This heartbeat seemed to come from Jiuyou, it was inaudible, but it shocked the soul.

Hua Feixue knew that this was not an illusion, something was conceived in Po Jun's horse head.Hua Feixue felt a sense of familiarity, it was Po Jun!He is not dead.Hua Feixue's sixth sense was also incapable of insight into the situation inside the horse's head, what he had to do was to guard Po Jun and protect him.

But this is no place to stop.An ancient pastoral treasure the size of a palm appeared in Hua Feixue's palm, it was Huaman Villa.Hua Feixue put Po Jun's horse head into Huaman Villa, and was about to leave when a shocking sword aura fell from the sky!

This sword energy is so familiar!Tie Huatang has arrived!He didn't rush to Luoyue Mountain to wait!

He is not a person who likes to sit on the sidelines.

Even though Hua Feixue had stepped into the realm of enlightenment, he was still no match for Tie Huatang. When Tie Huatang made a sudden attack with his sword, all the hairs on his body stood on end.Hua Feixue didn't choose to run away, he still had a fight!

Moreover, Hua Feixue also took Tie Huatang to test the sword, to see how strong her strength was after this catastrophic transformation.

A vast power of the inner universe erupted, Hua Feixue did not waste this power of the inner universe out of the body, but condensed it in his fingertips, instantly refining this power of the inner universe into a sacrifice. An invisible three-foot sword!

This is Qi Gang's turning things into soldiers, and only when the Inner Universe Dome Furnace is completely stabilized can it be turned into soldiers.So-called yuan, that is, invisible or visible energy!

Losing Greedy Wolf and Thunder Python doesn't mean that you don't have a sword in your hand, as long as you have the Inner Universe Furnace, you can turn your hands into a soldier!

With a phoenix cry that resounded through the sky, the invisible sword blade between Hua Feixue's fingers split into two, and the sword energy transformed into two colorful phoenixes!These two colorful phoenixes are respectively incarnated by two Gengjin elephants, and they contain the violent and indestructible Gengjin sword energy inside!

This sword, Caifeng Dongnanfei, made Hua Feixue stunned in an instant!When the three sword qi collided together, the Baizhang Void was blown into pieces.The two colorful phoenixes only lasted for a moment under the shocking sword energy, and they were torn apart like rotten wood, and the aftermath directly slashed at Hua Feixue!

Tie Huatang's sword was too fast, before one strike stopped, another strike came again!It's not sword energy.But people have arrived!This was the first time in Hua Feixue's life that she faced such a powerful sword cultivator.Even though it has undergone several small transformations.The combat power has doubled, but he is still no match for Tie Huatang!But Tie Huatang's strength once again aroused Hua Feixue's endless fighting spirit, and a wave of demon nature naturally ran away!

Countless Shura blood patterns covered Hua Feixue's body, like wearing a blood-red battle armor!

"It's over, my shame!" Tie Huatang shouted coldly, the tip of his sword had already reached Hua Feixue's throat.

Watching the moment when Hua Feixue's throat was sealed by the iron sword.Tie Huatang saw the smile in those eyes, so cold and gloomy, it made one feel like falling into a sea of ​​blood.

How many people have to be killed to have such terrifying eyes!

The moment Tie Huatang was stunned by these eyes, Hua Feixue's throat was sealed by the iron sword.

What lay on the ground was not a corpse, but an arm that disappeared into the sky and the earth.This is the hand of the incarnation of the main elephant!Tie Huatang finally confirmed Hua Feixue's background!

At this time, Hua Feixue appeared ten miles away, found a random direction, and ran wildly for his life.

"I want you to never kill me." Hua Feixue sneered from afar.Afterwards, Hua Feixue fled until only a small black dot remained in the sky.

"You forced me!" Tie Huatang stared at the little black dot in the sky, his eyes burning with rage!His body was also trembling, and it was also angry!No one has ever dared to say these words to him.

When the iron sword trembled, endless sword intent erupted from Tie Huatang's body!Looking from a distance, you will find a wolf smoke going straight into the sky.That's not wolf smoke, but sword energy!

The sword energy becomes a pillar of smoke!Tie Huatang finally broke the seal that suppressed the realm!He has accumulated too long at the peak of Jindan, enough is enough!

After the realm seal in Tie Huatang's body was unsealed, the color of the world changed.Immediately, a sword pillar rushed out from Tie Huatang's body and blasted straight to Jiutian!

A pillar of sword energy!His real power has been suppressed too hard, for too long!Even when the seal is released, it is like a volcano erupting!

