the fierce and invincible fighting spirit in Po Jun's body, and this fighting spirit had only one thought: Destruction!

This destructive fighting intent echoed Hua Feixue's immortal sword intent, and there was a strong sense of mutual attraction!

Hua Feixue did not reject this fighting spirit.

When the destructive fighting intent is fused with the immortal sword intent, it becomes an immortal fighting intent!

Hua Feixue only had one word in mind: war!

At the moment of close combat, the sword mark between Hua Feixue's eyebrows was finally activated by this indestructible fighting spirit!There was a loud bang in Hua Feixue's mind, it felt like an ancient giant door opened in his mind!There is an eye sealed within the Immortal Sword Seal!

This eye is full of endless sword intent, every sword intent can split the sky and split the earth!Every sword intent represents a peerless sword way.

This is the legendary 'Sword of Nirvana'!One sword destroys the world, one sword creates the world, ten thousand swords perpetuate the reincarnation of the heavens!

This is why the sage wanted to seal the Feixue Sword Ding for 16 years!What he was afraid of was not the three major inheritances of Phoenix Sword Dao and Hua Feixue's sword cauldron, but the Nirvana sword pupil in the sword cauldron!

Kuang only unlocked Hua Feixue's sword cauldron and sword seal, but he was unable to unlock Nirvana's sword pupil.Because it was re-sealed by God through the hands of saints.Perhaps the gods can work together to break the seal of Nirvana Sword Eye.

Hua Feixue was attracted by one of the sword intents in Nirvana's sword pupils. This sword intent contained a kendo inheritance: the Five Thunder Sword Curse!

This curse is the sword intent transformation curse, and the thunder is hidden in the curse!

The magic spell is a law that arouses the power of heaven, and the sword mantra is a law that arouses the explosive power of the inner universe, and the mind follows the law!

No matter the spell or the sword spell, you need to reach the realm of self-cultivation before you can use it!Hua Feixue is far from reaching the second realm of self-cultivation!

But he was unwilling to accept, and under the burning will of fighting, Hua Feixue forcibly crossed the border and used the Five Thunder Sword Curse!

A five-thunder sword intent emerged from the pupil of Ji Mie Jian, which did not enter Hua Feixue's immortal sword soul.At the same time, Hua Feixue has turned into a four-phase sword with the Jingqi Divine Sword, and the sword is drawn instantly!

The man and the warrior became one, and the moment the sword was unsheathed, there were countless thunderstorms, as if an endless thunderstorm had been dialed out!

Countless thunderstorms turned into a word of anger and directly blasted into the imitation Haotian Hammer!Following a strong blow from thunder, this middle-grade Clear Sky Hammer was shattered into pieces by the thunder!At the same time, the bearded man holding this magic weapon felt as if he was being bombarded by a thunderstorm.

This is the weirdness of the spell, it can hurt the owner through things!

After the poor bearded man was hit by furious thunder, he dropped the flying sword like a rag doll. Fortunately, a fellow disciple caught it in time, otherwise he would have become a immortal cultivator who was thrown to death.

Hua Feixue was overwhelmed by the burning will to fight, defeating the enemy with a single sword made him feel the hopelessness of fighting, so he wanted to turn around and fight back!

At this moment, an accident happened suddenly, and two giant trees rushed out from the ground!These two giant trees knocked Po Jun and Zhu Tianzhen over respectively!

Then, countless vines sprang out from the ground to tie Hua Feixue and Po Jun!But the little girl and Zhu Tianzhen were trapped by the net made of vines.

Every pore of Hua Feixue's body is seeping blood!That Five Thunder Sword Curse is very powerful, but the load on the body has exceeded the limit by many times, and the end result is that the meridians are broken.

Hua Feixue's consciousness became a little blurred, which was the side effect caused by the fading of the invincible fighting spirit.

A young girl's taunt came from not far away:

"Hey, but that's it, it turns out that what you just used was not your own power. Look at your ugly face!"

A young girl in a green robe appeared on a stake, and looked at Hua Feixue with a disdainful smile!Although Hua Feixue's consciousness is fuzzy, her sixth sense can tell that the current situation is not good!

No one noticed that there were black and strange patterns appearing in Pojun's unicorn armor. This is the innate talent pattern of Mawang: Windrider!

The girl's sense is very keen, although she didn't notice the abnormality in Yan Pojun's body, she felt that the air around her was a bit strange, as if something was hidden.

Before the girl realized anything, a ray of purple starlight shot down from the sky.At the same time, a slippery voice resounded in the air: "Hey, you idiot of the Cyanwood Sect, thank you for leaving him for me to kill! Kill him, and I will be promoted to the Slaughter Dragon Ranking!"

When the starlight in the sky was about to fall on Hua Feixue, Po Jun's innate ability exploded and he turned into a windrunner!

Po Jun carried Hua Feixue away.Only an afterimage is left!There is only one instinct echoing in Hua Feixue's mind: whoever dares to touch a hair of the little girl, I swear to kill him all the time!

That ray of starlight fell into nothingness, submerging into the ground and revealing a bottomless hole!

The people from the Polar Star Gate finally showed up. They thought there would be a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind them, but who knew that the cooked duck flew away by itself.

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