Seeing that several disciples' attacks were fruitless, Cang Shuiyan shot with hatred!His favorite youngest son died in this devil's womb. Not only did he have to cut Hua Feixue into pieces, but he also had to bring Hua Feixue's head to Hua's family to interrogate him in person in order to relieve his hatred.

But the time left for Hua Feixue by Phoenix Jiehuo is running out, and Phoenix Jiehuo's fetus is about to burn through.In order to avoid future disasters, Hua Feixue suddenly opened the Inner Universe Dome Furnace, trying to suck Cang Shuiyan and his disciples in with all his might.

Cang Shuiyan was about to snort coldly when he was hit by Hua Feixue's sword energy mixed with phoenix robbery fire through the air, and the other disciples were not spared either. Know that this thing is not something that ordinary monks can touch!The moment he and his disciples were distracted, they were sucked in by the great attraction of the Inner Universe Vaulted Furnace!

This is a big deal!Even the Phoenix Tribulation Fire was sucked into the fire, and the Inner Universe Furnace was completely ignited!

Phoenix Tribulation Fire is also known as 'Jinglian Yehuo' or the fire of Jinglian!Everything is burned, only the soul, luck and cause and effect are burned!

Cang Shuiyan and his disciples no longer cared about killing Hua Feixue, and tried their best to resist the Jinglian Karmic Fire, but they couldn't hold it for a moment, and were turned into human-shaped torches by the Jinglian Karmic Fire.

Cang Shuiyin's few disciples are nothing, but Cang Shuiyan is an extremely talented expert who ranks 79 in the sloughing dragon list!A fortune dragon twice as big as his son roared out, and was about to show off his power, but it was like seeing a ghost in daylight: How could there be such a thing here!

Heavenly Luck and Karmic Fire are mutual restraints.The two fortune dragons roared in the sea of ​​karmic flames in the inner universe dome furnace, and their voices shook the soul!

And Hua Feixue also fell into a bitter resistance to the Phoenix Tribulation Fire!Or it can be said that the Phoenix Tribulation Fire is tempering the Inner Universe Furnace!Hua Feixue knew that if he couldn't think of a way out, he would let the phoenix calamity burn through the inner space!

Because of the Tanlang and Lei Mang matters, he hated everyone in Luoyue Mountain to the bone.If Luoyue Mountain is not leveled, he will be able to calm down!

"Kill, kill, kill!" A demonic thought reverberated in the inner space!As his killing became heavier, the further he went on this path, the more demonic he became.Shura Dao was the head of the three Dao lines of Demon Dao in ancient times.

With the eruption of evil thoughts, Hua Feixue said bitterly: There is no fire in the furnace.How can it be regarded as inside the furnace!How can an ordinary fire be worthy of my Inner Universe Dome Furnace!Pure lotus karma fire.Surrender to me!I want to make the world tremble for me!

Faintly, there is a pair of blood-red eyes in the furnace of the inner universe, they are a pair of Shura's eyes!

With the eruption of the evil thoughts, the Inner Universe Dome Furnace and the Phoenix Tribulation Embryo both burst out with boundless potential!The Inner Universe Dome Furnace opened wide, ferociously swallowing the phoenix fire on the surface of the phoenix womb!

"Too little, too little! I want to refine you into Dan Ding Wen!" Hua Feixue's demonic nature began to run rampant!Being dominated by demonic nature, there is nothing he dare not do.How dare you conceive the idea of ​​refining the pure lotus karma fire into a dandingwen!

Hua Feixue really did this!Run the blood transformation technique on the yin and yang Pisces wrapped in the purple mansion!If you want to refine Lianhuo into Dan Dingwen, you must convert Karma Huo into his blood source!

What a guts!

With those two fortune dragons who are hundreds of times stronger than Hua Feixue helping him bear [-]% of the pressure, his abacus is sound!The two fortune dragons complained, and they didn't want to take the blame for Hua Feixue.If they don't carry it, they won't even have a trace of life.After carrying it down, he just watched this kid use himself to carry the crime.

Fortunately, this kid is too arrogant, since ancient times.In addition to He Dao's great ability to carry this level of pure lotus karma.The lotus karma fire has nine levels, and what Hua Feixue triggers now is only the lowest karma fire.But it was enough for monks below the Dao level to drink a pot.

But the next moment, they were angry!After the bodies of Cang Shuiyan's disciples were burned by the karmic fire, their nascent infants were enveloped by Hua Feixue's power of creation.

Karmic fire can engrave everything in the world, but it can't do anything to the power of good fortune that does not belong to this world!Hua Feixue swaggered and devoured these Nascent Souls!The phoenix robbery started to get nourishment again, desperately resisting the phoenix robbery fire!

Another two breaths passed, and the two fortune dragons finally discovered a very sad thing, they couldn't hold back the red lotus fire!