Tie Huatang's aura is rising steadily!The endless sword energy is swallowed like an electric tongue.No one dared to enter his Baizhangluo enclosure.Ten miles behind Tie Huatang, there is a treasure ship parked in the sky.It was indeed Feng Xiaotian's treasure ship.

Everyone in the treasure ship was so horrified that they could not express it in words.Tie Huatang is worthy of being the genius of swordsmanship that the world's swordsmen are vying for!He is less than fifty bone years old, and he just hits the bright lamp to enter the Tao.You can make such a big battle, and then you can be promoted later, is it okay?

But all of this was within Feng Xiaotian's expectation.A peerless kendo genius who stepped into the peak of Jindan at the age of 15, suppressed his realm at the peak of Jindan for 35 years!In a world overflowing with genius, this is no easy feat.When he first entered Jindan, he was ranked tenth among the top [-] Jindans. As his realm was suppressed, other geniuses of the same age were promoted to higher realms, but he kept suppressing his realm, and his ranking dropped to ninth. ten.What he is doing is the accumulation of foundations.

His roots are too deep!

When Tie Huatang's aura climbed to the highest point, he kicked through the shackles of the golden core and entered the realm of enlightenment.He would have been able to hit the light and enter the Tao long ago.Tie Huatang's realm and strength are still soaring, and he has been promoted to the third small stage of enlightenment: enlightenment!

This guy, against the sky!

Tie Huatang's accumulation is too deep, and Jian Zhen is as vast as the sea. If he hadn't forcibly suppressed the realm again, he would have rushed all the way to the bright lamp and entered the realm of breaking the pill and transforming into a baby.

All the soaring advances in the Jin world were under Tie Huatang's control, so there was no excitement at all.

Without waiting for Feng Xiaotian to come forward to greet him, Tie Huatang walked several miles in one step, chasing Hua Feixue directly.Sword cultivators are masters who escape faster than the sky.Hua Feixue, who was about to escape without a trace, appeared in Tie Huatang's sight again.

Hua Feixue knew that Tie Huatang was catching up again.This is a super pervert, you can't even touch him.

Hundreds of miles away, dozens of warships were hovering, blocking Hua Feixue's path.At the bow of one of the warships stood a young man with his hands behind his back.After looking at the terrifying sword pillar disappearing in the sky, he sneered and said: Tie Huatang?something.Don't think that you are the only one who has been suppressing the realm and accumulating foundations.

"Huh?" The one-eyed man standing behind the young man frowned, he knew what the young master wanted to do.

As expected.As the young man let out a startling cry, his clothes exploded, and the seal that suppressed the realm in his body also shattered!A drop of golden blood has been awakened!

After this drop of golden blood was awakened, it merged into the blood of the young man.His aura burst out instantly.A stream of golden blood energy accumulated into a wolf smoke and shot straight into the sky!He also began to promote to the Mingdeng Taoism.

This is a young strongman from a powerful ancient clan in Tianluoweilu: the Golden Ape Clan!

In addition to those from the Golden Ape Clan, there were also a few strong young men from the Ancient Clan who came together. Seeing that Jin Xiangquan had also lifted his seal and advanced to the realm, the young people from the other clans were not calm anymore. They were both friends and competitors.There was one person who entered the Dao with the light lamp, and the others also lifted the seal of suppressing the realm one after another, and began to enter the Tao with the light lamp!

In an instant, the vision changed, and the world seemed to be destroyed!

They were for the stone heart in Hua Feixue's hands.The hidden clan was born in order to compete for the Destiny Merit and enter the Destiny Mountain!

Hua Feixue, who was chased by Tie Huatang to nowhere, was stunned for a moment by those bursts of powerful aura.Immediately wanting to jump up and scold people, this is too deceitful.Then the blood boiled again, thinking, only in this way, the game will be interesting.

He has to slaughter such a genius to have the sense of accomplishment of killing!A trace of magic flashed in Hua Feixue's eyes.His way is to sublimate by killing and enlighten the way by fighting!

kill kill kill!While Hua Feixue's demonic nature was roaring, the direction suddenly changed, and she chose a direction that was not blocked by anyone!When Hua Feixue was about to escape in this direction, a handsome young man appeared in this direction. The aura of this person gave Hua Feixue a chilling feeling of horror. This person is very strong!

Afterwards, Hua Feixue was horrified.The young man chanted something interesting, and suddenly his momentum exploded. He also broke the seal, and began to be promoted to the light lamp.

What the hell, Hua Feixue finally came into contact with the same genius monk in a higher circle!It's just that he's just a newcomer, and he's just a fringe little guy. (To be continued..)

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