"You want us to die. Don't even think about it. Let's go to hell together!" With a desperate roar, the two giant dragons transformed into fortune dragons and blasted towards Hua Feixue's Zifu.

Once these two giant dragons of fortune turned into catastrophe.It is tantamount to self-erasing spiritual consciousness!Karmic fire and catastrophe are neither born nor restrained!The dragon of robbery crashed into the yin and yang Pisces wrapping Zifu without any hindrance.But then she was completely desperate, because the catastrophe is the great tonic for the phoenix's catastrophe!

With the self-throwing nets of these two catastrophic dragons.With the roar of the phoenix, the nourished phoenix Jietai began to repair itself.While repairing, resist the robbery fire at the same time!

Hua Feixue knew that this catastrophe had not been passed, and the fire of this catastrophe would be spawned endlessly!After absorbing enough pure lotus karmic fire, he closed the Inner Universe Dome Furnace and began to grind it with all his strength!

Those two father and son bought enough time for Hua Feixue to initially tame the Jinglian Karmic Fire, but his time is running out, at most he can last a few more breaths, and he will be burnt through the phoenix robbery!Then it's really over!

Under Hua Feixue's rage, the fourteen dandingwen ran away, and the creation map of heaven and earth was spinning rapidly. He wanted to use the power of creation to eat the pure lotus industry with fire and then refine it!

The phoenix catastrophe was being repaired while being burned, and at the same time decomposed itself into phoenix ancestral blood to temper the power of creation.Wrong and wrong, just like a piece of rough iron is forged bit by bit to remove impurities, and then add iron or steel bit by bit!Forge this piece of rough iron into Baosteel bit by bit!

Just when Fenghuang's calamity was about to be burned through by Phoenix's calamity fire, Jinglian Karma Fire was finally transformed into Hua Feixue's blood source!At this moment, the fire on the surface of the phoenix's embryo suddenly became vigorous, like pouring oil on the fire!Before he survives this calamity, the flames of the phoenix calamity will not be extinguished, but will only intensify!

After all, Hua Feixue possessed the source of Karma Fire and Blood.The lotus fire on the phoenix robber's fetus has risen by a level, but it can last for a while!Hua Feixue recklessly began to refine the Yehuo Blood Origin Sacrifice into Dan Dingwen!

The secret method of sacrificial alchemy Dingwen started to work.The good fortune of heaven and earth in the Inner Universe Dome Furnace turns into the Danding 'sacrifice', and a sacrificial power is derived from the Danding's sacrificial script, wrapping the source of karma, fire and blood, and sacrificially refining it bit by bit!

After a few breaths, the Yehuo Blood Origin Sacrifice was finally refined into a flame text in the shape of a lotus seed: lotus!

After this lotus character Dan Ding Wen was imprinted on the Inner Universe Dome Furnace, the fire that burned Jietai began to be automatically absorbed by Phoenix Jietai!The two giant dragons of catastrophe are also being frantically absorbed by Jietai, turning them into nutrients for Jietai!

The nutrient most needed by the phoenix Jiehuo is actually Jiehuo!It can be transformed into various nutrients needed by robbery.More than half of the embryos that were spontaneously combusted are recovering rapidly!

In the end, the embryo had no choice but to recover, and continued to derive other parts.Steadily grow a pair of immature wings!That is a pair of phoenix wings!

When the pair of phoenix wings matured, with the sound of a phoenix screaming from the womb, the phoenix wobbled with a bang!

The dead old tire was blown to pieces, revealing a transformed phoenix Jie Tai.Every time it transforms, the phoenix robber will shed a layer of dead skin that was scorched by the fire.

Hua Feixue finally survived this little catastrophe, and the phoenix catastrophe undergoes a small transformation, growing phoenix wings!

With the completion of the transformation of the phoenix robbery, Hua Feixue's strength and realm soared like a rocket!Hua Feixue's realm was finally stabilized in the realm of the light of the light, and the increase in power was forcibly curbed.

The dishes sent by the two father and son were so rich that they only digested half of them!What's more rich is the things in their treasure bags. Hua Feixue's heart is really beating when he sees it. The background of the martial arts is really rich.

But this is not in exchange for Greedy Wolf and Thunder Python.

A space elephant incarnation condensed to wrap the phoenix robbery inside, becoming the main image incarnation.As soon as the incarnation of the main image appears, Dao injury follows.Dao injury is a kind of heavenly dispatch, which has the nature of a curse and will follow it forever.

Hua Feixue stared at the fragments of the two swords in his hand, which belonged to Tanlang and Lei Python.He kept these two fragments as a thought, as for breaking the army.When Hua Feixue looked at Po Jun with only a horse's head left at the bottom of the pit, thinking that he was completely dead, she suddenly heard a strong heartbeat! (To be continued..)

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